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The Horrors of What’s Hiding in the Closet…

She hesitantly creaks the door open with the fear that what is waiting on the
other side of the door could swiftly turn its back on her.  While this could be the
opening scene to a horror film, it is in actuality about the complicated, and at
times frustrating, relationship a woman has with her wardrobe.

While the main purpose of clothing is to ensure that a person does not get
arrested for indecent public exposure, clothes have morphed into something of
greater importance.  Clothes represent a woman—her personality, beliefs, and
attitude.  A woman wearing a bullet black, pinstripe suit with sapphire red
pumps, conveys confidence and power.  While, a woman swimming in musky
grey sweatpants and an oversized college sweatshirt portrays confusion and

It is this pressure to portray a certain image that clothes inflict on women every
morning when they open the closet door.  Will I look fat in these pants?  Does
that color make me look pasty white? While there was a honeymoon phase with
each article of clothing hanging in the closet, except for maybe the chunking,
pea green sweater your grandma knit you, there is that fateful day when the
stare gazing stares end between you and your clothes.

The line It’s not you, it’s me may come across as a possible excuse as to why
your favorite pair of jeans now just represent a horrifying fashion phase in your
life.  However, this relationship a woman has with her clothes does not need to
end like a horror film.  The loathed clothes crammed into a black trash bag and
thrown into a trunk to be finished off does not need to happen.

The saying Do not let clothes wear you is something a woman needs to remind
herself when opening her closet doors.  Fashion is intended to be an expression
of one’s own personality and personal style.  So have fun when you dress
yourself in the morning.  Do not make picking out an outfit like the much
dreaded venture to the gym.

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