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~fo~J UIilJ!.itmry

G'rt~tC~~~ S~f" G~fotd' _1 ,6.DP' @ O.tfor,d N~~ 'Yod Atik~~.A:u~'I4!1d B'!M'lloi· B~IM~ B~jJ'

,Dtikj Flfm1t« H.Mt.g KOri, J~.I

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Cabuli Cti'jJr! 'T_ lJM',~ ,8;:fu~

,Kii'1la·fJ_; MimriJ' M:(;.I.tu.fll.P'l'it'

Mtxko ,Cily N#iMM ,Ptl'm Si~g:4:~


Tc.k~ T.ollil'Jlw


,~fi~k~ ,i~'

,ihrJ#r. ,11:r~ii

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Pin, .~~kd. b' ()~find U,!li~l'P'Ji& ,p,~, "95-8


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wli"!: tkt mm.s' ;ifrlrlli~mt!t$ ~~tl: by ,"~\!!' CO'!tT-rig/l' .l..k~ 4'p:N'!=.;JI. Espirits "1l."W:tf~·l;!g J'tproJiid~;t ,~ l&lst' unv ilJg ,ii, tilM1 ,~jrkJ' JiMdJ ,~, mtt tl)' tJ~ Rigkl'J' lRp~'" ,()r.foyJ. Utfi~ ~$$'. iU' ik'~' ~I,:t.'
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BritiUj U~ry



PrinJM !;~ G~i:I!i'/hjt~i~:~i!' ,Bookr.:¢ Ud.,;,


U ,. , . J!.JI. VO·.··~.·LT ~·-·M··IE-.-· rt , ...

xxxv ...• 'T:'i..., .. ' ". . Ue.

-DI-" -al~e(]I .: -.;fo -

f the A'-." "Mre;a. .'. ii'",R' -l~::'


X;X·X.V·I~ The Accession

ef Hadrian

465 481.

:x: xxv I I. Tacitus and. Hadrian

X.X.XV I I :I[~ Taeitus

..and the Gr--eeb



.X xx I X.

·T~d.tean OpinllQIn,s



Perso.naUty ·ofTacitus x t, I,.DQctrin.e~ :and. Go,vernm,oot xt, tr. Noous Homo

'XL'. The

5·34 547
;::II . -


XL t 11:. The Rise of the Provinciala

X,L, I v.


The Antecedents of Em,pe-ror.s

x r,v, 'The Q,_rjlin.·of Cornelius T.acitl!l.!i Appen,db':,es


:tHl8 6 J :I ·62: S 808 809

82,9' .855

'Index of pa:S's-ages in Tacitus

. ,

"8-;- ~LAN" """" K,"" p'-:~,",'G' '" E---:



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:T·'h1"'I':*~y· '\1~':;"- AS ai, ,Se:rnaIIiOr eculd-,nOI~, eave a man iin +....~_,ll ",',.- .... ' .... , senatee .J"'A.L W,ll,a~, 9no.raD,'ce 1 ab OUiI'Ii" t- he PrGl-~:n"""'" 0'",",~L_" Ce ~, ·, ,~I·'PTi!t.'!;.I"'" U:Ii;i:'r. : tu -, "~,I,~_ f:A:~~a .__ ..tain items ~~'.r" reo _: , ;"iIi"ltt-=-.::'i'i1J.£i: !!..IiS of a" 'C~lty a t-e.m,pl,e, dis'il,utes about boundaries or rev,~~ue~,l (~,r Emlb~s~e9i carne t~'l'1j"I,1~ and R~,c;;t-_ -w~,:;";"+ petitio :Ff'I'" oe h ... no 1t',~'nt d ~;:i;d: eel""')" bey: '~,.,g,u~,,-" I~ililIo.'1'i., AUU ,iIL~ _" ,~J~ilil, . ""~,. _. A.'J brities whose e].oq~,C..f1Ce' ounded over ,aUthe world. Wb~ Domitian s to,war,dls,the end (it his rejgn (If,&in,ed_ that haU' 0,( the vin-eyapds in th.e: provinces should be, d.estr-t):y,ed~the in)tc![,ests, of Asia Wle.t-c'defended by the iam( Soopelianu$.,~ ·i. .. :i!.. 1"1.U, tustenan neeaea :seilatO-fl3il,b '. -'U.S,~fi,esS, (" h".... h ',W neu ne g,ot ft(lml;il,e' ; ada) ,to fill Q 1!lt the chronicle of yean, that '~a,ck.edl colour and action, lie did, :no~; ave to know Mila,. No,n,e. tih,e: ~,ess~ h there ,rus enough. ~n the secend h~.s-todc-al work ,of 'T:ac.hus '~O revca'~,the man, 'who had held, the truces in. 'that pirovince:. Soev,e.rru c;r;o-wdedl chapters are '~ken up wffi,t'h the affa~rs of Asia. 'The.f,e was a, gr-eil;Jt: eanhquake: m the reign of T.u~~rlU91: tWlehre clties wh~ch s,l..dier,oo, damage ,a~,e r.egis~.ered by - ,'tittL b .c 1..!III" 'Ii!. -e: :fi3me.,J:"~liiien ,ng-f}ti;s, 'Q,~, ,as)", urn eome under scrunny, tin¢: orators Q,~:' Ash .. :in emelation make app-eal to the' resources ,of bls,tQ[_f and 'ill d '~,,* an d eleven q,ues, compete 'eager,.y 1: a' 1?,,r.l.Vl_,ege, to _'I ,. • 'l it,QIt' • "lliJegen~ ~_ possess, the temple dedicated to tlt,e:wo,rsh~.p of T'iheriu.s Caesar." L~.via~ and the Sena.'it~.:5' Th,e' aludu),t. has a ,keen, ,ey,e for iUlyth:in,g' 1fh.aJt happened to' ead~er.' proconsu_'liS nro seeution J :\I'i~~t·-, it:" "'I'~,;·n,c;·t. '-'Jlt"i;,~:e_, o ~~.!j ii:r,~, a my,., ."""'" H~~''''' murder ~ ..... ~ y"-vu-,,," u. ".!~1Ui ch~O'Jl'ic.ies wiitJ'i- IcaJI'efQl detail' the mannee in which ,M:~ s.~J:3inU5J w,as done tOI death ;,6 and be explains the unhappy plight o:f a p:rooo'nstl~j no ,s,peake;r, oo__rrufrot.lIted, in, the;t,e with the: mest eloquent of aU A.sia~' :Funhe-l":~ he notes, with subdued sa1:~sfacti-o,n how run the o~de:f days, Caesar's a,g,enl :~nAsia mig'ht be compelled to stand trial befo-re'


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A proccnsul on his fir,st acquaintance with. Asia, would discover m 'u ..... "'0 IV~J~, .,j: ",,~.!I [U~_I~_: him H"" found wh~, t- _[~ exneeted ·.-l~·· h J'!"~·pv al~N, ·.:a~~v,;>rtthe ~L.lm~:'~ ~~' n ..... .. li~'ly~~I~,'_', ,a, h,,;;. :__-~~~I~~·\.i.~"~-:.:~'J __ me:mOfliids, of a :~.ongpast and many rulers, He :Saw with ast1l'J'il~S:hment (and pel,'ih~ps, 'WIDthe~vY')' the massive constructions that ~itit.est~ -the ; .... tne ~. it . !I!.a:m· ' ",ill present g1ory an.d·.epuienee 'UlIl th d'ynas,tlC ,r 'ili'-"e$ at P-er-gamuffi ,anu, .. Ephes~s-.~
~-~~~'~'!I' _~~[~


~f the :6~5tdlarys were, ,r,aldiant and ,hos,pitable~ vexations soon interveaed-s-the tu~b'Uleifice, ~he mob, cQrruption, and, iu,triguc rampan:t: of among' 'd~e'local worthies, Magnates ,~n the: eastern cities had a ~badl naene for pride and oppr'l!SSio.n.~ Faction or various delinquencies got them, imo tro~.b~e 'with ,tbe RQm~ gov-ero~ro.en't.;2 aad men of s.t~ltion had, to be sent into exile.' In dl,e: professors and, aophiets :p,reva.ih:d ],~'~ty'~" 0'. o"en uan - -~ - .. ien, and '''lI''''''''~I~'''~_ :S'Iu"",. m ..... could ,'-'Ii"SIfiI, be '-,";h.~1;,~~,~"'I u, iA-.iIi..,.· ""'. P!hi'~ooophers, bd'ol''e n(l-W bOO. been, ,iknJ)wn to requite the frlendshi:p
~ .... ill'







~ .... ... ~.L........~ ,f',



d.""lI'i'!J,()\i1!-ru'lIii'!;S_~ A!~'.L~,"'J:V~

,of a Roman senator ,~(~;th esplQ~nage and. dle~,tion..:4'

[0,]'>':" -, "1':-" :p",e,lgtornwas
'I~.'1 -,

c-,.· nd .... ,~e,pt ",un,e~~i,-r"" ~-, .,.: "" .., . ~Ialt, R:', .,-, "_;. :-i:1' :'n --;h c'- '-:,',_:',.: - - :' , p~ope:r eontrot ome ana ~~ tne to~ of the western lands; the 'p'rie:st~and nuI!,gis~r,ate t:enoed, t:o' be the same

person, The 'G-teek d-~v.inities been approved had,

l;(';--" ''';Ii~,L...


""jin !e" ,Qiilllil:, '-'IIn4i


ul'Ward.s, the inl'pe:ria~, autho.r:,ttty i' or ,c[,ir.ninal practices, They had, invaded the citi-es, of A~ia, impQrtin_g' a new ,cau~e of soeial unrest,
,,,11. ..... ,,,
g ~ ~,~

the Roman zovemmenr did not -~~Oili"iIi"'!IJ." '__ c n...".. _. i5 ~.~""'"~c'~~~u, ~ __ ,u ~~~ W _ ,J' about '1;."'"traneous beliefs or persona _ faneies Ce it·:,: ,---...:11:ersenal lanc~,eSi,,, _er,~aUl c:ree~" uowe-ve:r'I' y,e;'ftQ,,,,_,eu,J)$,LJ. l,'t-y howeverv denosedhc +,:'l-:"II;, IJe le~'S _
,II;~~,I;~,ed, long
V'!oll;,~, .II!....
__!, ~~ _- _ .. _. __




Jews, in conflict with Greeks, were troublesome ,en'o-l[lg'h~rime~ ',r~',~,,, n d m U"'!i:''-U-:·,1 ~~,n,~,~",. a <!>';-o;h-'~:ilI'm,',:,~ a1 dl~1f'i'c~'i:i"lIC_~;Qt~',!,'~:I!i',_ An ,41 the "jO!iFw-:1!Io had d ,;n; .... ,'It ... ~'",~1·. a!r~singin their own Icoro', 'which a prcconsul :mig-ht prefer't-Q '. ...21 '" , d espise :a:l!l'~ gno:re"fi,ot least '~" 1-. L. ~ ,ea:st ;'f-' ne iitappenru toe b :3;d ept . m questions
~<A,I~,.,Vl.ciL!l. ., =


_n,,,",.(I1 "" . . ....

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",-·f:' 'wOr'lm•. ,~,--;,_J! f.Lffi __,_s, Bitlt tb ,(,';,..., th.... J"-ew.s~, L ,ou_g"~ toterated ~,' t"e, R·· , ' , ~.' ,i'-,:h -. ~j~r':;1 Dy 'h'-- om:a..n o .~:,-, ,,,..j,. ana, ,::aJ';.eg, ,, '_ t ~ '_ governmeat outside their country of origin, could not eVade the CO;[!Ii.... sequences, ,of their rebellion :In,,the, d.3iYS;o.f 'N'e.TO., H:os~Jj.lity grew., 'Vh,en TJrit,-;~, was 'wdt:in--,~, the - ,,-" - - - -- - ,-, the- eastern ~ - ~ -- - - ~ - =~ , 1\~e~1liio:tta'mia , :JC, _YJ5 W . . - - ~ -" a - - Annflk-~ ,,= . . ,,- - - - ~~ l:a:.nds, fr,nm = -= -- . .F' - --~- -round to Cyrene experienced massacre :and. atrocities,.6, Cause and not h' "lIV"" .... .... -=~ "'" ""0 i1!~S J" ~ -- - ion --- ''.ILi~::'~ _'arne may not ~,~'.O;; b. een '-.;'-'isy +-_r;, ,~":D',,",Q_ '. ~;Y1h"llt· q;u~,;n!'o'~. no lo""'ue;r, - '" -..:I d -..:I n, ~ mattere d,W.,@:[1i t h msurrectrons ciem~n,1AI,or. ·_e$:tto'y~ ~oman armeea he h
'b,] "!I. O'!I





Cgim(; to. 'be teg:llltd;e;cli aiS,'Ine: secoad :lQ'Llf.lae.'l"' (if't:h.e dty., At :Ep!lieSii.:~iI, h;:!i p.e~r· ,JiiJ!]iitiis C~~!W, ~nif.901) 'W,;3!~; tll;:i' 'be C:Om~m.(I'l',3:$iIld :by' :!Ii, m:astJ!ilfucmt. l]Il;J(!;',;;I!ry '(P~J~n~fn :in RplreSQS 'iii (['9«})~ ,Iii: was ,co~,~3,e~d, sen's$ (iLS 89'l1:)_. "i''

'·-l'i._.... '~_liil~ ,C' ..... "' ... , Cil'a -- .JII'I' ',... I' ~,..... ,~, ~ ~'L,",., ~.. ,..,~ '" ~"".... ' in"' ",.. .,.-- ~I,~__.j~ :t'~ I:. n':L'IL ...,,, .:__ ~.~~y~ ~~~~~~i ""imi~, :Jd ilruim-i~, :rntMFIl.lIn eliUlti:' (xv"' :210.1). By OOfit!fii:St_~ Qn e_m~fl,t:]U; and w-e:tlil;hy m.tliLyrnlii!ti: :~S< weU :~pokf;:tl 'Gif (~v:~., 3, I), 3 ~ !1l),bSi:!!!;'\'t: CU:!iitidl:u:>:A-ris!l:i.on (PIRJ;, C ,.8&'), 'ilJ(~i.n;eieps Etlh.ei;;.o-:tiIiitDl~J' homo m;L:i:i1Iifi.CiWi ,et: . . "" • pl' (it'_." b" :iiilitilJO'Xl,e :pl!)pi!Jil!l1'I~-:, $CO ,_iln~ ~~~~ '~P'" 'io')i, 3i ~ • 3") "I' ~i!i!,-W~i ii:. iO-J!,,-e d,;, . ~ Mt'-.m~m3ichilS IjJf Sud,e;s, wu b:li.nished (IPtU!t<,ai'clt.'I'D6. ;6iJ/,11i(jo ,j. tiQ;Q-a)_, the d!tdr~I1!t >O'.f ~ihe _'P'r(lt-'-. ,C:t.1". :".'1,,, ':;u',ha<t ~I~!!i~ii!i(! :m~rui(!lfl~' u~iwl P'a___filJl:l~ ,of (he $ililme~ ,cij~y~,;r 'wb~h: thil: Reman iil!u~bo:ridt:!j (1:",,, g jj :3!f_)J and, :iit; vQI>timce 'W,udiL ntii.CIth'l!i[' m~'t1l:, Tyn,hcmitfs, (:]2., 82;5id)" Not: in. PJ1{'~::,wihi~h;, hOW-e,Vi~, !l~!;I, {:(Ii!'!, J :2i;;a8i1i')a JlIlilj}!Ji-'j; ,P,arda.'l'u,~ :idiiJ-l~ut ,ZIt: ,A__'_.~x'" (BF~ii~ , :p,n d·· 'U:J! :~:~~ I 3, 1\ UU I, :~50jl., __ l'l!;:Ii, -'Ii' h: W~K" l1!(I/YIi'-e,,,..,i,'!!I:'. :!Ii [n!!lf.!. f!Nmi dl(l ~a;n ~~: E'~rytu~,!, '" E,Iir.!aiti'UH; P ,the S~i()k: {P 1:R'l.:; 'ill :i:~')~,w:ho dlcnQil.iiiLeed, his pa1:'tcuiL Bst-{:~ 'SCimfiliiil, (x,'I,]'[. j~., ,]).,TIe GRell:: 'CHi5~!illI A~e.le;piMI,}'t)U!~.j' Ni~ .. : (PlRI, C 486) iPr..g.'¥ed :!i!!, ,IQ,.~l fr~~di (J~l" i). ! .AI' - -~ ....i'- -----,iii, ~ ,. i .l;!il,I, .~ ,_ '1.1,/ ... ~:~ "iTj"'L'L~ ,[,-_."'-,. ,_' ,qi;1,'Q' bjpW,fwi:.l7W1l1, ,l'D:" rj. !'!:'-«" O:~J!i' ~l1!~"i~.W' '':f~' ,r-'---'Q:MI(6Jj'~ ~~O',', ,~,IdS l'IIl , • ,,:I'Urni,!i.i.$ Ann.:a-e!.:l's, Sel'l~C;;li,t$ ibrg~herl' :2I~¢;~d by JU'~!_:I;I~ Q,!I!mO lJiIRf., J' '4'i:},;l}, and! p,ro~o.__r!I5I,'U!1
. ,[l~~








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of Achp in ~:~(SlGJ 80'[: Del,p:h~)., ,d; p. 2:3'9--


in. the rear' of the P:~, l ~1\ ·T.lle anger 'must have been ferocious, ¥ dl0ugh hardly ·atrace subsists, unless it be 'perhaps in the Ann.a;ic$ of

'The' Senate 'under 'Y'!ilnel'ius 'ba:nlmed E~ntian -, , and. ~ewish ~~t:es = ~." -, -~ - - , -," .W - . -~.. ~J' ~ -~' from the capital .. The canse was, :8, .p~jr of ~cal1d~ls, :in.v·-o_hring· oman R ladies. ,of senato·ri3!l familties.,zT3clms does, not bother about that s.tury. H~·1~'<l1.'V~: eat 'i"'.b,~ :!Ii'~IS~'f'lI fo it:' ·~~~:'!-·;.t> d~one. Ir-'l'[Ifi,r' is he ~;Q-1:"'"r~I"'...1.~..,. ... """" ~ "",g; [w ..."'.""'~ __ W~li:!i ~'i~I~. ""~.;!! _ ,II~"", !J, "'I .... _ ~~t.· .. u ,put 'Q,~ record rhe sharp re:p[ttss~on, of the cult Gf Isrus,-th.e, t't:miP1[e dernolished, the ,statu.e: thrown into the T1ber., A iP.a_t"~do.x~ca'~. e'm~s8i.o,n" the '~a~t't,.j) 'be: expected ,! a Roma'rn. sena~~lr wridn;g ~no.~d$"He go~s, on to cEiro.nici[e a depo:rta.tion. of ,four thousand. J ews te Sardinia \V,ld} stiJ.v.a;g~: satlsfaction: ,l 'dl~:~'" erished ., ,~',-;-.. . ,lnsalubrlous Island, "vUe :\f . ey .. p dUlJ-t . ~ - .~L .-- .In
.~I , •. .~. - '~ V'"-!O V~iIo, _.lI'~
=.;!I ~~ .... _ ~ ~ ......... ~



da,m,'n~'m.<,3 _.... ·



re'ffiigious, sect [em.ana,ting fri'lm J~l.ul:aea. P:~~nyame across 'd'l~Jt sect c when ~emor w_~_ ~.....-., _ --- (1£ ,__l---J'_~~ . -" ~~-. He-- acted~ [(I'nJ) sien ~ of hesitation) .. - - n~tl¥1Tn~a-,~PjJ]ntus,· -~ -- ,- ~ ~,~, ~ ---~ ~ - -~ and :put, to death s,e:Y,erai ,peT'Soo8 who, :a\fl0Iwing' the .nam,e and ..fa~th.;, ,ootdd not he btillUght to recant, obdurate ,ag~lns~:_ threats O'f admonition, Then a douhe arose in, Plif.l.y~"s, mind, He applied to 'the Emperor fp,r' guidance, pro,f.essin__g now te[ he ,~,g,nQ(ti3Jnt about th-e ,estabUsh-oo and :~e,gal procedure: ougffilt ther':e n.ot to be; some charge [o:r 'p:rQo.f of ,crh:n;in~l behaviour ~ TnJ!j~n made: a brief re~[ly.. He approved the o,f'PUny is :su,pple~ll,'eD;t~d,by the imperial r-escri.p.t te Fundaanus tne p~QCQ,nSiU0 nS~a:!i a oecaee.. ~:a,~.eir. J..¥,!I!,~:rUC.'U$~ ·'I],,·th"·, _ .. '.-.-,. :, 1- "-f-'·i\·-~-,_-,,-·l-· . ,J 11,[Ii'_,,'~~' 'i\~:!',,',"II' un ~ a feno:[1! 0.£ cultivated tastes, had been. a friend of Pliny, ~The historian '~r-h.e: testimony
llJlf:",.;:;' .. ,t¥,!1lUUC~U:9,

There was a :fresh. source [of disturbance, No go'vernor o.f any t:i.:!l'I!"t""-~,-;1 p. jiI',""-::'C'~fl,,,":-, Wi1[~~" h '~I~:I:'\Ii7-,i'1'"-"J;~4: p ~p. lons , cu.. ·=>-t~' W!(ol,~:e;'I;r -- .... n ",.U!ld·now,faHtn,take: ~rn. ~,U'VJ~L,,""e , UM.!""""'" ;:I';i@S -v ~ ~ _ __ _~__ _'v ~ __ _ ,oogn~ce of the ~ct~vit~es,[ whether COOdOlllOO or punished, of a new
r. ·


iI! __

gov,e,rn[o[t'!s aCJtion

and, refueed t,o[ g'~ irut{J[ his pe~plel(ities,,"

:[ E'!,IIil!f.i.~f~he ]'~ :

1tl1the. ri~I'fig there, T'f:Qja!"i! 'CL~Nd

N· :.-.'~ ,.JJ_. .• , _._ (IE' Y~i5i




Q!rOSg :&S!UIDOO (P-W ::ut~.~ :[,S;8,J'}did ~o~, p!ll.rt~d~ ]j~j~;iw, Ql,lie1:JU'5, ttl, 'W,ipc diLem oo~ (A.!f.n9f.1l, Par'lh{,,a
;YiI;O<"'Ciif' .---t)" "'l~ y" ..... ~ ,"",i- ... '''' ~

P: _ ,..,.- 1!'.i[,_ ~ - .)_" ~it', 19 .f:'I,iI,MJ:!ii.

' ,IlL, ,m8._,"c:r IUJI~L' " .. , -,. t,~ -,.'

"t'lt' - ... ;.L_- .: ]", ne~, ,,,,1"'il:'" ILUoC..-e -~, -,... ,,. a. d

lhllii'''rmctinn ... _ = ~~_ ~~_~ :In


Jud::iil!!S!~ _ ~~ ~_. __

:iiin.oWCa: i!)r.Uy re,@iufur ,i~.di.ctm(!fl!~' fu::r- !l;!'fc'd5:(: offt:fice5:I, t'h.alt w"OtliM: be: :i:1I lJ;o~M-e :3!ndi,hlllman~ i!l'l!n.ol'l.~tk:~, B~t ~t appe:irli, til'l!iilf ,lIIpo:logi.sts: have ;j!'1'~~rq~d' ifu!); :rti!lc:dp-t lUI" "'f~ M"';,..: vV' "1"'-i,"""'~! '[ 'ff, _I:I ..... .. t,r.v.~~,., ~y_;;~,~___:_""",'1'l t'L.,,,,~: ;;:" .,; 'p-,I'i:t'Ti;(' ...",~, ~,. ··W· !.' ,j7!!_,.,'km;,..i ~ '['nG '~i"'\r-!ltl!t _ of R~~' ]:. 'II ~ ]'1{'.",~ <!'" Ii VI • ,(:;~. VU i:2 -, "ffi'I.he d!:!sJth <!!if h,i'!l, '~ll!n'" d8!", .. :ht,UT' i.~ '[ ~~r- _~Y'" -~ - 'Ij'", ~ {f' 1£' ,-S 1 O'J.Q}. ~ QJ" b,'~Ij; OPI!r!!~QI1IS ~ ib rJli,Il- Q[",IfIiD:ry:~ p,,, ,[ ,14. "M'· ., -.}" _. .;>1" rel:i!ittd lIJl ,lifl[ .!C••. , -.. ~. ~]I1l:liCJ!lts: fl' ~glj.!ff\ei
,L .... ,o! 'FI' , ~

~:~e.lf. :FillIrth.e role p'],Q--yed by :ipOc.III~~r1P'ti~iPropll~i~ '~~' ibi!ilow, p, 5] $, ~ .JQ&'ephu.s~, A7 :x.V![u. ,6,~H, a u, 85:. ,f,. S!lJcil ii t1u:::'wcit.'!;rill P'r'~!lliC~iY!P~ti~, 'wi~h ,Jew.s that, s:ltlitni.gliL he ibegin~ w,idlL bQ~k ~~ligJj~~ C,at: s:Ii.Crna, M__gyptiis JiidJiilicls-qju.e tpe~1-efl!.dIi~~'); he redll1c~$ them, 8lbiCi,iptly itO o.j'j;e: eea :S'llIpen!tit.i~;')~, :thi!!: vQ¢!i!!!:',~il!P; w:hi:C'h. WI:;!{il: ,deported" The :fulIr cl'i.O'UUfid .ae;pon-e:e.s, of W~l\C: in :r-lllct· J t"w~,~ c.f. Joxph!IR (t~, 8",,). ,t Epp. ;:(, 9.6!. wj~h TI,Jj:a~':l!; ;3i.IfI1IWl1::t: (rn~),. he: ~ve.rno:r. :had_ :",s._hd wnethi:x' !h~: :9~Q'~J.ld T p(i;nish the 'ifiam.em i,p~iJlrnL; or me 'Lfa,gJ~ja, cohaeller:!-'t, .. n,.q.m.ini', '['.he .Emil'i!:![' li;Jt1:l.Shed,f1hiil,t ila, : 4 iiliitiide- si dJ!:!fl!!!ir,!:L1:' et a!n;l:war~rur~,[·iCl1Idi, -Siii.ifit,,' : ~; I~'~.JI-;~-; ',-, ...., .. "',-:'~": ''''' ,.."'''-~ M~I.:~;·,,~w; ~'''~ F ~- ~~ ,:LlI.U!I:"LIlIil. ;S ~ .. ", ...[",I,p.~ -- (~.~9' ~"'''''J;f.~...~" nMc(]n!'Iiuil - lin, ]22.1.;,:). J:!! ,:IiIltiltf.I;[:S6d, whih V-iiifXt,)'!i.iS ~~ ~- . ;;I'. pil"Q'bie.nlS, '~Eu!ieb]~;Bl~i', ,ea-i, IV. 9~ d!,~ b:tldly, .E. G:rolllg~, P-W XV, ];,8,:11 O. '[;(th~



~ '!II






' •. _

,i"i; ~




























Tacitus, caruu'[ny noting a;n.incident a;t,Rome ~n the ;seq;,u,el of the great [CQH'H.agrn,tioo. under N[etO" r:-eg~S,W:t',8 the {~([,igin of the name

'C'L -"~II';' - - ~~ U.:nS!!o'Ji.aUL

~~-"lI'ib-l1 .- -, , 'F;;';'n:J' ,-" .,.:" j' wt",!n [iUiocumen";:';':"1 pit'e<::.l.S.lon,,'


w~n not

]• earlier (. fin



'l ' , ' d w '" the a . -·-'~i .' e ,.[egeP!·'~ ere' tne a,ppeal~ T-h--' procon.sul on. his. tours of dUity or .~ec.readflifi,may have gone: to inspect: ... L • ...!I. H e notes, a uetaL-t!'h~,e .,1·1 ' residence 0 f' ~T-';'Iil.. '. - ~juet],i!ll.s, C- aesar at '~R· d ,u't, O'e90., .,: ,. en thie C~ll~S,.'4TiL.~ scene (...!I~:Ii.....' 't~],e Cl~tu'm~,tan,b~~,narranons ~11":tr • :ii .' house 18, 1.~,1C .an"Ul
-- E-~ exempt rrom-,iLl!Il Cl'eOililllC:y.

have omitted the p~rocuratolr Pontius, Piliitus~di. some of his, vicissitudes.,:' ~ Tacitus (it is a f'iiir' surmise) had ,oondu .. eted investigations mt_Q, ,~t'he b,ehav~our and beUefs of (h;QSC malc~lfi1t:e:n,:b;" drusoo\r[eringperhaps no .Ji_ ", .' - but ~ -t[~~ - - "-- ~ ~ - ~ lb~ " .~, tu~_t, :_ etue '.:_1, _,' d ,ee~ (t'f-' cnIDe or.' Vlce 'L,.' Qn~.y an :nlv~nCl~.e spmt ,-il...:a: de "BdJ :_:al_ l[C:g]an.ce to Rome whefil all'egiane.e meaat 'w@ifshIp 01 Caesar, Yet it was an ~ex1d.abriU$, s~:p~r.:stitio"~lJ F 0,1:" the ,~es.t" Tacitus has precise knowledge: of o1i11~and w~lrnhip,~

VII') to recent __ .' ,

!lhe' m~;e' ~ rererence -~- "',d'i "'-_£~ii",.-- .... ,. c:i'" ,,!III ,. I, • 'L e:v[e:nitSin ~yr~~,~U1J;w in P alestme ne _,'


-'~I' -.--~·.Ji·~1"-'~

u'" -, " id L~'1::!tO'ry :Ir1i~_,

about the science of [Th~as.y:!nus)mi,ght ,efiOO; a to mark a;$'~~Qlo,, ptetUctiona with, :si~rper' 'vigiJmoe than. him~rto,:'; C - 'h" 1.:M' £1::' ..... 1· -1l.... Cl!trange t['];ll_:gS OOUUiI! 'I... ~&' '1:11 a '[\"oman Q].(~Ch4 In. tne eastern 1..... d :s" iliJeii!i1J~1 'D ian ' • . and a chang,e Q,f conduct crr-bel]iefs,. Some came empty and. avid, [~sy '-f :., >;1 -" ,6 ~. :_ prey to a ma,glClaIl Q,r a be ar~, ... sage o_ ab normai1 sanc·tlty ~ The ". ....l, e ,a. ... :;,' sceaticel were not ~wa~, imm'l!m,@."ADnvei'no!["o:£CHic.had,recently-'_, :sc,_pJ.__ ,",- .. -- ---"----:.J-..,'---~~.. ~--. been. converted :I'lt one [of the sh'r,h'b!Sj refiol~ficml his, Epicurean
',' -,.-, '-,,' ',' ,~I ',-~', ~,-': -'







impie:tiea.1 The proconsul, a quindecimvir ,these: many y:eal',$~ had' iii, good. reason · VUltitin~g th ~c:r,ru. P1-'aces '~fi rri:la" nota b~11 suen as eoncernec d- '. . "_' . .[Ie .... .:i f ~Q[[" .... '.1... ~.y ApoHo and the S,~lhfl~nd a, pr1O,f-essi.on:;;l, m;;Hce' t'h~t: pen(;tra.t:ed the
"A_ ,... :' ..........]s, -of pr.~eSct:.Snd prop}utta,:, perhaps, ,not [o'm~t~rung' make 'trial s to of their :per.~o,rnHince. At ApoUcls r:efi>O''Wll,ed_ S~lnc'tJuary Oif Clarcs near [:[if ~_ man, seiee o up, en, .[~. was ~u.~ ~,~mdi ne iIil_= > C~""',1- chon t!'i'''-:-:~''~"-'inor ,il woman 1i',L,"":t- u_ ~_, tbc :,-,.ffi·' ,iee b U'''-' an 'In . 'el ··;t~.J1 from certain famiHes in Miletu$~T'aJ,crut1U$ knew about ,the te,lp'u'~able men,


,:_' :"',',




,prom!inilltLtlr in. P,iu.~hi,s:

'Gro;;l!iiiI:';p~W :

p,.i,)'~~i.!l,:!irn, PilPt~, ,~'I;I!p~;I;~icio affu.ctwi ~nl,lt/ ~ p, 404.9. ,F:tit::them:Ore~ ]{V'• .iIl-4, b: riot ,anly ,r.e:I~""iltitt to, N'er,o :md. 'the :~R :at R{ has :o;I!, 'a!tta~ 'in. t!h~i eQQOQmy 'Q:f t'h¢ v.-b-'Q]~''W\ork a~ Qn~ gf' a, ,~ri~, of $pao~d" j!'1,cld~~~~, :t:hc;li [Cuitm.tJt1l:iif!,Qfi being' Jew.~!ilh. iruJu,rt"Uctiufi of' 66. j' ~ pili· :r;']I....... ...J., iiJ' ~ ·L"I 111· d '., .. . d" • '-' cr •.'. ~!nl'~ ~.rF")::' ,~, :I;Io,mr,ll!. i!IJ.J!!U. tn~f.IiI qjYam. :S!.l---Pi!i!~~!!I:!o~m :p!l:',~,1V~~I~nnn;U):_!.eilEri," NOfi~: :the le:!ii!-PJiiiiry ,nO d.eUoibt&wt; :they rowd 8iiLd mCiuld, ibe; pi:..uil!ttihed~;p~rl~l'iIad:aJrtIi

~ xV",



J: [[:ilil>etm-J'J.omin~8 e.iWi, C1!.r.istlls




De "MilJadtJ';il',-a.. For Tibe.rfo



<d :ni~,:poenO:___IlI~ilt:r,

hn,p-erit!.-mte· :p;e.r


...... ~il ........



~'... l:I_:II'Il..~!'·,

......[~'~~~II!!~ , D.'I....~"":'. at;""-""'- .. m _,J,_'~_~., II'IIIl'n:'~·I'!' (',:.'Il.. '1'\ . _~_~ .. ~n-!l-~-~l;~ ~~~L-..J ~~.~._~ ~·~.l ... Il~~' } ~l"r.

T.j;"ll!i 1'ii1!l1'i'::D!.I ......... ~Jlv..· r·~_~i.o.:_lI~lJ~~!!~~!I!~,

~' ~:[' r,"""'"'I~" ~Il~~~·~ .. :.,,' ......, . ~~ ~~~ .......

[~,.f.,A. N. :Sh~t'Win,.. . WtJ:ii~j','DiJ.n:i~,Thml. S'tud",


:N'.S. U[

- V],;, :2.1. '~:

- --

"_..j (' '. _..j, :per 3:.'IfJiiIi, ,a,e \J~N,pita.!!:'!i!l_m S!!!J!:!Ii!i!, ~Qm,U'S

bgiJ,a), 19_9, ff~ munm.e~~\;,

.' -. ,"

" piPI. $24, f. t1 )~Qr' th~~~~

" P,hlta'ntih,


'El;Ii!)hmws d, f.~..y~, E.pp.. r,




'.,S:. '434d~f.

(!p. ,.~;).

0,£ thepirovm~e 'orf Ascia, a:oo Taci.~ ~,!.:un.~iLhese:xactaJoo'Ob:tiQll aloout the oracle. Clar:08 .had a visit from. Genniin~m5 Caesam:'! who {it was "'h'Y''''i·)lUII\'',~4)·~_ tr~,,"''c~ .... ftjI·~:i'r.n'· ','"',';U' ;~ a'.m' .W :ti". L!""'":,', n '!I''e\I ~.niU'"'€:; ..... ", u..:v.m th .. :&n~I.~ When , ... ;E:(...... ~. ~ ... eu TnJ:m~ depa.rting· from Rome in the ao.tumn ,of rt 3~came to A~ia, he may not :i1uaveneg~,ected to coaselt this, famous oracle, in. Syri.a the . Impc[,attrrput ·the: god of H'diopc,us to the tGst and, finding him reliable, asked and. ·obtamed a proo~ct.ion about the P'onman" War. The outcome duly vind]catoo the oraele,>
Io·W'''U''.'!UI' ...
!I'.~ ~ fl. ~~Ii. ; ...




Ge:rmaf:llc1!lshas a ,cflmmmi: app~nded. "that bears UP{J.n the date of the Annale",., The pdnee in his process.ion through Egypt came toe) T'heb€s, and ep,ntemp]ar1ted the: mighty ruins. ,ef an.. ent s[plendour·.. A pdest ~nterlPrct:edl~be~nscdbed d memor~a~sfitdle: K~ng$\~ T~he sum and catalo.gue"of 'f~ibute~eI1!de:red by the nanons ..of Asia 'was. imp,tessrve==a..nd comperable (the his.torlan add·s) t1l)' W~it is nO,w ~.cted by tw~ empires, by the 'vis Parehomm'

Another' passage about. the


the extretne bO~Ild.s, 'of RQmci's empire, which now reaches to the Indian Ocean', ~N une· nibrmn .adlmare: piB!~escit, ~. The phrage is, unnl'~s:tak~b:le, "· merely a 'wide extensicn (If oon~ue8itt'but the o.rient: sabnot duoo alnd d!;)Jmn~Q.n'Gve~ the known world, with D,G rival'ern!'~ ldt, The '!ordssund fo.t' Alexander»!;, ,gl(lt"!;,, heaply em~lated by the ... c ·iI!'i"Q;andoq. uen .... ·n.:f· ·t· 4,.... R'·.o··,m;,'... g\ill!:n"""I'i"~ ls who nsra ...I""';,;I~:~~~~ the "-" eastern ~ F~w.iI1Ub.-U~ __ landa, P'ompciu$! Mag,nJuaand Matc;us An:tonius; 5 and the ~,otio!rn reCU.R in the A1ll~stan w1'.~jte.n who e:<t,ol Caesar',! heir ho,lding :m b~s an du~Ian·. fro·m.the ,one shQr~ of Oo~n '~~the other ,;6 o.n the weseern edge' of the wo,rld lay Gades\! near the point fr'Cm •. rum 'w~ ~c:t.OOt googr,apber.s: 'IJi;rew ;3. "":~rI.e ,"!la/;t ran h a:n~ ,'Il.." ··IIl...:I1 r· th· . ...:1 'W..~_' ,.. .. .~y.~ Caucasus t,o' .Indla. ee.t\\tiu:,d!s~ Hercules .had his: renowned temple at
~.~~~~~=~_". _~~~

'potentla Romana"} After~ns:pection nf other' monumenta and marvels, the prince journeyed to me southem border of the
,OO1ll.lDtry, ·toElepha:nttffine

by' the





,.=_!:-U~ fl




_- ...



n,. $+'. 41- :~et ~ba~g,f' Gc~ifI!jc¢,~t: ~b~~ .• Igt ~ o~~~" Iliat~~ Qlll;!.Ull Tlci'1i!:M ~11Q ~~eRld an rIillI~ged (\OiiI.luitatiMhy' Lol!liz PIilu:lJlini!l. ~'l:iI. ~l<. llll .l\Ii.d'Ui!~'.:!i ~11i.d!:i~i!t.ifi). 'Ciicl1i([ipm ;31~~ ·t'~at ~~ p!\Q:Qorlillllll Ifilust hacw: vlisittld £,1" R'~ . ~\i!!' ,",,~e.n :.t. . . .) •. .. ,,;;.;t .0' 'El., ... I.U .gr<iW111;g .Im'p~ '.' c......~ f' o!?'M , '. ..., .. • '. i' ..... ~;o _"","""fen. \19~:2i 3QU :lilt,L' Lme'1'. 'i I'i;_'k~ . t~JS IU;. ~~r1~ Li!!JiFovill;!J ,fh,' C;l:an;ili(Co:nftr,!:noQC. :p. ~m~!'9S4'}~ :;lOX G, Dat/Utntum I (~9'5.:~O•. ~:~~ n; ~:tl!l IX'rh!!!P~ :!l!IIif!ii'i~t of T';M:;,i;~~' op.illiQ~ t'mt hl1):~m.illd QWjt ~!] ~i fiW'vourtifile M'I.eninE"';gypt.~i;y'! tfihe ~~mti. tm.ll~in.g to tU.t: tODd from. GCf:mIllI1i~ctIS t~Ya· un, 14,· 8·),. .





il5o., .+,.t
_I~!I ,.~~ ,


,6:!;.,;2, i~£ f~J1'h~ App" 11, 'PHD'''' Nil vii· 9"" ~.~m!rti.~ ~em:iis iIId n.. ib.rurn' mire :!iUbaCi':,1 'Pom .....u;!l .d~edi~1I:~£i(n i :in tM tt-mpi~: .of~~ d, Cl~ci1o.~ Cat+ nt, ~6. AI~ Virg:iJ!,A!!'1;I!,VIII, 686: ~'V.bl1:tillr In: ab ~r Il.... •\ ... A li..'ro.rac P0_il.Uti >el '1" . !t:(!~ ~w!..!ro "ii. ~n.rMOIlL1iWj. ,~,a. ·th~ pruphet.y ,!J.f Jl:iPpiL'tel' ttl, Vetum. '[Am.., L :i!86 'f.),~ '1!,ur pw'<:ihl1ll, T."O:~:linu!,'! . ", .'. C' ~~' 'I'~~r,~rym ... ~ir!g. . :I,arn!~m ...• ~mU.!"l:e~~tn:!h ..:1.IIiQ '.0" '\11~-i1 .. !!;¥, e12' ff., .' I :. O· . ~. •. , . .•• •. '1_• ..l c~,'!'J[;(!1, '!II g"'~f!e' :. q.1A'.I '.' .9',
.~ 1J,. :Ii
r." : I • '"-'~. ~. _ .• -. __ _ ,~,-,-,,_~. _ .• _~ ,\,. ~. _" , "

2i. 1* ft.



