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IMT 1: Intuitive Statistics

Why Bother with Statistics

We need to communicate concepts and

When describing something, it is easier to
remember a few primary features than all
the details

When comparing two or more things, its
easier to compare a few primary properties
than compare every detail
Equations or Visual Aids

Equations provide mathematical precision and
are essential for producing consistent results

For most, equations rarely have an obvious
visual analog, and therefore are memorized
instead of intuitively grapsed

IMT will provide many visual analogs of
frequently used equations
Engineer's view of biology: Main Ideas

Its easier for me to explore biological issues by realizing

that there are only a few fundamental processes essential
for life. This helps avoid detail overload as one starts out
on a learning trail

Replication (manufacturing)




What to learn?

TeamLEAD is based on just-in-time learning

TeamLEAD depends on Google and Internet access

TeamLEAD reinforces core concepts via initial
preparation, IRA, GRA and the application

Forgetting: A concept encountered once is quickly.
Repetition amplifies retention. Similarly, infrequently
used concepts are often forgotten.

80/20 rule: We will convey the essential biostatistical
concepts we use 80% of the time. We will provide a
framework for self-learning the other 20% when you need
Basic Vocabulary
Language of Biostatistics

Continuous variable 
Confidence Interval

Categorical variable 
Null Hypothesis

Mean 

Variance 
Type I, II error

Standard Deviation 

Proportion 
P value

Normal Distribution

Mean, Mode, Median, Range and Variance
You make several observations of blood pressure with other
members of your class

The mean is the average value: Sum(values)/N

The mode is the most frequently occurring value

The media is the value separating 50% greater and 50%

The range is the difference between the maximum and
minimum values

The variance is the average of the squared difference
between each measurement and the mean.

The Standard Deviation is the square root of the
variance. It also is approximately Range / 4

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