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Enduring Vision – Ch 3 GRQs


1. Complete the Colonial Comparison Chart under Course Documents as you read Chapter

2. What were the goals and limitations of the Act For Religious Toleration (1649)?

3. What factors contributed to the high death rates in the Chesapeake colonies and what
effects did this have on the social structure of the colonies?

4. How did the reliance on tobacco as a cash crop shape Chesapeake society?

5. What was Bacon’s Rebellion and why was it significant?

6. Why did Chesapeake planters shift from using white indentured servants as laborers to
black slaves?

7. What was “The New England Way” and how was it challenged in the first decades of the

8. Compare the a) settlement patterns and b) role of women in New England and
Chesapeake societies.

9. Why did colonial New Englanders abandon John Winthrop’s vision of a “city upon a

10. What factors facilitated the extension of slavery from the English Caribbean to Carolina?

11. What is the historical significance of the Dutch and Swedish colonies?

12. How did the French and Spanish colonies in mainland North America differ from those
of England?

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