G~dies~'w~~h kgen.ds~ no,taiblevisitors, and anecdotes to match, In '~he temple was ;l StllWlC;,\ the im~ge of Al~a;nder'i ,J~l1i!Js, aesar, quaestor C in, 8pain~ 'w~t when ,he: beheld, it {SiO lrurn,e: ac.h[ev'ed}, and there may have beefl stories about Pompeins Ma,g;tllUs" I 'Trajan In,his dispat.ches to the Roman Sooate;affi__rm,edtbaltbe had g'O!O;e furth..£f' than Ale::..xander.;!! T"he assertion is :~luructOO.s-bu! pall!iiated, if tile Im.pera~'O.r. cast a recko.lling {['C,m, faJt.' Gades, in, hb o'wn 'OOi1l.n~ky~,l!lot :from,e. The ,h~st(lil"iJW. echoes 'the Empemr"s, sanguirltl, da1iml, 'rnbrum sd m.are~;T.h.e words were not bef;~)rethe ~ear 1: It\.. 'T.~~:next year ~wm,e CQllquests of' Tmjian lost or surrendered, HeWice a'~mOSjt wdCQime :ptecisicnl 'of dadng:: the phreae ceuld no,t h.a:ve been eirnploy~ Th~ oo,ndu;e;ion is not wholly v;alid,. Tr,ajan"s new province (If Meso.,; p()tam~a did! not embeace Babylonia and the who~.eU';3Ct down to the Persian gulf. T:aeitus" gen~~QuSdefinition (if :app~ied lite:ra'~~YI' ~'hat and. is a qlilest~on.)W~)lllld! .rcec:k:on the dependent kingdom. ,of Mesene" as l':p,,' .... a e ".~ ""',',: '-, : I',-,',,;:;; WI -t':n'; the l:~m,,' '__ ~. _ t'~·, ~!!_~---O""-~-·U.!r~~"''' TI_ bo w,,l,W ''''1'''''1.," R(,vman,I ymg with" ,1.i.C, Uo;' ,r 11 r,,'at"<d, m In,~'~ [1_ ~Ig"tl I!..U.... arml~ retired t-Q' the 'western bank. of the iEuph't·arltfS" the next ruler fbr reason, .of p,resdg'e ceuld not, and. did not, tie8l,gn1tbe! ,claim to, suzeuinty, bo,we:ver slightly it might. eorrespond wmJth t~,e ~~lity.,~ T:~jam had oO'nfetted the d~ad.em upun ,Partb.arrtWpates Silt Ctesipbon as a-royal Va6'8'al and Rome 'k;'ep1t the g,~,ldern 't~J:,oine(sf the A~d,ds,:" Uthe retr,eat was, a .fact, not be covered up, it did, net meanthat :[1e11unciatinn was, m:ev''O'calbl,e;,Hadda~" his presenr ,e_m,ergencies m.a:st,e_l"edl, igbt re~el:tj if he chose, t,o me po]icy of C(im!,t, 'r-aclms' m phrnsoo~ogy is, not invalidated by what happened ill :11,'. If else, Roman pride or resentment counselled .him, ,to, Iet me, wo~ds :stand. The r,ei.der ,mig'ht d~v~ne; pau:iot"s feeilli~and. a an emperor's dluty,. The passage permitsa deductien. A bOOik (If the i1nna'le'Ii:, ,or a group of ooob" was composed (or lYu'bli~hed) iOJ, I 16=o,r: subsequendy. P'o,werful argume,ttts! eommend the theory tha:tthe: who~e 'W~.ltrk 'was des~g.rned:3$ihr,ee sections of 81x books, ea.C:h.~iBooks I-VI~ 'Q~' rntb~l': books I~rn the, :rn~st. exad, sp~ib;,into two halves} wHl tbus, belong (fo':r h fi{lt ear,Uer thaR [:16,'Ci hey cannot be: if~,eddownto T J l7 lUi the' ~.orwa:rd dat~~d they rrd,ght: be several yea'rs later. A further sign ~las,boon detected" t~e 'pn,Q;eniK, in Book.VI. Hadrian ii'n, due and prompt tr~buteto the ,m,emory of ~,DivusT'rn~anru8~ .issued ] J. OEl~~ .Rw'. ,~J"~'i)lLl' b9+0)" ~,s ff"j1hti'. 1!!I"i5t, oqv (~9,~~')~, ~8!):ffl;
0,' ,·f'"







l)io :UC'l!'HI:.:iL9c" l,., ~ iF.. L. Strack, U",r~~r~~:i:U" ,"" HA~Hadt. :i]l", 8,;~fitiJ 9. ,.
ii. lII'iF'Q;I'

r ..Rtfclis/lTii,{l,rmg,rk$}im~ikti:JlJ;r.r:hu~.ff ,

H t(l9iJj), ,5:2.

~;Ob. XXI. ' ~=nIii:!i 8. 'Ui'i&t see the en,d! 01' App, 3.1.


,coin~ bearing t'h~,tt,e)mM.em..,~The :ph'@enix: s:ymbolb~'es re~ew;d ~d pt:tpe:mity., a:pP'i"Ol"r1are:to the: Rm,pire hi. hs ~,aetet,nit3$.~~,o the t ~mper~a1 Sl1)_u;ce.ssi~n-=;an.dt'G a SI)!l~S j'pi~1;~' towarda ll1.s pareat, Iilad dlfl: b~rd.been reported. in II7? 'Tad,tills devotes a,whole ehapter t~, an aUe~d appearan,ciCof the year 341 wliili,choccasioned much discourse: and dlebaltte ameng the mearned,men oJ the 'Egyptians and, the Grew.,2 'T~e h~8tt:()!r1m with. d,eie:flent~aUgtavity!le,g;iste:rs, the diveme com .. putatiens of the saceed cycle and, t!lki~g five hundred years, as s,tandardl reekening, w~~'hthe, rn t est (lfficla11y certified specimen of 3, a phoenix in tne, time of t'he third, Pto~(tmy~ aeows thail!: he cannet :n.e:~,P sbar~~g' the doubts of those who impugned the a-iu,then:t~cjity (If 'm,e manrfestation in. the days of Tiberins Caesar. It ,exhib~tedJ nOiReo.f the s~,gl];s ~' bebaviour as prescribed by an anc~e~t ',. pheenlx Q A. phoenix ~ the bird renewed, risitiJ,g:f[\Oim the nest ,andj,dutifuUy trans", pof1t~ng the r-emain.s, o:f hIs f-arent to the t'emple or' the SUJil~ a! IDng jotlm'e:y~laden witJn :fmgrnntf~.d. Plain prose £-onOWS! 'it ~~s' dis!'" not puted that. the b~rd in questtio.n ~sseen in Egypt~ fr-om time: 1!\o time, ~ Sucnws, the ;so.]ita__ryigression of an, ,exotic nature ~n;allthe A1UJitkjb.~ d

was unique anuJiog an bi[\ds~'by £o,tmand feather. There were pictures ,!t-- Tacitu ...~= ..."" ,1i"!I."rrro· to ,i'l",' ee eeount in ·P""-. "_.",,, '~I'li!ll'iig"a'ffI'<' the d-',~,~1I)6, ef '''', he. O·::f· ""'~~ "'''''',.1;"", ~~."I,'-I- __~"'- ,U ....
. '. ],. jI.~!'JL~~
0\'0,' ;~,

I. ... ~,,,,~_ ""'_ ... ~~~.

-J!,l!lU; ...... , V



and '.it~ ..+,.,.....;1_, .lllll w;:I~f;"ll p- rnm-. ~In"'n-""" oa t·iIl.. eo' Ja!, itial _~,,: -: ~l"" the e.n]An'!iA ~,,,,,, '. -. ·.lI!l - ,;tu " ,..., ~~LI:L ~m'-~,', item ~'_'~~AI""~Jl ebroniele (If a Roman :yl~" An,lbody m~,gh~: know about governmental exphl'im!ti.nn of the MaMan bird, :and. 1the: dawn of' a new- age at Rome SCOn became ~ familiar topic 'of j,estt and p~rody-. '\¥hen C~audius Ca;~r' 'used the ,eight hundredth a~~,v,~azy of' Rom~ as a preeext
IW '. '1Ill! ' "'-.,' ~~:





a pheenix, as symbol and dccument of ,il new ~;5aeclllU'm'. The :p,h;e.n0'" mrnoll. was dulY' ,[,egiste.r,ed In the acta diUma of the City. N,ohody was
talk en

Ltuli Saeadar:-at. (I,nly sixty-three yearn: 5~fiCe the ,Augustan, ce![',~ .. idi I was h eta _:.!i~ _:j~_ d_ m@ny:! r:L~ClU~; ~~ ~Q~g~~. I_'~'~:U di did no goo_. by ex,hibi . '.ittng'

. ] If HAl·' .. ' 1... '1L..~.Ji n{!fto:rr_~OIU:S ~eJ 'Oi~ _~ .~Lrian,s ~~. LL:a!I.!I:1ian:3: accession .. na d· -, ,ev'O.~w. .•.t, _al~_'_ f 'H'd .... rne fabulo~s ,aeBIJt:lilf:e';the'rema touch (l,i, politieal satire in 'th~ "facit,ean notice. Caution is prescribed, Several traces (If :reviisi'onQiC insertion, call be SIJS.@ectM ~n :rnrs~: hesad of Atma'ltj·. 6, 'TsC~Ms, ,m~g;hrlttherefore

T'alclrus~ as _is his wont'tmocb the prerensiona (If sacerdotal i(l[,:e. He may also be ;al~lI.wng·~o theerudlit:e tastetl, of ,1i_U emperor; and fi~lcla~ deeeiss, "Omaium 'CUrteJl!itar,tiUffi_ ,explof.a,tp.r ,$il!l~h .is; the
j ~




~ :r. L. ~, 0..c, 'II (i9:J:Ji)~:s;~~H. Mlitc:~~y, B'MC~, Jl_, E,t,.po!:!1 (~93:6). iC);JI:~:II;YiL ,.. 'V,!'" ~:,. It' 'W$!: P., L." Stnltlk whQ f1['$tv~l!;-cd ,O'~t: the :po~~b:leroel.evance the year 1 to ;I :ih. 6: ~~m iI~P1>ci,:IH"IUili'iJ.dO tn, .A~~t!ll cam 'v&ii.i.ctcm n~l1i,amibigitw.' ·t F,I~![\y, N.1l x. 5. P,lm,yo (ci~~~ a ¢(:rm~!1I, 'C'gm~liua, V:iiik:rl~U$) ;UL1ld: :OJ;;), O;V:Uli" 2:1., :1) :gi~ '36,'~ tLh~1'y:e"_~'m :th~:'!iiIU"S iapp!e1ll1:1l1'l£-e in. E.gypt. J, T~I~r.a:ft, 7, ,~ ,A,PP.!l,7.



~,I, _ ,_ G,_,



'h~ve; added t'be biliief ~e:ference:to, TrnjaJlls [con'q),uests,.,i: Perhaps <though not :01],.- 'l-:il;"e-.-y-:-~l '~~~ digr.......c1l,..,1 aiUvI;JI, _ 1'tlf,""" pho ~,;:'''''-':. ~ I!jo;'~ iI!!l'i.. "y" "U,,!<:, , ~,_: ""!iI!"'~,v,u. abcur I""-U~ ,;, :J;~, Shoul.d phoenix be acoepted aa a "finn a]lusi[@i[l to a dared event, some ga~nwiQ,u~dccrue [eidler- W"aI,y., If 311 insertion, it puts the terminaa tion ,._"li D ...., ,'~: (but ' not h;w, ""''I;r d" of ~ ";~,,,,, ''lil!rho'~I"" 'w-',nrk)' h!l'. the 'tj",i§;"<']lr i '~_TlII;d-lo!i... in ~_ ... J lQt~!J!. Ul. Book ,. '1::[1' U _ UiIi,,,", If not, Bo~ik. VI can 'be 'even lar~er than, :1 )I['7~Theories thaif~ mai,e 'T,a¢.itus :f-in'~h the A.n;;a/e$ ;38, early as ,I Ii or :I,18 'b~gm:ntel too)k. unpllaus-~,ble. J 'It i~, stiH :not [clear wben iliae: author set about his '~RSk!' ow long he b took, and. 'when he' terminated, Sty1e might be in:;.rc't,edi.. The Anna.les show :a maeked change from 'the ,Hi$t()rw~ Not, however, SUIC~ :as, '~s,safer].y to be 3Iccmu.ntecl. for by lapse [o.f time or assessed :~n teinl.$ of y[eatS" The: length of the blte:f:'Va'~ :s~n.ce'~'he; HUtotitl8 (about 1'09
G _





H _~,~....

_ '!o!I~ __ .,


:111' ,I';, ;Il, ,~,~



some not 'unattr.,ac,tive~'~' ga-in~ l1l[QI sure ,criterion ,for the: .rhythm, o-f A 'c-{}mpQB\~tio.n,-- pe-r:M,ps,:1\0. argummt to, support :3, date :hl Hadrian I':S, but I O'-irJI:'"'l;tt"'~':r:"';(t' ~"J:Il.". and ,su~O'ei!li., t-'~:'Jill" Jui'iJo ;CjHi',11~. ~~,u. ]"3,:iIj'i;m't:~l:Qlo._ eertaic nhenc ,lH'liitin'o:i; -bb !r"=_ ..... ,.,'", ,n~'!:. the Lh-h:[d, h~ad. 'fa~ledto receive the 'final tQ.,],che~,.~ e3,th <l,t- co,na~s,e D
,C;_"i)i'fi _ '![' ....l.f".;fU"'
.LUJi, _1!;!,~1I0"""~"'!1 ~ ....~,I~--

remains, unve~~fiable. A11J,[d. ,tbere is the further ehange ,in, Tacitus' maaner, ma,fl'ifest be .. , +-0,,,-',,'- -_!" the ,]I!!."".. hexad ~"'i';Ji _,, ar _U,,,,"" first ex~Ul ',,'b,U,Ui, the third _. 'V".' "[('1;,l!];ilI',~vn,l-l;~:at-::,,,,,,'fts '~'''''!F(T,~. "lind' __ .... _~JJl~, __~" "'"'\t'=~_ili __
"Wee\l.L 'UI ~OL!I .... "'I!V,'~!Ii'!o.<1'~~~_,~~~jl g~~ ,


~~!IO --~ i


may be the ,~e;jso(rn,.

~~;'I~"l:~':__' ~~.~~

N othlng 'fo.rbid.$ thee a;s:sumpt~o:n, t'h.att T~C~~IUiS,was 'writing: as, 'Iat.e as ,,"Ii.... 01'- .... ~'~.,:;;".. 1"""'3,f.; T"_,I~'·_. e:a.o-,...,~of,:' ",tvli1e" p....... t.."" ..., h- ie u"'.,.." n ,.... a- E--,""'' d' Y' he v es t

'~mp?~~~"~~d, eM, ind,ust?T~,as. th~;~,hist~~~ lt~ :ad, be constructed anew from doc!J.m,~n~~_ ~~-t:al,:~ilL _~, as 1~, m-'- '~tf the r.y en ,first hexad, BeginnIng', it might be surmised, about :iI: 1.5';or' even ,I :£01"aU th.a:t , can be known, as, late ~ ]I 17'" '"fa(,·jruseonceived a dr~ig;n, of three hel(:sde" An important ffinquiry,clnerges, concerning thee ,il.'nnales as a y1:,h, whole, • If, "'!irS seems l~lli(i"h~-y·. ..'L:""-iI~,l...,_ '7I,:a/""~"'.:ilI' e cmnosed the ii:f:'\',... at b.1Illltli., W .0 em...:! ~Jil')iLJ!l.:t" oro · 1U~'IU. .... JIl, __""l",",J!L!I . iF "''!..IU, under Hadrian, oo~:'~ierhaps,loomp]e~]ng the dgbt,een books before thee :&:ixt'h year of that empetOt,"" how :fat. was he Influenced by ,p~e,en.t [e'ifenm,? He 'bad chosen not Ito wrl~e ef "r:r~~n. But T~u.jan and the eastern wars m~_g;ht: i1b_lmin~.t:ed by the An'ltrlk'$, indir'ectly y~t be pow,erl;.dly'_--~nd ;F(OI might Hadri~n~ The searchI,,;:,U ,t.... "liP~[i:U'l',ATi;~, ~~,"'!I,~;l"e,'. be [~':""'p_"Li<I;"~':li'~~, -l; mere exere ~~a: r ]-, :l!l~'iU, , to _.... U....l; """'"'~,~"""'l!Ii ;[:1,'" 'Vuo ]f!
_,!A .. "" l' V_ ,! ....,~iIio

r ••














"!i:~, g


_ .......... ~.""""


1£ !s(i-~,it eould he ,1Iir'guedl ~hl!it-I~n~!~ iPo.ssibly ,I~V I, w.ere completed



BlU:' see

A~!J;!!, '7[,

~~,i)ry t'h_,e hla'nt, ,@f :! App 1']' [~,,'_

:!!if.1lJdu:r1l{1mcciiQf:I.~lie:[' in ,the middle of :ii, ,Chroniele 'Of :muooef'S. A :p:r.mS>e :p'\BIfilillt[ 18, ,tihe fw &btiI¢'U~,t~"'!.l!rtli ]~ AfdC3!, (;(YlI:, ~ f,). ,
. The

-~ StnaiCk, :3iS!I~,minl!:r mat T'acilrus; CQ-j]iJple.ted me, A'ttImi::tJ' in. I I7 (o.c, ,!):S)' 'n:1U1!t: !i!ilS(J iDe: ~1i'1!W'Ii.n"'r that: 'dl.¢ 'Ph~niJ; i:~;!Ii h!;,~ ~nl!$rtioD, y >G~ it :c~[~lil?Sir: dia~ 'd~~ d!rtcI?eSi~;~D:n, ,;;Ii, htQ.~
A:,Jp 59 i " ' ", '. •. ~, ~'I:!v,;3!n'!; tQ '~ oonm;t)]Qg)!" of ,Wu," and o.f ,8~Q!1.\'U~. A-pp'" 7,' 7 Ot, On th~ 'lD'U!ef' :h~he!iiiiF.i~, ~eN!ing' Iii! i-ar. ss xv,it. ;lS. ,
,~,-~ 360, f
!p., ' '1 '- • _
__'_ '_ .''-: :J

". __ _,';'_. _ _ .-' _ _ _ ,,_ _ _ _

:ilit'ui "'",


,o,f .ingenJuity" They ca.'rut semdom, 'be ca,ugbtmd fixed with certitude; and it is, open, to anylbody to a~-gue that 'Tacitus would ~la~e;'wd,tten mu~ ashe: did if T:mjan had, nevet~nwdedMleso:potamia" [f' Hadr~an had never inherited the imp~rla1 power., 'With, this proviso, it ,e:rutaUs, nJ) dam;l;Ii!:1"e deee:nl',. or don tOI sing,ie oet those it(Lma in tb_,e A:mtaks' t~alt must,barve strack the reader w~ltha sharp sense ofre1evance;or recog'"
~I . ~ .

nitien ..1

The readee could find not '9, £ew·~d, he might, ~ave~aq,ues,u.o.nto ask., One gl'ea;t wm:k _-:,::as,that, no,t enough ttl' eiharrIJs.t what'il man, ,had '~O say" 1!;,Q :satisfy :amOltLO!l1.and, renown ~ '~,I':it,I~' ms :,,'- onen 1mi,P. .t ~ -" go H~~s_ornm.s :are ":~~- imeelled to ,"~,:on==Of go ~i,':'I..'a-I,d,';s Wb'l,e; e IUacs w_ tres, __~c.l _ tbeywri.t.e, the dee,(p'e:rpast dmws them, some before ,tbe: task. is done, thus modJifying the o:r.~gJfild,:p-im, md poin0'l::·of d~pa:rtur-e. Others, 'rnke 'up a,second subject I~t~r' en, SaUus-t per:har(pSialtered his de~ign" putting the exordium of his Hisfma8 at c78B"c,] mstead of 16tZ~when Pompeblls M~gnU!9 came back Lt!JJ ,glo,ry ff:Gm, the B'ast, or 6o!, ,t~_ey~rof 'the three dynasts~ fate,ft!l ,amaJnce) Asinills, pomo~ b,owev-,etJ woo elected the ~~,ttJte_r I~_ame,,_ carried -out hispurpose, took 'up o~atory again, and :nv''ed, lheteaftu :fo!l"hir~ ytell!IS at leoott active, rebust, awl confident=----and t not uf],der my call to tum bald and nat rate the rebelUan efthe ltaHans ag-a~nstRome (it: eoncesned his people and MIls f'amUy) or the civil wars '0£ :MiariU8 md, Suthl. T:ad.t~'first tll,oughts about ;;1 :S:ij~ioctwent toO' t'be r-e~g.n Domtd-an, of He soon S'a!,W'thalt ;;1 Flavffiao, hJstozy must lead. ,0:1' with 1 :anVia~ ,Oil the year' 69" The a.n.:n.alsof the earlier Caesars were nOw 'till!:: given theme;, discerned the IDJ)r,e sha_l"p~Y th~ve!,Y Iapse -0,[ a_ges, and pQrwedulin by

appeal .. Tamms ,respondecffi., -


human dignity,. utters a co:mprna~nt. Happ',ier were the histoda'mls, w:oo wrote about the .RepubHc., ~rhey,could! te~~ gm:,rntwars, cities, stormed, ki~ defeated ~nd captured; or, turnmg- 00 iilte:rna.t h~stn,r.y, consuls ,against tribunes" land, laVIS, and cern laws, the: ;sb:,m~;be.tWGe'D ple;bs and Senate. 'Tll,ey" in truth, ,had. :fl1Be :S'oopej 'but 'Tacitus was

The, theme was fierce and. sembre=-the gr.'~'wth of des,potism~ 'the Idledrune aJnd faU of the ,3'ristQc!r:acy) the n~inof :f:r,ee speech ,and. of


cramp _ d,·~ 1~""/i'ioI~~<21';", art....~ inglerius _~,~~~ _ ~~vdlil, ...., ;t..u m, _ IUS



"!~;hA-,-.jl3 ~.'AiI:lIvr"

~ 1.":adtU! (h:!!plllli~:!; cniJ.!'ttl.ow C:;IU! 00, the ~keof IlMiaU f~! lof 'p;r~PI!:l' names IDr: lof !inEh,:'~d~i, -- :f Siltee he. hid :u~y \!i,'rhtrm 8. moiio,gj~ll.h ,i'):~ ,C~"tiIi~~th.etdil.i~ ,ot P,'am:pl:~illlM:tg'I'I!iIi:!il In6~ df' 'too 'CO:rrL:'Paot qi t60 wou'!d hai,'I/'e !been highJy is,t:!it~b'I~,, O~e~t've 'aJ.Jil(!i: his, fl'b~ of

SiUi!!!3,;LfltlllXltl.ced 11'.3::. z. (:l903). ~,:l,o.,


by' the


'neqiiJii:. cnim

aHo 1'000 de :SIl.l!l.]1lC I,ebw. diicttud 'If:um!IlU:' (,Jltg •.

9:5:.~). The 1-1isi(:n";a~,bi;,JI!!1ining~n i8;, ~d

He 'w~ thitikIi'I'g:Of'M¥}':, with

ih~-rdiy Qroit


,~t'~!jIq!J'I1' ~~'M~I,


ja~o!.i$i.e' accordIng

t(j;,Bo.ilSl:er Tadl~


What were hi:s: r,easo:ns~open Or' 'unawwoo?' 'Livy' in 'dle preface to one of d],e later instalments df ,ms hIstory ,oo,njessed that. he ~had to go on t'bo,:ug;h g]o~ [en,o,ugh had aeemed.' Personal motive in [T;ac-itu;s can~ot. be grasped.=---eUriosity Olt fresh, ,ene.rgy, :Strong c(lnvicti'QIl, or anger. 'Tbe~e had 'been, much 'W' vex :rum w'hile he brought du~:,Hist'oriae to' completio.n..,:u:!,gle3ntfy and aliciai eloq~en.ce'~ gla;diators and aJUthe "' at d ',_O'D.,QU'f;':_d"'" ~~L~,...l ""!'~C!tQr.y monuments. TIL, I, ne ~~nat.eS Vi' rue 3!f.I_',_ h ~mlni_lUleu '-;C,"'d'--~~-y- W-~--h--'e- n[ 'T~-'-::r--"\1",Ti; w-.. a-w--"v' fift;; ,,"'t., ....., easstern--- 'il.,,;n,··t..., '.... wu s - ,~IL~~~ .:i D~~~.·-~l ':.. . rJa...~, ' a J' 1Ii.-1lc., _. _. . ." -' ~ th~~,e left power the hands of~personal confidants or mere secretaries. lkdleti,'ns, 'peu'red in :f~[Qm,the lmpe.mito,t.'~ ta,pi-d. and, exuli'tant ,r-etaJiling the '~o:rig,sequence, ,of kIngs and nadons, conquered ~;t the: ,~dl of the world, 'The Sen~;~,eoted that Traja.n Sh~llddcelebrate v as many triumphs, :U he ~iled,;?and the Senate: was compelled to admit and '~:O deet as consul a native ,cbiefitain~i' Luslus Qr.:d,elt,U$' ..~ Then the sudden collapse, with, silence p,!!!, laborious and deceitful (-lX'C"uses----=a'nd 'sheer p>e:rp-1c\X~~:y ~oyaru,senstcrs. ,for Tlrajan~sfa~~,~lt'e:i the ~ Q~ 'H' .oJ1 ,. f I"ba,~n~;n,; ani d' SlUD!~ry [eve-m',ts"m, "Ii,JJ'e seq-ue: ~~...l Al ~ .. 1. '[aoc'eS$~Oln, servec o,n:y to sharpen ,t'he distrust [of 'Tacirus~ He was, an ,Q[ld!. :man ,now, in, the .sad vesrs, olJ":""d··_ '1ii"I£iCi':1b~I;"~, ~ ......... ~'~Lt' =Wb"' ;[ih Trajan llved, he .~_ W··· no p. iI:",'i""S_p··,u,r;,I'i, ,1111r~~'Qi" ~_~~" lr"'_~,dIlJ}P.i~"g ).. of honours Uk,e;a,:~eeQ~dcQ~~L1lbjte, or ,the: 'city p:~efec,tj1il-re: .It w,as vain • to 'fegIiet that the offiee feilll to GUd,us Agrico,bi general in, the: ' war sgainet tbe Dacians (G litiu's had been cousel in the same y'ea~' as Taeitus], But who 'w,as; ,B-a,dbiu3 M~e'r; and, w,~th what claims or credit holdin -"~: [ ~v.·:~l. '!I-U'b~Iii'iirr;, T',g/j""kulCUi~, ...l r'!!' A<- '1i:'I,- :'::' -~r.\l:!iI·i~,1f'id ..... • g 1 ,~~I;iIi"1i-,01:':i:lt,II!~,;":"" ,R:, ;A;U",U _~"~'~J !'.,u ,ruler sQmeti-rnes, b,ooug'fit a pr;o;ej:ec.trlS 'wbi', 'Ta:citu$~ it appears, :had fi,(l[tbin.gto ,ex,p,ttlt from [Traja'n:ls :h,eir:)) - ., And th-ere was a gen_e~,al c~lusefor desp@'~den,cy~r.~bmy ,~,e;rgY' and faded" f~sbions changed., and a yo[unger gen[fudon ,{d:ue -men 'Wlroijr years, his junior) ;&t,ood RJO\V hl the ascendant. Taeitua may have endueed malady, be:reavero,t:m,t :a-n,.dl many vexations, wi'ltll ,a :gku~m,Y' foreboding g,f the end, It was '~,im.[eo,t a man '00 recede ,gt.a,c,efu~!.y-, f acqu~:dng merit from ,r,[eD,uncmtion. wh-e-n his use 0,[' pow:en lapsed ..6'


L: _~:


~ ,,' l r ..





+.r.11l ....














"~ ~,,-,lllt

.... .... _ ,j[ =






,,0· .·m" _"~' ,_......~, =


:i!:fiirn,U'ij, incq,.li:ea 'iP:J:!1Ce~!i:' cpete.;'


:!P Ii:J'1iY• ,NH' #a'ej., 16:

!~!2!ti$ i:;;l!m,

cl,OI1:S;W vir(itmid :in the, E.a.3t: (xUJ", 4,]. ,4). ~. 'po '~~~., * ,HA1[ Hath,. :5:. :!!j. 1I!ae'biu:!Ii (PI~I B ,::.-0), tju.ff',eet 'lbtI ;~miidhatt !J1I,!I~~:!!:l')r Q[ 'l&~biiiU: ,ofUee: (lW. !.I. ,IIIJttilmed, f\'O! the o:bit~,
jaJD'W!i l~·t'(!~·e:!M;'.,

Djg, ,k~'!ji1:~~,219. ;1. 'COIDPifl!nli

:si'bi gl~iif!(li ''iIU!;;Iiii!iiitum;, ;!it pi;l'Ptli$~ ~ d'e sid 1C1Ie , ir.i!i, P:et:illl1)&; f!r,om th.e ~:mt,.a_iu,tfiof BOOk CXXX.'lv.. the~ ,1P!"Q~i!:!~t Cil~~UI!; -m... il]ingin~, ~n'9t: of' ~__;ce~i,vt, cclJebr,!I!1'"

~p~n=,nl:~~~e~,~~3L:c T!::;~i:T!:~':'~ :::: C!=:~:~t ~;i;,~~~~,


in. :10,3,.


a, :fr.ien.d and 'CGfl\c",


,of Li' :P,I$O):: ,'h_alt dees :n,Q.t~~n, iit'1iellr

,~tm[l[]urn,l'~ d.,

(A:FriPr" '[ 3\)1.





PI1l0Y:-e: iii,

QP! 't~ mothld. 0:1"

