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Katie Rohn


Objective: Students will
Materials: (provide students with purposeful tools)

1. Gain the students attention with something fascinating.
a. Interesting fact, video, jokes, questions, etc.

Presentation – I Do
2. Explain the focus of the lesson and gain commitment of learning from the students
a. When students understand what they are going to be learning, why it is
important, and how it will help them, it gives them a purpose, focus, and
direction to their learning.
3. Make connections to previous learning to increase the lesson’s relevance to
students and likelihood of success
4. Model your expectations, demonstrate how it looks and sounds, and think aloud
about the mental processes – showing is better than telling
5. I scaffold the skill through explicit directions. We practice the skill together and ask
lots of questions.

Guided Practice – We do (differentiate instruction)

6. Depending on what students are learning and where they are in the process, they
may work independently, in pairs, or in small groups.
a. I may meet with small groups of students who have similar needs while some
children work in pairs or independently.
7. The students work together to apply new learning within groups or partners. Thus,
they are supported through my scaffolds and their fellow peers.
8. I walk around and monitor student learning and thinking processes with each
other, while providing feedback and more instruction where necessary. I observe
what they are thinking and where they are in the learning process.

Independent Practice – You do

9. Students should have had many opportunities to practice the skill and now are
readying to try it on their own. Students continue to receive regular feedback from
myself and peers.

Summary/Closing – Reflect and Share

10. Students reflect on what they learned about themselves and share what they
have learned
11. Guiding Questions on how they learned and constructed meaning
a. What did you learn about yourself that you could use in the days and weeks
to come?
b. What do I understand now that I didn’t understand before?
c. How can I teach others what I have learned?
12. In order for learning to be significant, it must be generalized and transfers to
authentic contexts.

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