Adults Always Say That Life Was Better in Their Childhood and School Days Than It Is Now

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Adults always say that life was better in their childhood and school days than it is now.

Why do
adults say so? Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The life of a child is very beautiful and full of excitements. People always want to live a life of a child
again and again. They do not want to spend their life in the competitive world. Whether, school days are
better or the adult age which we are living now has started a heated debate.

In the ear of globalization, competition has increased and people are suffering from mental problems.
Therefore, most of the people have remembered their childhood days. In the childhood, children have
no mental tension and they freely enjoy their life. Most of the children have spent their life with friends
and family members. In the school, they have no other work than studying and playing with their
friends. There are no responsibilities of the family and children. For example, in the mature age,
everyone has the responsibility of their parents, which make their life full of struggle. Therefore,
everyone wants to go back in time and live the life of the childhood again.

On the other hand, some people prefer the life of the adulthood because of several reasons. Firstly, they
can fulfill their dreams, which are not possible in the childhood. Secondly, there are more restrictions for
the children, while in the mature age a person can enjoy his freedom. For instance, a child cannot go
outside without taking permission from his parents. Every time he/she has to take permission and
guidance from them. Furthermore, people have more opportunities in the adulthood than the
childhood such as travelling, driving and drinking. Moreover, a person can do whatever he wants to do
in his life. There are no boundaries and restrictions in the life of adulthood.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that the childhood days are better and it is the age where a person can
enjoy the most. These are the days, which no one can forget in his whole life.

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