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Maurice vinnie
Parveendah Raj
 (Environment) an area in which people
can estimate the range of risk.
There are three type of Safety zone
which are:
 Hot zone (contamination)Red
 Warm zone(control)yellow
 Cold zone(safe)green
Safety Zone
Safety zone
Hot Zone
 Area that expose to gas, vapour, mist, dustor
run off
 The Hot zone is where the incident occurs or
"ground zero".
 Hazmet team will handle this zone
 Only can be trained/ specialist person in it
 Must wear PPE
Hot zone
Warm zone
 Large area that surround hot zone
 The Warm zone further out is where

decontamination and original triage can occur

 Requires suitable PPE
 EMS activities will perform in this zone
 SHO will be in this zone
 Safer working environment
Warm zone
Cold zone
 Surrounds warm zone
 The Cold Zone is where treatment and
transportation assets are located.
 Requires minimal PPE
 Contains command post & other support
agencies(police, bomba, DEO)
 Restricted to emergency personnel
Cold zone
 Finally, safety zone is something important
thing that should follow by us in order for us
to be in safer side, and to prevent us from
exposure and effected by the incident occur
on that particular spot.
ground zero
the target of a projectile (as a bomb or missile)
 the site of the World Trade Center before it was
 the point of detonation (or above or below) of a
nuclear weapon
 IS the process of determining the priority of

the patients treatment

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