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WVAG Meeting - Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wisconsin Visual Artist’s Guild - Marshfield Clinic, Weston

Dan Mootz, Joyce King, Mark Mittlestadt, Gail Jaeger, Cindy Markowski, Lynn Block, Karen
Aulik-Now, Linda Langhoff, Sharon Dowis, Theda, Hewuse, Jean Huntoon, Gail Jaeger, Cathy
Laska, Chandra Witter, Laura Nelke, Sharon Feathers, Mary Murphy, Pat Plunkett, Rick Eyre,
Carol Hettinga.

Treasurer’s Report
$976 beginning balance
$1,366 ending balance

Created by new member, Cathy Laska - Great Job!

Judging & Awards

“Cattails & Flowers”
Best of Show: Sharon Rotz
Runner up Best of Show: Brian Taylor
Choice Award: Karen Aulik-Now
Award of Excellence: Jean Huntoon & Cindy Markowski
Honorable Mention: Sharon Dowis & Patrick Plunket

Next Show
“Summer Retreat “ June 7 – Sept. 6th
Forms due May 26th - Get them on the blog.
$35 for 3 pieces. $5 per extra piece.

Lynn Block – WVAA

• Memorial Show in May is a member show
• No Theme – Registration is due April 18th ($20 for 2 pieces of artwork)
• Annual Christmas Dinner at Country Club - Dec 4, 2011
• RAP Show - Go to WRAAWRAP. Org
• Sponsor our own RAP show. State would give us $200 to pay for judge.
Upcoming Shows
WOW show in Wittenberg (gallery)

Other News
• Membership roster – coming soon!
• Logo idea for business cards: Bring ideas to next meeting!
• Richard Eyre & Theda Hewuse had ideas.
• Richard Eyre has colored printer if you need prints made.
• Karen Aulik-Now volunteered to stop in clinic to maintain artwork.
• Need to establish guidelines on drop-offs and pickups for shows.

Dan Mootz gave a wonderful demonstration on framing. Thanks Dan!

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