First Conditional 1211399698351680 8

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First Conditional

• The first conditional is a

structure used for talking
about possibilities in the
present or in the future.
This page will explain how
the first conditional is
formed, and when to use
• if clause
• If you study hard,

• main clause
• you will pass the test.
• main clause
• You will pass the test
• if clause
• if you study hard.
• if clause
• if + subject + simple present verb

• main clause
• subject + will + verb
• Using the first

• The first conditional is used

to talk about things which
are possible in the present
or the future -- things which
may happen:
• Example

• If it's sunny, we'll go to the


• Explanation:
• Maybe it will be sunny -- that's
• Paula will be sad if
Juan leaves.

• Maybe Juan will leave
-- that's possible.
• Example:
• If you cook the
supper, I'll wash the

• Maybe you will cook
the supper -- that's
• If you don´t sleep well,

• you will get asleep in the

• 1.- If you ________ an apple every day,

• you'll be very healthy.

• 2 If we don't protect the elephant,
• it ________ extinct.
• 3 She ________
completely different

• if she cuts her hair.

• You'll pay higher insurance if you ________ a
sports car. (BUY)
• You ________ to see better if you turn on
the lamp. (be able )
• You ________ heart disease if you eat too
much meat. (get)
• If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee,
you ________ so much weight! (not put on)
• If a deer ________
into your garden, it
________ all your
• If I ________ some eggs, how many
________? (cook/eat)
• If I practice Yoga,

• I will get the balance.

• I will be in peace.
• 1. If you (not study), you (fail) the test.

• 2. We (die) if we (not get) help soon!

• 3. If you (look) in the fridge, you (find)

• some cold drinks.

• 4. If there (be) no oil in the engine, the car

• (break) down.

• 5. I (lend) you my umbrella if you (need) it.

• 6. The sea level (rise) if the planet (get) hotter.

• 7. If you (eat) your sandwiches now, you (have)

• anything for lunch!
8. You (be) safe in an accident if you (wear) your
• seatbelt.
9. If he (save) all his money, he (be able to go)
• on holiday to Canada.

• 10. I (not come) with you if you (not bring) John!

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