1'~ P'~PQfii_i,Q, BmU3 (mIl, 9't),



I:!eoo:min!lj!l' a 'l.pUlciw:1!'.rirn:ae quieds

:Pliiln:,. (RIP.. I"-t. ~J. *).1, o:n,

THE TIME .oF WRITING third year' was widely believed to be .;bn:~riO:Y;s. sub_j~e-. :"'-,~:L,-, to.,-[-:"': ,4 aU ""'~ m tlle _,]h. ani
~~~!I;I~I~ ,II)

'T,w..e ,age [0'£ siKty


at;t'e:n,dance the Senate, and 1ihe: :s~~,tyin

c'I.Vd:t~m(l'".· Wltih less success_,' than _,"'-,L~~'"'b' .,' ,_~~~. ,~_" _. __ -1:"i'!IIi[gl;,t- 1If--,.., 'iL':.....ncied.t ·C·_--'i'1'iI'\1I,imI''',·r w _U~U1L .... . 'Z'J"~:'('",~::.,.,,~. the A· , .~-!N,\,".n:L.. ,i!io~~..,. ... r ~I;;lI.I." ""'~~~,Irc<Q~ 4: ·1·..~, the n .... iI:\li. .... "",_Je'... o~,~,v",. the writer"s manner 'pushed, to the extreme :Hmit, 'The. V-Q-C~ilbl,i~a'ry h~$

Silgns ,of 8ige ~)r disillu~ruolfi have been 'sought in Tadms" choiee of
f.:"'II!i;~'~Oil:'i' ... ~' g.:,,]IlfU.,u "",,)l;
'I;,i~, '_ ,_.

tho, """ I,'"





'~'-"'m"~ U~-"-,~,,


...~O".nr""'I'!i ' ..lllly ~l~~V·_-U~~W"~.··

.. r'<I!! i',:I~tIJ..,~~ .. 1'.11;..1':11 ..... h,1Ii.. noj,a-'b'''' ·#~~1Il1 ~" . I~ ."._ lI~: ~. ·1If' -c:'-:

eleeti ..

ave rsiens ~.I...a.,


']!rl-t· ;., ,.w..~ ~~,

s- g--·~.c[ln-'t ....... '.~'= .

1that T'aci-b15, visits, his disa,ppr-(1)atlon on the terms 'd'j~t bad been ,annexed and, d,~dedl by g'Q'v,'~rnmental :p,l"jJ;~togy" that he also turns aside from ben.evorn,emt and ,hopeful wor-as,.l, ,Bu~: it is not a, snrprise, The, pbenom,ennnneed, not, denote any change in :fljudJamental . .,' VIews,.QiO men an d-I ,;gov,ei'nm!elli;t', T1"h aat,IJet' IS It" thie resu l' m t~r"' ~t ·acl!.tns o'f :a, ~i~,-if?I;"....-.. ng iV~'-are-: .- of w" ~-, ,,~- ~~~-- - ~w_ ness ., -,rhat bewas ,abOill~:----oJ ~~, it" - , - talent ,f,o,r --- ~- hiseowerful tbe grim and the s;li,ibver$, author of the A'nnale$ is ruthless and :tf'o,nicaL At the: same ti-m,e gaiety and 't:o~.erane-eare Gmd:ased in. the speeches; ,~nd in the ceurseef the '\V:C]If:k: h~$,sense of nrlumoitlr' appears, ...., gli. uwee,p-e, ; -.~;:i . de --'~:'-jr' ,.... 'Wl ... r,. -d a,u· :-dde : -'_3 _ _ . N'Qdd:ng~s. k~Qw,lID. 'Whar,t (;a:n be, inferr,ed, is 3, finn, defiance -of ex... dnc.ttian'l a resolve to triumph through style and, the 'Gffod lo,f style',. The sev,~th decade of' nfeforu~yj h~m keen and vigo.t<)!lls, WhIle en:.pged uPQ.n the 'Tiberian hoo:k8 ComeUus Tacitus W~ :lIeady (against b~s, nermal reticence] 't,op!J:bHsh.~.elesr a;~nO'llncemen.t :8Jbo~,~t

'f" . ,- - "prO'JeC;tg,;1rlf~·L - lived 'L. .' -~d'- ,go,a~, -- .' -.'-, Jl.. ne . vea, He WOUI·· -- b-.'uture
"N1li'~[~nIC·.__ ~llal'''lI!'~II~S, "''1r. ~ilti1!-- aesar A', ..1'I.J!!;iI~"'!I:.-''''' ~ • ,. !R~

_J ••

--, once .... g.g:a1n ana-J d' -- ~ ueai

e ..

\J1")t.I!~h~~ .. dead ~~,If':o a a,O'tO-~bc ~= - ,~U, were lo,n -05 , w ,,0 had (II-~~dedhis step·g, ~~ the ".J~" " L \;, , .• ~, davs of Ve:spasian,:I' Theneaeest o.f '~hemin age: 'was Vipsmn.u:s MessaUa~ T'a'Ci1tu8, had, recentlywitnessed the :~ndUJct~,o11l! 0'£ V.~ps,bu:ru:sj[ son

TIl,e bistoda~, occupied a high eminence, and ,there was a solitude: about him" He felt time: passing swift and p.~tile8s~The :f:den.ds of ~is,

(cQu$lul ,~n I 1,,5:).,~'

~ ~ :Most of his seniors had peelshed, and many YUiluiger- men also, r-esplende~t in ,the: alta, of' pea,c~ Q::[' ~It" but ~Ungu~shedin their prime., Liclnius Sura, and, Sosiu'S 'Sdl,eciQ were :s3d.1y:m'i's'8ied" F:abii,u's, 'If . h '.hi .'".'~ clnoSl~it_Of''CL'Oses~,.,Er~~rlid,!I :rn.ay.... III... ..) s: •. . JIIlJSm'l:, ~'" e . lstonans .~'. ~ !DDt 'L,~. a, ...lI a, nave ~~:aG!,

lang :s.~rv,h''alaf~er hies governorship [of Sy.ria.1 And, PHny died in Bit~yfliJi~, Of P,~~ny'~s, i!h!na:~orill circle, the dJmlUCOl"nut!us ,~~,v,ed, and O'i\f[JJ, on,

(\Vi~~~,~'9,,"~):, ~ ,App. 66,; !, ''!i',iz:, the 'fQ'iJt,

.__.>! ••

Il~sert thil'i 'T'::im1;Jl,l,l5. Wi~B: pl:t;~rh!Jt<::]y ::t_~d., iI!!,R+ E~ ,K__Jlr,m~:m~!1I'1", 'Tt:l'rituf 45; lOt d!:!!!:,p~r"'tll:'l' 'Ii h~WN, T~df(l~ 5 ~)~SO·" (1;9 ,~ en"xt, -+ 11[. ~ •• j, 1(P., :37 d, :II~i&crl!: :111, !;b;i!: ,D,id~~ (p, [6j :f.). ~. '" 'I· 'Uj',r,.....'. M~' '11 ("P-1.-R-~' V-. -+~i': , <lIl'bj',I,:Il.'Bm.e ,,a '!.Jill .... . ~.~. . iIl.,,~ ~- .. ---:-.' ~ .. ". ____:'t'!W!iI, "_,;_~~gLII!; ,~, , _", :tu......
p. ,,,,,~,~,, 'some


p, '",.

IT 'jt1Ii' E D Ji. T~E' O"F' 'I',~~ ',r., ,~':,N'N"r A L'"'~~ E I~,i~li.~ . :n'- "~, .. " ~'T '~'I"'E' A ' "~


Ejd~Flysurvivors 'with a long' g'l~ncebackwards 'm~iIJ:l"ed,p're&ent

Ter.t.uUw beeame Miii'liicii-u.a :11l! AIt_~j, p, '-t6:8, i. 1'.. 2*J~ '
i' C\Uf.liU,(W!

:P l,'0C0Muli



A9'L~ qr.

,Mir,iea (/tS

J(34); fQ:t"

'(.1 I ., :!!i~eoWU'


C:iJtilL~QB tu 0.,.4.., ~,~) ~ !tR:ild:i!!'ii1f the P:;UJu.~~' :i!:"b,U ~, 1:,31:8 {SA:, ,R,'u4i'. 24. 6, f.',} "II iiiiJV,'e, ~n.140', apP:ite:tlily :~[iI!ruei~';", ttl! :&ir~,r,l'Cu.ihl!re,.~,(iFrcOIlIltg~,PI. 3;5; '!'!.::' ~ ,fi;g:me.s: . '~I. -~ , 't.._" 'II U'.R" iI~~~~ r : ~,.,!...


!PI. i:4,ir).

'f.. ,rt~"""'I'~ ~~~ ~~~~lr.

'10 :FQf t'h.~ :Pm'ni~ull, 'W:ilir~Ch. XX. ]lntui:u.s P:~.e'Set'ls after' b~, ~O'~i!lU!til~ee. I ~:g) ( IQII!''eir,~ed Oa.PiP:lildOOii, :md, :M~ja In:£:erio[' s ~d Wa!l 'p:~n1j.'iJ!1 of ,Mfl'ca (AE' i9 ,!)C, 66,; lR1' !:4,S].:;

~"""' u!'<';£; Oi!)"";r""'Q" ,..... J~ 1I!!1I!!'11+.101!1 II!J- Lr-'Iir._I11~,~"'-, ~: ~ ;t

SIIJlI:"ii." --ll.~~

~\iiI!"e ;.".,. 'i'..!Ij-·"'Ilrii.,;n ',a, JI_- ..... ~~., ,n~~,I11.'-~'~

f~ '!>he; :roeCQrd of Hadriacril"!5I, :rei:gn~ d!~ ea:r:lr lin ~,,,.;6wihiile hol\dm.!i' a ~d OO'.Hi5.'UI;!!!'tt arid t1U: Pref'CCtrUu CIt die Ci,ty I(PO, ~ Fg'l" the 'CO~U]i of 97. '1'. 71,1 'Wi;th, ,Ap,p., ]:Qlli 'f'Ol' some m' "f1liCkU~?i ~'L'tI!]I;I!" Ap:'P, z+.,
Ii!! ]iii., :}'!3'2..

t-d~'. 11.' opened,

ci1e, yeii!!:' !i! J,9i,


of Antcm.lnili.!$i :P,h;~I!;.,Ei:~Q.!i Clj,r~

,HIii,!!!''''' ~~~L

i' ~A'~' ~I

'~Ii'1;"J;R, ~"'?,~·-,ii

!i: -:1'17' P~lilm'1.!'~a) :lUlId _~I.,. - ~ -'~~ __/::I, =_



! ,['7).",iiiib8et11i

')' ~"!i!:" t'ke po]yonyn:tO'WJ :M. LoU£I:.I!ii Pilua:~in1li.1$ D,. 'V;al!er]Wi! Mi.&~ .s1UU'mi"i~ ('~; 9+); P7a4~WJ ~ ,:J:nd, ;y;,di_nll/i in, ,[~,'4 S' lPI'D'l; ~~ " h'l ~'L_ '11 ~f p'~ L"if ~• . ~'pl~.9. 2.4:1:" ....,-.~ , man, ",;;j,'\-, C' :59') !liS:p;rce$um!llL~y' ~!~ :n.etu.ew 'Q., '~ ,I~ , ,l·!!l'lilan~:;Ii. .~,~US' :F;at tJM, stern.miii, of the famt~1.1Id. ~" :la,S, 9< M:arceJlu$ 'Woi~ 'eo ihill,'!,l\-e' ,;iii,' :~.nd c.O:ll~yla,.to in ,[,2,'9. HI' .A:pp. ,8ri. u It, W!i}w.di !be: w-onh, wMIe: !fuurwUn,i hQ'Yl,"T:lllci,t,w, stood! 'W[(~ t:n.e f(i'lati, .... .:;If Ua.Q!~ ~i;ii {App. :B:7}~.d 'w:iifJ1, '(me friii:fid:!i Q£ ~'h.e f'Q~r 'IOO~!~HI, ,I;:;i!;,.~.ed in, 1,[:8:..



.an.d.past~ not~always 'With equity or' bla:nd~ndUilgence) but p~unc1,n,g 'I"ljp0rlscandl~ and. parades, Tbeir scmdny' ~ore n[ercely on :nat!l[f$ and . .families, The ;i~~a:tQ,ri:il i~t?rhln had to be a seaatorial repertory in h his[ ,OWn. p~ron"without lapse or' e:rtlorabo'U(; rank" ,ex:t:racti,oIh or ncmenclature=-and he wrote for a..suibde andmaliclous sudienee, 11:Ti..,:·,·i·lt>. . ~~ ~·~J~,Ii·g''''~· d ~P':~""+''''d' ~;,.i~.r·.~:,-,l£~!li,_~'~ ~~~ _-,~ 'L ,~_~~ wn t" 'h,'" l',' Ill~~ ·.·h--·~ ';"'''''''''';nl£> :~ '~. ~~~_~,"r! ....p"'""'rn'~llle ,. w11i.. ... m ~T'o"'~t~·BJ' ad[t· ....o'.·ft ~l"~'".:~, If!. '.a:r.t. '~; matter ·of the An'l'Ulks bIioug,fliJt£resh ..~nci.teme.nt-==--a 8.ubm[etg'ed. e.paro. waiting' to be ,exp[I<Jred~ The appeal 'was double, Tad:tiUSfiOw came: upon names redolent of Ito-me:~s,'emo[u::st; antiquity!, stiH ~.tant under r ~he CateS'ars!nlustr~,ous. and doomed ..At the sa!m[e 1Itime: ,he: discerned ·tht ea~_fr~es:t traces o,f _:srundry,r,'OCent :fam~liies) grawn :faintalrmy or. [caref~lly covered uP[ :f;o[t ood reasons, Enltetin,g~n'ti)[ possession ;Qf t'be: g :fifty~·:~OiUiI!'''''a:f:'!O' fmm 'T ~·b"";i[';~'[~;:;· Ni·· .:iJ!.roC~';III' ad, hebecam e ..... oi:i-~,1 eh ..., , , , . __ "~, y ......!Il"" ~.v~~~~ ~" ~ "'iIO~, , ..... li..h."",~rn V'4.l [~. ...... wrt:h! l~~,e'3, senator who could. recapture the whole age as one man's m proloagedhis experience int() the past wid~. p@tnt of v an.t-ag·e 3if-ta a sbaI'ffile'I' in$igiht .~nto the· 50c~a~ ,colmedy. [That eatdier epoch ;sbdw,ed. .the: same:settimg' and behavio'ilH: (though enhancedl)~sten.ta;tion and. fony, the appetite .€o!r rank and money, the :s:udde-l) .a~tetru3itions,:inbmnan :a'ffa:irs., And there \nO If:S.S:, time ir1JJ its 'p:ass~gemade a 'mock 05 all pretensions arid unmasked eacb man's secret nature: before the end, . The ,Hh.t(j,Nae [ooil!.dd, fan to any much that alarmed or angefc.,d not

'-'JIO, ~''''''~

''''iI'\I[ .........




6 ........ if'"lj



a new

demeanour the shape and model ef dl,Cjr own, an...d b~k·e it £o,:r intentional, ii)it ceneeive .[·~ntment at the im~Ued Cl!:mt!['3St" ~fY~rti[le and g ~~_., . a [u" 1iJi . llli'11lt'V e.;<;,'cII'fI.eAI .... commemoeation n., ii , T'adws, was, lliOlt sorr~r ~:o dhdnter the infameus or ridleulous, No historian fa;mil~ar with the :a:rmais, of Roman, eloquence eDuid m~ss the first action ,;r;,·f. '~1i"4 ~ _H ..... c.r':>'lIt .n···· iomi [l'li, Afer ~ a f;";r:oc~(nIDS,t"" "...""'''''' P"""'r' 'iji, th ... ,~~,u[~~iU,<!;! . I'."_.,, ~ ",,",,_ _ _ _~ _ nrosee "'I!... .• C·' 'N·· WOUl! T[·· . Id ":ac~tusalto "'1 . [,!1lim!rl.eI" f' d' Af' at d ays Q,' T f t'~Ii)'e:nU:S'3!t$8r .. .c'. or 3 the end ·w~.tha. hrIefob~.m;a.rY'_~·The decease and testamen.t of Me.r'ls SOD 'by adopd~n (D<}mJ~lus T+ld~.i!ls)stood out raJS :I memorable event in Roma:n society tnwards the middle epoch [of Tr.aJan~s. fortuee wr""1r"[ to' . Domitia :+0· "" - ~~"'"" ...n, , O:u~l [p, Lneilla, wa, belonged t',(11[ a f~'m.··'1lJ O'Ti1I.,:.--[U;li"!l!,,~,Ut H J >9& "'. -<t'". W~~'L rfuta I!"· 't ~~an[ces,5: . P(>w¢:'
VU.LUL ...... V.~.a, U .

'V. whe ,{'.!.:V"flnw, [,e.n fammes, became extinc~~me.rn 'might discover in SOme aneierrt m~s.. ... 1....

1···".··. . 're .. rne ..I!Ii. . ,1.~~ .. ,'L· . .. .,:am..Jlge .'. ..... ,'... tne n V:1D,g. 1 an ·t,iI:.· nnl1Qte:f ~ey .. saw dl··... .... to ,aDiCe![t01"S"



_, ....







'Y I..V=










whole -:> oD'U!liit-, • IIW~:, ': --y~


U.mmidrus. Quadrn.t.tls~,legate of :Syria for nine yearB:~ typin.esa


O"A~'t'1i,U' ",i!!:i?!JI,U~~",

I!!l~d~lv,,~_'~"""-=-~ -=-~ ~-~- i g. everners




'lInd. an --'b~~'- a,_,-=- ,~. o~icv' ,in iO'it"i[oili..l@ "'\_ "'_'j' 'p
__ ~,_,

~ p. :1:2.9. :~ ~V'. l3,.



'*: '(,at :miI.rlJt'Onlm TiberiQ


'E:I?P. vlit, 'is:.. :S~ fw:th>er p. 60;$

~. rv, S::I!;..



.... inJ~1i; ~~

:subiGrc :p(iii<~d
,t li:l1t. I[!:!!.




the eeseem 'lands. :i' Tac.iJttl.8 b.r.,ings out 'dle

enl'<-ft!I!'I1'ofCo,rbu'~o'whom the ,en~~i(iusUmmidl~useon ld not bear to meet ,~.''''''''~J''' '" ,. ", ~~"." -~" v"~,, ~- - ,_1 __ , , _.J! .. nf . S':yrm.,~'~.''(::1. 'U" id ,.. were ;3. '"fe,ann•• ' y (),' l' 'II repute . T' h f-' ,!Qca~ ann [co"," ro~t tn: :mDU_,:U aJn.d some opulence.' The go[~te:mn[r's dau.ghter, tnalt [obust 'old lady '11" 1 • ~...l~ d ·'~I_, • .oJ1 (i!'~j,yi;a Q" <',ua.'ratl,~~, tra~smi'ttw~..:I' ....'L, jll~~eJr~ta'~ce L - gr,aQ'u;so:n a;, ~ie • il., ~ to ~~][' yo'U!~h. [of rexem',lat"Y' COfi,dLu~lt and, (so it ,is, p.rndaim.ed) .r,esp:llmdent . '~h['J'~I- in 1'1: 81 :~; ~ W,' .!",",O':":"1"[~S;6 :aJ'S an araeor ,'. HI~;iIi;acceded eu;\.I~1 ~.".".. fn~c~s [ObS:eute Qit' minot n211l;e8ate another matter, :Some: ate there be ... , cause 'they' w.UI recur in, narrative; but. odd, ind~'VidJuaJB by tb,ei~' casual [mkan~, may iha:ve had fo[' Tacitus a perso,~d. value no -lQ,n.ger to be detected., Artful trnrnsition or it iJ~e j;'mupGSition.,[ apparen.tly "" , " ' " ',' - ,"", 'f'~---·,1.. In:noee,n:t, can someemee , rurntsna cme, D" e.,J!l_era~eCuG1Ce'Ii.." 'TJ el 'us ".' :~I"b' ",',' f."" uy [~ac~ItJ:.~
~~,,'L '" ,-.~, ,'"



the fame and


rwr. ~.~




_ J. ~ _.....,.










has quietly broughs in 'the forebears [0£ persone excdlen.t in st.a~~o:nnd a renown, The narrative ShOW~8 what t&.ey were like=---,:~nf'O:unen and
~..i h.... ,t"[~I'1I'Iii<'" o'j'i,f': '~'~'~'3'1'i'i'!'iD ,~~~"",~,,,,,,,~~ ....,' [~ ....1~J.U;;;!I"

'Two incidents ·exemp~~fY lieked in sequence by the hi:stor~afi. ~ Two crimes .u... relates '~~ r 11'll,d,-, n..... .e ';i;r:.if";.ojl~l,e' a, :s~,.,q:1Ie; .,; ...~__ 'N"ere T", he Jl ",' ........... u.u,'!.rO]I, ' m~ " l... "ljj;i '\'i'1il!3:r. one WM, a fo~ged will, 'T,acitus giv~ the: ,~amne:t~?Two of the 'cu~,[rlt$ were W'(J,rth it-Atd:otdus :Pr-'im.u.s, !bo~d and unscrupulous) and an a:l'.~sb'"Jcr"at"Asinlu~ M:~rcelhls:l the great-,gf,and~on of PQ,nio~Nat ,so the

foals ro"!I:n 'I or ~""'r~~'U;'_"-+ ~ ......... '~~""""'!""'~ renrebates

'J'~' ,..c;,




UI'1lI~'t'" 'L~~

....~ ~,



,..,~ ,,;I;-t..,__, ~ - "n,[4t'. I,d" ":- eitu I ,'~;_.,lj- LYt'O - '""~l':'oi"b 'l-, -:,'-,6Y\,- \:;[_ , .. OiJij!!J.e[I~Jiu:ce,0,0, ,t:: . ,"",,S~gl JIi,'j[, an.. 'T'~ aert ,~·3!~mt .....~,= OLlli~~.i3., wno were In" nrst

volvedl and puntsh,ed. ~fi the judliclal sequeil. :Scw,pU'~OiU;S d,ocumeifclta.~ 'b' .rll!.~'~'.F~ to 1....,;, names ""!I,"£1I'I_.~,..:I, P' ;1:1;-0' ",,~ of" ~,~!;u\., """n...!l' [U~, .~~;~~J'.1·-.:~ ..,,,,,_1_ ~[u;. ...!I:;lg- 'r1I'~tv t' £in l~i,~:'I~'I"ut "JIM" 'Il,.'C:i[n;e; '[!J.~~ A~~~~i;I ~~'vK'~, the SQdet:Y~' ,~' Own da,y-.,8~' o ,m.S . , [T', .. second . ... "h!' "''"'''"'v~... crime f'~11:,oi'!Iii~~" was ,~""" vent i~ ~·"'fil~ ~~ __ " ., ~ .... ~ ~ , It '" V'.iLoioil' '''' "". ~ """~.J.,e ~ ~,.~,!,~ . ~!Il., 'li'l']ld,weleeme to, Tacitus, emJiJblin_g'Thlim.'t,@[ preduee an >o,ralt~.o,"...}\, ,s'~ave:had killed. tiN::: city" pr,efecl~.T:aJ-1c,," 1I!:he: motive en dear :r.«, ,ord .. It is h~-j."hly d.iS,i-' Ut$ ' diitabte 'to ble vtct~m,.'!;11 mucn tor L.'. ;__.c,~a__nil!US [decun,~u~~'!11li b'~ L ,. '. S1Ii.. ,C P'-__' ,", th ere :'0 ' tne
__:..~~i;I·~.,II:~l~ ~~
iii, .
iIi; :0..

10 U.l.I,







first eensul IriOn] one of the new .families: in. the group that Tacitus Sarwrise high and yet higher through th~ alliance and ..k.i.nship'of the

d:ynas,ty·~ Hsdrian's

n~e,~ulia'was to Cn+ P,ed:anru~sFusrua, J ,oo~sul in ~1:8 as ,oollea,gue.,(J,f the Emperl.u. I.


I .P.IRi ~ .!P' ~44...-o.n. P-e.d!il!l'llmiFluiiCill.1'i! 'S:d.ii!'iliilWt'j .!WJ:!I ...-.m-li1:w m.J'Oii.llli ;te;llilted "to his GDcvEII;joC. UmIDidli!.!Lt, Q'-lirlr.BtWi~, :r~t.t~N.if ia. -the .slime CD~ f~Qim,BaNi:no inTl.iD.'CmtMl:~. CApp.• :e:~"),.. .

iSoCit"",lla:!"I_jl,l!S;, P;elt':h~1S yeEtr. The: F'edBfiU



...... =~~.f~:~a:.~:.I:ea:~!!d~= ~:p~~~

~'., i



d'iid not :surviv'e





om bre close o:if


and acts, ,alread!.y.........;,t:h.ere -'was enough ,for. ,anry :hlst;o,r~afi;from the fiest days, ,of: the; re~j even. were he not by nature dhi.PQsod to ~1!lgurthe worst,

Hadria ... by the ~:"lIn n"'+.",ao ~-P.:~~'U~J~~, W.~I~ U:L~ ~con"""""",;"',,, m'l'[;:iifum- -11,....--.... ........... ~... ' _' ~W~L _'~:::' ,.~ ;14·~!\r..~'UI.: . _ '::~~I;;I!~ia~~, '~.Q state the phraseology in its,-o:ff-icial type: and 'o,tder, ge:ru::ra'l'~y inv,e:rt;ed bv' the: fa'C($ ,.~:and he".rn,_,",,,'~" ~ ,fer' ,~ o words S,_ ian ,emneror' USe!, when k'-;e '-['wh t rm -, af w," _~,,.!' ~',-=~'-"-~,~' . --~F..-~--.,--. -be protests .h~l9, OWfl unworthiness or- modesd.y craves leg~~m];atlon"
'.~g n"li;j, ...~:i!Ti;j ,c.II'i"iI'.,I' ",L,JI'I!,
'~~= ~'~ ,

Taditus :bad seen the ,pow,-er eoneeI:red, upon

'V,arlO~Si rulers




bemg :aI-ready-:~fi possession. of. :author.ity. 'The ,eaI;~yehapaers of Book, I d.~-iot political be-hav,~,()IU~'~ pidlessly'-,.......,the ,fraud 0 lent I?',rot.estaltion.s, of IOp;~, subjects, di$cr,eeit~y mod,ula.ted between. mourning and re'io··r... J ~'iIi"'O- "'1i!'1..Ji th:-: £i~,u,p;:' .-',: sh te ·': ;l'I,II;-,~ en S M' ""_ ,..,_~.. S:!t,'at!e cere~.u.u I~n.e "",a~,_f ms. {) v....un t·'~I'FU" ·-,':-:l'o!IIH""m·;,;iII!nt~:! _.. ._ u 3~".) .. ._ ,e whole: thing' :may menial, pub]ic, p:ro,fes:s:i~'ns!, and secret cQnflleur-th seem t-o - hint: and ,~oreshaclow the, accession o.f Hadrian,.

in she Senate, J: Ire: was afraid lest Germanicns, a;lt: tbe head, ,of a,:ta'rg"e armiY'1 be' tempted, to, make' ~,prodamadQ:[j;,j and ,he' wished '~O ,ru~e at the: call :andl siUmmO(llS of the ~ies 'iP'lJlb~ica"" a's one ensconced in,the not power tbf:io'u:gh a, woman's [fi,ti'igu'e and :1'R old,'s, a.c1t of: a:,dopf~,on.~'
'~M~', '0' "'_"'U.II!r "" . ~'~ ""~~:Ii
'iL .;;I!ilI'l·,+ .. 't~;"'Iia' l~~' ~ ~-~~~jI

-T--';'L ~ C _...!Ii' t, ~ 1Il...-li -,';[uerlUS,:~JleSar put out an oU~ct c'On.vo~UIJJg tne oenate',. D' ,na~, L~te "!i'~I--::.~_"'.,.j'tF ~'IUJ"". issued c.~-;,CI'f"''".i",~,JI:io, :IV ':I;'IIi.-: ,t~';i'"!I",,'i('N;e; at R··.·ome: and abroad_ ~ :SOI .g~re~J' vmu.I!R ...... iI';i'"!I: iIl.U.e . 11!..A.J'!F"" __ ~ _,_ __ _ _ u.., _ _. _ ..... :~lIi~ :,;j,.,;~........ 'T·~~~"-l·U"" ",n.';".:I1 ,~]~j.;,~~l~.'["';In"" 0- ~~U,' w~·I en :[11.. iIl-.~ ..J~[ ! ;e;n a"!i,1. tes ",'L.. ~' esitat_:.:_[~,"_~~' h LA ~_li1lc~ T ~c~~"~~ ~ ~l~~ ~ _ ~~ ~l[I,I~ ~ ~!lJ, ::: '.-': ~It:~'gj,~
~~\Ii _'



,to .....


,0::;; ,I:~

", r




tm'lIl.._......:1 '. he wished t-iI'\; d!is'.IIi.r.,'ove . "'","~'It! 1 .... "'", llL n,iIll~ ;lJJ.! _. ~ ~\ ,~It=U'Ii..u .

WC~~"','" ~·," 1iJ


He mairk.eai down their lOQ,k-:l, :~fid.words for :su.bsequen,t; ra;nOOUf---=-;a8 was subeequently diseovered.s

in. th-e ,th()ughts ~f the leadling senators


N~II: ro ([til ',I :s.'PO ke. 'd~- iii ... -uct.ecitiLt.e . p II t~l~m e~ OO\tl5en!li1j,l millitum'~~ lx:m,-, ~ rn. . ..... ~ ~.-''' , . .... ~~.... I;f---~' ~tlIt~l,rt~am ~lilit~m, ~C!01Jh, :p;iiU'~m 'QOrll@i!:L;J:,' {~n.,69, ~).
~ l' ~. ra, ,', _.' I"~ 1."


,~- i!~. J-

Du.t; !in -

f1lict: -~-

-t: R.oniae .'"

fiL'e.fe lJil~ :S:~i--:, 'r ~,~

't:r. -m iU.

Cl[)fi~:-I~I.t'S 'I"i~tre$ ,,_ o!loU ",,..' c -,

,e"'i!i.!II!S·, '''\I.'' ~_,. ,"'U:illn,to n'U1S,,~!Jj;h.l!ltnm ~ ~.__ "";!, _ • _~,



:fi!!IIj:~,e·t €hni__~Dite$;, l'uJl~gil;lii!!' cnm:PQ~U~O :n.c lIM:ti. ~iI:5;iI.i,



'p'~imili!ooie!, la.c.rim:i.!i, ,~iiI,udi!'Ilm" q,u.e:fit~ :ii.d:!JI:IiIJti.on.em !mi.s:celoi!ll:i!t.' I jb.,.5 '::,r.n.~lL~ ·gnct::aib\lind'~!!; ~i3.~ >cum if!. :!iIt!nirl:u. lOCjIIllH'CHli"/

WiIlj ,d(!·u!~, bo/ P., L., Sl:r~ck;,Ut!!tJ!!'r~~cJ.rfnlt~ ~ai" ]1'" ~'~ (. -, ~,3.3)1~ .5.... , 'T--'~'~~alL'.lOOO .... ,_j .,~!---:_;' H ,,·ec~ei>' ., 'Ii' \k ,.,. ""~ c",~ .~~ ,-,~, l.~B'.~ ~~='i;-;"i-I-""'" !..lIly ' ~ ,n.U,~, ~.' _'If -~, ~-

:ib..',' "'Eller tlkmwn Iirn.h~~um ,e,t sen'ili, -Itd.opiti{i<'. ' The $Un£St-ef~hi~CC' ilJf the p.'hma:e '&idJ~i'!~,tigiml'Jtt ~tt#,14hrJumJtr'f ,"'h", ~""Ii'I·,..'_~ __.: __ •. (]f Book I fe.f fWiRer -J' ,lI::iJltB""tt:eTc5; . .indiCtit1Qn~• .J ::b .' ; -.•O:!t11ea c-ogn:"mm. ese ad ~jt'llU'Q$p~.d)e.nd;iJ!!; iP~rum, 'Vo.1U!i'i!t.iiliieSJ ilithit<:tll.m dJU~~~r~m;,~iUlO, 'v:r'ba~~ ~i~l'~' ~~b-~t..' - -!;..I; ..... .,,"




'T''r:fl'!' '",un..

['1"'I·M·' .!I,

]V' vr .n f'iI;'P

W'-'R' IT·'I·N:··G·: : ',:.",",' "..


do in the narration th"eyen.g:mdJ!:fa doubt wheth,er' the biston.aD has not aroo-'ther'e)mpero~ :~ mind, Tbe~mblern is 'very ,com.p1~.cated,. :Se¥eraf :items seem. to gp back to a ,S01l'f!C.e w"bich is. also Ithesouroe of Can:tUs, :O~.O. Tac-itus ~ added point :a,ndve~Jlm.N'o~,e. the. less, the: remark siOQIll.t adJopdon, even if :n01t wriU,en in ~nnQc:ence~cannot: be - -¥T'lI ~;o"jIJi,-;- ad: .... ,.o:li exel......... ...' Tf' ·'f-.. d ~ methi~iL"I' th at_ weuld.. ,. ner have b-" e_~r~>R~n.... A.I;~.I.iIi. vl.!LI"';. -...~,u~~, _I.m ""'

T'heseare: ugly (jolrmnenJu;~ and itID~jfou·n.ded.Occ l1rring wh~re.'Ih~y


...'L~ .. ..,.



u·_I""s'" .... 'D''''~nnort a--~~~lt~ ~~~~~~_~. ... lJ'!lIii,l'1ig "" ·._~~U~··J~ I~~ ~l~'.r·r-·~ _-,__ ·t-·""SI··'n"''''I''';:''''D·· a~~~"



~ ....



Hl~..l-: .......~~~~, ·jO~""ti·,,,,,,.. , ,.... ' ~,~~~-:_~~,~. ,d ~,~~~


',!II, 'I!" """..........",.,'"


The :Senate met, but O'D·W.y hear the tesrtament of Caeser Au:gUSlll!S to (and flol make ·attang¢.ni,~:Iit$ :fo,tfue munernrn.ceremony), ·Va:r.iJQ'Us dis"., comfo·m awaited any new .ruler. Cuii.osity 'O:E m.a·~~.ce woruM asl how n__,e stood w.~thhis pl"edece5'SO':r, and wIDthother IDem'Joers ,of 'tbe £arn~~.y" The t,es:ta;m,enlt [0,( .Augustus told more. 1tt:Mn.the 'Wl~l f any Caes:ar o afte-rwaros. It. opened wl~'h the comiP[lai~~that 'atrox fortuaa' :had spoiled his p~aru!,f'Ol" the dYfiaaty.,~ and. (most a'ooimlatrnous) the d.eadl t()~)k,:his,widow into t'he,name and. family of the J uI:li:ltobe styled J'ulWa .. Tac'~,rusweighs the scales .apin.:st Livia, w.~~ba.suggestion of crime <d:~atIs, poison)" link·ro. to the story tnat Au.gustus had nxently paid, a visit. to Agrippa Postumus on the .ros~and brmsia.·" He further notes, P it as, dubious wj},ether Au_gusrus was still aliv'Gwhen. Tjiberius returned on LiVlatB ptOInJPt em__ ID_mo'fis :;:s. nd. he: assests that Livia kept the death. a


of the PrinCeps. s-eoet for

about. the house and on the roads, :a__ncll ,oomf'OI'lting bulletins .. Healso 6 ins;is,l$ (ln dmgging Livia jntc the: narta!!t~fiIW 3100iJJl,ttji1e:f;X[ocuti)on of Agrip:pa..7 . ·,,· rumours " we:re: ernp~j w"~:m- C" -" [i;,Ue..' T"ic:L news,sah -r--t "ll: -, " "" ""Tv he ;a:__.,aesar ....lI'~·d ne ' . anom NOl~au C1audius 'wu,heilld bad for ;3. time, in o-rder that the necessary disposid~m should be made, 9 Wh_alt was done 'by A~dppina cQuldhaYe,

8! time,

adding 3, eorroboeasive [d,eta[~gtlards.

1)1" 3:e;;6[ f. h' 'CJn~ ·h,Qw~il'\'(:~·~e: $~~¢d~ b ~caWiC: !!;If dl~ f~lIJ~!l! with wh:~cb .D~o{t:vu • f...~~.I...... 00 Iii........ ·t"·l;-= .............. _~""'I~r ,"o--c., 1Ill ..... ........ IlILU 4"~"1'_["~'-";"""" ...~. A[- ,. , . ,) , .. t~ ... :ne ~".c-d}·-""""'" IlII:; """"'7f"'- _"".-ID. Iii, =.;J", p.Lilv .., -=.d ........., .U'"'i,li:LL'L"' .... ~ ,,,p' .~, ..... .,;',' ~ ~,"" .. _" •. ~_ • " :rook ·~'h~ £i"QID .~ '~'l;Ib!!id.iMy ilI¢~(:~; :p~pa T'lIci1tl11!:.i (:[ A._pp, :j;6 • .~ U T.'wt'l:li~ mw {iRe :il!l.le'rtkm, 'When: ~v·b.~ Book ~:,dtei·e c~l'Ji~d rn:.othe~. C\fli!JlI'!i" ·1!iIi;f!tiun. cmlli!!ii d(1l~ to p!:'OOfbRhodmi o m'ld sccmt VIce ([, 4. q')j' fDr T,acitIllS. Ililw gnite[i. t'h~fi: the~0.n. a~l1ge .i[tlh.'lQk IV (57 .. Ol, d. App. 3:1)," ... ~. 'Ci~ by 8-gct·oo~lJ.6i)1'ih, 2;,:3 ~ I"!.q~ il!:cl:pjo:l,,!(:d !by 'f.~ej~m.
." <>, oJ. el"

~. iib. j~,[j·E :Oio :LVl!·,.. 9.1:,.l. (ii:l!ludin,g to ;mliscbi8tor~llIn~. and thebese~., :reveab ;ni;l do.'uibit {fib. ~I" ~).;." .
-1}.: ,jdl.ct.ibil.i!!



f. (p, 3,06)•.

iIllgmgu-e cWitiodiis dlomum oe~ .•

~tiil'ep$er,<litUViil, ]ilietiq~
:S~I,iI1>«!l~ d.


I);;H., 68 l ; ·'cU~.ct"Q~ :od~t!ll.!j: ot;;U:S!liodiiis clil~e_~t~. c['!lIbn;lQi1:.!t ~~bat iR· in lJ"tcH'I.II!!"",ELiffilj~ dil'i~mp:dficlp'.fu;", quo, mi~it$.!li-i:mlll.liil ~pe ~,t :p~pe._NIl1I ex: I1UUl~:W' Chal&e,., Q;rw;nad!veI!t~~, ~ ,ef: .•bri~Ay![aad with .iII, triv,q[ dJC'::t:!lii. S'uGtl;mijl!l!!L; D!/!:vi CllIrit1i'lil iii.

IUJntli ~h~!lw.nt~.J', ~ .~ 6.~. w.ii1 ih:illliiC: fOli.~d :tJ;_er :r.espi)fl!11bi~iliitymooted. in the .~~~Din L'I".II, 6, 1,.


S1:Ii!!tOn.Iua; 'Tib' •


- . _l""lL

~T~~H--P .:_;~.:."C-1·UQ.e:! ~','O'--'N~ .._. F-: ~~,>_.~ D" ~R1jA-li.:'r A' 'C- :.: ~~[~ I~ : _',_ 0'- ~- q'A' ~I' ~~"'I

:suggestedl what is ;sa.i·d[ J'bourt Liv~a ..l Oin.t'h~Oith~ hand, it is, not Hk[ely a that storiea about Livia did. not emerge before SiL. The hi~to,r~ is[ not :btventin_g ..Yet [one of the pa.ssares. that he .g.rafted on his main. narrssive .i~.inartiistic, :nam}e1y the aneedote about$~ journey- to P'la.nuia .. ~ The censort ofCaesar Aug:tlStuJs eould DO,t fai~to be .i-ncrim~~ted f'O'I" ~L~, advaneem ':eat v.iE.f·~.- ~i!t--Jfi"n·. .... u... W':~~~""~'h~ 'u,:;£;";' """. m.,· . u _.~ ;:sue . W3i8 , 31. <a','" n~=!!;,o ""',f' _ cth ~rl 1., ._'._..~: ,-, ~ _ ~ ~U.~ @_"" .. r U"""L~~ proud. and 'p<l'lwerl'iil wo:man ...My s~gn. 0'£ imperfect. hat lItony would.
,7!.' __







be .."


g-=·~['_"·d--t,i=y.· -R··.lIL:"

'~""T;i[··-j ,.. ~.Ij'il .. . .I.,f§..aI~

.. ','

,':h-'['en~ - .",~1II;r.I.11 .. 1lJ··o~'r---'" 1;"-y:·~,,..1[ ,t;'L.... ;:I"i'.. "id·-:;'o=u-·· .... """,. II!TI A' ~t'.i"I;9·'I:I"·u.ill .:.-·;ji... ,,-; .. """,.:IW lL:I.',l, ~a~~~ l~~ TI~i=U' h. 'I!.!! - . ~_. U!3; enoarlnz

'w~r'L."" ~~~~ ~_., J - - _[1,,11 ilYund.M7

repulsed th~em.The hiltll,~d~ il'nplies enVy ,.n He was not YN roadly to allege d~8oordl between. mother and !SOn.,It ·c-·om.esut b.rt·e.rl[ o witMu.t d wal"n!_nt.·4 . ~JU~ Augustus W3$ another QlJlt,fie:r If Taeitus :had 'p,ropedy ~nV'estig;ated. the earlier career of TIberiu.s" there "'"'as a :fuU.!nt" re ... eemment and secret antaeonisrn .5· 'WhC, at he contrlb ~ '1...... .":r"[ ·S· ,""'O~··k- 'i.:z If "'_"',Il~~'_"~_~~.~ v· ···ll... a-n.~~. .t d .£I" ~TL-ne 'men Q1' unU1en,ta.n;_~lng at the obeecu t: ....!III di he ebsequies 1 JlJj,eg9lu~e 1 n~msy..-:. of Caesar Allgtl8,u.J;S g,u' dm,! the Princeps; choosiu__g T.~be;dus: to succeed, ~.I tnOl1q·h.t~ of- -- -- O',,!tO; - ~ -= ~ - -~~~[~~~~~~- --.. - -- ..- the - oompa:rison_iS enhanced by·. ---" --., - ... - . ~-- ~ _. ~ - _~-:;J~~ ; - his - -- ~ renown [T.houg:t~. the Ptinci:p3ik was, :fit"'Om. eutset, bleed and '~he :flInily could not confer leiithnate a:u;thority iu the ROmaITh. :Sta!h::~ No·:r" ind eed h'-1l:d'aPI iUJ.'~ ·~~:__~;~·._- ofb£ 'i~n~ ··[a~io'!'a!lO.[! he testamen ...... fL.",,· C' =-.~.~_~'-1Q.1 been eespeeted and 1, .... .. :M~ . some were: held. ibillet" Henee 8canda~ and various ·oon.j,cc.tures" Tacitas ik·.~oilfi;~if: mav y have beard~. :aJ~ .. ~[i:"iIe,....,..iI"!·:~' o:!i'''''il'l6'll·r';:;':Ii';~t1''j"i,;r.o;;- for D·- '.OiIIUI,.lA.l~. ~,-.- [..• ....= .... .rr, u]u .......... ] U ~_. __ r a~ways, said that .bi~,fatber~$, will bJaJd been tampered with Wh-e41. Tacisus came 'to te,rm.i'[Mlb~die; secend 'he:xad of t]l,e: Ann;a'~', be: ehose

·p,-,"J!'ii'rw'iii!'''';~18. ,L""" ;O,,·It.,b 4r.: !Ln,,,,,, . .f""":F"':.!!~

nf: J' 'u:~~"l; ftI'I'SIi'''' A····.~~

. ..~~.~ ~ """.§-'-

.Il~ ..IJa.I.

.., J1."




T- '1 :::' -- -.-' ',-1, ~ ·b· _e:[lllB~



,A.II_]~ _'

..... ~'" ~


L,~._____:____.~_. _'i=1!.r':

1Ir."V __ '.

1t> _. 1!.JI!L}Ii;!'iJ1





.. [~,,~,








.~.'!I' ~




I'!!r.1IQi ". '!.<ili.1I'I- _ IVJu'O'--....



:suitaible phrase :f-ot 'epi]ogu.u~;~. nodng how will; Silllp pressed, lest -it ~(rov'Qk[ePQPti~a~' un;f\est~tbe $lt:epsQn ·a~s.till_g the son, 8 The exordium Book. X~ EoUorws,.the filst. :murder in N ero' s reJig~." II There should, .ha,v[e been a testament of 'Trajal1;; de_posited. ~Qlr' e~u8t'ody w[w the sac-t'Gd.virgins of Vesta.;~ It could. only have a;ppoiflted 'L..',---~~·~III :lL ......a:; . .. a;. ,S ate Qcum'en!l;., ano m~g~l and '- .".·1'Il,.t Hl5 p,f:n;~,na~1··-··· ~ ~~[Ill~,h- ,"·as sn 'Ii;;.l~)ecl~ stat . de ~ . .nelrS, 'Il,.... .


;Il. .•

: •..



j ..


- - .•.

'fi:f.. H.. wmrioo, .1lm'IM-J i.XU (1'9::7)., '76 .f.:j R. H. Mi!lrt:iin,. CQ' X.l¥.IH· (1.9S:.S),. fr. ~, It: in'terrupe.s :t:h--e :seq.l!l'en.ce, .•ltd .i,. mt:.r·odljjce:ii ·tWQ, :r.Ii&~, fP:ilbii'!i.I$ M~!imus; !Bind his wife MZi'cia_) du1: w:iJ'iI, nQt bI;: m.cnti.QlWd. ~. in the A""~f"'. Dr.. A-IlP. 3,7·, ,:j: l·4. :z:.~ im.ulie·hre: .flliti_g]!lI.OO .im ~.min.ud0n_e:tn sat :itC", >Ii. e.g'•. 1:" ?:z, 4-0. It::hi: ~ .notW,n :th:n: ~ bbl.,.. :~:n(!'tQ Tacl~I,i!$ (j\'~, T.n~.imp;aJta.iIt.i,u,.n~ :a,gillin-s,t Luvia il:~e·.flirt: qiu£te in. IDtiUnGfi:!" 'q,'itJh :t"hc~ .obitiiiar.y· [(v.• 1~)\o,Som.e milly' :f.t:ll.'e beetli pUr[: ii~ :iifl-ll:!i:' tnat P!U'$. ~g, wri~:;. w'n~'k QQllIIili ·h.Jl,'V-e acP~~d h whb·{li!lt. T,' .1uJ.'V~



Plo!irliS: AU!psC'iIi :in mind. ~ eb •.:X:XXU .• ;t; l-G. '7:' ':sed. quonism adr.O;gMtti:llim. :!iae...itiamti.iil-e elm. irilltli\!pe.~eiJ:',~~.,comp;al:'l!ti~e ' d!~~·i!:t.rima ~QT.r;tm qiUia.eJ~V]"i!!-/ Cf+ Di,Q' LVI •. 45, 3.. l!ii!bu t S-ut.ton·um:, ...:hp,m·, 2. 3 • l .. :)i:~!:,,61). 3.• 'ne !R:r:Ii~eP'O'$i~u;. Wlio :P!l:']V.~!ifl~' l'[]j.ium {!t. :ir:l!Y.l\dlia. LnjmQ!!i Vil;dsi· ·ti~rbB!~.~'

