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Núria González Solano

1r Batxillerat

Barcelona, an innovating city

Is possible create a city where there are very
innovations and where the whole people have
access? Yes, is possible, but this city already exists
and your name is… Barcelona! Many people believe
that innovate is discover new thing that not serves for
nothing but which is modern, but this isn’t innovation.
Innovation is search alternatives for creation a better
and accessible city for all. A city innovation is a city
where there opinions and persons diversity. Also
must have activities for all ages and touristic places
for can learn, enjoy and relax. Innovation also must
apply the recent technologies at the daily life. Per
example: the solar panels energy in some points of
In Barcelona there many containers for recycle
which make that the earth "sea" a little more
The bicing is a method of transport practical and
sustainable. If we recycle, the earth will us render
sustainable. It is used for to move by the city thanks. There five types of containers. The

without contaminate. Thanks to this, we can brown is for organic trash, the gray is for all kinds
of garbage, the blue is for the paper, the yellow is
move by the city without breathing smoke of the
for the plastic and the green is for the glass.
cars or listen noises annoying. Using this Barcelona is a city which fight for create a better

method we also do exercise. world.

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