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Defenses Does not apply to

Rest 336 sale of business, wages,

Obligation under K

Common Law
Rest 338
SERVICES GOODS Sale of Account
Defense, Mod
Defenses against
Discharge 1-103 Assignee
COMMON LAW/ UCC ART 2 Discharge Modification
REST 302…3PB? 3PB?
Anything from
Debtor Discharges Effective if 9-
404 (1)
GOV K DEFENSES 309 Right to Delegation of by paying assignor

REST 313 Assign Duty until NOTICE

After Notice D pay Assigne GOOD FAITH
Defenses NOT from
arising BEFORE
Or Agent Something wrong GENERAL RULE K prohibits
= only excep In writing? YES 2-210 UCC or

YES NO Assign right Delegate substantial

STOP!! Performance Except except interest Assignor
NOT Fully Preformed
someone fail? Or NOTICE NOT received
Assignment 9 -405
Material K Effect
YES NO change Prohibits
STOP!! Go to 311
Not Effective IF
Right to
Modification damages
Language “Account”
See art 9
Yes NO
Stop Mod don’t count Parties have Power to change

Power Disappears When

Change in pos
Manifest assent

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