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Teachers are powerful
people and keepers of
the future. Help your
students dream big!

• Textbook is defined as a comprehensive learning

resource that is in print or electronic form, or
• that consists of any combination of print,
electronic, and non-print materials collectively
designed to support a substantial portion of the
curriculum expectations for a specific grade and
subject in elementary school or
• for a course in secondary school, or a substantial
portion of the expectations for a learning area
Criteria for evaluating the text books
• Goals of the course
• Background of the students
• Approach
• Language Skills
• General Content
• Quality of Practice Material
• Sequencing
• Vocabulary
Criteria for evaluating the text books

• General Sociolinguistic factors

• Format
• Accompanying materials
• Teachers’ guide
Goals of the course:

Will this text book help to accomplish the

course goals
Back ground of the students

(Does the book fit the student’s background)

a. Age
b. Native language and culture
c. Educational background
d. Motivation or purpose for learning English

• Theory of Learning
• Theory of Language
Language Skills

– Reading
– Writing
– Listening
– Speaking
General content

• Validity
• Authenticity of Language
• Appropriateness and currency of topics,
situations and contexts
• Proficiency level
Quality of practice materials

a) Exercises – is there a variety from controlled to

b) Clarity of directions
c) Active participation of the students
d) Grammatical and other linguistic explanation
e) Review material

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