!P.r-ei5.'llu·]lahly·,. d" S'itU:,t:oru~, .DI.:tJ.~ ~.



have eontained tmfo:rtunat:e i~eD1s·£i)r .pr[efllce or codicil, No trace N:o j'll!tidrucal ,e.mffila_tTassmen~: eould arise. T.he: d[~c:Ultnentwasinvalid, .~av.~ngbeen revoked by thebnperat(H·· on his death-bed wh.en .he: ad\o:pt'edla son, For· that the· senamrs had. the W41~d. and ~igpatun~ of Plodna Augusia!---4lnd "their [I)W,ll. eonfidence o.r ,suspldo.tIJs~Rumour spread, reviving' ()~r. ,c.r.ea:tin;g steriesabout lP.[~tina)s undue pardai~ty the kj[ljsman [of her con_sort:l; There was 1tlme (and cause) for WO!l"Sethan rowEur to, empeison tile situation. The :r'e1gn epened w~thout the new em.p~'![Qr whom the l' anny m Syria and - ehe eeeds of the 'res pubHca:i .pmc~arum[ed" Eleven m;'cl(niths elapsed be~Q[r.:e:his arrival, Wh~n, 'T:ibed~s Caesar confronted the Senate, he was ill at ease, His wo.~d~ betrayed his .~d~gb~~ 1th esplanatieua that grew moreand more w inv(i~.v·ed.)i he for 'their-part dissemb~edl-but some o.fthe T meadin_g men, 'under' oover of earnest [OIl' helpful advice, would ~Oit be: ;sc)rry ·~omake troubIDe" Hadrian faced alike ordeal" but much worse) with :se~~l;t,(l,n, interprenng ev'ery word, and ffVf!!:ry" ret~oemce., To aocept honours, [[)[tr·efuse them .made am emffiler{~r ulnerable either way. F or himself Hadrian v bad 'been guar-ded. me! -discrees, '" That was ilJios·~ie1d.~it could be dismissed aJS ~a1dro~ns, moderatio' ..,!: Any m.endon ~,f pr,o.tlnilJ AJI]g~sita was a delicate matter; and the5pec~acfe of T'raja[li.Js rarthia~, -triumph~ with the of the. .dead .Impe'rntor On parade,6 .00 doubt evoked a savage commentary fr''OiJl1Ii the1prndent-es' .. The sltalte papem o:f his, :p1red.e-cessot rnl,ght help o[t .fllnder a ruler when h~ expounded the resources and emergencies o.f the Empire, cited the counsel of' Augitlstus:, df:p'retat~ng any further :~mper~.a·te%panslon (:and! Tad~iiJJs adds a. m[otlve-=-fe~r .()[ ,efl!vy}.7· Hadr.Wan. can h~rdlly have had any doeumene eo qUQ~:e in support of his own poMcy ~and ·when. he: appealed to secret instmct.ions~ d,eceit was imputcdJ ..'~ For' [on.eIct) not divulged t:o the Sefl_atc, Tiberhrs Caesar' soug·ht dlsha:fiestcov,e_r. from. his :p,arent"s mandil.te, acoo:rding to T~u:;itug.~' It was the execution .of Agdppa p,ostumus. H:a.drlm; before he confro[1f~edthe SeMtc, 'head much mQI'C to CGiVer' '~p 'Q,f' exp]ain .away.,
siurviv~~y idle fa·ncles about names and :run'lie.nilt~o:"~, l;


faoom l!I!;!creto &];o e9t'e: ::iim;ula'DIII'·•.' iI 6.. :I; ~Pii!t!.'.ii!iUBiij :dtnWliib:li.'i:~.• l

R.A.,; H~d,., -t. :8;:f, {p,. ~.3j £:,./, Z Ch. joe. ~, .~:1•. :2 ::: ~tune V~'1'{!inlitmti. U!~ !Gllinii'i.l5: !ii:i'M :pefiiitW:lllibu~t"~, £ill .ince.ttil.lifl'.l. a: iIlLm'b~~~,n,"! fnagil). imp'li.C;liI:raif!i~\l!~/ ....DI.Q LXiI:X•. 1. :ll .HA", .Btidr", (I,... 2, :it .~c:f.. I. 8. 1£Al1• J.ifUir •. 6" 3. ? ]. ~•. 4; ·&dd!i.d~""ilDg~ gl;m~~liilml o~~~Jdi. int~. ~Frnilo~ i~pCd!~, in(;Cttl,ii]1. metu 3fl p~!t' iLo,'fi<il!!IIifn,; 8, HA.~ Ii~d"', 9. :~: !',g'l,ll)d. Qttim:t QI,ll!i.~' dits:p:liocu \\'idil!i~ct H&drii!!ntUli ifnmd;;:t-lli .j;jb~ ut






Fir,sf; of a'~l, senators :in perU of their lives, and, one of tile: e'KUe~j. Calpurnilu.8 Cr.,assil!1s'j:ldU,ed. when escaping £I'QID ,bis penal island ($0 it was, reported}; then. Avwdiu$, N,~gr.i.n:us and his three accomplices in treason, ~ O'n, w:fuat p,roof or dooument, and by wnooe command :~' 'Who a;mong the ;agen.ts,md, min'~ste~ of HadtJ!i,n deserved. 'the credit-sor 'the btamt\" should it all tum out to have been a m:is:take ? plain, answer), ,conveys, the various embaeraaaments of sudden a'r:JJd. secret deeds, "Wben the offioer o.f the Guar,-d 'made h~s,report, Tiberi\u$
"'~:~'Ci' ;;&t· W AD A

~ T.'~~. [:,·~ii"I!o\lfl;d.·:': .~,~ ."g'~(" Pcstumus. ,u.~ ep.~D'U ;e 01. .n.;~;liJP:t"-£'Y"Y.U,L~~J

n0:". .!.I:lR:i . r..!=,



'1'11.~, . '........


!l..,:.[y'. v,

T::,""""'" ~~'ftn:U n.~ .• ' ' l· ~~.."..~Ii'' e ,(;,.E.;,~.L 0';',

Hence, crisis, and. perple~ity ia the Palace, Sa;U.u;stlus em,pus, had .:~ '~4; !l.'ue COnrrna![] in 18Sueu, ,~:t..>,~.~.'." i,~:,[,"d: .' ~f·: ~~,L~''''':(;'b.·..eeame eeblie 'ir-I U·,'h.i.... ~ RD J ,~muf'lo .. . iF J ~ """ ml'Fllis!oi!;;or.was '~"iu~l danger' from truth ,O~ fLb.ehoQd., Sa]fl!lStiu~,p~$sed!.3, warning: to l,ivia~4l,b30~lute:~Cl!',ecy and no 'word 'to the :8cna,w:; there is ,ot~'illyone source of a:urdlotity.:~ ,A Princeps was fo.rtllmlilt.e if he did, not have to rereove rival daima'n'~~ Ca'esa![" Al.lgustus named a nnmber of the leading CO ns iItIlars, in Ms, will, :as, heirs, by defatdt. That 'w"'a~ osten:tation,. to' im!P'r~~ :POSt-' 'veri:tYj so Taeitns Insists, fOI' Augustu$, hated mo:U of tbem.) T'ad~1l1S, had '~lr'e3!d:y put in a. sinister comment about Tiberiue and" the ~pdn-' cipes", pfe:ma~'1Jlrel'y" before the Senate bad even met The theme [expands at the second session, when se:vernl senators by W.f.u.~lt they ~ncur.,r.ed the s,l!isp,ic:i,olll and, h.osdlity of. Tiberlus, 'T,he histodan here brines ':']1 a ~ anecdote . abeut Caesar AUalJ1stllS,~, Wh.en ~ neal" to ~~ [end, . n g .I. ~niii. .. . a ~LL . ~.. ~. ~~ ,~,,,,,,, ~~~ ..~ ..~ ~~ m.s ~~ ~. the Ftiri,c'eps, held discourse aJibolllt the ambitians and capacities of three importaat consnlsrs, Tacitus adds a, fourth name, on a variant 'V'efSiofi.~nd;, not content 'W~~hth~!~f!ttasserts most unj'usdy that 03]1 except one were to' perish, in the sequel, thIlo,lJj,gh, the: machinatlons [of T,iberius;.!!' The anecdote '~.s more '~illltn pec'liUaJ:!l'~ N'o~, only the _g,en.e:r[aa disere .. pancy with, the s:to~ of Tiberius' pr,lfiClpate= ~it 1:Si'l" ,into. the: aeeount o.f;3, senatorial debate; and it disturbs, dl'~ 'plresen:t~ltilioo.. 1!., ~ 'Il.. 'T'acttu:s '" '. DO~ ,,~' S~ ~ . 'r an ,:revJs,m_g '11, ""'.'~.. I~'~uetonl'U$ P-er.'u~,ps, ,.iN~rt~onJ WJ,~eD.,~,,. ~ and Cassius Dio, who [ many cud,Qus, :part&c!\llars, about the accession of T'i.herlus" have missed d'1~ ,a;ttracd:v~and da;mag~ng disclosure, Wl~atever dte: :SOIU:r,~ ~nd, -au.the:l!J,ti,catiQn~, Ta,dtlUS (:Quld not
j[ ;r.,[ .. ,,",ill,l~~."" Il..I! ~ ~~,!.JI'~ ~ '1l,.L~ . .~ ~H + ~,

~I '"'

~~,~ '..~,'I.NI'O ,.

,o"iIit'-J_ "'-r]I'~"~ 11l,..I.....1"" L[,.,., "",",1:\1"-'1." ~iII.Y,

SII!i<I'!i U1"I)o1l~.,,'I, have, ~ ate y ..N ~ ~ .... ~.

~;L: .. ~. "

to be

ap'~rised .. o !r.' ~

resist it,

W~hefi an e:mpellc)'T dlscusses who ~s' 'capax imperii', be announces


the d'oom. 0:£ any m,an he names, The implica!~i.on is plain, It'v.'l):l!]ld be worth ,know.~ng: ew soon the t~'Pic «'J[' :~egend arese in imperial Rome, h The next trace ~ntb~ .A~~~~, a :re,ma~k made by N,ero.~:Norecord happens 'to survive of any speculations utter-ed by N erva, or ,of any

rival ---'ib,.,._, ""-r' ,~~~~ suppressed _n·l~~~~. _ti"'" 'i!I\e:-~'..1the ~ pOWM :Ii Traian ~~. V.3_ W,Uir~.L_~'" ," ~:t",_~~_eu. '.~J ~~ ~' .~ .. ~,.J'_ him.sdf wdgh,ed. dIe quantt~es of certain, CQ.n.8lutars,!, naming N eratius j1k"r;iIiIii); P,-:"-,: -,_-:-"so l[~ ,~s ,~M -:g--&i·~,'I_·:i T," ,U...~."" ~\"!,, - :i"jI!- -,t:"' ~,~'1Ji!."!,.o;;. .. Tralan /171m. iLlip'.ilhr I'lS'CU:S (.'-- :':'[ '1-, l1,u.e O;.u). g~~.O!l,ne,,". ... ~ ~,":.,.1~.-,!,_ ~ -"-J~~~ "'L __ ~~~_
"i.'IJ"L..,I'1I, __!~~ ~~,~
,I.'_~_.!!' ~,i)

" 'Ii... ,. :tiE "' journey to tHe proV1n~.> A va li-·.:I' exeuse [OU[m d the arnues had to ~[U, .' L JUli-· be seen, to. And the: p~oject c()u~d ,easily be a nneuneed, more than once+ The E..mpero.r djd not: ,always go[ s NOi}):[,e prevexts Vi'[f:re to .band

up' in .famiHa'r dWcQune 'the t-.Jpic of ~'Ciilpax, im.p erii ,, chalrn.en_g1n_g'h~6 gue$~stoname ten men, bliJ~ not wa:~Jtln,g ,€O(f the-ir response.He exelaimed f-ortihwj"th that be knew' 'Q(fie$o·r eerta~n., JuliusSe",fa~us.:~ '..' ~_'~Ie-,.acitean notice 1$ not [CBSiI!l3lW,~".,O,e mnaeent, A· n,j'r-t f rromtneh T-h- -T' .. -irovid "iI';;'I! ,- 'I:I!) of the ., .~. :i:1 .' " ,~.' a m.~ 0_ the 'Ii;: [ - 'w(,rr~1 - I·,j[·f prGVlenj~~.a~.paj'an.e~. .rlL acoessm,ll.soene:. 0_ ,~.rl~~me ~ @ m~ _ discovee w.~,tho:ute--HQrt $~ggest~v~items (person or deed,Qt motive) in the; ea-rly yean o.f 'the re~,gn~dcti(ln between the .Empero·r and his fdends, dynastic rntr.igll'~' ,a_:_nd ,amJb<iHo~,[ the, P.r,ei-eot [of the Guard, the vicis5~t!ll1.des of infl,i!],ence :and!. disgtace~ L" ..Ji'~...1 =R, ld ~..~'I.. ~':f ., a .!t;l,'t),m. ;S,t._·OUtl '~r [~I$CG\LY :lIt· an emperor OOUl_ sees :n~Ue~'m" ~
,~c ..



(!!. :2iea1:[o't R<O'1l'a.e and, the ':les.p'uhli'ca',~ be ro~ld not bear to infi~ct sorrowon loyal. and ~ovin_g ;S:Il~iects,.6 The plebs fur thelr pari knewno doubts" [They wanr,t;.edthe food and games
mathis, prcesence vouchsafed.r The uppt:r orders at Rome were in 'two mindia,: was the rujer worse atfuom__.e: or away fa; A yea'r. ai'tl:f' his arriVaJl these were signs[ or 'a belief that Hiaddan. might be go~ng abroad ..;1 He ~.ef~.tthe city" Alt'hO'ug'n~ as it turned Olllt" !
~U-h~' pc[',iJitd, 'ha'bet~ :!il.i.bsiid~ii,iim ,i;'e1fi :pubJicam'" :t1:IDiiely Memmiu.! R,c~lWi (x~v" .1, t)t, T~;dt!i!~o!!:d&, '~V'lrit: t!L~~ p~t ihae(: iEt~~ qru.Liere-d\efef.iI~1;II~,! I-li~g.u~~~iQ01M1.:11 .. ~I:~ ci5~ly th~i:t)!·}~1JiI cadict· [(um3 :t)I' [rUtst nave 'bc-rnt:vc.vy' okl. N'0t :iL!i;ogd. iiii'LeOO(iit'e.. See App., ,60" :I, p.. 16. {~helepij~ of Syria in "Yi). ~ HA, 1-IaJ" 4, :8~~=~o~ery" ~d (d~.(h ~33 f.!). v ! .. D.lo:itl t!he 'venj.on. of ZaJllItt,iiS (LXliC. 11'" 3 llcis.!E:!irai:n) !ili!;!:.r.ibUiI.'eshe :!'emilirk eo H:IIdri:afi t ~:I'I&!i' 8~ ,EEp~u~t'.ia.'-.:ijl ,1I~~1Iiiid:!l',;,:',!f~. '1Jf~ if~T'IIP')::t~!;' d(jl!i!l ~:I.;j,-IOIfj.!. X·uphilil'nw.l;~ hDwe-v'!!!, 'fu,a:!l ill':"i!i:~I:j' - ~ ~ ~,-':-c~", .. ,~""",...[,~ ,..4t;,;,:: .........,""f· n,o '~'-I-' 6' [.J:,\ p..,...r"'r~l!c;l; '!!.'" H ,'~"'nill"" ...(~. ''''_~'I''.-: ~ __ _ .:r' -~. .~1It. _ .J,\J.) ~~m" _y U,I. 'rY~. :B;B,~f.lid Iii 'OOiJIvc['S!ttiltlln. l.rt 1!'l\rl,fi'(Ia(~tlitl;l1;'.nijan ~tt-ci: tllm Hiidmn,
I 1'!(1~
~._~'I.o! 'I' '!II .....-.J!P_,_ .. V.40L = 'i.i'

L~~'. _,









~ fit, i,+ ~; !V+ -4l.'

~mM~ pa~iae 'lei'!'ioNs, diiC1:it~9., vldh:~ifl! m::l$~mB ciVliUl!11l, VTJ,!lt'Ui!il qY~~_'_!I1l0~]L\!!;', &-c.: (x.v. :3:5. ,;2. f.. ).
? ]lV .•



in. 64,




'vi~&~ rlihe -t'ij!jt,em, ,~lI!!i:l!d!5=-;',desuu:it :ifice,p!tIUi'itiI,CUi'il.cta:s, to


~liId~~() ~c:~~~,


j6, 1:-: ~hii.~C;; a'¢qili;::! Ql.l'i3i. pl~b! 1iI()!!int~,. f~f(l,;V'I;I]Ii!!P'~~~ (;1!Ip.ih;li-~iI;i~~. "1001) P~i1i~ cum, ese, t\ei f:t'!IImJ::!l.t1Ldlte ;ij,~b~tiiiS;. ::!iii iiibe$~~tl''mctu.e.ntL;i iJ ~b. ':~!':L :It!lR::tiO erant~, 'p:r'Cicu.~ ~ :3i11L OI':.a.m siiil'li)d0r ha'ibC'l'll!:tu:r, ~ O '!' Coini!il ,___"" .r:":_~ :ru 'Jlli~'_"_.~, _' __ ~~, [r"'[ halve _ m";'[l,,,,,r.i~ 'EI"'rn~"i¥:'~. 1:11. 'M[",,'''i.,[ .. ~~iI')':!i--':or''':Q' .~. CI'ont:r'·" A~,~ (,01";1,6) ,4,',0· _ ~~ ~~ ~ -'!!"~"-'!".L""!!~J ~-Ii.I''l..'r'd.Ir. n~ ~. +Ii~fL,'~~~".~ n~JYJiLIL1'!l.!1 _~



~Wi:::!;" UtCI]iildm.S

tt)hc ~'c:r,c-iiLJc8 ,~f G.iideli~.(iln.dthc



vf:!iit .~ Hile


P_[(l'VinOI;!ii W,!!I$ ~vi$a:g'j)d.,

d, ib" ~ix"

(T; :'u't:' .;; C: "C'-' '[;"S~· 'S"10' N";' '0,',"'F'" 'R' a'U'~:'~il·.J._.'IIIl A" .... 'j'j"'I;'In;IA""'ir . ,;t-JJ.L
~[_~l .- .. ' .'_
_j., '," .' •••

~ '~nb~riili.l$ :2;,~, :BififiO'li.iitcedi :a: _journey' to GSiillt=attd w:;u;, arnMtY whbni :an, actw:allity ootl;~ ,in !9!uilllr' i>'C!~~tgf"p:CA\ip()Sed,"II! !QVa!t;oo' ot!! !the: iIJ'CC!IIMo:n oJ:h~ m!lllm foo..m, C~panja, O~~, :30 {.J,. Pm' -die :p(i:54:i~ble!r-.ele'\'Q.Jt.e of 'Cae&.1lii'" in, ~pmi:im.~' (I'll. 5'1. ] }l' :!lee ibt1iow" '!p. 52:-4. 'T~it~~, C'>;_~"~'(}.~ ,~~.~ ... .. !:~ tr."I,~=~!i-Jt-~~" ... (' '~h,.a, :1II",~~~I.. _, 'w":',i, 'h. ,-,~.;!d! _l"'l_!II!ItII_____o!i"'I~ f'O:iim'a;,..,;n-~: I'Y. ...J"'.... o, .. m'",,:,i1.!''\~ "-~~'l' ~!I-!~'!P~~_LJl ~~F"~..ti~""~ ~ i;!l:-- '1'i;~,:ij~""';:'UI:l" ~~ !P.1i_1}v,e. ... _iJ£ ~~,._ .. '~!clthDn, ni!< filOtiiJlW-l, :iikl!tnmt >cx.~:s,i~$~ 'R.cma, T:~llil!!tiiJIj:i1]: 'Ur1i: ;~dirtwil in.i ,fie,gs~!!:,' (:I!V~ r 58,+ :z.,J ~ .
!II ....... ~ ...


1I1":o"! \

_J.!I!~ ....



,j! ~. _

,HAl' ,nab. ''1,f; :o~.I'" -N:,.....; ..... ' "'G.1!'I ... ~ _

~~" ~~~ Or.IJ!. ~-a;.,II,t,r.~on ...,tr.~~,


1IIji1I~_,.:I, ... ,,:~........... ~.lor.u-u.'!Ir.~,I:ILIL~Ii""""'


F,: o~



"1"110~ ....,......."{'H:
1I.iiI.;,II~t'!'!I.I""","DI_U.--'!Ir.'''' ~


,"-Alr.ri"'~~'''', ..... l.':.r.... ,.." Ir.-'l.iIr":~"'~~"I'


D'lio :~!lII"" ,', '~. 'Io':'-":'''''·:un- .• S'· S· I~:·~!t'Iiilm. ]~ 'i'I:!I.i)!!i :Ii. ,:9i)l~o~ ..... , ....-\Ii6. ,. " ."". . -- ~i'J.tefiQ.w.:I're.. . -- [f,i\_-r,o:m :a lleS1Criflt, on.,. . .~,.... . -~

the V!l!ae . of'lies-th· --.. . .. ".

~t\"at,..:I1a[a'VG~ '~"'_ ~c'!llq

5 FOt., ,." wt''£U], ,co'llectioo ,iind COllutu:n1~ ,F'.. J. .ADe nder, lZtJJ1Jt:ira .s\~s' XIII ii:Lt:t, (1)~ji6)~, ;C"~FItr;, lit: l!a :~~: ~tli~.~O-!l___tl!bIe~:Q' :(Iii':SUm.e dl;;li't H!!!tria:Il w~.'veiry"':a;cti~ ~n, dl(l '1t!a;n ~ idi=2,1'~ !is .i'J".'ii H'~ _:!, ,,., , 41', ru.. ' .Ii. . It'L", ~~ ..~.. ~Uc'-~'i.. - ..". _. t _.ci_·..;i; ,'"' ~_ ~ . sne JI",-,-" 'i-._ 'i..",,_..i -~n:n(~ .'.·aar,. 10., , ElI.~; """'"S~ 1. '.... :a ",',IU:: m,:it~--fli1t\ . ml.:l!r:L'<:liI!, :reL'egBllilU'W! eeeause

r.· ,10;0;: """"" u ...... ~.~


'I!I""~'''''(,at:r-dci;aa'j)m.e~~:''ii"',11'--';'t~. ':\"
[[t.'Ij~~ ~ ~_ -~~ .• ~~ ~ ~


~ llil.""l"~


", ('''(]I'''~:nailtc."a"',","'~I"';n. ~~~~~ -unf-'!',",jn.,,' ~,"e.!IIII_II,-, ~~-1111!!~-~ .... 1Il-~~~~!II, 'ir. -.~~

''f',~ l' ---



be do:n.e w~th'W
.......... J.~ ..."!I1' ... ,.1" y
.......... _. __ il_~!III_l"'lIr."~1

mlU"def¢d (1IAl, Hadr, 1:8~,:it ,I" d: ,the t-.c&e:npt: if! Dig.,U!:it. ,$., 'iii. 2.8)!be da1oeu;" 'I':i'ckus~, Ann. xtv" ~,:If; aUI¥ be: ~yei~t·, d. p'. ~. '1 T,hU~' wb . ::n boundary :5t-o:~, b~,v-.c ~~n. sh:Ehedl, 'Si :spJ.U.didiku;t:;!i, pci:'!ionR :fItliilit qus.c'
m~S'1!t:1' 'W$

C[_ 0'1'0' :n.:xb"~II'·~ ~ ,. ~ ~~.,

:h.oU,lIchCli.d! when,;(Ii,
.:1:'1' !I,. ·1';' ~!iiI;t,r. ~.'.r;<lil!i'o·..;jl Yl~.!.J~ ....

~I')'l' ':r~.:i:~."'",'"\"""i"."i"" ...t, ' l'..... , •.

.l;1~ ~'" ...... I.......

itltId~' the


of: }L,nrn..i~:!i V~


:Ni'enlJdus: Pri:sliiWi,

;t'!'!... F' ~~ '~~~ ,..~ iFI!~n;":lfl.""


~;\._'>;_.: ..~ a,"""n ,:..... ....... "',."'·1 1"1' oIi'"nu",:,.,,'~a'" ....... ~ .. ·,:11.,:;,.,""' " Ale _", ,_." .. lk - ~.~, ""',~!!___j~ '\\"",0; Ci fi
lriIlI .. "

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_III1,.. .


-.J.I.,I .....~~~





j V.i~V .D~,iI'"~' ~ ',;;'i.,.I , ~!'J'~~!II" -8.' I'f· ", h:.n,] '~-.'Ii. ''''''''>, 'N 2)'· .;-~~ .. ~''''''Ci =t l"f'~~~"'I;o;~W' _]~... ~_ JJ!I l"!j:...·-,;f....,..~,. '..~. C:.~... ....... 'il!~.~'_ _'~!I ~ l-'~ .,. tW~~o:l.!' ~ ~1lI 'IT:p~, a!h,'Qi!i;'p4.1o' ~ (tn, 11:0~,'to!l'nl~~~, P:.r'efect of ,E-.&'fPt)l. ~, 1'" 2-t9, ,10 D·····c ' '.,~, ~"• u"iI;UI'l""O ,i'""'1o' i;I'r~ 'il'dllJ!To!t, \T£~!L!'- ,'1. __ .:'> ,iIMJ I'I!IC'~'".", I '1IIii'!:'f"i"'I!i'~ 'TO 11"'_ ""9PI"'~;II . iIC\~~ 'Td~' ..L.., ...._.-_._ "'.:1, :"~_J. .. ,j ~ ~. J!ll". '~'i" F . • .~ . 'ill' ~ !(ll U!X" ~" _ n~~.~~!I'. T~bt1,i,Wi;(;.~:lF! }j.'7" ooni:m!it~, was ,hmtile W WA'emrnental acti.ofj, :fo.r ;m,W,a'lQf :g;gcl!d ,hnp\fQ!'.
)_j.,.l"'lI.III1l .... ~~. _ ~_~~ H"r





dil~ 8'Q'~o.i:'

""'~',m·.J_Ul ......... "!-'>;,,"'''' ~''''''I'~"''_


'_.;Ii ,.Yi


,a,dml&l!il";l"fl,~" ~_~"'~~~~I!J.~_~!!r'~, \~~

of Maccd:onia)"


e, ~



dj8m~5&ed~ u.ldng' w.ith him the blame ,foit the execution ~t~he rour consulars, H[e was given, a seat '~ndle Senate, but, not, a oonSUlah~P'i:1 'Marcius TorfbQ' stood high .. He bad, (l;3J~tu.t'ed. the confidence o.f a suspiclous emp~ror:: how long was the 'petentia' of Caesar's eque8~' . ,.. nd tnan rmruster l:L Iv:to en ure '~ hke _y ,(I, D,~500rd of 10,ngda,t:e- {H~nf1j:eared the £am'[~.ycircle. Several,~am, ladies hY' their 'p:re1!~n~jI)n8'm~,ght. be a cause Qf~Qmjo[rt:; old :Servi:linus~whom the: power had- passed by" was :9. visible embarrass,ment ~a.fid the Princeps was cenfronted by 'his own 'fi,:resumed ;sUc!cesser in theperSolfi P[,edan~Ili15, Fuseus, Oll],~.y ten years ,his junwlr'. Men, [of the time, ,~eflectlng Uptlrl. theannals of an eat.:i[,er dynasty~ :may' have reckoned Pedanius a.mGi!l_g the ~U-s:t~:rroo,heirs, doomed, to ,. 1l... .J'. . • . ...iI' ~II:... ,. t,.. .. '!". !perlsu w_'h·~ ..0 di '!~ean .~I!lJU:Sdespot :su:wlveli:~·[[Jre:Vtes, .. d mtaustes. popuu . .~~l ~~'_ R- 'a...;~ "!10m·' - .. ~I!i,', ] Hadri~Hl,so Wll~OUS in Ms, f}a!lilre~ seemed an ep~~,qme; f aU the o Caesars :fr.iom,Tiberies to N'e]lo[; and not ,only various, but eti[,gmatic, ,eg.t'rnng'oo~ arid f(l'ribidd:i~g'+~. His p(Yw,e.r [of drS9enl!bHngj and, the ,bidden, animosh],es, in,evi'tabiy evoked the: man whom Caesar AuglJs,tns in t~e end had 'been compelled to designate, for empire.,s N[o,r oould. :faH tlO' dJisce~n (arrud mast wou[d[ 'I.'m,i'oy) tbe pr,~di.ca_m,e:_nJt <J,f a ruler coming to the power afu:r- delay [Oie- frustrations" bHghted and. rese:llDtful under t'b~ shadow of his ,mlgh't~{ predecessor.


A'i.... V.L~'_



The renown of the Imperatorwas seeare, defe:nd_ed(~[£.net:ess~.ty by Hadrien, and. :a~gJtlent:ed by Hadrian's enemies: '~fT~J~seemed! anywher:[e ,at. fa.ult~ it was, '~Jrrough love of fame,a. nob~e: :infijrmity.[~ Hadrian, hQWiev~["'~was vtiltteraMe (1[1\ multiple' ooruntts" Thesurreader of the [e3s,ter.n. ,e.:onquests, evoked g:rIDef~.anger~ and c~dtun~n:y, Soon Had darn/,s, .whole foreiga policy came in £o'rdamaging rev.iew~· 'resentment ag%Unst,his pr.,OOOC'eSS:!Jf w:as alleged, arid d~.s~rust0,( the marshals"And there was, oblique aJ,ttacK, dev~1lIdng' into a. 'variety of ~bemes and, eolouriag mea's a;p'p.raisa~ of :b&S~Oiry' eversineethe days of Ail1gu8~ii!l.S.• W ~r,farewn the Eais.tor ren'llneiat]o.rlJ~ that was n~)t the only point ,of

:~ cJ.

of Scnlian.'IlI, ~~rni'S~

':liD1m a:fl§" hl~, oon~iLiiliU!l:' (1:[8) .. H~t!l,w,uf,o!; JiIJ!!~. ~tJfld"!ilght:~i!' pl~ ,tR ~h!i!!W.d.UCRirtec:oN i(ji£: :f.[iidiiMli;'!;re!ign., T, '\it,ll:$. ill! ~o~" b@';j~ in, Il8 fO~JliL.xl~.. J:','", I)., ~, Corn~R ri:ibiC tcstlmollyitilf l;}c!'l:)in,t:(l==!Yi~ M~~ Gn dlivuJI!!, lI)t: ,E),ltem p:l'f;tl!:m~,p:ru= ,p±~~l!.!m :pl~~t~m .l'nillg~s "uii!,;liq~t.i:iilm atnEivJ' (p,- :2,,5 I'll = Hmn.ea II '11'+ j: ~¢,), ,et ~, Fer HEidriaT.i':!I ''',!i !rflilli,i I artro ,, .lIA, Il~., ~,,,,.~ Vi,c~r'~, ~; Epi~.'[~. 61. . tP 'II"'. "'L~'·· "- fi!' .'. (1i"', •.. ",_. " .t; iU ',. ;t~ .. :n ....,if. ". W' ~I!;!ir o.... !O'Ij',!: tOR't~ ,t!fI!~olIl [·!lJID ,LA1f:Il[. I,., , ') ~'. ;;::~. ,~,. A' !ucp~~_. . ",",."-, .!Il iJ!!q;I!aH~· rt!l:rJm~ ,:Q,r'

.HA, Haik. 9. 3, [(w.~;thtlU:1 ::ilic:g:UialfL rbfllll; Ha,d1'~Ei~wa'~hi!.d: wi!:irut reu'l;cl.),. :I:~I., 0, (Q:n,the ~':PQt~Ili,'~~,of M:aeoe.~s !It[!;d, 3 S;;cltl,:l~~bjSii riisfi'm}. C finq:s,

~. t. ~1:',3-. He n'lii&y be ... dl~ i e

.([~)~, d'!,¢

19 ~ ,tt;

~c..prQ:ildJ;,Q:[ ~~h~(!it','!';90:9

M. L Hdid.etron. JR.S' 1:g.~:( (~949),. ~~9 {, DiQ~!ii dcl~~ce ,~,(T,r.,~j~ '(ih. ". $)[ ~, ,ht: M'id CMf:v.e:tltion..a!i.


T'~H"!I'f' A· 'C' .~~!J~.·~V·. .~:'i'i> N:" ·0'··.. , . L.,·", ..· '00 'C. '"",S· .".F'
.jrn1!1me;nt.... ,-~. offered. ~~o ~~ .. . ])O:h"'~a . ...
L .. " --',.' .~ ..

H' 'Ii. ",_; A.','· ''_____:_' l."""l~J.._~=_


A"".N~. '
~. ~~, .

up the fi~W province Oi.ttly the a1dmQn~t1Lonof his eounsellees b:r--o;ugh.t bim~ toO reason.' 'The s,ro:ry is, idle malice ~ [lada. 'With its celonists and t~ ::ti.fidlong 'i.~,..1! 'i'i"-.o. W' existed ~o· :dI d:' ade ~. ~IU, '?it ""'''',"".iJ.:.""'~~O-iif'I' ·1~·'i'1!ti',..,. -:t'.~ "",. ~·V;J!i't,~ :o~·h~ :r' ... u~u J:' ...,U, ,U d. "".. ". 'l.U"" J """'L'~~. iii. t_ Danubian defenees ~ A;''".first a 'V',w ...... ·""'""m""I'"II~nd. nsular D·'3da was now a"""~.L"''''' "" Ji.ho;! _ _~_~...... _~;I;~~~=~., _,. . ..:iI1 ..", L .• l~ .l' ' 'egID,O:r~L, T1..... act may~lave' ~ ~ h ,",,,,1 ma,~e pr;a:&'()r~a'tl~ W~.hl a. amg e .. 'hat Imp:ressoo the :i.g~olrattt"who :gave :110 thO':u:ght t,~)he auxiliary r·egi:ro__,en·.~, ~ong t a
.~,I!. .. ~..,; ... ~ _~ .. i

Hadrlan, SG the rumour ran w;ish,ed. 00, ,l!:!Ii~' ~ .-.'~=. =~ .. - _. - - ·mve b:~Qndl the Danube (envy being the m.od.v,e)~




'!L!I ..

I,"" '!r

~. "'~.LU


*·~·L. a .

t;lIU..t.,r.' .£.... I ,~~10Jt!~

.. -"~A
a, ~


'T~ I 'here l.t~. ,11;1


.;:", "';an ·"'·'L';';'t~· H'_~lad' n>"io ~'~b';~'Uol~: ~o~")!' ~. :


. ,...: ... "", ~,,~~,~


,,"'nl;jO,· AIO'''''~'''';' LIJ '_.yy,li!.1. I

thr ... he ~v!All estab . .nt·..:;,~

"_ .



li$·bm·ent N,olt all imperial :acquisiti,o:ns were valuable, Some nevlct paid .for 'L '" to. .• ; '1 £ tne cost 'O'l 'e ~,-..!I c f thei retennen, .ne fi1:lb'(Hl is typiCal o~:th 1J;~::U;1:iJ;ug their tnc Hadriaaic thne and h-eavny·· emp--: 'hasized E,ndlc: peace of the An~nnines,.J :-N"r.iIi'1I.., "' +, ialt~-Og¢l~~:le,ra. nove~:I!. '. ~A" ~,,Slbra 'f: .. ~~~. '·.LV ..' .. t~ . ,.'.~ . ~.;':, ",. 'I~y~,. ,,,,:.~.y." ·:ra,~e:n:"," .~~",. --~+. f""::"m,"-'" ;1..: .,.. Ol~. I~Ji~~. ~''''"W~ .a..I •. ,uc


of 'Tacitus alludes to eountries ..anaexed at the ends of the world... often to R~we":$·but sometimes detrim,enmt-t· ~" . was w.rItnl;g In th~ season 0,f;'C T'- · .;,. F[). 1~1.. I'acrtus I,e ,I.ta}m.:!iii . ~ .aClan 'OOilliqill1.cS~:. . H'e: :3iU·, '<0-; ,:r-'~,as,~;~'u:\rorn_l 'and disc 1J]:;et:infi~ha·d. it not: boon .!ll,ead~~.v· us!, n w:,. eq], . ~.. ~ ~~- ._1 q .~ - "~~.o,~_. - ~. ~~ - - _ ....J io[1J!1tn the i.sland which applicable tn ~El earlier dyn.asty and another regi C~audIu.s Caesar incorporated 1-n.the EmpIre. ~ ' . .' .'. . . e . . ...," . ~ . rh .'"n~~n ."".was ~..~II;· 'b":·'.. , a~., ~,t- ~:'I-,.,. COY Id soon.b':..' se:eni pe:raps'.~~~:.·.. ilJ.U. ;tQU-S, :'. ~ ~mi!l.. B•..'~.\i"I."':~ out: Boedieca's rebellion .. And, ·later-i, despite the: coaquests achieved by rhree F]~v'ia_o generals, ~h.e island :stiU needed a large g.arrison.,~' When the' of ]julius Agt.ktlrua. 'wrote :hls,wry,. he had. :3. re .. ;i;'II",""""I~' ch renicl e before th~ end .0,'(: I~)\iI'!I;--m,Jitt~~I~'Ii~s '00' reien 7 y ~Jv.".~ ~,_~~~ _.... ' liiitages ill);. the withdr.a",~~. towards a short and sads.fact.m:y fro:fi;tie~'b~m.e inquiry! it is not clear' how ranch terd~:ory was· s.u~-, '-. td ..".lll :'1-. b . ,. . . · renaeree bY D·:,···· ...• ,.,...... 'l!I,·ow onl.1... ~an~ mUCU.J '~T'"nljianJ..D··,···· ,:'.,.: , Ii<'" k .. ""'j" :ill. II!iOO aW:aLY






...... 1LV,L~'



'-111."'" .






bl'id:,g.e (LXVIII, jj :3:. ·6)•. 8orn.e ~ ·~·he [P!OOp~:iil W' ,evac.~3iiic: iiciB v--efY :fI,ef.iitlu.!ily·~. n t;k~, A... "",. Pr,$tem B'.f.I~I't"!riuhl'!' .S:-~B '~If'i~'4)·.·H~il: .?,. ""1!". ~ &nd t!'hut:! c:;m, H COlli..!"' ·o'Ii5·. .~~= ~. .~. ]il?Ctur-e :iibD'!Iit:Hadrian. '\iiI OO'iW'i!~cl:~UIl:i~ kuvokiln,£ t·~.ename ,e_f 1 tWllli. <luadram! h~UJ,. i:i.f•. E, 'v'""~cm"lI"I:n. :G·!B~... . li11"...... :r')·;£O:i'.... L"'. lTn .. ~·"I: ~..~...... il, Cli~""';n.n.:IIl' ..n;!Ii+IIr_~~_~~._ n.'.......iI'.··J.-'"m'.i_ ·Vm':l~ _. ~.~"'~~!Io .:11,101.' II .. ~.~ ~ _. ~
th,~ U\lli!l!llibe
- ,.. I.. _. _.l

~ :Eu~_rop.t.i~.s y;t;t[., 6", ;2." tHo bas.

;Ii' ~

i2j, $~iJI!!':ige



t'h.e :fl!!mo-v.i:ll·l!)f·th}e tS~~~~re

,l ~. ~ _-~. ~ __



~ ,. _.~



= ~~ ~




'~·i·.n,~I A ~ ~ .. ""'Y'lI"J~'
:I; ]I

cf:. R. ,Sym.c, JR'S ~~V~. (~9416). 1.6·4. .f.lon.i.S 1'" .3J; 7':~·:plUJ est P,OO~~!fi(:~1iff.i! ntktet.e vU,. ;3:. '1;:



... ' ~ ~



~'.l ~~'.J.l,f!!ll





'ii. On;l:!illl,]S


d'lIU't!!iI!~lltl e:t.t:.r:eOOM te:rr:!f.TWtr]; te.mU!f.L(i!i i ad. V'f)'.!lp!l!l;!i~:iigll,iiravi/t imp;erium.,' lit ~,:not neC(!s~:air:y;,ib~t it may Ib~ ~$e:l.'u1" Uii' .iilld,d!u;Oe FliIlt.U:s, ],,' """ ~: A~iu.l!: et:i&m. e~ BrliiiiittlO!, iil't ti,(!fi iCll. 1!i.tS'!i.lrtli, ii:~ .Ad itnpelHi sp«iotn. ~~. '1l!1;)m~naad!q:I;":5.'ii~i!:' .piui~ch_rum. Ie d}~-tlG'...!.m'l' (in. ·tQ· Ai~1i.l,U.)l,. ~ CiJ.m'p~~e: Apf:'i:lllii ·un. B!d~liIi[i:,../dfJtm~ 5' 1'\0 .rcp&nGl':r--!>1!' '~iL~·rij·~£:XQUQ\L i'i~'P ~~~"'!,I~ (Io:~1I' 1'"1ij.~ ....
'~!I;!1!;!iJ~iW"!iraj)f:I' 'l.i1iqil;l~

]oqU!!!,!I:"i ~iIi!~"([: A'U~t~, .j·:!l!liUl!. !P'!iI!t'i!f!i!!,C'I;iU~:; :t1I.o'V:II.C: gcnttotl. SilH:pe:.e'.1':'~ et a1iqutndo wm damno.


ql1im. filar,e:...; Cf. Ap.p,ji!ln,~:/fot'Jtj·; ·6.


i1j. 'Thn~1!! ~lII<I!IiCinSi iIIind n tUner-W8 , ,~._ 1-17. For!9i.. ....~·.·ba:·.cs·~oo fi-'!.i'6Uta'ti:iie ·v..erdiict &ee' M P ~ ~ =-"-~~ .~e~-..' . r:'Cl" rp lII.. . ~. Chii!['te!i.wmtb~ Tk~ Llilit P~e~ (11' tM' "W~ih 1).1 B:r#ai~ ~G:J'e.B"i.~ l~:(:t'I;I!l"e$,~:1;'9'4-8:, · 1" C'a..~'!iI-:::~, ',''\ •. .:1--1 ;#. _.'9'49, .. n. '1 .. oN •• ~. ~. ,~[-';n....d... ;~·a n"'~I·3i"""':'" .,..... ...,~~m"'" ::D.,,,; ~ (~II-.""",,,,", t-" .., ]'''''.ii.~ n'·'·' ~ ... m . ~~o· , ... ~ ...~

!'''' ....... ••~,

'2·...,..:;"'..,....."." Il!"","".:-~""""

... j, ......;;'" ~'t.L-......", -.].......;~ ... "'v ',._j- '~"''Y"'';!'""''~ 0",. ",>I:" ,~~

'","-=.. '""'.~~:•. 4,. '~,...- .... ,~. ,,·,w,..1iI!!) 1r'" 'Ii',..",.,,,,,"



l ..iL __ " .....-,~I!o·~_lnl~,~~~, [~~







.' : ... '", '~~"i" .,.".".: . spana~.mel~1,_ en 'dll!i .A'"Jidnl~. ec~~ w. deba,j,"",b'a. . ·:;:tB;r'-F....~··,·,.[~< :i-' If~~,l[: _~ £_~' seho ~ ~'1f ~,.!,.'I;:S QIJ. . _ J"_ln IS peroepdlJ e aJ. co.n;te.m.pol.rary writer, who, comes out with. a p~u~~3;r 'v,~i,o!D, of past histo't.;Y:: N'eTo~hou;giht [of withdra.w~iOg me Roman .rnegio-lis :fram. Britaln but desisted lest. hebec tbeught hos~ile to ehe ml!\mQry of .his par-ellJilt.ll!i[

legion, an_d bo·~hemper-on~ bad (hei~' wars to think a~out.1 N egleet er Qvet,,£onfidJeti;ce,. a p.t'ob~em.S:UJ~si:Sted., "T.~:OiUble .might a~read):y~arve b:ruke:n (Jut before T:fiiJjm died.:~ The Mit yean '0'£ Hadrian :saw war ... far[e;. th.e wastagie of troeps, and the need for t·eif~for.eeme:_~.ts\. 3 In. I I9[~he:leg-en,&!. of the Roman:: co~nage assert .3 vkf.~~ jn Britain,~ .... ur-r, ~ .J.Y:I.. ~~) I"1~,,'nd , ".. "~ a grave H lVn· ... '· r t·:L.,_··t· m~1!!' be,! "".ir1\' .o,i}"j.""fIi"io"'" +.i"m~ b1i,li"~~" ,IJII .a... ,..,."..~u"'" ".L~.I!"",, ~.""'[~.'!I"I!'e""'u :an " [d1isa'st~r i!J1Upet'V~~edl,to[ join Ar.menia or Dacia ~O([l~ dw teplcs ·o;f talk. :md ·specula-don. (not aU of it Judid[l}tls); a who I.e legion, IX Hiii:>T'!I ~ .iIi. .. :

'!f' ..... .,.





'Tacitus insists O~.jl~dgjllg the earUer rulers cfoo,mthe vantage point [Qf T·r.aj~nic ·~~and 'Tr~j:anic conquest, Reviewing p·roviRO~ and :armies under T~berius,. he must. interpose the contt.,as,t with his O['W}i d~,y.: ,. ranzo $.... ·c . C[r-cP" [,- ~ .. [ .'. ,:1:'1 tltlt'lr1l TlI!Y~' pn;y~ :9p~~ ... qu ..R!~~ . ,"I' ,an,gu's"ms ~mpct'~,~a,. ~cre _'fli_,[~ .."":~l.,~,, ,-~I~ ~.' ,3, e~seWne,fe rn.el~ho~.Y' by wha:t [came after the wars· [of T.taj~----yn·breken peace and .a..rn!,erw.~.tho!Ut: any care {:Oil' exte.ndlrig' the Em.p.i.r,e.8
j "
c. • •• , •••

Anafir-<l,nt to Rome's honour migh.t g'~l uapunished because ~he Empero,r feared the generals at grn.dgedtbem. f1eno:,wn ;a'rnd th~·Sena;,t~ d~d not care. ~[D\Gm~.dus Corbulo, ·eager and ~,(;t~.v[e beyond the Rh~ne:j w:a!S rccaU~d!. by C~audius Caesar; the g'm[eofllil~s sU'cCes~ weald IDlv,e

. ~ Fl'oO¢!it"~fl., ~,~::tf, JNi' - Haitl~ U, :po :Ii'1: ~:!IIV.g.~9U.O 'H!!idri~Oi llm,p.::rimtl! Qbti'i!'I'iI~n!~ ' "~!.Il.Aitwn .ml~ii;linn an ~]I.l~:5i.~ ·q'lIJmitiam. Bib :Brila:t'!Injili .cs:cS'IlIm.'" F[o'r th-e :r-e,iliif.o:~ .• ,ilibQve~ :p, .24'~'·. N(lt~ !!l~ itihlil cqTh'OC:!,;iitMl,t~(lIJli of' (i!~;.'\Oili~, fifty :!\~BUm:n~ :wu~-e:d Qr,j, II! dipicma o:f 1::3;~. (elI. ;:(Vji~,69)\. 4· IJR["'~~.~·J!" and oth.c!:' m~"~'1 type'$ .il'!! 1; 1:9 n1li'l,o'l!:l' ~n. to pro~c :ifLQt cmr1·w:·;;uf~~
