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List of Registered Courses

Name : Syed Ahmed Shibly Date : 24-FEB-2011

Student No : 1010126
Level/ Term : L-1/ T-I
Department Name : Mechanical Engineering
Term : February, 2011

Course No. SyllabusID Course Title CrHr Registration Type

CHEM 109 BSc_ME_1994 Chemistry I 3.0

CHEM 114 BSc_ME_1994 Inorganic Quantitative Analysis 1.5

EEE 159 BSc_ME_1994 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3.0

EEE 160 BSc_ME_1994 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Sessional 0.75

MATH 161 BSc_ME_1994 Differential Calculus, Solid Geometry and Vectors 4.0

ME 160 BSc_ME_1994 Mechanical Engineering Drawing I 1.5

ME 161 BSc_ME_1994 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 3.0

BSc_ME_1994 Structure of Matter, Electricity and Magnetism and 3.0

PHY 105 Modern Physics

SHOP 160 BSc_ME_1994 Foundry and Welding Shops 0.75

Total CrHr 20.5

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