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FM 34-52 INTELLIGENCE INTERROGATION HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DISTRIBU TION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution 1s unilmited, FIELD MANUAL 34-52 *FM34.52 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC, 28 Septenber 1992 INTELLIGENCE INTERROGATION Table of Contents PREFACE ........ CHAPTER 1 - MILITARY INTELLIGENCE MISSIONS AND . . INTELLIGENCE PREPARATION OF THE BATTLEFIELD Warfighting Doctrine»... 2... ‘The Intelligence Cycle. . . Intelligence Disciplines . : Inteligence and Electronic Warfare Operations Mission, Enemy, Troops, Terran, and Time Avalable Factors, Definition of Interrogation Definition of Prisoner of War and Enemy Prisoner of War Pertinent Articles of Geneva Conventions . . . ‘Types of Sours»... - 2s. Personal Qualities, : Special Areas of Knowledge ...... Interrogator Capabilities and Limitations Conflicts . : Interogation Misions Drugand Law Enforcement Agency Operations CHAPTER 2- COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE .. ‘Tactical Operations Center Interrogation Below Division . Division Interrogation Assets . ‘Comps Interrogation Assets and Organization... Echelons Above Corps Interrogation Assets and Organization . Enemy Prisoner of War and Interrogation Facilities DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. “This publication supersedes FM 34-52, 8 May 1987. Page tea: seed +1410 110 1.12 14 11s 116 17 17 wed FM 34-52 CHAPTER 3 - THE INTERROGATION PROCESS CHAPTER 4 - PROCESSING AND EXPLOITING CAPTURED ENEMY ... eee Corps Facilities . : Echelons Above Corps Fale . Medieat Company Inerogatons Interrogation at Brigade and Below Special Forces. . Amphibious Operations . Airborne Operations . . Interrogator Supported Operations ‘Theater Interrogation Facility . . ‘Support Relationships... . . Collection Priority... 2. ++ Screening... 2.25. Planning and Preparation . . . z Approach Phase 6... eee e eee Questioning Phase . : Termination Phase. . . . Reporting Information .. . : Interrogation with an Interpreter. . Strategic Interrogations and Debricfings . . « DOCUMENTS Document Categories... 0... eee e eee Document Handling . . Document Exploitation ‘Translating . . Evacuation Procedures . . cee et, APPENDIX A-- UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE EXTRACT ..... - tA BA APPENDIX B- QUESTIONING GUIDES ©... 0.0005 APPENDIX C-S2 TACTICAL QUESTIONING GUIDE AND BATTLEFIELD EXPLOITATION. . C-1 OF CAPTURED ENEMY DOCUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT APPENDIX D - PROTECTED PERSONS RIGHTS VERSUS SECURITY NEEDS . . DL APPENDIX E-REPORTS . . PRR eter ete tenes eB APPENDIX F- COMMAND LANGUAGE PROGRAM ..---- 0000-020 Sennencnnaes Fl APPENDIX G- INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE TRAINING . -

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