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MYP unit planner

MYP Subject Area Humanities Year 7

Unit Title Mapping

Guiding question How are things represented in 2 dimensions? Number of


Approaches to learning: Developing memory strategies, technical skills (use of maps), 3 dimensional model making,
team work, communicational skills, personal reflection.

Areas of interaction: Mapping human activities, use of maps in recreational activities, recognition of landscape
features in 2D, how man has surveyed and represented the natural environment.

Learning Objectives Learning Activities MYP Assessment

o Use of scale, direction, local features, use of o Humanities Passport Criteria A, B, C, and D
a key, Bearings, 6 and 4 fig grid references.
o Sketch mapping o Local map of area and campus map (how Criteria B and C
o The use of the atlas we get to school).
o Using the correct indexes to find maps and
places. o Treasure hunt and tour of campus. Criteria C
o Location of major oceans and continents
o Location of equator and tropics o Use of symbols (link to technology and
o Longitude and Latitude English)
o recognition of basic landforms
o Contour lines
Criteria C and D
o Calculating gradients o Scale drawings of body parts
o Drawing cross sections o Scale maps and plans of the classroom.
o Making their own maps. Criteria A and B
o Recognizing locations on maps from o Grid reference work sheets
photographs. o Compass and bearing exercises
o Describe and introduce them selves. Criteria C
o Describe a route to follow on a map. o Continent and Ocean worksheet
o Personal Glossary o Collins/Longmans student atlas
o Atlas Quiz
Criteria B and D
o Relief and contour exercise
o Contour model of island.
Criteria A and B
o Dodd T.A. ‘Mapping Skills’ Oxford
o Various mapping exercises Criteria A, B and C
o End of unit test
o End of unit review

Resources Interdisciplinary/cross-curricular links Information communication technology

Atlases Math – Grid references, coordinates, Production of a Humanities passport

Teacher designed resources gradients, Scale, Direction. using word.
‘Foundations of Geography’ Art – Sketch mapping. Use of digital camera for passport
portrait and photographs of models
Technology – Model making. Use of produced for portfolio.

Language – Descriptive writing.

Expansion and use of specific

English – Use of symbols

EAL support action Learning support action Comments on this unit by the teacher

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