'''' ." Vt.e.... _ O'r" iC_en,.1I. ~!Lh .. ~.'"' ty, .~ II '. ..


NQ ck:,ii!:' ~~d!iC;\tiiOtI!9, @re~fUi~mC!ilib;y th.:~~b1lIilgJi~ iL~ $~~(li of ~hA;!: ]~8iQ!,!:~iry' <:iliM.P:S .at: ]Q(j (,AlB' :l:g[3'o.~. l.[[oh Eiboi:lKjunt .In to'8, (CIL VH~.Z4.~). :No«:rnu'Ch [~~ be: ib~d. on BA;!o Had,.., ,5. :1: (,Britanrni :t:e:rl~r,i$'Uib:RQH'i:jg!;a, (tulkm.~ non


UI O:9[l6)~ obriii.;; W. WlibCir;, CAlI :II:!: (r.9\16), ;j:iij. (wid'!; crl"'o.['!i).t:ilil~'tiall I!I! :p~~'C,riJbe:d: and th(:~~: :rm:y bi!l.v,t;'been. more e.amp:iiligfl!; «(it dig9~U~.!iI)iU~ one be:fq~e

~~. .


, ..

~ -.b-I,<;··· .-~. ~ 0 f'' : I!;,I',. Ii

... iL.o •.


~.c·· 'Ie, . '_'. ~o:;.~rii'C~, (Ii,Je. H


'(" ..

'. \ '.' .:19:3[;3",70.•

~K,_t_ n . .lin.'III.·

Hadrian")!. :ifrl!va] was

l'~!<li:il:., :n~ (lbtrcetilf!i: pm[tiJitIi~ gktli:ae vidlM"e~w\ dt:!itiM.' Some :&t."iiiCn 'Y.lbJt; t.o :thisp:;il!:!i~,. h:. lA2!$ ibiE~ :;3!~. that N~o rqnl:li~d ~~ d.~lr£1! p~ciHlY" iPi!,!S· (and :r!Qt :iiifle~
)'1 (_ ','. ~'9:51· .. !

~, ;S~h~~i

<:w to p.i~t:e:I. :iii"i! :Hti1J)dilOCii.~:!ii rt!b~I~~I(Ir1. (XIV.

;1+7·.itepliIC'IXI b:y V~ Vic:trlli:, ~~~rs

m. :i :U.

.N~' :r.B:: .i·e,tia:rn, ex Br.itmni:i d~iljuee"re ~rc;iwrn

~xf th,e Ai'tt!!ale.t ~~icl :];~. 3),.


hO'W'IX ,ffiiPIr1l·


f.lm:K!i.C1:iB:~S rewli~), ~hat be ·dropp.t:d. it w:hm he ~3d. theboastf.ul p.rum:~~'e::!i. 'O[Q0nq:ueSt: ~tah1ed! lin. tn.c tCl! of th~]Il!!~.te; 0" Vl:!~~.;;m.:iulilx~v',. ::iiQ., ~), d: C, E. S<t:ev¢r!:!iII' CR: u\!" (

.item • .howe,¥c,I'~that: ·am p.!ilill.i!jq~ h~ rnQ~ :(~ii~'Ii';:!n~''fo:l:' .H;;uhia-n tn:i!lfi [tit Nei"Q., '1 ~v 4-. 3.. .• ~ ~ .8 1\1'" :3:2 •. 2.1: 'prifi~1!i pro£il:,r-eruJi. iim~ri i~.~Q~1,i$gm/ • ~V,74. J' ~cij!l!Nm; jnde' i.;uter (;..e,rrnmos Fris.wm, I:"io'me..~~ di~9~m!J!~"fiJ'~ T,iber]o damn;p:, . .Itt! C'I:Ii. be.llum !perm~ttt~.j:"~~·. ntq~.¢ &lCna'tiY~ : .irQ. ¢ifIi Ol;i:n ~ imptrii. ~!!:mli d)lI:tru:l1:te-st~te.nlt\:iir.,i

.0=."'...... n' -1- R-' - -- -- -0·- >.~~,. 10;'.... ;pU'l~ •• D • .ll1i!".le,y~.. .~ .,U,nHim a.rN

~=.,j' ... 1..

~"'~·.Roman .at~'ij!

D" - - .. -.'iI

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~195J~ I. n:. •.

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been. no less p,rejtidicia~ than faUure~ I: Cassi.u$ L»fi:g~nUs, in Syria kn,'ew tb~t the times had :notbin;g ~gl ·oilIer to mHi~ry excellence.. Peace holds doth and. energy in equal est~matiiO'n.,2 A~ t T:- '~,li",·tjlj;.:. 'C-"..1'~i~R,',;:";1""'I~had shaken O');.'ff··, ';i:'i''' l,;:;,t1i--~lr>O"V' s A'~"f:"i'.....:r a m '001'""1['10··· IilIWit. . '. _JJl4;'k~J,bJ' tary iD:vi&o~.a,tiQn, it ·~~sed. a;g~ mt:Q' the old ways) ~hiev~n_g ·whai.t must, 'on a ~.o:ng· perspective, have seemed foreordained, W.hefit caesar ..... ~ firm and d"ee-:n, .. mndatio .. "i"""" _ ~ o rd· re ~I .. , e . ....... -::'i"'~ :i'Ti.~ A .lh."",1!.~ """"'it'" ri['~,#J> '.~.""'."1;,I.~~.Ya..._."·~.~ o ~~...a~ ....,,",".'l;;iY, Pin. ·.,v.· he may have'I but could not p~od8J~m,the purpose of it fiim.ply to :3;boUs'h war and poHties.. W~th ll,adri~Jl~8 Augustus.· the dlJ.i:n,_gwas, ffi:a_n'ifest, the evo~u.tiQ·n ~t its end;
. , .I. GjJ.I!R_LIL.









_. I



~Ir,'ml~l'jr-;e;.tr,'ill!l']I~l~d··· . " ..''''''~' ......... ""-"!I !Mi~ .. _


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. '1,;;1 ~1~;I!~e~~


'1 'X~, ~9 ;J: ~:9±n •. 'p:rn$f;iC"'~t!~ e.lI!i~~~t';,Ql:'IT!idl)~um. p;3iI::'. 1,1 i:r u,rn. i!ll'~iI;gn:i!!m ;e~ .~~~a\!'O' f [M'ifiJCipi. :rt:iiltgr8.vcm. ;, :i xu, 1::2.,. ~ ::. ~ind~~J'lm~llIe: .!j!ut i8~:;3;VQ~ p.:JX ~n .!i!i(:<!!~.Q' ·~ri~t. ,.The ifl.rhQ~i@m; liL'ke: c.Qn~ iu: K:i~~ :i~ :lih'Qfi.g]y Siiii[JI.i!itiiilit (!p. ~ 5.5). ~ .A.Q'.,r~j prtJV. " (qlM)1;w :~Ix;JI!O',(':i' 'p. ~I8.},


conquest :is ,exa~it:ed in the A,1i1ttdes'" As depicted by ~l1ll1" . i" r ",.;.[', ',' " ;~. ";-;: " (~ , -,-,';', -; ;,'',',. ,"',"'1:-:-";" ,-I , '..'. Tacitus, G~~~7~l1UC~S ~~eS,at for~b~~ws,' rn ~p.le~do.u.,r .~ • , ,- '~energy a, martIai~ em'pe~or,. The p,r,m.ce ,IS, also, tbe vietim [of a jieruQ<U8 and st1:SpidotlB ruler 'l·iheri'll8 or-dered h~m to dt$,]st tram his'pI',~$e5 G~y in. (o!Jbe:nsibly so near to the; crolwnlngach~gve,nent) ment), 'TII'~~ 1i?[,~.."~ 'C~"," ¥i,as ,~_Jl~d' 'f,:'~,prll;;'lIexl~ ,~_:~l."1t..1~· '·:'~·'I·''. " :',: rrom ne &rnperor ,',',~:' g~a ,0" a, ':',',""""'--;I(~' m [~i:lJIIi,.e rns rrva away .. t:;,

,.'O:M AN'
-1,-' .'

--:- "

r. ,~~., -"

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~I-"- .

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'-'1-1'- I-'~'

,: " ,I'

dIe command lof d~oted legi'oilts.,1 AUegiJJg that he was needed. in. the: eastern lands, [Tiber,h:ws did. :his,best 00' impede the kgi't~mate ambitiQrI....s f .'. 0:, iI!·h .er'm;~Jn,g pnnJ? ~_ If:-I -. • " '., ~n)l'~·'. ': .•.. ' ~..~C-(:L ef <oyr:.lill. n, 'p~;'i ~ .:;,1 I!l]Y :app~L_[~m,g~as ,gOV.eJIL:f () ~',~[,=~,- .C' ,',eI .lSQ" .~, a a man of in'tr"acbi:l1e: teem-per with a family tradition of hos.tmty to the Cacsars,.~'Gemlamj"c~s, and P:iso first b1c~ker..ed and then quarrelled fiercely; and t'hedeath, of Germanieus, wim ~d]eg,a:tions, of. poison, receives heavy empha:s~s mi"lO'ifi the histcrian :in h~s incriminilitimi (I,r the Emperor" Otherwise Tacitus had omy tm:ve1 to record, and thepeaceful !nv· [r't:l:rn _~ ~ras _~~ ~c1ng _n A~ ·~t"m!~flI/'. 1~_ ~est~Jt ...._ of a v I sal :k! .. i [. _~ ~_:I_a. T-~h-r'~ ". tr,',~a'''',,;M,"C and r nh os _etC is .geuy ampa. 81t the end, Genn::almCU$ died :su.ddenly Hit A~t~Qch, to the gr~~.t grioef of....the ~rovinc'e~w.d,~-_~ p-:oonrostbe~-e~l];Oiil1t., - . ,0'•• ' nations lamented ~ t~e "'r"" ._,-- ,,- ~= FOte.lum ~~.. l"'~ ~"-". --'. arad k[n:g.$---'suchi WoilS, the cle,m[eTI'Cy ,and Il;ob.l~ity~.f young Caesar-., the And seme there were wh-o tHJted th,c r-esem'bbnce tn A~,ex:afidej':tin his ,,",'L. and ,:I!... •• , gr.,ace (I.f'it:!I!o(~'r:ml[ ~'~ ,age"Y!l:e ID:alu~!~r' ,f·:I!...· en de :an~ eve][l tn.ere,gl,0:Il, m U~S' 0 ~~lS, .." which hie. Ind. his 'fate:. They 'went 'on \Vith. the p~rn~le~"m.u,ch~ ,the: 'to ..11 "f o:~ '~cr.ma_:__rucus,in t~_~:comesnc virtues, ,.' 0(, as a. man or G" .'. ., h d . ,. . .. ,... "N' f 31u.'V;antage war, was German~cus imferi[(llr --he was not rash, and, he was prevented t:.~ ... kine ,., eno " ,1b.- G'·' •. ,.. ' p!':a,...ll ~ rrom- ma_Jng an .n...:! 0'"f',tne:~crm.atl:S. -.' Jl~]L~~ ne, be ···.~I~ a[ It.e·I'" OJl neen SQ,!e 'b~<' ,~,' t, events, with ~'thename and power of a, monarch, he would ,n__,Q deubt have gained ~herniHta;ry g!oryconsunant. with his s.uperico r1ty in vlrtue
·I>, .



The a.n~fl.ce :is ,pa:t,en:t~ lal1!1dadofi grotesque in its disp.roport['QIfi. ehe -,a.nd, the hi$tQr,~an '~ivades reS!PQ~si:bli~~tty'" \V"ouM he have depnx:a.ted ~ comparison. between, Alennde:r and the mmpera~~)twho :feU in, in

to t~e: Macedonian.

Syr~a and died at SellnJUS,~I" .Another ,her,"O,rus Domiitill18 Co.rbulo, When he art~ved in the East, 'L.~ u"'" drew <l,ll). c.v. ""~'.' t..... stature "!il....,dj, ..... I~.·,...,t:!o,ti,,,: ~i!'i. ,~~_~,.~ilJ.at1""~, he ,~...~~ ~~., <:1 ...~~ -~ u ,;(iI,f,~' SL;;!!_1.'!~"'" ""~~ _ n~all~ .~""'~u !I:a;nu. ':;1 ~(rr--I;·'~4. _e v an(!l, qju:ick~yimposed ~is,preS't~,ge;.sCodl'ulo :dS/o p05$es's~d,that ~au,(to,rita~l which. enebles a miUta:rymm~o dispense 'widl mere eloquence.s


5. ~, Fo,~ mil. 'T'toBJjiarn.5.eC:' App. :



~; ,x HI:. ,~L,,:J,.


~ '7:3", n'.. ~6, s-

.. - ' . .iIi" .I.LI' 'I.-lA' D" R"lA' N'" ,l~ T'-A'· C·"'~·T·U"·'o A' 'N'





'_ .. '

Yet the great: gen,er,al did not embark


"fears" The 'Parth~an monarch Lmmi;'ldi~ltdy sent hos:tages:~ ~d, the :re,gio~ ~f.~yrjaJ, ~1azy. nd corrupt fro,~, lon.g inertia, needed tr.,ainin,g a .-nd_,,dtsc~n.ll"--;:-' M'-':- " - l~~~,f".! ~ '~'ii"lO~""'--lt' the P -~"',J 0:[ '.'f.,:;; .Roman ,n;nrve,,":Ii"i;m~-t noliev -' ""u... ~~ ~,.,taI_ ;tJ..".-,~lL~. ~,~ . ~F~ Jlt";.• , . .ar--e _,~~.e n 'Tacitus, im,pl~e$,arul the time 'tfuwt C.Q~ribu~o very much a, free ,agent., 'was The inception of hO$·til.ltlesseems put down la:rg,ely tOI his cr.,edit! and IDe~r SCGP~ 191 'ma_grdfied.~ noth~n_g 1~~, rban the reOO'fliqjUes,t of ~U that LUC1!.d~US~ and Pompeius had. won (so Corbulo thoug'htfwas demanded, 'b-,·;v' the p -ow ..... and l1vu. _ ,J: e U honour of. 'rilb£l: ,DI,~". ~:r .... I~J,'"" 'It.1~p.·.·:j,·,-,~_! . '.':R~'m.:in"ride is :mag.nffi~"t1y ,evo:k~dwhen, a genenH!] announc.e$ that he. win. impose' 'tile: iar.w of .Rome upon. the 'vanq'U~shed in. place: of a phantom- ~ ~ , .-~ -- -'" The p'hrdi~e recalls and ,r' --~-',r - '" --- _l ~ monarch.! 'ner'bartns, parodies ~:aL~ -- .. j "'s proclamation when 'he'annexed Ar.m,enia.. The gene;ra~,~s

aeb.\'i',e ~atfare for severa~.

'_-,U.L~~ ....

~.~~~'::':ti" ,g _ iI!


~ ..-~--~.

- - --- ~-,'

-- ~

not DomitJ.llis, Corbulo but his successor, Caesennlns Paetua going' .forth nOlt to V'i,~:to,:ry but te ,a careless ,fQf:~.y dlalt co,Jb,p9lod ~n"a shameful ,ca'prutula,ti.o.n".~' ~ When, Corbulo, te re]poor the damage with a Show of force that "'·h",~,.~;id· _: r,"""';]·l.,n,,jl..j:!o "", f~: r "~.~-iIiIl!, compromise 'rriO'I~I"""l';'",,~ 'h;:I..,.,.·"" .. lf """'1'1;"'_ mor ....ent~"~i: ered ~,~~(~;4~ ~', ~1~Ji I J'~~',. ,~: i~~:.:~l_~ _=~: ~U A:nneniil the: next year; be trod ~n the g,teps, of Lucullus=-so T:acitus avers ~ . ~~-~.J he:observed, -- -- -- -- -- - . -~~ --- - - . ,~-- -- r'C3d~' ~ - -- - -a . - _. It mav ~- - - -- - - - -- that Caesenaius Paems-- had- al,_. ",J'. chosen the identical ~ route, over the riv-e'!" hom, M,ditene,~' ~ ~T--'ne ene~my 'f'-'~l]1'~ 'w"""h C"'I~ rb.. ,~.o d- eSJ.;gn. 'T' -:'Hl.".- a,~s~ thte pnnce' W:''h.'. 0 h--- - ~ - - --~ .e~" ., .~ 11~ n, .. ~~'~-.~ ' --~d' ...... - .. - ---" -~~ . r or u S . W"a~ aJsS'ertmg a -da.1m to A rmenta 'I Op~j'H~-dneg,oit:ta:UQn$~and, o((tmin.g to a conferenee, removed the diadem .from his head and d.l1JtifuUy '~'---<l,-J ", ~ eneatn ~L,1 ~ \.iLeposlte~ It h- -,,"I:.'h_ an ·'ma~·;f{~\I, N',· ~~n-n'tue ,ge-r.teJaiIJ.--,-, .1':- a age ~. ero, ~,~, en '1ItI" ~-'-Clc)1 put en it display of mi]itary ritual to,l" the benefit of 'Tiridates, enharn,eiog' the rnajegty 'of the spectacle: so ~S' te ,fiIt him 'WIth :Sldmim~ion £Olt' the 'ti,cd't~OM] ,Qibe..w1.'V:anC~s of the RomJljI1'~;'.- '-pom~,and ceremony . a -~!]1_ --- - - - -~ --- ~ - --- - ~ ~~~ = - -- --- '-"'- --~'"'--[[" ~',_~ iF -~~~ .. ~. -- -C" however; as the reader is reminded a little further on, bdnng' to the
'~j~..;;i' ~,

'0 : ~ ~',

~ ..




a ..



vain predileetions of edentals, 'Th.e Parthian. monarch Wl3l8 anxious, test T~tidat-e$, his 'brother' ,$~tffier:a!n;u bu:rniliation when hie iourneved to
e!l.U ~_ , ~'"" ~

Rome fO'T his, i[iJ!,ves~~,ture. he· k~~gdid,not know the :R~.mans~:-v~4~n T them iIi].lbat mauers ~"'I'i~da;, lm'-~r~':"-:!I, t ,~o],. ~p _H • .... Tacitus has, made too much of Gorbu[,o" :and, 'c{)nsequ~ndy ,pf the



rh~,~ n.Q ~~cQ~ -oJ ;!Ii C!!!P'l'~~~~t:,ht.~., 1$ xv'. 207. I. ;:;.NQ~ iSita-t1:d, lb1;l!~ d!~dl(loibl~ fI'Qrn, :!tow. 8., ii' '; .JQ.. 3+ '7' x.v' • '10 •. ~""C'U:i!l.c1:'lL iI::n. m8i·\!I.1j ,illifli.l~I-·~Si_ :adl-:~:·~:III.f::M:· riKi__'mmill;-ffed~ ~ cJI l. , , ., i _ .e:Ji1. , . lmiLF w,. _p, _ _._.,_8'

;3i;:4. :=:: ~d~i&."fI,iUtli~~ltllgfl!iLtijd.irneC!pu.l:u ll.o:m:M'lii r-ehntuii' fo'alitt:B! .o.]irn ::I, :LUC!i..dLo~Pom ... p :~,e.C'lr'!:!m. ~ ~ xv';!; 6. 4: "se!tfi :i.e l1eg,es. pro urn;bir,;IiI,e.,g,~s ~. cl: r R jii~, 'victiB, ~mpooit)· ~ Doo' ~:X'v!f(. ~t), ,3: "P:w,]iU!!{w'~' 7~ 'r'£P' ~;;'iii ,;,;-tIl~, ~_p,~1i'1r1il '.Pw,fI'fifiilp ,lf~>i.c",_ .. oIj. x.',,. 1 j, It, 1'·'.'s; !amlie:s 'l:tLOO'il..liIi:it.eteJ. di:Siisr,et$ {in ene, .of w.hlch ,111 ,CQit8Willf:' le:gilit.e





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'T:HJ~.l. il ME OF WRllT][N'G T

Pa;rthiansi aceept1ng for h~s O:'\iWl purposes the, conventional estimate ,of ,their pow~ as ,~f,equivallent :~mper1al !',aDJt with tbe Romans.' If be wished1 he could have: d,emo,lish>ed that estisnate conrem"tuouslYt ,f'O!' be knew the :r.ItDviooes aCthe 'West and the, northern 'i);at1bari:aTIJs.,z Tadt~ (so' :~ta'Ppears) ,3!c'Co!:ldsundue ~pae'e aflld bnportance to. th"e ,ea;s~erfi.[1e:din:9, with,~tQ :I~ttleha:r,m ell$uing ~Q' the h;st:OI,karn 'e$t.ima,tion , of those matters ever aliter'"The broad scene and ehe ener~dc ,general ..........:c():Lo'U~\ mo,v,ement" and the dis,bnt poop,l'es,~i't ~s ~oo~s~ib[.e, 'T.he regions beyend, the EupblI',atfl, also, engross, a gen,ero:u:s t:.tea;~m,ent: in, ,the Jut years of 'Tiberins and under C~a!,ud_ius. F'QX the ailuth(l'I" a weleome reHel~d :~iv,e~y' 'to the con~emporary reader . For' exam:p,leJ :Se:~ell~~a:j r-enorwnedJ and. pq,weriul city" ancient Nmeveh 'With, ,the d13:t s~te of: A~ex;andees v~ctQ:ry not far aw-ay. ox an Arsadd~dn~ with Roman, $UPPO'rt inst~lledat Ctwphon;j ~fld brl,efannQ'mtlon (t01.IJched, upon attractive topks like the f3i'b1ed H,eUeni.c odgin of Iberi and Alba'm" 'the tactics and equipment Qf the Sa'r~be~ and the mQuntain nnciI:,u.ary 'Oof Hereules, in "ithe land ,elf Adiahene.;* Ther-e is sometmng else=end ,highly r.rel~an~:not Oldy to; tbe strueture

0' 'f'" ,_II

t'iI'-", A',·.nf~~.;11 '- ..' b'ult', ",0" ,.. ""' ....

.. ~)~
r _"'_


,th' .... _._.~

"I~'nd'e""""'''',"",...:ll~''''g- [,_.. 'UW~" whole easte rn o-f"the ,.,.[J ..,~,::_lu_ ~ _'_ ·J~,~~ol~~~.1. .. ',.

of the satraps and, ¥a$$a[s:" A v,lgllmt" readier' Q,f the Annales would not have to be da?zled and uuedy deceived by [)!Omitius, Cod)ulo------o.r by, the c()nquew,r~ When, the general sent by Tiberi:us, Caesa'l" made ready to, pass, the Euphrates,tM nadve"S ~ortoo, a marvel, th~ sure sign of asa:~e ,crossing:: the stream had lrusern" from no us,tum} C3USes;, and, foaming eddies sha:wed, thee shapes of diadems. Tbebis,tor,~a_n insidiioUiS].y cities, a(U)tne!r interpnltadO:fl rportents f~, I', re knO'W'fi to be d.eblS.~V:e':l a ~he:'eHrerpnse would bigjn.wd~, and came to n.otrung.,'6
'ill i'e d Ij,
. Ii,

'qucstiOll. As the dip,lomatics~xategy 'of T:iber,~'us, aesar demonstrated, C th~ :Parthi~n could be coerced or mtimida'too w.i,thlQut. undue ,effo.rt" :L. Vltdl~,w;" "his, lega'te in. Syria~bew what to do.~ stirr-ed up the He: Eberl,er even entleed tribes tocome o,v,e:rthe Caucasus; :1, rival candidate: took 'the field; and it was aft ~y device to d~$fUpt:the aUegiairn.oe

~'vii:P,a~du1ifl!!~, :a,'Y-~ :r:iI;)m:Ii~iaRQ'~'iiII";Jj!' {u:. ,60. ,4);,

by the, t'ti01::l\PS

e~g. Stit,lIib0'


5 [:5: (the

P:itrnhiam ;&;i d"h.>1'i~~_m of rtlhe.Rat'rlBlrill;,).

l'!I!'(;l)til;,u:~ i;1; ~~, t~~ !J..IIi~; blj,lll.' ~'~ 'P~u;~c ~'RQm:anti, Q'er,w,LI;U~1 i!l: Pa:c:tiWi~ ,:ii1egiiilg Ji< .lOr'a s.!.l!f,!"j:(:nder (n.


tknn. 3;'7.4': "q:IJ~:denim !iiUud. nG'bi~, ,~ q


vl,.,p. 1f, ; xii •. ~3. :z: j:VIi., 4-2., '4.:14.:~; 35, ~'; :xu'. ~j. 3" ,Por "T~ci~1i: ~Q;mc qf dt~ :i~~mii;wotii~d: iCy,o.Kf: aU:lIIi1: in. lite S Hittwiit,; de$~i~b~~.g '0.[ adomlng th;:; ~~igfi.s. of L'Il.I.o1..d~)w"
"" Vl" .~ '11., J:2;, I'!I

di!!iOJ;:~~Orkrn~ '~;l~crlt

cged'e'm Crassi, amisso et ~p51e Pa'ooro~ :iirufui.

J'j,:it: '~'Q:1i!id!ii1m~l:J!idJu!il ,1rJi~rp!t\etJiJlnntW", !tllli.<l: ~;iitYi!l :~(;W!1da~Qqu~: d!~u.ti1im:l~ l'&c. Th.e fiQt,lnEli, portent; f'tJir :IJi ,~{iJfiquerm;'Wa~ 8, :!Jl.lddm e.b'b .in tberi:ver EliJp:h;r,lIItes t-X~r!I~ph.oi'.J~ "A:~' t. 4. 1:8;'; Plutauh, ,~nw Z4, d. Sallwt" Ilid', IV" 60)!.


So indeed it befell when. 'T:rajedlfitoo:k the field. :a:gainst the P'9J~tt$. Glory :i1ln.dicto~'j effort. and hazard, all was in. valn.' Co.rbu·~QtQ(i' had v been a ma,gnificent commander, y·et :his, expeditions. were hardly neees .. sarv:~,---~ the h·.i;Co"i"j;,r'~-.;n··.... L. to ill..1:-. :~'":"':I!'~rT1. ~L"'I.~· C··'·,.~ rb ulo W··' .. ~. n ..... and -~~...... :~~"v ,,~,a~. '. allow ..:s.~t v ue UIJI!"~, aell.!l: ~U.~1l. ·,·o· .. -:1 ~J a iF"'"mPO,US 3!nd n{J,t~m~l:'~ably tmtMut:l. DO'm~tbls.Co.rbul>o came down. like a hu:t.ri,cafi,e:) He swept t'hrougt.. Annenia, ·taJd·~gArt~ta. ~d. bki-ng Tl~an,ooerta. wtth 'U.ttle oppesl.:!I, '"-Ii V .~


the A·,~""n~.".n"". and none from ' the ·P·\roI.... ·!iI-.::_"......_ W':":'h",;EL~ '.j[.'i,.,,,,, aW.I..·-· .' ineomneten~ ,"'H.'Ir'" ,i"illf C··-"Ji,""",,,~rt:"'on~ni!:i ..... Paeens surrend !lL.Telili a:. R-;..... J..!I;"'........ '~[_,.,A'u;'!O!Uca :sUIL"L .....n. ;a"'-:~I-I . man armv, ~:I:-.,;" '~~~:J' ,"",LC Paethians lrn~w' better than. to ,explo~t th.ei~·s:uccess 00 the fun: they ~d~owed·dle 3J:hllY to depart, It was an open. secret 'slnce: Lucullus, Po:m.peiu$'~ :l'ndl Antonius {and not contradicted by ~b_edisuter of Crass,us) that a Roman. impet'tltf.).,' could take ·tbe l.egiion:s.anywhere·" "f'taj:an. came Hke ·CotlDuD.o.,A feetble empire, t'O'tfi between rival da;~m.., ants fo.!ll the threne, succu-mbed ludicroualv before the bn.poct. The: R~m~fi invader we~l.t'On.. He could occupy Armen]3; and Meso·pO't3:mia~ 'ih,"", m;:g~ht'i!i'ii""Ji.;r"':\, 00'· 'C·::-t·~.,rp-·:·h. ,1.('1.--;. C,-'I!~:~:l~1 ,','ijll \1('1 ;:;'~I'f','::[i"lii" ~'4 ~ "" ~ '1\. \!'!Il .. "'.;]!l; ... ,v'n~ . on liIi, ~-:',:;et,c,UI'.n.]u ~ ,C'~j • lle:r
L'!.JI. .' ~. '_'


i.!J"~, '..











.iAi".·3 ..... .L .I.~'" ~




D'efeat fo-ti:n,d. Trajian. at a ~QS's" The miJihlr:r ~mper''@'t' who, ha·d[ been used to, hav1ng' his ,OW,". '~"3Iy ·eve.ryw!he.r.-e: gr·ew :angry' and :~nt.mctwbI,e. Baffled befora Hatrs u ~threw ca , '"~~..... iI:,\C J,L ew ·:'-:'Ii"~'~""'·.~·OO·~i<"IIC-~ a~~luo'Jl,~. the '~i'lL~ss and ,;Ao;,..1i"!I .... sed l!.""""~~""~ his .(j\Vfi 'person oiS~ent3:ltiQlu~ly" Ot'h~_terr{~lrs,may be surmised .. The ..~ ~ ~hQckto 'Traj' an.Js. conceit :p1t'oduced at accelerated a grievous ·m~.b(.ly (T'raj:an himself could Qnly put it down ·U) po~so\U .'7 A t-ot'ail'oolbps,c' ). d; 'D· earn ov'l;;r.l.'Il.,oo.. .........' .lmper,a.~.Qr,..nteI'Cl· u In····· m ..h'·-,:i', .-. ,:·.. ···-·,k, Ute ·~·f"· y~:. ~S! eSCiBi.p:e.rum. from 'the scene-t..;' ~=·~·':·-~·'L··" He: was returnins to Rome for the eeeemonv 'f:~-'P~- of his failure, ., ... .'',rz;' ~ ... ~ .,~ ... ,. "~'-J -(~I a... ·adman. 'h~l.llmp'u,. None ·of the Ca.esaffi: hillt-her'to had .incilttTed. a dissster ,of that magnitude.:9, Traian~ left';·, others ee take the ~;l, am.e~, ~[! 'I'i.OIlf ~, :b~idM;(>''II1' , __ _, " ;!)__, _~_ ~ _, '~,:--~ v idA. ":L ....-:1111.1·.0.....,. ~~__,........ .. .. ~ the grudge :ag.alfi$~:his k~nama'nt and a r.e-fusal to, ,ai,esl,gnate aJ successor imperm,ed. the: fab-de of the Em.pire'~ and mi.g'flt eMily ha.~e~ pr.-uvo;k;ed
. ~,~.... ~ ~ .... ~ _ .!i4 _,'

j~,,", ~'''"'''~·U 0;; _ ~ ~ __ ~ ~

:·......"i:i~·~..!I.. ( C,!,I.O~'V .•...

('-il-f-" ... -. _.." .....


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:11 c~.vH. !U"., W

A ,~"'l..

hocould f :m.a;n. 0"fsomhre! d gement wno ,000il1,1i._ not reruse a.w~llrnt~.o:i!I!.-O :Si!),m', teo jiilil, t T.raj~n but discern,ed. (per.,iha:ps.we]lln ..advance) certain faili1l;g'S, in the h· id .. dl' t _.. .. ~dS,~:Q'mni H'.".· WQU_'~ 'L ., "_,.. P-UiI; on . rre 1 nave ,~o au tr ,o-crnl~!,. :a, a p.l~U-n_,.l!.Ly as aa :Ii.'..,.....
._j.~! ,. .'.1' .'1'






. .. .. . Tu.. h'· ,. .,,1! 1 ~,.l..:l,~, ibuti ~ean, arratioas rs d eQep~ilIve!'I. ite•.~iilst,onm '~IWy ~~ ~ds,canmbunon n ~ '~O the gi:leaJltt ,contemporary debii3ite .on. Roman fOilei__gn pollit.y. It might Mb d .'~ ,.1!' :Lt' L , . b L,,' ,~ :~.f!''n .. pa~~'lJlu,_,e. I't turns out- to ae .somethlfig; di..1Iecent==eqiI!Jitalb le and elusive Fer at!Il the pride of [e:rP,$!lif,$ and. the n:tagnifice:n.t :ass.e:v"'e-t'atkms~, ~hefe are 'ullubrtrusive: s1:gns or hinitS tnthe Arztul'lu ttlat. convey the ,argmnents, ,(or dIplomacy ,instead, 'Of war and batt'~e ney(llnd Rhme .a,r :Eup:b:rates, ]f 'Tiberius Caesar showed good, . . II ..1~ ;t'T . :Ii sense, W$ .fit ng:,~t t-o, CODue11'Ul out 0.'f'Lbamd 1.. successor o~: Lr:aJ:arl~. ~tne Hadr~a:rru.reverted to the procedure 'tElalrt: a ~,ong 'traditlon commended, Taking Caesar Augus,tu,s as his, model" he COllM c.b:cumv'etl~ th ie- n::ln - - -"':"i- - 01 'TI - T[ L._ IU,~:' IU'_.1_· . . A-'ugus!r.,m;-" upon -£ -- -' - i~"le' .u:iditu"lWUISc . -- .. - ,r';"""'egy "'-;I,'H:'S [,m:;; which he put ,emp,basis afree his ,tlfiders,tafid~ng' wi!th dle Partbia'o m.Q!Jtatch in ]t23~ ~ a powerful man~festQ ;,5;,a_'_ndhebQ~'kd t~t be had. acbieved m,~ch more '~'hrougb peace than had, a,then byarms, ti no flO' A,ome~~1t OOil!.l ld 'be argue. d) 'L.. d ao;t~~ing 1 .'~, ._ I ,~~a~~ L.· tQ iose b ounei'OIl' .' '~:Y llli;tlo:n toward,s '~he Ar8adds~ nothing to :fea:r ev,im, from, stabiHlty in the Pmtbioo domi~ioAs,. Tt.~ ;s:ystem, of va.ssa~, princes, howeve~r",exhibited 'V,zuious, s.hol.n,'OOm~ngs" Rli~ers :a,ppoi~;ted. by' Rome fai~ed w,rt'b
';L. •
l j, . ----

the C·--h.@~'~s....i il!lI'~"",:&: l'u!ll~ ... J ... th ehere :'i"io1f';' th -.'R- ....m",'I"''"' :', ~,:t~oI!';l'i'" '".....,'" ''Vi:i.;'!i'~' ,Wl ,ifle iIU.a,!lI'!I'!!:IOTS 'was 3ssas$ina~ed by his own, kit1l!$£olk., ;f GjetrmanLcus Caesar orDomitiee COtifrHj~O!, the :surface of the TSlci ..
:ii1!m.OWlO".' '. , = __ "\§
._',,", , ~ '-"'. ~~. i:U,Q . /I;.;
~,'U 'U.. ,/U"

""'''~'','i''' .,.......;II~ld·''... ..-....;.IL~ ~-,t1; '.n: is '1I..rO'111>~l[il;r.II:.' '''';',J' ;i.o·o,.......,'Ler '& .,.".,...." re "'a::'" p,..;.'im·\~""';J ~'t.,...J; ... raev 1]' ~uuJL' - .. ~~,o., ~-f: :iLl' , ...... It,;'': ;~~l:.lil.i:, :II "'r "L~:L "~' ,.....~~
....... ,y.~~~
~'.·I~~~.L I ~-,~ '1

recoed somewhere the ooeqll.S!!te' technique (it had, l'ong been knewn, and was now vindicat;''ed) fo~' ,deaHng 'Wt,m. the Parthians, i-Eence the fuU exposition .of T;ibe:rillS,~ nl~3SU~s, ;'~ and tb~ GLaud.i~, books wer-e to' reinforce th~,'~ruth about ,Partida. Similarly" the Roman conquests in Gemlmy'. Tseitus i9,im:pe'~],ed t'O,pJ:a.y up the exploits, of Ge.rmanicliIS, CadaF'~but not witlioll.t a CQIr,rtctivc'. T.he :!])U]11tive discloses the dit11cUJldes, the hazards, and the cost" tbe :~iule:dud~ 'W3$ achieved ,even, after :il( 'victo'ry ~nttbe field. Further." tl~,e r,ea!SGns ,of po'~~cy that Taeitua ,expounds as the gia,t [of :r'~beriJl(ls,·!et.t,em,t!~) Gennarucus, 'beali the ~m:pdnt ,of saga!.City andan tnoonttovert~ble mo,rai,,:I: Th ;e ,ev~'lt $00:0. j,l:lii9l..~.t:~..J[ 'Wh the l!:ll!V~j,ons cease d t~.I.': "_~',efln:an .' UueY.! ..': --"'.e~ '•. _,~ invasi I·.~ _), II... ~ 0-" tribes, gaily revereed to their :nor,m.a~, quarrels, ,Armiruiu~ ~~, once turned 'QJJ,MarQbQdilJlus~ whose empb:-e collapsed, ~ ,Annlniusi,how.,
'<11 ....

'~'i,...." .. :

t v!~ j;zff~ Furtll£-r', V~tdliw,!meeti~si' with ibbi!!~P,'a~im k~'nlS' ~t 'the E"Upb.:r:a,t:c".il,(p. =:3,1'~ ' WIIJ]llll.~e been. n:an,~~e~ iLtl Book VII .. H,~~~:I!tiiii~m ,!l:,VC::l1i];iY!m",. !Ii~t~ ~y~",r ~, (p~!,!,IT!libly b:f!~ 111~ ~. (jrath:m .oJ 1'1beri,ut;). ~ ~[,' 41Sf~ If.!:, W:.!Ii1 :Beu.n, :a,tivc ~.dl :an CJt;ii.e Or. ()t f~), :Picit~ ,dtt:!i {and doeI, :not T :impu:gn) Tiheri'lll~! l~~~ f 'OJ his eiirlie!" ~!l: !power'. ... II. 88. ,ii 'p. :;:48. ~ Viotor, ~t. It., j'D~: ~b.¢i!;~b;¢ pl!Lllun p[iu" iU:l (llio' :1de:j1i~q~, t!r,t;!l'ila ,~l"03I!~'




their own pe0'P·~e;. nd some PFO'V,ed li.:tfllbl.lJS~.w'Or.dlly.:~ In eonsequence a the ~:pe!rri11 :power might have to .st,oop to :ign.Qb~edevices, ;sor1Arin;g disoord er b:C!nefidng' from. a. murder. 'That was, not a ca'~ami'ty; the di.sgfaoe eould be lightly' horne by men of under:sta.nding.2, r:r'rajartl~s:irru;pdofi dis.turbed the equilibrium .. He deposed. 90~e nrinces~ others 'will . 'have found _ the' 'Im~xa'F(f'-, :!Ii manner r . ..--, ..~ F'· ~~ .- ~~ . ~."" .. ~-. . . ~. _. . " ,,~ ~:F-""""'~' 0'\ . on,. i-nto,le.rabl.e g-drian \V3.S a . grea .l"......,[1:8 tc heal t··~·· ',41"1' a at rreat n~iil'i'--'- )0, _a_ -ue ~a~ge '.~ L· .. -, pa ..•.. /.... -·d·:. ~ ne w·a,s _.;. ~M",. an
,go UQU

.fo/r-:L-:;"I~;~'O' .~;I!' ~1]·1 n., .. -~or.:i'i·"lIll. ~ ~ _ ~_~~ ~~~ iIi~~ oR ~ :t:"'e!li. ........u.@!

,~if'-.; ,·C···,1·~I~'i~h's-, :c·.··. ~.:.~.-""...

'WI . ~l.IItUli,lliiIL.

·The. Anna'US convey 'the: H·ad·rl:amc

d:~·11:'' ' 'II7!D:. "Iw";~h:'-, 't.... ........,""...,,..1--:.""'oRJil'!'L.!"iI""" . Iii. _ _U leill' IR..-:JI~.


dVnastt;;iIIo!;!1 ;; ~~--~ .-~

Aft,- 9'!;1;.ff'"" ~~""I!;"I (hut: omitte d.·-· T- ~ib"'~:·~~s.).til 1D0"Ii.Q'#". preeep ~~,'t-,~ t·h· address "If .~~-: .~r~ vill. 1~~le prince, and ..~ikewwe the P~rdl.i~n env1ol}:s" Claudiu, Caesar ·ended
• _'~ ~ ~~~;L. ~ ,." ~_ '!;.o~.~"",,~..

:Bospo:ms,. he decided on me.rcy·,. ~O-I' such 'Was the ·~:l'-'adil1tiQ.nof Rome ~w 'ii:'iIi'li !Im·:'p·.b. fro 1"Ii", brok ',~. ad '1·-~."!iI"'£oIiili: are ~Oil'. "'~r:o'fI:~L: .UA;'V:LU • ,,~.,~"""~ ,..'. , hs _ e~ W·U'J."UIi ·~:iJi,",~:rilg.5 IGbllld~ruif;,; aWe t~1send 'OiU,t iBn .A~acid to role 'Q'yer' ~he PLt1hian.s<, a. certain :Me-her-dates~ wh,Ol had :U.ved foe lo,ng years. as, a .hostage at Rome, In .bis oration the Et:n:p~ror '~eJlruked m,e: pr.-e.:tensiofis. ,~f the, -- :1....= -,~,,~ d t, ~ ~ U d ~:'. on ~: ~II • A ~ Partmans a.-n,-·pUll; .ium,s;ru. 1b. 3Ct ann !po~~CY il .~eve~Wltm ...•..ugustus uy


That e:m-,:-p ............ was clem-~. ent +0- ·-w--:a·1ir4·,fo~.'~~,~" r .. ,lr\il!oJ~O'11 U:;i4.. _ ~,U~, T.Lr·nU·IQ"·1i:- iO'1r!l!II'3llit~i.V~i'i"i''''''''nilil~d:a'~.':I-i-n~J1i. 'l'··t·~....;ii..1~I+'-' .~..,..~; ruler =M·_.·· ,lh. ~ 1JIi.,..~u. b,..~~~.J' _~M.I~~"'''' . ; b~~~ ~1.-'W;a. I~JLle 'OU....... of ,~
!l..r.l.V H!IiiiiII. ~
c _

J,;;I. ~ _

tnr()iugh the :m.outh



.... _ . ...;1


,~ ~



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with a. firm. pronouneemenr: Rome':;·n,gD.o'W the fullness of glory'" desi .. Q'n~y that t~~e.n.~t~Qn9i th h '" may abid Ul; peace.," ._e~u _"t"e$ ~Ne . N'o Taciteen c.ondo~ti,()fi. of an. :ingl'Griow. po·]ic.yco.u~.dbe p:fai~and. "open, - "rony'.' deomena·_,·te·s.- TI·" acnus isearem .. ~ ;"" -:·.-r:'i'"W.La ·t- .uappene, '''';, '", ", '1:':' ;,' .. .,.,~:, '. ._····dt-- ~~ . _f..·l·t-",,-,, repo,I,% ·'h· neened ro Meherdates, ·the "urbis alumnus' (as Cla'Udiu'S s,ty.ted..him], not ~():ng after, .Defeated 'by h~8 rival and captJill:r-ed,. M.e·herdates 'was,mutilated-« and k.ept alive: .£O.r the , '0£ Rome.8 .
_'C .. '~I'-


~ ~.~.~





:i :Xiit. 48. :1: ~Olilln.e swus e::t!temlIlJli. ·cum, :Ie~~uil,h.IB.:'btnd,uniL; .serndinrl etilm odi.or:um l.u1i1:ndi..~ ~Jt $~ prlnc:~pm. Rom :mI. ~d.em ~~tie ]iii[~tfg"~ itJU!r~~i ... ...._... .. • .' .•. 'k, ·'i ~~, C'i .• '~ .. ,~'L. ._I. ". '1.._"," '"':r ......mllJM..IlJUa; ...... ~'~ - _~:...i.,--II.l'~foll'iillWN.rn anlmll iP~uuerJ:n_,;. ;;;::I<U'i:_il WU. ~_l1e ~US=M i'" reaenec O~di\iili:ti!lji' dle l¢ ,0£ :$yri.a) :iLnd N:!i Qfi'll,rn:!.'C:1!ilJiiL ~ '0"""""", '.. ,.............-1.. ~ ....- ... · 1.... , ",,'f ,..'~., .iI'JiI:.. .. w"'_ "'I!! f""'1!!d' ......... e_ 11 y~, ';!I~ ~IU W "'am'" '........... !hi.... I;U A :U. ;...~~_~W. ~~~._~~ ._:~.~~;n,~al~., ..,;~,II·". ·~fiOt" >e:uly:m cll~ uJlIfi)" .4: Xli!!:, )0 .. :![~: 'n,O'tIlJ!lfiiltiibi:..i:5i ~~&: ,in.. h:~," .!i iib.·1.;. ~ve.rU!m, ita .m.ig;r,ibu5l: PJla<:i~um1' i!!l;;ljl1~ pc!~!I!di!l: q in ,h~k!~, :t:a__rUa '«.nti.1I .iildVe.t31!lS ~u.p,p]~ lliiendwn:~nml ·i:t~ump.~ ·de pOpii..iI~. fegn~qli..ic,~ri!: :adqiUiiiri,~ F:!)$" .~_.._ . -I 'r '~~ .•. "",~aptc~r; of 1i;I;!1.a: !1J' '1--' .... (,iii; i51w___r.:QC; aD;;", ~Qr':C!~ ri.;'P:P<;. +0, ,~.11". :[: ·~iLmclplt '1tiI1:'R!t:1-ontln CilleS'lIIf ·de fit!;t~I!I:OO. RorniliM'l!!J..It.: '1,'Me'litlitus,.
'_ ~'!P"I!r.,~ ~~!!"'!I.~_ ..
~L ..



:[-i. I: ·'.i:eviit-A'te ~n;ri~i






e!;t~'_. :~_ .. ::



Uie RunlB



II,~ .~_~



~~~~b~i~ ~~:':::::';:::e=e:~:! j!~ft~a::~h::'

• NatY<ni~ly


Q;~~ewm ·~~~rt,'· _." ..... .... ... . .' j . ~'j1 Ai' . . ~, . 14. ;3.• ot~liI)t,ul·C'le..m.Jmtl;ill.e:J!aU et: ~tI'Ji aes .h~rt~~tam.ento.

PI, ~i:9"· dtbl. 'n...,.


,S~! ,~ve.t!'" d.:d'ltim ,iii. diiil:!ip'po:ifitttimJt·~m. :Fi.:liljan, F;gr . .,_;ho-! 'TiICJi~' pollJt!l.elli1 (;t,-ediO :Ill1lili ·IOOMCqjllil.ent d:liB~lIluslo.n.meil".i.t He in.. the But ~.~ m.a~' •.

'Tadtus pays :no:mage tQ' the Imp~r;atlill'after his ownf3:8mQfi---a Ii;d not w.!dl(Ju.t .ambigtsity. AUu81,Q,n. to B;adriia:n.:is also coveee, but not perhaps

Hadrian~IDp~nges, v.ariQusly upon the author'e thoughts" The treatment of Tiberius at his 'first )]resentardon betr;ays disquiedng' symptoms" NQit :mer:ely the binbl, and rumeura inserted to the miet~':8

a~w.ays. discreet.

detrime.nillTacitUs overleads dIe rutrrn~j.v,eand imp~irs its llr~po,rnons.] Perhaps ~her,~i!!l, som~th;~~._g mere- -a.penras:ive w;fiuence:.l~ so far ai, any .~2iiuemperor' ro~otlr,edJ. his whole po.~ya1 o:fT~beri.u~ it

m~gbt he. H'adrian rat~er than Domitian,~Con,vinc~d (and wi!th some eJt:1ciuse)of raneeur and. dooss.~mUJ]aJ~jO:fi .~i1 Hadr,im. (;lind. llfi'Willing to blame -TNjjm)~Tadltus ea.gedy embraced .3: presumption about the
be[~' and suceesacr of G~esa_tAugustus" and cherished it to ~cesSj despite the reasons that disposed h-~m to, approbation (If T:iberiu9 -;a.nd his .avow:a~s, (weighty thj)!ugh. ~n;t~~U.en!t.) of dQubf and perple:l~ty';

vanmge sJl:Duld have been. able: t:(I,assee;s the: arduoiUs w;b .ind un .. happy' dUemmas dlat co:t'D!front,ed. the earlier rulers .. Empir's, as Or1'(!: o.f Tac~~ul m.igbt have adm~Jued (cCfuldit be kn()cwn) vatieus paU~adons fO'rHadrian. 'The .iindUJ~gen(:eJit seems, W:a5 slight ormuted, An~J' and despajr ;sl1enceclIc.harity. :80011 ·or Late" each. of the Caesars, wefilJ! wrong before the end, H~dria!n"s, :rci_gn had .not: even begun well, It Qpen.ed w.~Jtjha sU:$p,ic~otl.Sadop,tion, the kilJmg of al!i.Obim !,and the c~eCu.tion. ~~.' .... ~ .~ . iL_n] A· ~d.stona:n '. d" '. .o:~~ ,'OW censutae •n'lars~,~s.,~n L:" . ~•... ,.s ;stJ1Jl,.·.·~es__ .t: . d' ai. ~t:or-$." . C~U-l!~rmc·_ . tMight ii'li~()men andgover.nm.eRitB. What bad been. before 'wmi~dcome a_gain and nothing' stood certain ex"Ceiptfate or chance and the "ludi ..

. At t~be'-;sametime" :and.oo:nv'e'tsely"Tacitus :firom. a. d_u,taDt point .of

them. to]Jd his friends wasa~~moaster dl3i,t. had. te be ~aced and. Inast-e:red"l -------~--------J. -----~-~-~ ~ ~ ~. --~-

h'fla rerum ni.(l'rtal-iumeunetisin negpt~~,:!" .. An emperor' who was also a philosopher'Upondle eternal reClWIT'e,nOCof things, As lh~:t:Qryis, so it was, and be. Out o£ .3

mafil/S..experi,en.ce or from the chronicle of ,old times i-t unfolds before hrutl 'eyei a sequenee of stage plays. The theatre is the sa'me, Q'ftly the actors ar-e diHer.e-nt.·5 -



'The w.r.iJdng of .~iSito.tyw:as esteemed a henenJt it ahated d[8card, embeU~shed. the past, and strmgthe_n.ed. the P!resent. age in.
App •. :31', Hil. ,t:aiilt:epdan or- .Hadrllfl.'$ ·ch;ua-C~I!!J!:, b:ilu:bkco (:an i!I~C'i il<:fit!'ti '~jan':q: ., ;SI~'O[i!iw:; .T.b" ~, ~::: ~·ignU-o:!i~. quanta. 'bdU:i e.9Ie~ lm.peri~/ t


" IJl.. 1:8...... ~~g~~ ""i'

, lid, AllI~'lilW!!" A'A U' ~ipmm. , :Zii'; ~~-X~i x



-K>II:j ffil'lI>t'iI'li'D'JjQ'~fll'.II.



'!f.~5' .~~.



fI:~t;~'vrJ:,w.t ~~~



3~TQ: ~ ..qK'!'J~~Q~if~i~ •..~~~ (K .~~ ~rt,,~ ·r.ffJ'£di!iIJQir...O' il4II:.p "'Ulfl!' ~g~ -,IO':A,


'f.elicity and eoneentment. l The: epoch of' 'the JuHan and Claudian Caesai',s~ however, was, something better.' ,£o:rgQtt'e'J) ': o:rdy ,3, chronicle of c::dme a;ndl tyr,an,n:y'" Wili;tf:lQut a:ny valid, lesson, No emperor could appro~'e a 'WOtll;;;: like the ,Annales :of CQr.neli.u.s Tacitus, An. evil past .had, C(Jm~to :~ife again., The iWoc~tion was vi.v~d~insl1di,0111Si, and :S':ubvern,:rve.

"There SJlceman:y t,defils, in T'aJcit,fllS; and one is, fo~ satire, 'Th~ were :~~'I~n~., Junius Ju.v'ertalis proclaims that ,bjs au;:a;ckswill be confined to those whose, ~he~ are entombed, 'ibeside the I.... ~~n iQ'rthe, F,!.aminbm W 3Y.::" Of necessity.. The: poems confirm, J uveaal cannot visit sCO:r.Q derision. on the men Wh~l have 'w,e~~,th WId and place and PO'WC1",. He anxiously avoids the new ar~$)toc:rn'cy now dom'inant" that issued largely:frem, Spain, 'Ot N,arbo'nefisis:~ :and the dynasdc: houses :fMm the eas~:ern.bnds"l N,~r can he touch t of :~'mperi.alpOlliey. Lirerature 0,11'fiction furnislr most o:f his, requiremeats w~~;i:'t't..;!i'n:~ ,ne:C~c~:~1..i,.,!bt-, to the '''-';:'"~O~II!io. ],,"I~... ... "llil('l;d. D''''''~lit~'.':iI~ "', "" ... • ,nf Nero ·:' ~}w" '~r'_' .~W U!YlU. . luve~~, belong,ed C.Q a family of equestrian, fortune (not 'ranch by the standards o:f the metropolis), He was eaeval with Suet,~,nlus, l"'ra'fiquiUus, and a doeen yean, ji un io 1" tOI T:ae-itus"S The scbo.lady Suet'Oin~I1l,]S, benefited from the p;a,ttQ,nage: of PHny.! hut Plin,)" g~,v'es,no hint of Juvenal;s ,"e.. Suetcnius sought, ~,'~q(uiredjand, rhen surrendered a,post as, military tribU!ll,e-:P.~iny had so]idted the legate 'of Britain, ,in his favour,.6 juvenal may' (Ot :ma,Y'not) have served a s,ttl,g,e run the '~mnitia equestri:~i~;7 could not resist the call 'of ~be:metroH,e polis, M.artial knew hlrn, and sympathized with his early suuggles fot ad v~'r>"''''m''''n,t'~:II: Iuvenal fremU,,",Uj~ the Iaw couns and~~ tb,c;" schools oJ ~~.. _ !lnJ.!I;r"'~~~""~~. JI-" eq ~''''i''''~~I! ....~u.C ,a, ",",,,,,,1;..IL!,.l;I ~~ .. ~ ~~ ... ~~ _ ~ rhetoric, What-ever the ~at'li'e: and eompasa 0.£ his ambi.tions!="'" success, 'm,oney'; a, name as, advoeaee, or an aclva;n.ta.geo::us, emp,h)yment in dl~~ jmpeiia:'~,seeretariae=-he suffered ,$om~ disap,o~n:tmeni~w.i~b.te'BIdh~ng peiha,ps as, the last resort, and the w.titing cf &i\tire~as his, rev engle. ~, :N,~ senatorial patrons are hencured ~n h~.s,poems: QI" even an,y ,of the' '
,.. ~.I..II1I1! ..
'V _ "'....~~~~JIJiJ.








1 To ~ :rtcndiM",~d &p'!.liMkifl!, hiilo't(l\rY PQliuCj~lyio~.Q'~ w~,o:ne~ q.f U'i.')':fa :p!r,ul'!,C_~!p~I, ,Icih~evemt:n~,~ cJ~,H., ])estiiilil, (j.'i!l'5tA.. 40' :t" ,Kaf;I't,ttdt, I (1:92+)" :5,4,5:., ~ J U''In:~a)! I. ~:7g.:f, .) .... Ji,~_" :Srv1'!iliI!!' 1,.... __ , 0,...,., '~"oi"i,;~n:) '.... ' ' ~. ~ _e..... ~"" , ~ .•,..:I"' ""'" 1, ~..• 'kjll"',..:Ji "><'I:'",_,",,-,, '~b ~ >f· i.lo _ ~ =" ~ D,,,, ~' ~'h~)i~; ·liI'"i(Io~.3i~- 'L~.. ...'"~-... ' "....... l",,:n' '!' 1,AtII 'N":cr'~i~:~"'" 1' )11:'_~ ~'.liy, th3i~ Jli'Vt:tli:i[ Wii/a; a l5i~rt and ''li18¢iOO1;li!; i53it!!r,iq,t Qf ,tCin~i:;n;-~.'tyi ,;3!n ~()I::ic::"tY", "", ~,·:ir!! thl:!, 'l!i!i8ht!h sa,.ti~e'i!o md itt'ii 'I:l~ef~.\iL' ,5). ._ ~, For hi:!li ~, App", ,t. ;:;. ~:!I":8" :L, J!,-pP. ~' Fo,r the- jo&a.:'., (Mm ~M' ricini1t,y' 0'1:' AquiiinUl:'r.l, (lLS ,~,~, .riM}."t: seen li!t:i.iQE!~ ci.~h~eemib 'ch~' ;Qt:nt~ry) see App. "4-0, ~; M!i!!ir~3il 'Vu:. ~ a.t!;d 9 ~ (lin '9 ~ OJ'" '9:1)1; 1!:H. t8 (loo' er ~'(H).
,I' ,fl.n,'. ~,L Q _ C~ . i""1L

biiri'~&!hcd by '!E)tJ.fmdtliiin.(w,ith ]:i:!it~iil.g e±tcicts. Q(n. h~3!c.'ha r:~V]~~ ~ ~93i')I' ,.80' 'fi~; ~~''.s~1,i'l',i~'" 9'S~4'~j, h ,~-~.......... ~,",~~".....~~ "~""""~.''''''fi'~,) U ... rn-, ,s' ."'n .....i' ~ vir 'i'''''~,.i.,",' f~~ii!i'li"" '.... ~'~I"''''' n~......,,,...£}' ,.,.. U""ln ...... ~h"'.:i , f-,.,.,.-,; ~iIiQ ... ~- ".- ... , U h" 'a!l'li~kl!'Ulity. T.n.e pcl!noip:i!Il V'it>t:J: (:lon ~he Cf!d~~' it~~'). P ci~~, vn, 90' fi'. Iilnd Zii'se,rtl!itha'~ ~jh'e, Met, itt"i.oCu:~red~ ~,eml"let'Q__';~, rese-:-tl1lle--: t: th--oo g Itt 31_ ~'ifL } ~.clts on .. - :ti.Cl~.t.~ '~iit(:ir1i!~~tnyy, ''''''''":t' .-'~,t.'". r",._. [I, __ _![\ .... - ,,', .... ~.Ij!o


!fii:\S 'been,

iIf,gu.ed, -tn*t he


;IIiC~·~.r)i ,~' ~~pc~'III~,. U., ,HIS~, "''!i ~ '1---'iI;-;""i~ ,.. i· w ,..i! .. ,~ill... a, (\,Il''''i,. "',,"' u"" IWlh ~, __ """ ir~ ~.... ... __ ,"",Ii



':::=i:~,~!~~!U:=I:~~~~=;~~ ~:-:=~~:=t:;~~ ~
-~~it'"~" ~~~ ,~., .. [1"



~....T.'H».a..:.' :T-1]M', ~. ". ··I.:II;~~


W--"R"l'''l''''r-N: [G' "'I_'.l '.~

.... ,-.J

B', Iade 00, ~... i'!"10 ,Ai1',AO'.[~ -g' ,o1iim,[~ilfil:'!' _ <'liU'~ !tf~ ~~ ~l~"" __ "~I!.i.., The ch~oln,ologyOfJU'.v,~ar:s writ~ngs h$, an i-mpomnce transcend~ft'g"_: the~,"" moOi b.'o~i"-P.iI,-,:h-,''\1,' f a 'r. ,r;;;L. I'n, fie ~-t- ~Jl'11\." he alludes •.... ~h,e -', ~H" ' 1J1-~l,,"pn:.:r if '" n,' '0'"". " illO, ..~lU enomlides ,of Ma;r~~ PriSCYS, the prooo~uh ~,f Mr.~cal and the ,~e[Jjience~ ,@:fexile as ,a p~nW.ty~~ recent ,~e:nt (it has been urged), and 3, due A for dati~g-., N'~,t aI,t :al~.~'The case W"aS n.otodi)'~:and pr.;ObaMy the lat-e5t pr'06ecuti(l-Il, of a. "rooo:JtSurn, of COll!$llJiar lrank., JiUl,V,e.nal mentions PriSCl~S'. gain.,~ Man,us Priseua need only be, an allusion te a modern a work of classic ran_k;,the le~~(lrs 'PUny------c:r to th3Jt, e.mine.ut orator of who, 'woosli11 ;aU[v,e nd, writing h~Bit(}ry'.There is, no proo,f that Juv-enai a 'published, anything be.for-e 'the death of Trajan. Nor' is the termor his :t~)ter:a-ryact[('IIi~Y'pIOOCruS'e, In tb~ :p~nmt~mate satire: he refers to OID,e of the consnls of 127' as, not long ~o,. S If the· period of the satires be ]YUJt rough~y at ]11;;5:=3Q, a concluswrt of ;~Qm.e ~ntel''e$temerg'es. ,F OIr a part at, l=sif:. of the way the satires cf JUI.venwrun parallel w~!ththe: A-tmales: ,3.
_ ..... !I;!L,1;.;.I.4!1.,!:
I; _

,line of the seve.nfh(Jjii: hjs s~i!ires Juven~l a_ppe.als to Caesar ,as, the sale support 1l).f PQUt'e let~eT&-'~r6t ,s~es et :ra,tio studiorum ,in Ca.esare:
"""gi _....,.~~_j.!,;,t

h~g~ equestrian dig-niuries and heads, of d.epiJrtmen,ts"


In the first:


y,1I. '"',

...... __ .... ~








N'Q't tmlt the ;sat~[,istneed be suppesed deeply in. the debt 'of the, hlstorian, ar' catc:h~ng from :biIn, the: nod,on, that a sar:vag;eindi___:gfJ~tiQf[ :mi,ght pr--o,fitab~y grunt itse~f upon tbe dead" Tac~t;us ,and Juveool could, beregard~dJ as, :paraUcl acnd coeval ,phenomena" S~yle!one) and ;9~ndt 'm-", :""":',Cv, m;,' ,- 'Itt-,l, e. J='~iI!~~:-1, h a.o. 'p_.. ~~,~_ ,;I,U_. enneentratien --""...... e--:,---: . ',.... _para![J . __ =::= : oi~t- -'JI1'!I,d eom_ . e,uUl mand ,(:)'f rapid ~a'r.ra.tiy,~-and of :pi.ctn,rial [eNnca,tio·n~.afid a dr;~u:nat~c power' :supremd)t rrrnn-tfest.ed .in sce); like thee fa'~~ of Seianus, Q,t" th,e -.- ,~-::-, c",~,c:ot ,;I ,~ea,_cu+.- " deb uch ,demg!UMC energy Remo[[~Slelese, p'rea<:hing' of the ,ancestta~ :m.or-aU~y dellianda;t~o;_~of ~ _0.:, an . 5 .. ,... . -d sloth and £o':'};crnetS;=th- II:: natlonal - Romanseirit ;smleBiks, with VIC'e~ . . re~b' - .. . ,~ .. '" •.. ~ . ~~ .r ,r a fenro~r and a, fury never,wn to the conquering .RepubH.c 'or to too pride of tbe: A:lIJgustan, E-mJ~-ir--e'~ t was ~OIW Q__ tb~:, I U pass1;O:fl3.te!y insistent ora:.anclene vln;l!lc and ancient he~oism.. .Loud ~d perhapsover-leud ~n their ,~,rotes,ttl,dOr.5" Juv,eJ~a1 and, Ta;dt,us, ~etra1 symptoms of d,efeat ,or :lnsecurity. They au, tile last ,great names in. the Hte:ratu;re of the Romans, 8

t"i4"""'e_. !II.-.,II_~~e"oeanin ...·i~~':P"i,~: h:o!o~"'";au~,~~-h':,,.,.,"',,., ath.~,- ~"an,ln...,,~ueui~ ',:ii'>d :iIi,_ m~"'I~,)1t~~rjv..,. ~ Tacitus.s ._ "R'~ ~~~,b~~'~'Y-'-~ __"" from _~~ __




j ..... ~.Ii.

_ ~_'.

_ __,


~"-id b.... """"~, perpetuated ~ _ v ,.-aseasen, as it were,- :io 1i"'frI, for P - "1;' ... "' ..... -~ ~"" . -dut shape of PQl~:ticd h~s!tQ\l"Y.That ended now, Erudite compih"ttion
nt" , '~rt:~"'=;I~ Uwl 1... 8llIi ,<"1I-i)1i'O· '.'J ,~J~., U'~,RJ~,
-.1 .~


'Th~pEi~~; s:dd~:md ~!iI,tln:, ~~·tIl-!o'e poefl!!8; ]QQ;k !Filis:e.i~w", V,O:lu:I!~'U$ B~thy,nk!,iL$j :md! Ga~~~'i.iSi. ~~"' t. ~~ ,~ App; ''1:5, -1' v!J!~1'20" ~, li:.'I{, ,~71'etf', :x~~[.,1,7 ,[,di:$ctt:Ss!:d in App., t4). : t, A_pp, 7S',. . :1 11:. 5,4 fr,; Vl!" J ~.. ff. -I: ,~£,_ M:erivait:.,'Htst9ty q/, ;IIU' Rc:imiim: 'umk ... dI!,' ,f.:mpfr~ v---m (di~H6}"~3:a f.

.A:t IelUt


as CBIr:!







- . -"'li"T"U~'o HADRIA'N~ TAC.!l rt, Io,;,._A'N~D''~,

rl "_"''';'~

held the field, g-ossip w,dting',! Or' ethical tracts. Suetoniu, conceived the notion ;Q,f ~n encyclopedia to embrace the whole of Latin lit~t~l:re arr.anged bio,graphi~ly~(aJn.d, not 'G'm,~uing the ,gtauunarians and, pl'Q-' fessors). 1 The device, which W1tS 'oQ;n_geoiaj, to ~hi$'talents, may ha,ve :su_ggested :attothex' enterprise, Suetonins 'went on '~O describe the ]iv~ :and hab~tsof the Caesars, with a;, pred~]C.Ctir@in for odd and :scandalorus
d,etail.~ 'The doc'll1meor,tation 'was fonnidabru,e--=~evefi, extracts 'which ~l\urtQniu8, culled frem 'd'U~: p~,l'vare'correspondence of the ]u~io--Cm.udian. dynasty. H:~soccupation helped" with access te the al\cld-.ves~,for Sue~onw,~s after the te~'mtive 0-1' thw$rted asplrat~ofi8 ,of ~ scholar's existence, W"a',vcdng'between, book'S and ai, career in, the end slipped into the

secretaria,t after' the accession, of HadriaI:l.iJ became Hadrian's adviser j,a S<1tJudi~$",. Then be: was tFHlt in charge of the imperial Hb rsries 'R D€ ] • L • art - '1"~ at ,!lime", Betare .,o:n.g1.. acqutred tne 1:rm),PO:mm.t. ol~:Ii,ce ~ill~,,epls~,u=ts,'~ He; .b Suetenius' patron wss a friend [of the deceased, 'PUny IMlmdy' Sep~~dus Clarus, 'who became cemmander of the 'Guatd in I l: 9,; and, along with Sepdc:h:~she lost :fav''QrU[' and emp~,GYyin I' 2-Z:; wh,en the Emperor was in, B-ri,'bin.,4 'The wQ,rk. De ~ita Caesa:r:ttm bore a ,di.edlica:ti'QiIiL to, 'th;!ptic:ius~ 3;.p"" parerndy with, the dde of his prefectnre.s Six books ene .fOil" each ,ruler) e:tnbn,rood the Caessre ~n th.e~r dymud,c ;~eque~e' ,f~Qm the Dic.ta;tQrr ~'Qr N ero: a, 'h,tt.I:n,g term and dim:u" rounded ofF. with a brief .ep1lo,gue :1.' ~Iut a, :sPU'f.1rO'lilS N eIiO.' .' ueill;r()rntus, f b . iIlS~ .' rurrusnec tW~r more lshed tie;" ll ~: books, one fOlt" t'llC:three emper·o:ts, of. the 1~1" ~, the. Q~he.I",for the' tn-rea Flavisns, cOl~dudi-ng an epoch and, l8JnTI. 'o'llIn,dng' ;3, happier' season ..' The sequel of,e_m,pe-tQr$ after' Nere might be a later ,add.iti>o,n.,8 The. Vitae Ya:t'Jr gr,ea:dy in value, the f~l"tbes,t .f!rom his own ~ifejtlm,e: bein;g the best; ior they demanded ~eu ,or.riginal wark. T.h(n~,ghprecise 'with, oo'n~-l'.ni~g the empe~Qrs after- Augustus, 8Uretoniu~ is, d"~[[J in citaltilinn ,0'£ auth,Olddes. Of the Rom~n, annalists subsequent to Livy" :he names only OU.~ precisely CremU', Co,rdus,. Q Fer hIs
r r

'95'Umed, dlat .D'~ 't(I'ni' i\ltU1li~riDU!i' is, ptiilI!1' t:e :the irnperl:aJl bi~,3Ip:hi.e!i. It- n~ed, d 1k_ • "~~,:II i.1' • 'I!..~:L. . wo.~•. tn.i;:i.'t 'pll· . ]!11!¥ mC!!i~ ";;;~iO\t"i!_jU;~, ~o pl!.l!~;v.;'!!n ('~ .:np'p. v. :1:0)., ~ Ohjce:tl.v!Jt:Y' OO'IJ!ld ,itO,v!::!",:pNr.iietuc:e ~!i wd!~ :iI1i dCil"$riOO1. :[EhJ~ iit: wotdd, prn;ve n.othi'ng tue: ~hUs p-glymad:ll :i:li~oowt'(i,te W'~:fi~' '~~j!I!~."",i'!',¥,~!I' ,~L)'d;us,lJe mag. lit, I~}" ~ 3~ S~ now' tIlt; det3ii~;s,'P!~,ov1dtd, by t'b_e hon.oI',~tIk: f~:5~I',Ufiiti(j1'i. $c<t, Up 'by ~n.e!p~;;lIp-Et!!! HiplpQ >Q:f Rf.!,!Ju~ (AE ~'9S:3~ 7;:d., . ~ .. Fliif iiiWi.Q!l'f p.1'Oh~.iCm:5; iiiihrono:togy ~ App- ',6. of !5, L:],'Q!~~, D't1, '.e;P:I'-sibfJi~ n", 6, m ~ Nt-rf) ,5.7', 2., 'The 'C0Ii1}tin~t:.i()l,n,begifls with, ;]ilr{~getlie$ rC:III~~it'li.nn N'eron~ -d.e:fCitit' i ,in

Itt; iii!: he[t,



!J;!:: ~~

fGQ/ba: ,[)_, . ~ l)o·nt" z'l!. ,q;pum..'



'I'i!oicu!~:sarne DtJle,'!,ioi, ecverut,~ abi5,t~jIi;efith et m.od~mtiQn~

~~i!:!q.r~i!:!~tj)um. :p:nl:it.,

ThiJ eo'!i.IldiQt!!'ly 'be e<mjec~llIU=-\bu.t

i!;~OPl5;yj, cf~ App"

,~, Dit.'W' .A'IU'. ~3S:. ,2/


WOIiJId! be b.¢lp1iul if ,Di~

tn(!' Ilai~)r;

TJm 4, :[ dJepeJ~d..s (ifli -Gal.

16r.. I.,

{fill" a, :fillu) j,

m~ :31 (wlfh~i. 6,~.


infhr.rnat~()n~ Sueto~i,us had recourse to a !Jrc~.t variety of BOurces. Method!. and design ~paratedJ him from the ,historiansF-"-,and the master Q,£, erudite technique m'lY' not have been relnetanr to ,entJ~~lce the d[rvetgenct'~ '~'Q parade a familiaci,ty, with abstruse dO(;~me~ita, and sometimes to, read, them a lesson :in the art of verification, [ nG~ly

',;c ~,..!I b e cernned:

Common seueees wer,e employed by Sl!leoton~us, ana, by Tadtl!lS" for the year of Tihoortms,j accession and for the year 6J~The b~~!It,apher'may" >@f' ma:.y notl,halVle'; drawn upon the :smatod~~ h~st'olian., Hie has, been ruscnee~:--=jlef:m,ps, 01 set parpose, 'No s~ngle msmrnoe [can

h II~I • ., d" pe:r=aps vet lled :a!:~~:uatQ''lIlg'~u:.. [00 agreement 'with. the emine~t oo,n~;u'~ar,~ . Suetoniue esdma~d 'oonecdy tbe taste 'and. market ofthe times. Readers were drawn to the pe!i$OM~ items that :~olnnalh~st~ry' disi"i damect.3 There was, fOO'mt ,f~ta! rival or Sij!lpp~.em.e.n.t to, the A1;jnak$~' and the chronicle !@,f ,and~~t f'Q~ly ~_d d.~'mvity) '00 mpiled by ,a, government oflldal, ea, :pol~lrica1dilJ];gef'. t~~; most,

Anot:he:r .featu~eof the ~ge·w. ,3, reacti[on a,g:a:Lnst: ,aUwriters, ():f~h.e: Empir~ not m[erely the most recent. M'en. w~cre,alrea,dy oQn.ducttn_g' I' "h E' S a retreat a .!.[ongway :~nt~'tne :iP~!t A· taste :~'Oi"._ ~'I _ was :Fespecta bl e _. :a!ul\lst __ -d·~--'-d'-hl--_ e..Hadrian - ·=r.-~ __ -'C- --1!--- .ru,~.Jpa'teO. -I';.4'H';Aj" d ._OO.,!l.uS;,,-t!__ __ ._.~ .. arL eau ,a:u' cal ,nat.ipirtrcr:re -,~a(!Jin;!jn was ,on~y twenty yean, y:ou_ll!ger than, T"~citus~-Yet. Had_riau :anA [Q,then were g,oing back heyo.Dd Cicero to Caw £o,ron,tory:; they neglected Vili'Jl, they ext:oJi~edEn'niU8. Before ],ong~arehaistie p'redJilect~o~s, i~ s.tylewere,ched. by -.a discreet enthusissm fur- suburban a~chaeolo,gyj sentim,entaUy effusive aJoo,ut the quaint relics or-ruins in. me towns of early Latium.,!!1 S-u,ch pU'n3<uits Cfi:~ld~fiSplreno joy '01' vigour'. There w~s r:tGth~n~ werth ... do'ng- and no,thlr.iQ' worth._. w:ridn'O' about ,~ - -~-" ,' .. ,c_c~ _,~ 1_ ,_" -~,-.-, ~--,~ _ -, c'"\l:il __ T.b,e' especialglory [QE the thues, was Coltfidius Frollit'fi (all, o'tatol' and ,the 1!<u,to:r. of, an empetltl'1·) 'wh?~ ~;e ~~rtue8 (If the plain :style cannot ,!iedeemfrom, a tiee~le andity,,'l FrO'utAll prO'mHlDtied. upo.flJ,

•!~'~_',V,!I!~_'·.".,.an_If;. --- - 11U. I,. 'iIC'or' "" "' cmllUi9:'~·...I,_11·1._ •..e' iOIP'pO$lr~ll ,..u"c~e, ~i~~O.I'I~_m:. ol.!se.rve 'r It: ..... A, ~ ·"t,~ .....lh t 'Ii.. . Xi[V,. ,Ii; g:ue .. • '''"-'!h.l'~,rt! the :sagiil&iou:ii, umanc:5i o-f Uoia:lli.eJ.'\ 'TQtJ~~(ii9C,:;h 96,:f. . I, App. n'" :!; FIlJr' tI~~owi_I'j_'g irnt-e~~~l in :p'.h:Y'l'Ii~ ·!!PPI!!~;~~ :!I!r!d! ph.}'~i!!;:l~!I)I~ry ,~f. :& C, EV~~l!li B~d Stu,aitJ: XLVI (~'93S)~, 3 iff,;, W, Cousm~ 1m;. it..1m.. XXX[ (19:5J.)~%,:J;f fl. 4 ,~HA, Iiadr:, ilii", 6.,
'1;.". '",

~~ AI:#I+ 1. ~.('t'~e1~~~G~b~ ,g{ '~h~, ')'~ ~rVi~, wid;!, W:!i. iil'l!~e._ri~k~!"I ;!i~ti~ the ~"Th~us.~, w'hk'b S'lJetoruus H~ve to H~) i C;(ll. 8. '~.ep~8:np':M~ evidenee ab~t: '1:Jle place :aDd .aa·t4i! 0-( :iIi, C!lil::~'a, iI1jnh): N~ 5~ (aCJl!~Qg.r~p'l1l5iDr P~&!).. [The last: item '

. At '" (1-~ ~.I: p. OJ\i' (llA~ MiMi r, :8l~:iind otMr !t1JlCi~~ li'~ 1hi..tlig tlre~, F;g(t'·:R® ~OO I~~L!I!n!!in:~q;wii~~!;I; Qm ~~ C9im! Qf'!P!i;l;Ii!;l; (!~'~Q~t:!':3!l!ot !iQ H!il.di,i<lol1i,;,~ QO;SIit'I'OpO:ijtao:~M'Il) :3:«: J., M. C, T,(!'Yl'libee~ CR. nxn;:, (1912:5:), :1'jQ, fi'. ,~,E. No:rd~J';,DI~ _nk K~r6U! ~ (1~gh3#' ')' F';:)f hi~ style1 :E. N.0r&en, o .. , :3(i;:, ft;.. Froltto :~s;QVet'V'&~I.lEidl O._~ e mo~t: cqu~t$ b¥ :&, K_., RaiMifi CAN :KI[ (~'9~9)~S?~ ft,

-' '.'


= HiII~fies:I,



'Wt'J!e.e,s: iI!J'!j;J,:(t.



lin :Ili~!C


,wIIlIIGIlI_iS,ms-e:rlp.Uoo &t ~,;_nA~n!Ja T (1;!I!!tg.~


,', ..

p", 174,)' Afit(.itti!I1I,UBif'iilj~, W,:i:lib.;iifii.:BIt LiIDi,i",


'~'S"A'~N'jj"n 'T'HE",-. ,,~I,,: R-' 'E-E-- 'KC" _,__ ~,~,_,_, V-" 1,1" l. ,..::,i_ u' -_I, I~ G" :' S' X,'X':-~X' 1]--"1 T'~A'C' [T' 'I -',_'"..:..11

cf DiQwelre va.dousily exem:plified-, mytho1logy- and mor.,d ,homily for the guidance of an ,emperor e.xb.o.rtation ·mfrival cities, toOl 'peace and ,00 neord, ,and 3 fir-m dep.r,oca~~?~ (~'funrest :amQ'1lg 'the: pOOiC,. _ The fame and 'wealth of Dio did.. not ,escape the envy and hatted of his fcUaw dtb:ens"a, The ~jf~: 'Go! :Plurtar,tn passed 'wifhQut dlstur-banee, A young s,tuden;t at Athe.nswhen N ern visited 'G.teece'~he lived[ O.R, inti)! the :f1e1gnof HJ:adr.~aJl. The gov~rning dass at Rome approved j iL!_.l·' 'L ,Ii:.' ..Jil f" .,1.. 'I']~ ,. ~-.J' -!rnl!l, uoQck~!n.e$~ 'anti tne in,enlJ- 0.,; tne procansuts pr,'OC l!l!'1m;l;'u .. th h _:·~e ~ar-' in CI'_'''.~jrY'ir.~~'''''''''_ v.1f' 'jIl..,~Ji!o,""""'I'f~c~-"I' arn~'~""~""fIi!j;,... b-t,oft;"", ,m. '0- ,,nov' .-;n·d'- parity o..~ the .. J ;r Uiw.., two ne oples n iL~ g;raph~esi'Roman wQrthi~ :p~raUe'~ed, with Greek, ~ Otrne.r.,scno;lns, were not so usefully eIn'lployed., This .wa.8. not a renascence of science and of ~ --~ "~~"'O' of'.historv or poetry: enlv leamine. _-- ~~_'.J'-,- .. ---, --. -- ---~ -OJ. .;: 'eIDoq~eince~,though it mru,gh~~carry mJ:!isk 'Q£philfiMlphy.~4 :P'e:rceptible th.e 'iJifidJer' the F.~aviafi dynasty,~he mnlV'emCri.t galnsS1l\ength iQ. thetime IOC[ Tra;jian~ ,Ptimy happe:ns, nowhere '~O mention the t-eaCh~ng$ of Dio ,fit ofPlutarch ;t.,tl.t :Nicetes (If Sm.y.rna had lieei1ii. i;g,tructor ~fi h rhetoric, and 'he ,chro,nicles with applause the advent of' Isaeus :at the beginning of' Trajan'~s rei:g;n,.,~ 'Tacitus was imrmmeand host:.i1,e~the Dlaiogtu, has, a 'cu~)tmg' referenee to the Asiatic: dre1~imers.'6 Ot'ber 5eMltO:rs, were M,trii<;;ted, bo,th. the: ItaHan, lind. the provincial, The R(lmansfro-,~~.the ,",,-est, em~p~__~_ ~_,~~__~~.,--'" c ·hened. the _ ",e __ ~__~ ",-_w __ .. otovinces fljot only.·.stre.ngt· ,~,'_ ,~_, gc'ver.nmen.ta~, order-vthey were: OO1l\r in.oontrol Yet by paradox 'th,ey might. seem (some of them at 'Ieas,t'),o- be agients for the: furtherance of t G'f,ed; -civnizai~iQ:rn r~d~e~''~h:an R,omanJ~Theil" admcti'on~o ~h~ higher'

Latin letters declined, Greek. dviiizaition fiOrw· mse again ,a~d :a,o_~rl~hed~~~crant1y. _l~s ~Qtab,-lc,~efi,l~w,er~ I)i~Cocce,h\n~,"s , ,a~d~be' ~rnb.I'e ,Plut:a.rch~the oophtst of P,m~a and, ~he ,~age {If Chaef\o-nifa~Diocame to Ftolme :and.prospered, being taken. up by- a person of hig'~rank. HIs 'I~iatron-a, cous~n of D\Qmit~an~was, eondemned to, death, amd D~owas banisbed.,:! He 'travelled, widt~.y" and, "",.-..Fi·:!fijl,;irig' rund "'iI:" N' ~:t:""flii~ s oen earn ,00:-,' t'h,e esteem 0": f 'Tr ;9ij~I';<'!IIi'i"'.,T;~~, "'-11 ,.L.~_.., ~1 ......
'1- ~
.. ~!Ir~~,.a_ .. ,IL











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educatlon was lar-g:e'~'~he cause, P'luta~eh, had, eminent Ro,:m:ans, fnT' :fdend.!, and :Pil'lt~O\ris, '~on;g them members of P'lin.y",s drc'~,e) sueh as .-..• l\;~~~'l',oi"';.'n'ilIl Fuedanus I' T-.J't,i.'i; ~reek influence a1i'e<icn S~ >",-, ,S-6i'V -,~~ ~1"1~'j: lVJlW,u OSlUS ",""uec1i.o u~~. u"'" 'G~ b~''''''' :stro~ge-J'and d.eepe~ It 'Was :s:tlr.ikin,gly manifested ~n the genera,ti,Qn. .~, nior .... 3Cl. UJ"., I:F'~,d""".' ~ ~~~"il' ,0' men ,som>e+... 'l.w..,n hr' v""""'!i'i!CI' Ju~.llf' t 'u' '~T' -'~t ..,J· ,J ......... .'. .1':"1:iRi' .~:,l;;uii as p~J.'·:U"Ii,!I;;~'J w ~~~"lIiil';:'~O"~I"'''''~lv' devoted to ,everyddng that was Greek, The p.!rQrfmGrs soon <2m,e '~D domieatethe ,age. 'They paraded beEo,r-e, tbeir 'Wo:mhippe:rs a1tt in,t:ef.n.adon.a;~, festivals, ~.nd fumo'U's, cltiH miiht oo~~ete fo~',the henour of a,:S'Opbisfs birthplace, the a(lV3!O,tagC' Q.£ :his lectures and his Tesrudence. They ,guided, gov,ernmei1ts by pet'..:~:.II-;s)i..... ,.....,.41 ""I.... '11~~,~,1~'~- 41 e"IDU'RCOI .:.; aod .' ilIl . ,.:t,.~;Q;:.,:~e,s· ~ +'.f'I, b, ""' friends '~:"" = = ..... O"IIiIi""d· :5;U.3i ...,V'UIU!rCl~ w,eu:. . ~i ,"v _ 'favo-urit-es of the Caesars. 'T,~ajan h_2fd :PJ)t dis da ined them; al'Nj'I what .. ever hils, personal tastes, be saw their 1I!l.dUty EO'1" ,ad:venising' cUn',ten.t ... me~.t'With, the ~loman ~overnme:n:t~~ l.Ia.dri~ stood,ont as ~bei;r patr'o'['~,~ thewr acccmpliee=-and ev~ tbe~:r'rival, Rewards and renown, we~e e~o.rb~~anf'",A single m.ct: win syn1Jbo lrz:e: a, 'whole: 'period==:irn. 143'H: rod e,. Atdcus.~C()lUU1' 117'" _~,~" . ~, .~ '"""<ith Cornelius ~ Fronto a:m,'~,ng~ -~s rdinarius" Wl,." . ." ~. ". ~ _,". ~ ~ , tbc "c. ~ ~ .~ ~
Q..LL'u' "''.LUi,:) ,!-!;,I!,L_~~ • "
;F, ""' -,~ ~~

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'N,~n~,c#'~'; ~fJl 4'tlJ1~1;.r,",)i, not. '''~e v~:

'y'~'!ir·]. ,'.'
[~g;i= ,.. '~

~ Frontn, the pride of L-attin eloquence, came from the cololny of Cirta ~,,,,,, "~~'m" ...~ H}~, N U ,,~~lu~.G~ erodes r~,~,~ the 'ut':"'tat" A·:~"t;~'''''t]iI;''''I''I'' oi!l:i"IIn'b·;i~,'Ii" ..... m~m,nn"ll:~'t":~~ ,1:Ji",,~iIl,Ii_U -.. .f." ~ ~=~~~M,v~~l~ ~'" alld[ a ve~ nas,ty feU()w'•.'4' If the productions ef the ~G'ree.k pUlbl~c~s:ts~o t judge, by~survivals 0,[ ,sHttnise., were' gener,aU.y feeb~e or bo·mbud.c, {and tbe n.ullity of Favorirms, for example, is: c.:Q~v,~ncin,glyttestedh!S a their conceit and ,ar,rogance knew no bounds, A Roman magis.tn1it e ,rnl,g;ht have to give way,. Polemo :retuming to 8m.y,r,n.a found that h:~, ., 'it" L • mansion na d l&een ;OCcu,p,te.u b ~'~':U:,e,~[USIIUJVYS~ proeonsm ] '0.'f" A ,. ~y A· r p-] ~,'S~~-i H,~ evicted. the introder'.~ The mild .A:iUt-e.]iUS bore no malice, t); The pretensions of the :S'op:hists 'Wer-e eften inH!a'~ed. ~y pedigr,ee as well as by worldly success, Polemo bemong,ed, to that fa'mily of Laodicea ~ilt: displayed wealth and eloquence even tben:-·_·which had supplied .... ~ 1<, :z:~1?81(~,j, w :r.... 68'{ ff: f~hc full, Iljjs.1t) • ./iJtlllJ,g ,,':i:1th Srtls.ltll!I ,:ind. Ml!f.ttCjii~'i' T.,
,ioU, ~, ell,...,. ~ 1!ir<,J

'Il~r"',;:;. '!I'!I' ~

.. ,~ ....






A 'II idii us QU1-e:~!iJ$ '(lfJjf. 93)' ,;illn~l 'hr,O' (tihe' p:arr.e.nt, :Qif C. Avid~u'S, N'iilj!',u[lJ}!.n,). deserve :n.1s, s~~IaJ: BiGnt!(in {PIR~'.A i:4,],0;, l'.t~'ll P1'Ut3i~l!,',!;I, ClI;In5lQia!" frl;cndi51 ,;oo·m' ,Ii, 'W,!dt: ~p:Jn~ from, 1:o~rn1!an'U!ii{pooCQIt&;i!I[ (Ilf hia. :i!'~~f.1)., j!, For 'l·\oo.~,ill"" ;o,.,..c~ i\".'.... t"I ~It'i :u~',"~ lit .......... Cl"U't-!i.-. ..... ;'+10 ."~:,,, ~'1:... ~. l .l~t.l ~~ .Ii. ~[11~, cll¢ G!i~d"a i!iihQ1.:dd! alwj,"l,~ ~cm~m,'b~![ '~'~'t d':i.oy 'W'C!"£ le,ubjii::!c,t




with whcrm.

ike: v,us~;,ted, the

~_j ....... ~ .. •...

'b""bt~,eJ~e1d,of Be(bkt(:,l!J~ ~Oti!to :l4J, 'c/O"Mifiieiu~

::t),.. .......... ' .,,-._ 6i[i:!I".

be ...,;"""'1'L it''''''~ ......!tr~ . iJ. """'L,.,l" U''''',

1I'WY "'pltiH-u; .... , ~ 1..e.s:J ~spe~IlJ~~r. ~pe.t;hg,p,J, brut :nOIle~:!i ~si~if~cl:,u'i!t are diU~(.irJin~i (if t'he, year.,., L.,. CuaplLti$ P,aQtilii!m~;iu.;g, RlIUlrniUiS'from, '!P~r,glIim.lIUP; 1~IR?\ C '16~i) :!!Ind,L" ;S1P;;r~;iL].,g, Quad~;;rlw,. Ili~, A,t'h,er.lii:an (d. IG ml, ~11«;j?'04~ &e.). 40 P'.,!f1i;)(:;r. Uti m~'{JitJ~,~"Y-e. (mt!~.e', liiY,(Jdf.' .Atti!;4lS ,~i; ~'~:J~rnj':J.JB. {C:ai'~;, J:9J,¢}. For

.= ""


l1li-:1<'''''' ~,- ,.,..... , ....;.'1,,_, e'" ~.. [iIh .. ~

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.r~t~.._,IO~-] 'I!tc), ;)o,'~<:~":I1!'~,.;~,~,,,, ,\.Ii! ~ 0.11] ~ ,1:1~, lI,;Jiti~~~Io_-U to the :Ilurtl1l(:l[",i)!ry' of &Dm~J' :and :i!.~_" .. ,~ ';1i::-~"i~oi:Ji\'b, ~!u:: '!'it.\ ~'.j;'~ ~'~.- ~~ -'-"'~m ~~ ~"~~ ~ 't"~ '~~' ~,il"'~ ;l<'tiil ..t.Ji.I'1F,~·' ~i'Z. n~.'IJu"u~ ~.iiIJi... --eli ~ ~ ,~
:II <!ii,
Ill' ~nJCII'l'l

t'be bare filcit ab!i)hlt 'l~i. CJlIII}ilidii'lJ1; ,Attirn:!l, HerOOe.s, PI~1 C :802., s S~ th!!, ~ nl'p~,,~trif (P, 'V~t.'8r+ l ~).

<-""'"' ],,,,,,"',)~
,~c~, ~

"~I·~""'"'~_"""·.!I;''':~ ~"-"='''',''Iii'''''"

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~ "'-'l'. "'. T~-iL,'-:~,~, ",~ ", ; ~~ ,'. ~~, lil~ ]lIr......., ~ :5lh]"

't~i:-& f~~~,t, lcu:r U. :'.l '

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C"i-A.+-'~"f"'" p'C" ,n ..... ~ ... Uu"",,

iITIH-tI '~T~1IjM-' '0'.':F·'-W··· -RI"TIN~ 'E' : . II" ,~~. '=.

r ~ '.
L_ ~ ~ l"" ~ _

Antonius and, AUguS'tU1S, with a, capable rulee O'V,I!f '~assai ,lk~D_gdoma, 1 Though a few among' 'the: :sO'p~is,~, and espeeiaUythe earmier')mad~ ( ;thO m·!IOi,...JI", bv ~,..Jc.n~·t., a~I'.l''''', ~,.a~c~QS 0 them , ,fig,tr; , ",. l~ _. J l-oAb. alone, most :~,f; . e,. w""~ ~".... from Q·~d··:·' 1:11Vftl,"-!""";:',~;"" or sace.l1do,tj, fanulies" c.:l:aiming d~en,t from t~: founders (l,Ecities, WhUe the Roman. .,peru::e~[;ev~ved. prosperity- of the w~!I'ld~.and ef the he lands in il"!m1,1"1!1"'~ : 11· C'li:~,t,.,.1"1'11 mL I"i! ~ ,.~_ !F,=~' ilarvthe 1iJ' ...,.~,c;[lI.,~ 'w'· ent~ ~, ,""ro'U''Ii,I!'!I<I"I'"". and.. '~~""'!d UJI.... ~-"'.'9'iI'''' .... _,I ,,'V '~"J':Ii H.~, the dch, gfew' ,ri:cne:r.~ 'n'·t,. . 't,. 1" ill.. ' " . 'c;. ,I\.ome In tne past. comro 1'[..31' tne i1.m:plre~~irou,g~~, '.ec h 'L'" "iii... O~gMC',llies, In. tue





1i.!Io,J[ ".AoOU





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~ __ ~~"'~

...~.....:.....c'l..,:'~t''''''''':n.. ,"-~,U\;l~J ~dlUQ;~,I!~

and__ U.,",t":" '_"__ in. ,.,:t...I:~ '~III..I.'L~;~_;: ....:I1... asts ~ "_". !I,\~lC n-fIo'I'''~TV . ~~,


d'I:I ..

,j,·r·I!.C·"'''' ~o",,·:'a'lllo, eq ual ."" I t,}" .' ~

_,l';~~ .,. :".~ __.

though local,;ma:pates might then be with. the Roman gove-nU'rIg' o.~de:r'j' ....:II hI h iIi.. bi ~ ~he: ana ,accfl_p:taL'te:ttcJ·Ol~g~~. h W~ l'n ~O.M e'Y'Ucat~olfb '~~::ywe:renot '~trU', t~~, ..;1 -.;I political, equals, Their descendants;, fjrs~ th~oilll:gh the pattorutg;e ,of~'he: C ·.::-.:.m..·:6. and tbea L,"'il'." t'~le~;r:[~ ownu T:aJi!io~' ,-,,"Cd' imn()····iI:"'i"k~· . ,,_..,,,",, the '--"iIi'!.r~_""":Ii _.". ~ ,[1oJ _iIJIi. . .. ~u aJn - ~~".~!t:'" .. ~, ..__ ~""""'"!, Invad e .U ~~ Senate and he]p t\orul.e tbeEmpire" The new :inlperiall3Jris~ocracy, in :~Its An.toxiJine devdo,prnenlt embodies t~e ,alHance: ,of the propertied cl~se$~ east ~d. west, in eeneord under the mo~arr.chy. The arms, of Rome and, the aJrts 0,( H.dmas~ SUC:ll~ in the woI:rnd empire, 'Was:he correct and predicrable t partnership, It wo,dkeil out, o.r.iefi'rnla ai: G,r,eek s(p'eeCh, and, :habit as censuls and Ji'roCO'fi81l!.s~ ~haitt was, more than. had been ex.peete d Whose dlle 'P'ra:fse_or 'blamer A.n.easy indictment WQ:1idd, Ue: agatnst Hadrian, d13l1t: G.rae eulus 1~ JUlstkeand. a, .few £a,cts, disd.ose a parado,xical revelation about the mi~i~' empe~@f':Ihils predecessor) 'T,ne emetgence' of the G·.reeK:sin the governing class, at Rome marks t~e culminati-on of'd"lJ.emany triumphs of Hellenie dvHiza;t~oJli" ,. ~ ~'I . 'i.. f-' .• -I T'L_ 'proo~s,ts,IQ.rlig' :an'~ ,.., ._ne ~ntri~t'et Wl'bi:rmtny ..3!CtO-i'8 'o'pera,tm,g'. .It convents Ht'e:~iI!lure' :and. ,ed~cado:n as wen as IDM.:fY:, pow-er,aOjd government j :and it is, best oonveyt!.d not by ab$tmcti,olJ];~ bu~~by
"-:'.'iI"!Q. .~~\i,U,


.' el d· persoM, an~yb soetarl' ,e, asses,


The ipare exh~bits, a ,dlll~l olci:gin .. Oi'llthe one hand, Pompeius and, ,Antonius 'w~.tthtbe 'vassal p:rin.oes and im,pe-ri.:d resour-oes of the eastetnlands. On me otber" Caesar' v.~c~oirjO'lJs the ,~,e,gionsof Gan:d! with and Caesar's ,heir-,prevaili~,g!, not ~'I1lytlirol!!gh the arms of tb~ W'cst 'but w,fth patriQ,tic Roman sClntiment behind. h~ml' ~n p:artgcn-uine!, in part, mustered, enforced, and :advertised.
the S(l~ii!it~ P'lRr;." A 86:;,
~P;o!eI7l'UI'~. of' fih.e o.f.lII.t:o[" Zen'!)" :Il.~d 'KinG:' (!If: fiCIn.

P1Ril~. cP ~51



,I, ,~. ~he wel]ll1. (jot' ~he el$~m '«s. in rth;e~ F.D~vio--A~'iiOO:r!!lrw: ~ciit.Jd; :;IiI!; :Q;nQwn e&pecl&Uy hyb'l:i!ildlil!iii!:~ :;Jl1IiI don;;dior.!:!i; D, M"~~ ,Rommi: ,Rtd-iS :1:1;1: AJ>iti Mi1w.r'I f[9,50')l' ,S:8..'::I. for '~g- .... iii, :599 :ff';; 'on. ,t.'he:rule and,l;e:'haviouf 'af 1:h.G :i\j\p&1i'!lI~., J. II. Qli ....iiI'i fl.;. 'i~. i n~t~tj.Jt.'hrt.A'm;&n\i;m:.: PIIilmophi'icai s.:rx;;!'t)!~'N .. , XU]], 4i-'(1'9S:3L 953 i£~; f:W'rn:il!...g.mliil~ s who got uO'li.!ht~~ I!bove~ :p., 467" ~, P'. iLmItu:ecl\iI)8~, n~A~tJq~i.'ri Uliiifiqii!!I!i'v' ([9315), ~.o-.s; ft,; {\Q(!" the '11,ihQ~e p,~~a:~ dQWI1i 00' 'MIi.i1:l'U:!i A~1HUIi!.i C •. 5", "f.i!il,ttin~ JR.S :lt~x {['~9'h j8 ff'"





::I: iC- ..IkO. """U • ... .!I' • "",,",oo!!.!I ~·~b~ ..1.[I,.!!. ; I!;I! IIIL ..i- '"l~0I

~ R. :it:lilqrUctif::I, P=W'
umib"). Also, blli diE


0.£ tlt!ti

"'J' • d'.:I; .~ 'l"~i!I ,(.~gill\~'~~.r~-.~~?jI:r'~jI.«I!!~ ,. .• o~t'" n;·Ik ~"",.~ ..(thOli..lOlh ~h'B;18.11'" .. - - ...iI ... ~ ~ 'i...... .<' ~ ' ·..... ~"";~~!h "]6:6 :[~.;;:·:.e.~["~"·'·,1··. .:.'';'' ii:HM::iI1M.d1i~ '1I1i:xl: Qf tha-( J!i:as!l~. ·~b.epusit~LJn. ,I)'f' C. ]'1I..IH·u:5!E!I1!tY'i:il~! Il;if ".iciti~i.t.tide!l!.

'y' A.~ ~Q4}O




RA;im:JI'i.'!I. f!'[)tfi

. the 'o:JkJIi!~e:§; fG! in. the



'by [c.aet:u~.An-'



~ :See .tt;peeiai'lry ~he evid~fioc :I!I.bD1l..i!t Are:u:!Ii o:{ ~ii:ndrtiii :mild. Adllutl!lid.Q.:rus, .:!IOfI oJ Ss".dO'!\.i. o-f T:~\U!, ,[.P:lRlt A I'Ci'3,S: 1::z.:sg,J. ~l'e:s,·or ~th-e t'Ii.I·to!!:'Qf Aus:u~til;gl,' nep:oi!:!;w'M'a'~'Cd~Ul$,~ weil'Jlt ·b.e'k to hi.t :nstlve T:iiii:3Uii, !there 110 :hQM :3. p-rlma.qr like tbBl~ OI AtnOfiod, ,(SU'ab-f)
~!V,. 61'5'),




both. of which, qualities he :tOUfid embodied in Thr:asyUusl the ,great. astrQlloge-t, his co:m,p,ani'on Silt Rhocl~ ~nd at,!: Otherwi&e he disliked G"1tc.eks,for their ,pret.en~u:m~"thdr ~ntrirues~ and. tbeir ad:u.b... , Mil!]" Tiliberius :hJ~d, ~ll:rg'!J;tten the rngra.ti.tud.e IQlfold ,Archd~I1;l~, ~oQt the king of C:ap'padocia~who was sumenened to, M'ta~gned,be;fo,t-e the Senate, and, deprived of hjs, king:dom~':!:And. ~'be: esce.nda[]ts both d of Thw,pban,es, and of ,Euryde.s came' to grief later in 'the reign.3 'With. Cali:~1a thecause of Antonius ,r.eviV e8'i in a prematuee :fashi,on, 3ind.main~y dd~cu:]ous. Hfrrule~f tn, the d1~~~nt 'Qf ~he Triumvir, cal.. , igula, was proud of :h~san.cestry on that side" :8'oor,nfu'~, th,e: other,:1r o.f Greek, mfitue-n~oo, his. habits, and :poUcy ded''r'C: from two SQIJ ooes, First of all, to abet htm in, extrn.rvacganlre.! 'Were the o'lientaI, princes (one' of ,them his cousin). i~whose ,oompa:ny he :g~t\W up, at the bouse .of his grandmother Ant{]rnia.,~ Nexlt~the treedm,en, of th.e',~m:pe.r1dhouse"
l ~,

curbed and iIi1itl'Gbt, -ri':sr~~ i~I ~er ,__ T.I~:b.~_-:~cr--! b~~ll 4, "1JiJ'Cn~u_s,, U _ ",i!j",,"1'l'i'ii't their ~,cl,
... _ _ _ _ _ _j,~, _ _ ~~.... ... ~~



mastery 'over' it. young and imexperie~ced! ruler, The aJno:gant:Pallas, w;as, ln Arcad'-I- S _ ~ e .ege d_6 -alru -_:. _. Ie __ ~_ _ _Iai~O :Neither t(lpic:~ost relevance with d~~ accession of Cbud~tls\, H~~ too, Was,under.' the lOO'fitro~f the freedmen, hismieistera, and he owed o a great debt to, one '0-£ ehe prinees: Ju~ius Agr.ipp~ maasged the negetfath:msVllith, the Senate, when, it made a vi1~n bid, :f.Q:t f:reedQm,=Q,r' 'rathoer f-or some: ~d~&w not ,n_f the: dynaSilty7~-=\afte:r the assassma,tlon o,r' C'aligula,7 Whe__~,C~a!u.diU!s,went to, Britait~;J he: toO:k 'with. him the faithtul Xe.noph,on >OlE Cos to watch over his h~lth"fj The $trolog~ Ba~biUl;ls 'was also- of the: ,c.o'mpmy.'~ T,hose men" ~j1.d,lothen~hdd pos~ in the ~rnjHtia ,eQj.iJ!]es~:d$~F'llJrthe-nnQ,r'~" and ~iI!litably, metnber:s ocf~he ~!,O
it ,_ descelu::iant o:f'k!---;,~, ~ _ _, ,lno,-

of Jernsal~~.:6' '~e~~:';~~i~g'~ ~~'t~ibli1l[es the in, 'They ben,efi'u,edL,like: ot'lwt.· adherents. AiL. ~,eas,tone, of them was ,at once ,given, senasorial ra;rdl;: 'by the new enl.per-o'f':' JuliUls Celsns (fro.rn, F~avmn policy towards the ,~as;tcrn lands could not be an of: one piece. V cspashuliJ had :~eady support from vsssal princes a'rid 'Greek. cities; but Vespasian revoked Nero's ben'efactiQ(ijj to the province of Aehaia and abolished local liberties elsewhere, HIlls,WX'e5 were hated" and his person d.espised. Happier :P~O$,pec:t$',offered fr'QIID hi'S iSQru;h educated in the fun He~lenie stream of N'er-(),n-im Rome, "The [elder'w,ag fluent in the language (prose o.r verse), :a;nd, b~ ood a 'talent foe song and music. For 'which reasons-s-and for- ,otbetsr-=-men, opined t:illJJ,t; he would tum out ,3, second ·N.·····>-~O-~[ "'~.Y'! if ehat were not 6'"IO·:,[q'~_ ther ... was [l'ilf.o".i' fore;i~ri1Il "''i.'r[~,tTjI[~ -;[At]I;~1_ = ,~=~_ __ .. Le ',Il ~ ,_ e~,~. = Ui9U ¥,,~,,"" I~;lih. = u ~,gIU, n'i[h.uan, Berenice, The yQun~r had n,gt been long' en the thr:o:ne when be orda;hled the Capit(li~ne G:iI.Illes: most ,Lt:em.s, of '~MJt fessival were pa,'tendy- HeUemc..]O IThis at Rome: and by ~n hQ~.Quf'accepted from
'I:. ~~ __, J ~~",-,Ti....."

aris~ocratruc and. dyna,$,tic families C~, now ,expect g('t,i"[t;tfi]ll,e.nta] emploYffiitnt in, the -eastern. lands.! ~ The ,cu:~nt gain~ force under Nero, In S.5 Balbilles is ;i\P!point,ed to the prefeeture of E8YPt.~ Greeks are high :i~ favour at eourt :;,~ and a man. from the Greek 'East' enters the Ro:maJfi Senate' 'f Whefl 'N em fe,1] J ulius AI,e:x:a:nde.ra renegade Jew, was gover.~ill__g Egypt ..~ J ulhlS Alex:ander managed. dlif:: pr-odatn.alHon, of Ve;,pasian. a;,t the right moment,', and, he acted M d~-putY'~neemmand ~Q 'T'~u~s[ di.e:~",e;::-: at
~ ~ - ~ ~= .~ - -, -- . _. - .. ,- - ,. ,. _ ..• -., ,... . " , . _. .,' I,



Epbesu-s: 01' Sa;r-des).1 An opulent man from, Per_g,am,unt" Qu~draltiU.3, also ,e-rJI,,ed the Sena;te.:8

,-~r. ... ... ..,-~ n..... ... .....,&:so:r.-~ ..~· 1i!.I ,.... .. ""-<1''''' [k,ir<':iI"I,='-~"""'" ~~.- ._ iI:',.,I!i"!o.Ii thu~ :I&iC. J~:IiU!il A~i1iilajo in, tb~ dm~' ,of AYi!!liIU~,11Y!S. ,eJ; RJ(j -~-', R'Ri ~ Y..J"JI~I ~. l~ ", ,tr~'V·- - I,p_ ,o£:':a. !p'~ ~i<:,tl:un'il'!;' d .. the C ~~'!JIiIYi'$·.!.-<:'II/.Iilla of lleS ~8a:·, -:106,.,"iIrI ~ rhaes 'i _mil I ~m... _~~~L~~ .... {~I'" .A.m:u.'; ptrO'''U-'f-a,.tQ[" of !D1~1;hv,nii!IFPot!!~~ S1f8, (i[GR, m:~]i S;)_ ii~, '~f"'~'i"'I·~ .. ~' ... ' ~ _ :o!'''"!'7h' :"iiVI',':
,.;I}!L:, '"

P,--aJiF-R~'.tiH V:M: Anpt$ {~9sa[}.,:U'. :





C,' ~'lI,:IiliiWI. Po~~~m~; artd"

,-J., .

'I~';:.. '~ ....LP<IiUl,J' ~ ..... i.~, ..... ,""'_ :;. v ...... m~Qih~' 'i"i~,,;i.~;~::',''!i.!''~'~~[~c';: ...,"', ..., 'ioI:Ii ,c.,ii~~i""""'''i~-.'';I'ji''_.......~'.r;, ~ __ ,~!-_~~,!"£,'I:U w e ",''_''U _, feHI."' t~~ !tOaU'(!!r;
.1.. _

;j)f du: P'fefect, oJ E..,g)'~p~ n." Vergitjuj Cap,iClO i~di~p!.lj~:ed", ; A" ,S~iii:ll, m~ e d :L. Rollle'J'tt: :3iweS ~~t1t !he is :{rom, :M'il:c~u.s",.l-ldl~*'4: vrr

J.~ .•

~. 1[A;"J;i'I[~



~I. _~~ _.

.;]1 ..



xu]'.. :2-:2.,
..... ~~

I; ]'O$~pniU!!;~ B1 'iii, ,4:5. &c.. P. H~ :;I!,]i _5; dii!scr:,~bil!!ti!him ;P_;!I ~J~o.;d;~oiLI·,;,mi. ,l':ll'"d,jl:~(;il.l'-:gop~'[-:rt!lLlpiil'Li'l, w\, se E~ O. '[Tlime;r' :argi! (e.e, If!; t ff.),,~ ifidi¢llit:e.s;~ not ,the, ~ID;jU1d 'l!Ir;!;d~~' 'l"'h:u,o;;; !31t' ,lil!:~Wi::iIIi?'tn" but ~~ 'GiU:J!fid P,r;d'!ectum ::!It :Rom~; ~hq~dy;atft:e:rur::uilJii", 'That diocii; jtoOt; have ro Ib.c". ; ILf! 89TI:-._. . . ~:LS'~8_~?_.~ ... _

,5:* s,

..' :L. ;Se..f.'Ii!-etliiw:, C'i);t'n,ut~:!; :f:r~:ml-Aern.oo1!i.!II, P.i'.i__;_~'Y.gia(M:A'MA, 'V[~ iI::S'~: ;;!!6~1= 11~8881:,) : in ih~s m(!i~".e:r' is Jul!i:B: 8'C\I\~f."2; pir-6b::.My lb-i!;~onS"lni!!:r iii d:vnii!l:!ii~b:::. '00 f;;;I!I:'F.dUy· hcym. Qf A~;SCI! :r~~!iI M., PiLg_ct\c~1LlS'V'iftru1i {PH~~~, JJ,,'h ;ef'" 'itil~c:itjf)'i:i~.s iir-onil, P'el',~e :ifcl,!y~i:;3! (e,g. B,sA :P' pap~,.,~:l(VH, (1:9'] r], ~+.6)~ :Mtd oth~n: fFQrn. the ,ci..ty 2~t~ (h, Mti!!id, ManIKJ: ."tnad:d'!!! u " (1'\l$,S)J' 6.1). - .. '~._F~)f''IJd;g,~l!l!m3!!t'-k~;Il:iJl.e:mSin :seit, .A" 8:lll::!!iI'1i; ,~W'x, ii SJ, ff,,; '!E~,G" Ttilrn1!lf ~J:RS :nlV (['9~.ij.h p

'M.·· 'o!1o~r.ii~ilI't~~,~I.,r.~ \...I . ~r.' ...;oo;,,,,,. f'!A·: ~hould no~ bit in Cil,ud.t;-d, 'wltno!IJt p!r·ooi •
~., .r;'ri"I'l'l,ilI' ~~I!II!JI,f'~~1I
l." -

,~ Q, ScllQmann,t.

~''''''''Q~.,A" -I ~

H",tIlttn'ti.!~'/;1i'e 'i.i~'
~'i,II "~_ ..... ~~!Ii ..


'X (.'~ ~.J~.1i )'1, ":':"'", I. .~ ",." ... :t B

,EZ'e:IHJ!'i!I~\!!I ii i

s» ,.V..... I!! ..~ ,.,"' ~.. :'>, ..



.ll:~gie,;-;mg ND:Q.~ ~J).i~$"

!'jI'''':.~'''''['!l; t_.P,~::D1 II .ll .~~!I.iI_ ,\,:1; ~~

C···~ ..

~',i"iii"iI,~[ ,IL'~-~)

Sil':U::tO.!1:1!Y5 • .DJVIU TI1:u~

n., ,

,3:, ,c{, 7. r,




- S_tomWi ,Dwri. 4.



sce:ndants of Theophanes; ,co'ming to the fere again.~ Recent entrams rose to the oOIQsukhi:p·, For an proved utility to the :~mperial penunen!t~ these m,en,.might h~ve missed. the S'u(Jlrem~ r.;ew8Lrd but for chance, .Damitian~s, emergencies" and ~ain pe.db. revealed in. d]e yeat89. T.b.e emperor saw a w.ay. 'tOl ·condliat·e senti ... ment :~ndw easrernarlsteeraeiee and ,eounteract the: .popl.darity that
,__",' . ,1j,.t~lII.'LI!U.,.J
'II.ii,y'!IIi~,t~ .. ~ __!Ii.i __
r~ _

the Athenians (it was a nQ,v'etty) the emperor .graciously ad..· vertlsed a ge~ral beneeelence towards the arts and letters of HeUas,. ~ FurtherRlO~e" Domitmn"s reign e'xhib.its :ill. decisive t,um in. ,the {Ott'lilOes,of o.,rien.ta~ senators" Not oruy W'aS an earlier group~ the de-

N,cm':8 ·..... ~Oil"'l1 ~niP1ll~c~:nUii;!,od t":> en:~oy:J a , The first at die orientall consuls was ]'uUus CelsiUs who!! p.assing through the ·officia~. ,Mer,archy.,c.O'Iiii.nULAded a. l,egion, and go:Vier.n~d. p:ro,vinces.. ~ In 9~ .he .rieached the ,co,nsu~ate. 'Two' y~ .. ~teJ' comes the 1 turn of Ju·~i.'UsQuadr:aws. ~ :BefQ'r,elong the d.escendaDils of kinga, and. :L.~. .,' th G ii' 1!.. tetrarens, de[~vwg' £. "a~atruan 1==.;1_ f t Jijli'WI,·['Om. A ..~II ·.t!!I.4Y!!1!,J.S b• i . lng, e K" fromtbe: dyna:s,nes of Judaea, Cap-padocm, Armenia;'ne~ and CiooaJ will sit in the Senate: ol RC)meand command the armies of
~l', •

friend Julius, Quadratus, he: .gav,e the g:ov'Cm.oa,hJp' ·o:f Sy.ria and a second c·onsulate;. and he admitt,ed a D'umber 0.1' men from the Gfeek East ·to t'he career of honours, or promoted. them by :adlect~o:n,. ot N many, perhaps" .in :ii Senat,e ,01 six. b~ndred or :mo·re~-'but 01 :bigh dis·tinctirui. M:o:st of the eastem senators before Hadrian belong to dynadc or regal Thus, Juliu,s. Quadr.atus B.SiUS, who, led RO'mQn .annies 'to the. 'CO[Uj~t of Dacia •.nd. governed the pr:Qiv.nnces of C&.ppac!cocia and Syria,,'t Thii.s·man .fS United Wl'f~. a.powerful!. ne~us O(~:f

the Roman P,~,plle.6 TraJan. went mueh furdwf dum Domittan;; and. J"ap~dly~'To his.

:!umlaut 'WJU: H~dlienWi•.iDotnilian abo reh'!i!ilit(he T~a.~ af .Apillllo ,at Dci.p'hi (1.ts .~.5)' ~ It'll the· pen-Q~ !Df M., iP!I1Imp~r,!,li!i M:a.Cli!U.i.11; ·Thcop.niU'!ie;!i (4., :tOO I'il.f ~;Q([l. F:OtM~ Q~;'; fG ·Y·~J•. ~!J:'!:, S~ ~lib-o .App.OI. De E'U~'lidl!l ~ :a D~,tdt: iJillc,r. ~it:b. C~ lul.iY~ E'u:ry~1es H.ereY.l~ r(P-W ~1H;o, iJ~)\. And '0.., P'om.peius Fa'leo ($I,Ii.D~ IQI) :addl Euty.cljdi i,temlil to hi!! {11:.9 IOlj;s:~not. i~ ~(liJJ!Il)I" Wb:Y'i it: 1mfar from cl~g' •

10.1[1,1:-9')6, (the At'he.lili~ .~I;:1wr1i:Ji!~);thc 'Dilly a.fhee

reisrunJ' ero..;p~ttli;)




.~ 1lie:re Wg :~ faI~,,'N~fO :!!JhDUi: hk time (iSuetDrnius~ N.fflJ' 5':'1, a,), l oil JLS 8~t1,[.· ~:1£8 ;~8;i:9.Quadr.iltuJ. had b~ :Iepto of Lycm'fJ-Pampbylia, Ce.llul gf Ci!:iciil...'ltttl!!.!i:: ilip~ntm-eflt.!ill(wh:~i::b CBirri_e(fI . p~.i!.C 8 of GOflB'ultiMps) wiU hili.\'C: br:iI;:n made: e, ;89. t6. Comput: llie ~1'I~(lIi!Y of' C, JIJ,:!'liua;St:!i'N1.iI.iiI'iJf Aneym {OGJ:S !"FA1!li:JiJ'l!id.f. arnd fJ.lO:_~ thR10 Giilbi.rtimi rifiii:n. The T.ttj'llllia ~on$W!a[ Kmg Als·miilU ... (lh.and 1l.S' :a;8~$) p ! :i dc,rives .from. iii Irn;tl!l dynp-w iJ:li CiUcia )\1ip'I:UI, cf. }OIcpluJiI., AJ' ~:l'n~, :I4,0 ,(wlJth the ~~ti(ln of A. Wniu~Jm}: tnr his .wces'uy· ,('C'a,ppaUDci.ant, AnnetiL_~ ind J~.f!.h). Gtoq in P=W Jt,; 15 r, C. Ju.liuS! :P.h.:ilopa,PPlliS (mfl.. 101),) is. ~sa:I'!d,led f!"Q'm th~ royal'june (if 'Co!:n~nc .•w:hir::h :nii.d S~~~li!dd :!lind A~.eDian. hiood (cf. OG~S' 40sh foJ' _ pt,~:Iligl"ee f o C. l1l.iJius; AleD!"!.d~ BJi:iJ:',e.ntci:anu<! ~.jidf. ~16), Wibo i"", rclJated 'i,(!l Ki!i~' AJ:CK.lllnd!;:r, ~ A. Sidn, p.... x',. :r 57·. W ,. ~p., .:54j' ~.i f,~.J..App. E-t. The !pf<?dst; ~1."tiQtl!llbi'iI? o,fthiB mart (~fI/I. I(J~') '00 A. l1:.diWi Quadratus (mff. 94; 11 om, jO.s)l~fioot ibe: ,estahlithed.


AN D T,flE <0 R:E:EKS


wa, 'WHitting for a ,genuine saltiris:t; nanle!~y the _g,rea't sophia1ts ill their greed and, 'vanity"...."..;t_he:voluble Farv'()rinU$ who was, a eunuch ' (or ~tbeT' 'perhaps a her,map'hrodbe) ,;4 the it1Ji,rotcrrabl~ :~,ol~?) ,in :pe'1'.l'mlbiuladon from oO<UlWuy 't,~[ country ww~h a princely heusehold; w~~hho~~ and h1ilnti~g' do~;~ the virtnous Dio rebuk~n;g the ind~,ge~t at Prusa 'W.~dl the assertion that :pov'erty is ehe mother 'Qf orde:r:my behav~.our',:6 J uvenal did not da~c to, use it~N o:r cou'~d :he teueh the descendants ~ kings, and ttbatths" of _ The nride ... TOan'oill'i'~l~ilD1fTi £:"110'1 I ad ~~"'" f mQs,t~' passionase adeets amOJtl(1)' it--,.,. Remans ,of' municipal 0:.1" pr.ovinc~al ex,tr.actl(lrt \Vim, many to, echo "'''0." from p-e ecole - of talkers, .. C:- ,[':0.-' :""~"''''''''_';:oI')In r. u _L. ~.~, 'l'i''W'if)-~'W':S:.. ~nd, tochnicians 'Vitiorurn omnium ,ge~it-ot,-es,\ th~$, did, ~b.e,elder rUD,y' the G,reeh\~ because they used olive oil at: ,the,if ,gymnastics\, 'I' B\u.t it is, .fo[r G~eell~, ocrors 1!h~t he reserves, like ,Ol!to!, hi~, 'tiet','Oe~:t tirndes.:8 d The sentiments of Tacitus .do ,n,ot '~,ade ,filr-ecast;."[ No. educated. Romen could. de'ny the ,in,te~~ec,tual ri'm_acy of Hellas, t.ffile, p ma,g,rimd.e
I ....

astom,i'"'t'V ,,;01:\,-11 '-'10. ~I'" ~. 0' i"'iflI of' a oman 6~ Q,l'ilf'~.t COl1i~,eml~r,a", ~'-V, ~Q_.,.J --"_ U "l~~ILal lIl.'V'J ~ r -.. Gr~, must n,o,w u~dergo S'Q'rne,g.b;atemenl Q,t d.~8gU;~seiJ ~lv'eruil derides '~he,1[eed,y- adv'e:t]ilt,urer.~nloothj versatile, ~d, cor.rupt~ut .. l ' 3 Su~pe_rior' witting by ,~ow devices the ~tbka~ and dignified Romen
, "~~I 'J _

IT. I he



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I~ ~

'ot'h,~f 'thj)_ntB'~ ~ d:~i¥~wO;rra:'1I~;Io,'\WI!I "loliU"", 'iil1!' KIlIS,1i1"!llt!! mj"lW'~ ,k(I:~ )I...:d"~~ ~~, KA. ,l~ilIV~~ ...rli:l ~!i!')'"t"O'~i ';:j"\!;i',iI~AilJrr'j.I'!:~' ~ld~,~" (.oalS 5+4), :1, P..'~' ~j9.. :P,'i:!'h:Jp3 'T'l, ~''Iiilil,(U A]~xandil?'r .JiQ'~i~U3 (~!J. J, 1,7), !r,iiiI,dfLer :thilllii.

~ ,JuUU:II,$ (who, , the Sefii!lte' unde.r Ha.d!I'ii,_;p~Q) dle:K:.ri~~

u, p.oQ'~~'w.~'
... ~~~I!~

:h;lima i:'!fj, :qmOOiJ,g'


A1L~n.der' .Be-~ni.cig'Us (~-,qJ: ~ [[6)1.w:no, is pte:fe.rred by A. ,S~i[l" Y-W x, ~,~:B .. !, JlI;!!ve~z[ In. [6ci1 ft. 'ii, CD~~IIJ!I-_-~, ...... _ ... 'Vi."-, ~~;r~. ~_,:i:i _ L"II -riJ' •. ~~' ~~ l!l-:'U!Ir. I"Ah"~~,~ iDiI:',iI"'!iI.~"':"''''i.!li..d:'_, ~,'L--.~ .~ iii, C:;:;ruc 'n,hilQ........h.ltt' _~~ l\11oiti.:r. ~'.fI' :
es e ~~











Dl!i':irfa#i"ii::t ::tV,.


" N.H: • NH ~l1ted:


~, P:hil~¢ra'tU$;, Wi:t., ~/i ~,~S"

u.'!'ij', '.;


:~.x" ] +- "fh~ 1h00til11ty@e Ca~o tQ :i!n ithingi 'GI\cc'k :ifI:a:f;, heen, wtc:ritiaUy' see :I)", :iKi.e:tliut,~G\1I1O 4u ZtJt.WT {:u}'S~")" lIS: L For' thfii, Ii;1Mtme'~ n.'iE'~';!I!.-cl!in iBharus. T~J ~~d.,.jJ~J( Orialm.tmn (D..sri. M:uruter l ! iljill!:Z). .

19, d. Silili.i:!p,hi'ii"ti! x:rll.


0" x.t,vr. t J' ~


lvli't';I;~ ~PC;Q',~,..,



(If debtowed by 'ttie Romans to their instruetors ,m all the ,arts ,of peace,. Thegrear writers of the Greek past defied criticism or dis-





done by Greeks in the ,kingdoms

T:acitlUS quotes, w.i,th approbation Plato's dIagn(l~~$ of ~he of tyrants., I, Honour tendered to the dassics, ho'Wever'" might: -~!'" ·",~rth'irlI!·.c""h.:at··L'~~I:suLQ.e-"u.",tl"ib-n _een auSmve a:. man "L m reea '":~J,,, :rt::CQgf!l1z~!lg an" .~, L~g""~~• ,U~,IU!.__ u~ " _q. eQ:~~y
~"I 11",I,'f;"O]"

Ale~afider'. 2: He was free to, draw the contrast 'be1!.w'OO"O. :mhabltants the of J\sia~ who a pac~ '0£ luxurious and degene~te,' or,~e~t;ds"a~d the ,genuine :SIems of SJ]],cie.nt :f1,dbs..3 At the 'wo,rst, if Athens and Sparb, 'w~r"e.~led u.p 'to' hear witness, then those, repub~~ca bad mdubitalDly failed" Fa~~,l!lre: resulted a narrow' and unen~j:ghJtooed, policy. -V'cfverse but eq~1Jla]1Y' cu~pa'ble'} n,eit:~n.e.rAthens nor Spa'rta CQ;l,dd ,establish, an ~.mpir,e and br~n_;g'.the vanqll~sh.ed into concord and partnership W,~lt"hthe ·1.~Cl!O'fS,,*
:p:rooons'l,d distrUSit,~d, 'the Greeks £OIC various, r~o:ns:; dev'er.ness and, .mendacity~ subservience and V1):~,ll:biity~and ,I cynical The; Rooo~


by the: suceessors


fr-ankn,ess, abOl1!l.tdiscredkable oondltlct. The Romafil mna'(m-t~mSiistlfmt, on £acts~ :nursed. ,a ,d.()ubie gri.evafioe 3Jgallmt theni~ Greek vice was faMe and :ilcdon, aboyt: the remete past dle (lither was the ma,g_ni~, :fica;tian of h~tlQiric,glo:ties. Sam~,ustbecame '&Ceptical: did. the exp~()lt~ of '~he Athenian F'oop:~econ-es:pand w~th the re-po,n:? Athens produced writers of ge_.nius: the 'Athenim lJutho,rs enlarged, the ,fame of the citY'"iI Uvy tor his :pa.rt, siu,cc.,mnbs, tOI a, pr:o,io:n_gied 'bout -o(pa,tri.otic ind~ti{)ni Grew when ~hey,t£(,t'O.~~Gd.AJexandJer p,u$h'oo, thel!!:' eft'h):rn~l.ery to' the 1~mit.,6T,bey assertedtharlt the :Macedofiia:m. CQfique:ro,r could easily have dis,posed a_f the Ro,maJ} Republic in t'ihc' age: of its wars 3(ga;in~t the
Samnites~ Not ,(1jn.[~ ignorance but criminal frivoUty=so,me of them g'ruorin.ed,the Parthiens a,ga.ins.tRome."

The ,HisittJtia'e~ SQ' :far as ,p1rekrv1ea, shewa TBlc~ttls, ~e-nient.towards the Greeks. No denun.ciati.o:fi~hege'fit1y chides their pro,p~,tyw antiquarian fab:ricati'o:ns"ij H,os.tility seems, to :grow' as the, " rIfLe VQJ.~irn,Qi,iIa:


6. :2.;' '~neque :&ultra jlinL'eiimtlum.Uf1



of Bfi,}' m~~!lC!;t",[Fo-:t 'il ,typk,al Ro-milln vie""', I.'Yean viU', 696 f ~i((llIm ~~um mani!!j ~ene~!Jie: pw~dam -'I !P'YnmUkil; ~in~~iR '~~~1::a> On Ta-crtWi and H~N~i;tichi~t;(;rY-:~~~~~ 1).e~·sil It' mi~oifi Ak1.andit',(Ii II! lJ;l Ro:tna di A~luro ~];95:i)j 1,:59' {j..'Ilote'!,l\~ryw:~~ !i::op,'V~8) 'ff, • .~ Cit;eru~.Pro FlatilJrl' 9]:; Ad' O. J'rcdTe.m.l. i ..1.6. Compillt'C Pl!in:y te, MHimUl (EN\;· '\i'i;!.!. ::!:4, ~). .. -4 n. ,iZliI-, '*,::: ·quid, alj}i:td ,!I!l:itio, Liieediiitm(mH~ -et Adiflt'i(ifl:!l;siow· fI:J1tj,ql!llanlqllll:ml, anmllJ p-oll!Cx-c:nf,~1E5.~.qru.og. ...i.Gttl!ii prtJ' aR~nipm~,eCl:'~'t:t N'ot iii 'tli.e :!1i:lfV,h!mg parts of C.1:illldi!lli~ o_,!t'~a'" b".~ 'n"". 'n"""'1 .,~~ 1ii".i'i.+'l'_~u·,. n..i!l4.' fi'!oI!I!'-i...l"1fo..ll ~~~, x~v·, 6. -~"......:;;;;;;;&~_JI1.I ... l"i_I!;I!i. l"'i_~'T-l""_'1 W!II v.....L_~.,~li e .-iI'_~ iD,_ "'~ I: !II __ ~., II 1.:.....-. 'v.'J ~\} !ii, Ca-t" :~t ff, j, i I~; 11'ft ;" l8. 6:;:!'J~"riilil:im;i u (;i!'I!li~d~~,qlO.lj rtM,nml h 'quiJioClUC! Ot;mtt;S: :nomcii Itfi!tri8!11!tiin gloriill~~ fave..O!t,·Pre!;tim:B!bly the hi:morlm Ti~l1H, j~ Uile.&lli, d: P. 'rNcl'e'Sj" '1M;:, ,3'91 ft. • Hilii. ]], + ;I, ~q~~' 6, ,I~ ;;u!!tlqwitBt.iihml G~ ge_n,'IlS iince.f!tae veti!!m~ti

of Ci~~l;!i :QMw' 'f~w tr~

filrm.a!l:'e !SQil~~tli.l~ &c. t!!'9'!;',



.•. !I'~~=




years p.s. Distastefu] experiences m.:ay have, s,u'per'llcned [Tacitus was proconsul of Asia j I: and a, general resentmenr angered the Roman as he co.n.temphl,ted, the tide [ofHellenism resurgent rul arouad. A thens lay on, the way to 'the 'provitloe of Asia. Going or returning) Ta.cltu.s, may have' seen a Roman senator ill, the robes .and 'f)ffic.eof a, Greek 'magis.t;rate=-:foI' the' young' consular Ae]ius, Hadriarms was archon in this yea~t,,~ 'The 'travels [of Ge:r.rtJ3rdc:us enable Tad,t;llJS to. s:tT]ke not once but twice, HA "i",,'~:~ls, __·[,;O;i1'ili' welcomedliIi the pn~~cenlwith the: cno~ces!l. .-r <";".~[~ wJ!L :how ." ~..... ~ .. .l,'!.I"~u",. ue tuince _ au,entf,o'ns~w,~lthbo~.sting about past glo;~ie~in !history airtd literature to, 'OOiO.f.~ digru.ty and, importance en flattery): 8hort:ly afterwaeds Cn, 'p. tne secret enemy o~'~'etman~CU8, "esce:nue."d' u:pou, tlae cJty wnn E' G' -, • d' iIl.,' ·',.,L , "lSO, 'IL ~figryfulm~ifiat~,Oins::hey were the dregs of all the nations, he ex .. t da~med, the aurhentie ,Athe:njart~ had perished '~.o.n.g ago~ ,And be 4, d L errors an,. tn:nsgr:es$.]!,QI]~' '0,' t:liJ.e:cb~en~ans, :~n.tb.elll' d ," f" iI:... A 'L. ,. • IL.._'" recapnulate "',t.lle de~Ungs, with, ~,e Romans; er p:re:vi,~.u~ly~it~:Ute Mac:rl'Qi~ia'ns~ . _ E::V[efi the obituary :~otl'C'e:,"of Arn~lnlus,i~v~ted,exploi~at~Q:n.,From the jUo"Itiiili" .... savs [-T'·:"""'i~'.''''' the "'l!-t';,m-,":"p~'o~[n- cf 'G:"e--:i""'i'f'I'<fI'~ 11 _. [, Iiberties d'!l".J: not .J' , ...... llL. il, .~ . u.
_",I}. "~ ~ "_'¥ ,"!I<Q _

513, wihen




Iii ~

'i'fI1do" .~V..,J.~IL • .GtL~ILg]i

'~;,@. ,~,' :0:'




,I~ .IL.,

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t""U'!;;i n "~.,",,~!I!n·,""". "';0:"'


I~~;IJ. .. ''''';'',;

,;,,;:.,'a-t~ ':!"'~"'lt'~'~"u~'m-C ....... :Im' el'!i"'~11ll'm[" l·nc,tl"!<ll~I--~""''"··l'' '. ,lau .. U· .. ,- 'u.:.,"t""~;j; ,,.,. 1"0:[1;1 _ 'UI""1 '........... y !IL.r.,A,IIl.. '.' 11l~. I ~I.~ ~~ ,J!~~ ~
~,Ii.~",B I,. _ 1::1 ,1:,~~ - L~jlJ.J.i: _ _

~"': ...1.'''''''''''',~, .'~ """ • : l~... '.Q..~o;;Io;;;~,,..,.,. ·'s>.d>__

T··· he O;;"'"~Q-E1''''~~ "",y:i ~ U,... """'~_(lJit't~'r,'OJit6,

p' ~, [~""':;',il-l':,cr[~

an ~"'''''''.,r;J,'''' of Rep :UU,~",~,,~ ~""'". "[1f-·'lj;;-;..···

._ .uJ~li.l


that i~not all, 'The; Greeks reverence ,only 'What lis, G'reek=' iIlan.tuM mirantur' .. Tbeir historiaas do not e,~,e:n, mention Ar.,min~,1ilS.~ 8U1Ch. was, the pride and conceit 'of the Greeks, It did net ,inhlbit them, from bOTwing to superior force, Tb_,ey' paid'e '~O tb~i~' masters with. the greater a'~a,crJ.ty,hl that they be'w ,it undeserved-« and deceit, appeeled t~[their eleverness, Nor W(HI1.ld, the PI.iOCO:Oisu]s ,@f the im,pe:.ti~iRepub~i,c,~ beat~g an authority too',t~W:8l$, :reg,al"disdain. the honours the: eastern, lands so freelyaecerded to ,their:s.aviout.-s and benefaeeors, When,! however, the worship of power, al'o(ng with other prel''Oga'jt~.v,es" became' 31, monopoly for the ',advantage of the Caesars, the Roman and the S(HlaU)f pf:lo,mpdy discovered that 'such 'Pta,ct~,o~,.j:3l":~~~ ~~~ th.e tradition of the r.,a~e, the dignity of the . goYer,mng anstoceacy. ['-lot 1aU'e.1 :a:r~n[c-Je":ps. a's goo:__ or L d h· :al~,~> 'p".' d ,,0 _L ~.J,a._ ~,_:13 tcill"t".;S[ U'i(JJ,,e w'wa:.rds [ '~,l'V~ne ~ di ., " .. hQI1lQul';S fu:mished '(:h,e: easiest of criteria, MaUoe ,might find scope




~ ~:,t:i:5! p,ur.e OQnj,eaut:,e thin:: H~dlri:a;n m:l:'l ihll,ve IlOn.e' to' Adu:tJj, to, u~li.ime' t'h.e ,oH1a .in 'Pe~~r1!: f-Qf th~ Y'1!i!:M'j pcr~~~aMy t:E:M~:l; d, PIRJi, A lij~
,] ]1"

~cs. xxxv,
ss- s~, '~;:S;"- I.

:3,. POi" T:III.c.~t,;U:!ii;' ,extreme :1:efiGpho'b~f<Iiin, tM~ pi:lS.ti:ll!8e see the ;oor;n1it'Le.t!i!t1 qI Ell, NQ\rdC"!tl~,)i~,e'e,~:$de. l Urge4",hic/Jit~:jifiTo~UI!!~'G'~~:a~' h;P:Z;;J),. '[~l f;,; ,N~~':Jiik~J:lt;hn" ~:(I9~:S), 44. Fot!'" 'iiU~, t:afiium. :mi[1Ulj~liJf\. d. :P,tiny, NH. ~1f. 4: '~'UrnL'i:iiiii tit'Lill milNifi'ttb;us} ,[t: iti d]ffi.cll,!lh ~.Q'oi,):r!~i""l1! whidh ,f,G["$OOi;lU!rnL aJ(lrilsih!!!!;i:' 1",IIi~hil;~'t QI}"I,dd iha,'!,\\l!!!'ir::Jj ~njh'id .D~!iiSiU ~llcd • 'mil, rnmpJliiiit:l!t 'e.~fi £ii..!;!i:' ;ii&nnl!~ AwtaU; {G'ttdl .. ,In," 7", KtdUi'.!l,~it n (l,ifjitl5o)\lo ]'I!Oi'.i(). ,




'~!;li~ (::]





:llU!i!fil, :rUL'Iionum. ~

THE [l"IM.E OFW.RITIN G admost snvwhere,- - A'c'Q'.Qil'Jil;:!o~· the ~~eA-:",11"1ii'i"'."'~·:f·' Th -.... , J ,,-, "b'~~''''''' O.
l~n ...... u .... 'I."., ~ .. (!IiR~.UO

~,.- jk,""n._[~~,.,...[;;. p~m.u,~ na;o ., d counts to ·th ., .d ,. ":L ..:i' ;.C'. CL • ~s~,gn.e .., ··Jetr·,',.e~r~mentu:~11!: u~w·ca:hQ'n. QiI' 'itJle1...1" aa; ces ... ~, ~G~~.·.Ii"lidiLl1·~ti·I[li'.:It:L.~t'..~. '[i.- -'t--'i''') term 1'Of" the : ~l-t·.-fi ~,'C neQ.. 'O £. __.... ,._ . ~ is .Wel Ua ......,""u~. J1:~.,,' e . __ ,"', ~ .14. _ I, "ua QiL ..lI,. ill . '. p.nanes[;.! -I d 1.'., .not a Iways· SI,.I!J.t hi~ pUf[p{l~e tn b contemptuous, ''n:TL. . lt e "doe ',vu,el},

ve:x:tbe· [experts, over dinner, + Wiitth Claudius erudition :again" Se.n.eca satw ~mvalue fo,r mockery'~ 2_nd. .for' ob~~que:ain~s.iOll. M~ ,complain. (he says) tliat life: is s.hmt. They are '000 busy~ Yet :mQSlt of ' are vain Md. :futi~e ·'"""-"-'Offid~l us.bless[a·nd the round, -vice, ,gatrning.,. or a:~:htedc h recreatiia.n~s Much th~rt P_Se! f'Or ,sCh.J)ma~fSLh~p' i.s pure frivolh.y, and n,crnou8. It was a mamady ·Qif the Gtteks=/G.raec()i.rum, iste morbus :[uit".-..='t-o ¢;Omput~ the t'Qb~ of Ulixes' crew lOt· diseuss the: auth.Grship (If the Hom.en,c .poems~6 R.Qme .ba:s now become infected~ A man wHI discollJ:;S'e learnedJy on andquiit~es and o:rigj:ns, whence: came the

T~lberius Caesar declined a temple, the :histor.ia~ produces comIDent~ i including' [censure 'Of the Emipe-r·or fu·!".~is inditfer-ence to renown .. Subsequent de;v[e1o'pme-ntsin. 'ih[e (irut [Qf tbe Caesars could. have provided gemlluin,e materiel fer de__r:k!;~ngoth Greeks .and ernpercOrtS" ~ l"r--'-c.. . '~II' 'G'''' reek ern;di ~tlon" ~ .I~J,erewas, a~so ....· .. Wben.,'s w.~thdrew to Capr,eae~he took a ~ 'OO~i2ny w.c~th him: [O'nJy-c. one: senator, ~~'~:iIta n~lm[~,~ ,..,·f· ~\~·h 1:il~~'- :""'D,p--: ,JID,Iir.-.... ... i.".l,l·,'.J..'J1' I 1!lJ~ __ ,..,t;ilLv,t Greeks) to ·enltertalr:t .him with the~t (;)Qrl(Vle.rse.lJ N,o anu~S!~Q:~' !the t'Ol aualitv .~.~the, e,tt!~[~ l~~_nrnen. ..1\ COlll u h,"-~'" b een e ucmare...d ~~~ [1,·'t',1j,t .··.·',r14! .ave. --,····l-c,c:~..:i·~iq_, ,y UJI.. _ ifcL _~ "-'w, mocked somewher-e: in. Book V~ The div,~rsiQruJ[on Cap reae were teamed and peda.nU~the m.otbe.r. of Heeuba,. what name .A(:h~nes, a!Ssiijtn, the maide,n.s~,and. what. SQ'ng' the· Sirens sang" They eeuld also be dang,ero:u.s. The Emperor would read. up subj:ects and,
_ . '_ _"'_ , ~Ity~,~ ==' ....,
'V~ -~'''':ll


1iO,i";.·:,·.. ..... ~






a. Va~er.rIll911':

what .. n~:tt' can 1 be to 'W '!wI In the ,eG.<llVns:. that "'!Ili['I;t-"··-:-~c·-~·"'rn.slI~:dUA;:;;~' ~·t··.. ""' _. _, ...;·g+l 'In r:l·.-,"'[D.(!I;';;-, _. ' WJIa :t'"J..v.1!1. . lqua:u.c:Il, . 9iIJ ..... """... .I Or a myriad other th~ng~, fi.c~iQn. or the: litJe---'~qua~ ~1;l.t paria Sunlt
,":Ii. ~.L.

Se!1l~ca winds, u:p witha ,reEe:rence', pointed ..and eontempcrary, to the. sacred precinctof '~hecity of Rome' .. :Bulla. had been. the last t:o extend the ~ ptJmt:r£ Th.e .Mons Aventinu$ was not included" Of
mendaeiis aut si:ml~~.a:~

d ._,




The historian Tacitus dlJly rn.aJkes[ fun of pedantry er fraud under the grave show '0£ deierefice~hls delight in. the phoenix. gives-more: 9 than. a. hint .of b~s technique .. l~r,be remperor'i when censor,
~. VI., 1:ill.. 2;" ~ ]'Il\
~. ['1,1".

.:r8c.."" f. "'~itWj:!. !h~~rl~~'

S;S, ~•

w '00

~!il,'ti~dt'lii!:' the


o£ T~b .. ri~$ (d, p..3: ~ :5:'),


.-4 Si!,:!!l;tQD~Y!l:~T~'b~. (ilJil)l 1f)

ito !fef~~!lce to ~Pir~~)" :s ..tN, b,ftiitdU 'vih:lt u. ~ I.j. 2;". Ct, Epp., I ~·3. g, F-Q!:,C!:r!iudi'I!I~~ fi::'::~$iQJ1i, of :rhe: prt~riUJtj:
~ Lil ,

:88. 6:ft ~ jjl' a:"


~'J 4- f" •.


,'"I... "jI_~


"4". ~';,.'J~

added three: letter.,s to

In the. year 5.3 ~'hedry ,of Ilium ;ask,ed fOIl" :pf~vi~ege$., ts 'C;3,1;;u~e ~S I W urged before the Se'aat:e by the boy Nero, recently ";adopted inte the :fam~iy of hig, ,g~ea1!t.-'un(;lejC]~!1i~dius. The yo'Uthfl!li ,()i~ror ,c;:x,pa'Jtiate:dl upon the: Troja rn.g,rigirn. 0,£ tbc: Romans, 'upon Aeneas, the ancester ]" ... -,~.,~ d 't~l,c;il'" L (if . 0' f 't:U8 J 1· 'tL ~1Q""'"-,. ""'fII, 'c a dd 0'" 1 ....~ "'-n';-'l ;:;,nt -'~' -""'r ~,_'_>:-' :u.. ,.:h~ .. ,1~,,vnA,_~~ .. - '.;"..~Ic-'·U_111 l rna,tt;eTSnot far removed £r,om. fable" ~ The: understetement reveal'S what '"f;adtus: 'dlougih.t of sacred and legendary history. In the same year Claudius Caesar p,roPQsed dl;3;,t,the island, o.f Cas should be exempted. ,filom :a11taxation, He orated at gre~t ]}ength. rubQut ,the: atntiquitwe~ of Cos, :abQ'1i1tAe,$Clila'P~'u.s dle: fCH!:I, of medieine; and he ~retailed the catalogue of :his descendants, famous, ' ' oi' 'X-~nonhon e the ''''lO~:.. do eter, . rt ~~I;flI,r' X--·:lilIlI!'ii"ll,~;b"O''''?'s, tv.l!L~i'\r.IIl_j!iJ, \I!:Urrrol ,.,.,~L_ v. pr;....coti,n'i"i;n£ll1t'-i::J'-'UV~·.~~ ~k,e Claudins Caesar made 'the pl'ea, for CQS,,~; 'The occasion was, woe,kom.e'to Ta.dltuS=tidh::ule ,of tIeUen~c science and of a. Roman 'em,iperQ,r! and, irony, A year later the b-istoria_n, comes to tl:N~;ultimate service that Xemlop-hori tendered .. '\Vhen, til1.e, poisoned mushsoom se smed "0 ~.·'~'~I t;',UOC;ll ._.gnpprna :1' sed th e doetcr It· fI-n~s~C]lIld· ilJUS. .. _00 ~=_~ "'~ ~au, ~"i'''', ~."'" ·-,t·~A······~', in, :u.u:: .. - . Q.... _0 ~=__ u,_ , a ~~ :"~'+ "'ijJ~ ~ _ F·oF. tne prejudices, of Tacitus fuU, scope came 'W~,t:hNero, lBS. the monarch's aJs.f.'.f-rndo:ns. 'unf~lded .in a gtaduated assault 'Upon p~;blidty ~ SOl far the bist-Qria-n'~, adversions 'U:PQ~,the 'Gr~e-J:;$ and their' b~lbitSi :mig'ht: be put down '~argi~y to literary lIl:r,adition., or the s.phit of nil:oc'kery,. \V" h [le,tQ the :!li" d_lc,U.o.n. to a~~ tnmgs G" k is ,e~po9i~ iL. rijl" " N h d~l" " 1~ b~..:s byhl~C1t:u'S:, ··~·~·it~~ ..· ·~~ree.J.
,I II!} "lIfi, ll:~~~~,~ 'fl,_Ml1'!I,' .j
~~ ....

for' ,aolearned, digression, go~ng back to the T'[{ojan 'VaT" 'to Cadmus, to Cec:t,olps.:I,

:al:p'b~bet h~.'Q,'c-e xcuse ~ e




~'j ,,j.......


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Aft,er. some: experimemation, he: beg-an with '!ludi iuvenales' in. the gardens beyond the Tiber" Audie._nce; and ped~OC1n,e-rs, were selece, Men. and women ,of the :a'ris:tuc:rncy acted ~n s~ag'e p].ays" and the ~~mperor'.himself dis,p,b.y,ed hls talent £0':[' S~)fig. A cohort ,of the Guaed W,g in attendance 'with o..ffi_,oer,s, nd ~v',en the Prefect; and a a Cl(}mf~n.y of R,Olnan ,ktilights; was en-r---oUedt;. the ~,A:ugu.sdan..P, to, second .I!I,,,:,,,,d', Q!t-,.,t'. 'li'if"iI'l('ii.1'r:i~1,,JI, t.b e }iIf" ~ll~--F~',IlI' 'j;.'~,... .'Ooi'ii!l~ _ ~p()sition. lUi .l~. nU ""u.v.!,~. s !til..... :'-..II1.c;~~~, ',.!I.t'i.. up [It])..,:;, v.~~~ . _ _ __~ of poetry with gl',eat seriousness and ,a glroup of experts to, help- him.,7' In the: next year Rome witnessed the" regular institution of :~,
~U •. _ ,~IL

;~,i:l!1,g to

'the h~rp.,!' His m_,()ither"~mlurder 1,:en~.Qv'ed, the ]$t restraints





"' ..



I: 'Roma:nu.m, ~f'ro&.a derni!ii!'tilm et '[':uMa:e stitpfll ,iUJ,CWlt.eM A.eJ"i.eaID :ilJli:a.qju.e bi!lud ~mcY!'~f~'b'~'[~1!i ,",~~3..' O;bg~ t!h~ W,f]bl!!1 f~licifi:y Q'f the :p!i)i!;\~~e ~dl~~~~~,!' f'i{hgil,; C~r;Jr:g., nr, j,,~:;Am. 1-. :I:88,~:H:ur:ilCe;., Sat. u. Sm6j). ~ ~n, ~h" -to 6ry',; Ii: 'p' !him s.U>1i .Xett(ipihwj;~is; 'OO'edk~ oon~dMt~i!lm :i«lhibet:,,; C~.artldi:!J.l~hi~d. t~~'tifi~ to XeilQphil}~ '$. '~~i(!!1t:La,II' '~~!'I~ :Ii'), jh,

~ xu. ,5:8.

lU, ~,,,,

,~ ,:l.iiv'. ~'4'~".

~ I :5':.




THE TIME OF "WrRI"flNG £ the Net:(J~':, (liD the Greek model: ,~.t included .son,g'and SPOOd]1 athletics, and hOfSe-r~tcing'~ Like othe!li' innoV'atl'(ii:J]l$) the?.Teronitl ..... had a rnixed ...we].cQ~l'i _, Ta!'~t·11'Q'. 1'1"'1 d;l"O"1f~O,'j":":If"- :',' th ...hI:~ ,. . t~i..... ...... _ .. ~_ . ..._~'~~~ ~ ..~. i'J" ~lv,~.L on .,1],,,,, , .. ~J!I! quinquennial
.....,og), "~~,.

of ,ronse[ in,dl,gnat~ofi,~Greek, ,gym~ w~ili their aQber:ent, immo,may) Roman senarlttQf'S, egraded by s:tage per£;ofirnmDfs,. TJu;:: d .next thing would he knights neg~ectl~g :mjIitary service fof, ath~,et~,cs;, and" bec(}ming' Judges of veiee 'production and' milllsicam connoisseurs, they WQuld.ce~ to be of use in the Oo,-urts of law, And &'at~.y, 'with pedcii'nUinces at fi~,g,bt,anything m~,ghtha.ppern,.~' 'Tacitus can:~otr,esis.t th~ op~ortuni'ty for doec:~.amation. nd. satire, a It is doub.t.t,..edJge(L~:He goes - ,on to 'rurnish sober argumen:ts, in ,f-avo~:r;"and he admits that du~ ~estiva1,passed oM qijJiedy and, de ... cen1l;'~y" with no :scmrl~l, :ilJt ,al~J~ Nerov p·i".Ifr'!O,~o,!Ii'' ' 'd·', ~',,,,, .1~ c~",u""",~-'d'h l~, ,c:i"i'Vof ,.. ..apO,lJ) ('i,.: 'IliI ., and " t~. c .iIi, Ne.. " olis m :~'Al·)· aID T emboldened. by his r~C!eption 'the:t'e, made ~ 6r:st cllibitioif!. as a si~,g'e:rbefor-e: the Reman People aIllt the second N6y:rJld'a in the next .' .. 1,..... . ·f' year',,· 6 T' .~J.elmpm~~ ~ :ac~Q:r" UOW'e'Vel"t W,a_s~l1n.tng. 0'· a ~a;rger is,tagle, ~ L. '. t L " .'k" ef HeUes, and the: aole audience wo:rthry to :adj;udirn,te: upon, his virtuosity, .. The first :nad been, abortive. From. N eapoJis:N er,o went: on ,as fM .~ _ Benev .,;t'II~'m· but turned son _~"" ~ ~~ !!.Ii __ , . ~. .u~~ ......~ b"':"'k·?''''"4';-!i T;;I·~ni!i"i!:'OO. -,I ~',"'ld->~ T'fI:"· ... ee D~." J:lcU,U.1:.. 'I;p_].~ taJIi. 4--,: !LiO potent 'v,rus;,OIIDS desire' -the lands ,of the O:rie.nt,,' and cS.JlodaH¥ of' .E,gypt.11 That aIM· came to nothing'., In the end .N"'etfi did mit lesve &. 'untH b~e: '~nthe y~ar 60', orne

tory of public spectacles, tat ROlme" l'-ep,:tod.uces the ~afgil!lmen~. [ '0.1], the 'Q~ side, the h,Jst-orian eloquendy invokes (and S1fra1fis) ·the: :te9io,'U~ces,


,;I\II..;;! ~


j_- ....""'

11' 'V'!..IOJI.!or.,






' (to



The Helten'iic tour wasne doubrnerraeed with lavish de~aH far' the ludicrous pageantry, e$po:siri!g' '~hewnity of the Greeks, the retribution

I, x~v, ~Q., '~: ,r.v,anl) fialrnill\!< uti (liLm'ct:.l. ~e no,v,ilI•.' Clr:" the clliG'll' in Utii)!' 'pJOVloked by ill mod~.fitm, :iil'!! the' .I~di; R(;In.!'Q:!Ii:i;it: iii :!I1I~odI,UliEcl! by' tb.e p'b;!\~':,~~U!t~m~, ,Il!I)VLt&s. aofut~ t~~~'\!".:5:.t, 4)1. . ~,ib.. 5: j; inn £~~~ , :a.i;i~ti,m1 !:wi c:t d~fuliiit"qQ!i~~m ~g.~'I,',i.m i~kandi :m'UIl~' ttp[e~ 't~DIj;

:~~ f~!lot:gi!i $~.nQ!;!;C,t du1cedinen:l 'v'OCUmpe!:,,~t:c. :a.JU~di~~~t~ ,n.~ q~ue d,ed~Q',d. ,ail!i:ctil!~'~, &C'. :Ii F'-g.,,~: dIi[:Ii~!!'a~ f!lnd da'~gIfl!!:') ,c~Qa~nr!l'jo~ Cq~!I!rce t'ne w;"r&, l'~~tl!!j!i 'pli.d~ ~n.i:o d'l . m .• i. af: ..._- .•'.. .. ......"~,.. ( KVI. H, ib,,, ;V,t:~, - j,JZ- f' ~ . . p. . - .• ~., :."e ~:~OWI-U~~ "'-"!.'IlBlb.IIrJiUS;~Plto ..

iwici ;gr,!I,~e;li'LliI:'e$
5 j;;)!..''IV'i,q.. ,. l:;jv',



j ,t ~m:M:(!I~ :!lJt;'Io1,:i!i~illm ~,iiii!li iRdtamEfl;wm ;frnp.l!!iii!i ;ailiaturU; !'J;GCoU/t~ii1i.m :!!!~u;dii$, h.J:)fl,e:!ti$, et VOl1lJp;t:a,tliblill eo.!!I....ces~~: imperti~." ib.· 4; ':!ian;: iili'ulill, .itliilignl dmfitlt'S~t(il' :id. :!iped~lt:ill:um ~lrLt.."

'n-le ihjst--o:;ian


{or' may not)

C~~II!I'OedJi.tli, ,o.f!t m.oe'[joii'ii~ ,


of' Rome

(BMC~ R:.Ewp..




I. {[9~';l.)~,

iShiJoCkiin,g"f!!!ct-Neroe dxx:.::j 245'. .



.KY. 30., I, ,}Vii1lCi~:IiOrimti~~ mo:i~' ~rli1lm'i, i!lec::retu; ]m.~lti.l),rwifuus, agii!~:i:. ~ "l'b= ... ,.!Ill " ..' .•.•• .. .J!. £,_'I_;t P-I"' . I'ln::iI' , . ':::8' 'il-L.~~".. .. • U~ .Wf!1i_UJ 'F~1I!8trnl;1!W .~~_ ~~Qm~ ~?,P'O'-!['IJW:;I0: .·.II1~;-''l'H .n. u.: ~luwIDum. !m.;:Ig~i!:!Ia";;n ,~li~.' I H~it'."iri!~ tbat~ CUlit',iOW!,illiiflid peiJ:'!ey~m"o.l')'·,em.fu~:tI'01'~. m~ght I'!,\'(! ~" h e.~CGt.Cd to vLa£t 'liD", lIiind! ,ofntllllVtills belate .Iorng.,ooot:wt: that in. ~2;~ he 'Wll, '.A1.exa..lldrif1!ili

iilicd!uiQ~c ItM!:'&:!I!t~ii' qru~


e:tt eb A:Pidm'l~'(HA:, HQb,





i']',' ' :I' ' ,

that now bd'-e'H them, .a'nd the c;dm~nal foUy ,of !their Roman patron, Hitherto in the ,A,1UWks Tacitus had. not rep rodu ced any publie d~SO(!lUr&e. of tb:;s, e" p eror '~ i-,Ie 'mi~bt now, ~[ widl 'I!!i,' ..... ...... ,.~... . .,~. em ., .... , , ,,··,ti,~·=, .. .- .... ~8!ie:ty' and with ,. ..._ .~ ... :Hl~di.te,undertake to s.ty~i~eNero's p]!Odamatiofi at the Isthmus, of Corindl..l: The: la~ua,ge was: 'pom,pou~ ,a.nd. condescending. Unex............,_..::1, ,"'L...;I; 'P~L'tU, lllM!gJl!llil,\,

,tion of N'er-o's D.'oble gene;rosity

should. came as a surprise, Nat e:v'e,n, in :. ~, da~, of th~~l' p~ ,.r='~~"'..J .~ . the ..'Hdlenes, all en~ov'ed freedom, := the ," 'J"'" . ~ :,- '.' ",oo[nruinr bd '~" ~.. '......... . .J]., ,J",~ ',.' .~ .. being then enslaved either by men of 'their ,own,tare er by jDo,re~ttern~ 'I'PL,~ Ei~l:~[:n""" cry'" .. ~r,OU~, . :L",,:~~~~!P.L.... . :;1:""."':..-1 ....... , 'b~""'1"i;~Jl':: HI'~i,;j."j;l~:'lI[Ci' 1:"R th ,iii: enech "",Ii. ~ '~ld[ uWV:" .. nrefe ft.·u . ':t hf ,I, U"'" ~ ~~~'l:"..... . \Ii,'. ~·,r her' stre,ngtb. Wbt he no'W' gra;rut~" however', issues not f~om com='j[ rU,L. TI

iii,. ,.' "ii.:L' J:L" '. :',!,' "" ~:e',;j.:L, ,g~, :, sa'~:,'t. ne unpe:n3i:ll iii'" .;ue '~'f,t ' ·'cr ' ~"" ~~" Q'rnJ(Q.r ~]J.oUg'l!lnQ ,!maQ;i!il:es~a,,.;, j



• "'''''~l ...






'pass:~on. 'bu.t from good 'Will" ,a;ilJJd ,:req_uit,e the g'oos of ~£meUas :tCH' 'to'w,ateh~ngover' him ~n tbeir p;rl@v~de.:noo.~'

The Anna'le.f oo,nv'e_yseveral wa'rn~ngs, t@[ 'd:te;address o:f: the Emp:e-Lror' With TrulbeT~.u~, Caesar the aUJ~'hof p,:teSien1b8 :1\ ruler's de:V.i.ory;~ and 8.u;8P.~ci,oU8 .na,tJi!.tt-e~ resentfu] from disappo,intmem.ts:~ further distorted ,and dar.looned, by tthe exercise of the supreme power, [1].dictments ,foE ni,g;h treason. 'were the ifiddible blot: npon that reign, Embraeing not ,only acts bur 'Words and 0'Il~nio.n.sjthey subverted :a'U, :i:l1"ee<lom ,s,peec:h~ of The' historian Cremusius Cordus 'was rhreatencd with a 'p'~e~.tion. on 'v,arious counts, nut hie \V,rid-fiIS [oruY,01' prin ... dpaUy.:i T~.citus, renders, or rather irrve;,nts this m~nj:s eloquent v.~fidicadon,of an hrus,torian's I'ights. He appends ,bis own commen,thi, ute .Uv", can one ~1.t'L'" d'il;rr~,.... __ ....bru ,'I..'",1II·ilt l ,pffid/ry.", i":~f'those wh ,0 hold the 'u~. ,~"~v" ~,)d'~.,: . . 1 n', ,ill... e power] Let them punish opinion, they ~can never' de.stri()Y it~I10rfti:~. tyrants or th.e~rlmi.t~uurs,at Rome [on'~}rpe:tpetua.te their ,C)[wn ignominy',,*
e. j,

t, ...... ''J:.f




J1 .'U




'Tacitus was writing about the 'dme of Tiberins, he recalled Demi' be was ,not ,obl~vlom [of the present .. ,Nor WOiIJld, his treat~ ~~I[ii: ..... [C:·_ I~I,[d' ru~['IO.~"' ek ~~'iII'"t' and f ].... T'~;11~~'\i"j11i"i;i'" ~~ "T1',,' om"'.uoL!!!<,.Ji.e.u ":",' ',' '" ,': ,",',i,' ~~~"'"~~'''' v"" iFv.n~ ~.""'!I' .c au, -;I.".~;e; ....~ ~·..,...t' empeI\o.r inte.rfering everywhere, with, a strong' trerru.d t'Qw'ard~ bureau,cra.tic g,o.vernm:n,'efit.,Above 3:11) N ero, HI,ere 'the pe;til lai,y in aesthetic tastes,
~y, ... ''"'''<&1<


~ ...

""',L ....

HeUeiOic hab.its, and intellectual a.ptlt1ude :~olt c:ern,ln of the arts" labels ,Nem, in a ,su".iklng pbr,Me' CUl)itc;xr',.fJ; It suits Hadrian. very

me, shared N eeo's even palllLting' and sculpture. rradtt.1Jl;.~ [of his own c-r,e;a,tio.n, as ~lncredi'b.i]ium
.. '} :SC~, 'iI1f[)~~1! _.'" .. L, ... . '.... ,t'-. .e ,4 [I;'U..


SIGl' 8·~4.

,~OC:i~j;~!~ ~~=~~:~==~~t=:~!i:t~~,~~~J~:i:e.t .=:~,~ rae, :od~ud.e",t'erni ' qu~ iI,iiII s~bi. .Uij
A.i~'!'!' ~

~; G". JIr,;{'. (:(.!lum'baj,


~ ~'UJI. '.'-'..... 1."J~1Io"'" '.::II ~........o ..... 'M·["' ....... ." ~~.e.Ii~"""·

ude ....:;' 'il'. .....

~I, _.~!_;_1i1!1

I",,,u "'''''' \4oJJ~~. ~i'U.


h[901);, l6~ if;




eadem ~Ii.~,v,ilti:i!i





,RIlItjam, pt\PCf(:rt-',,"

,,~. ,E~

(SUl::te:nl.'Il.~l!j! I)r)m.. la"

.a '~t~: fef: d1;e~~ntiMes. s irlo LiV}' could b~ l:ner,im_wd, U'fI&r OJ~ ~~ ~:pellor J.)" X", ,""~. ~.,



N ern :r.night come again" Sol) th,_,ewodd hoped, or fe~:u:,ed. The :age of Taeltus wi~Dle~sOO sequence· of fslse N eros. T.he: sudden disap .. .3. pearance of.N ere, the teffOr 01' the ,a,dimbath:m. ' evoked, ~nd tbe prevalence of apocalyptic: delusions 'won .s,upport EOlt '~hese im'PQS't~Jn-a:nd same: 'W,e:re: a n:u1sa:.nee to the ROom ..govern:men:t.1 an N ere (it was fancied) had 'fled Qver the 'Euphnlt~ to find! 'UC(:O'Ul' :~l1non.g Parthians, and, although the .Pa:rthians surrendered a. ~le:t-Q the to Domitian, h~ld firm under ·Trajan. M'ost men b~li[~,etha!lt N·e..l'\'01atiU lives, so l)io of Prusa confessed ..~ When. the RO'ma'tl..war failed in Meso'PJ,umia and the Jews rose ,everywhere'i a seasonarrived mose p:rQP~tiO'~s,f'Or his [emergence. R&me (Quid not endure fo·r ever" Destim~r had ordained a. t:e:nn! and. it was. :fQrotolcl. in. oracles, tbat the Ea'st would have: il;ne powei' again.. j T~ecyde oI aJgesmigihtbe v;adously computed, and 'Various portents 'woldd announce the end.s One such pf.'ediiCllion (a ruler of the W'(Irrud Judaea) had incleed the J ews to rebel :5fry yea:rs earner·.·~ T.ha:t~ propbecy was indeed. fu~fillcd~ ~[ ,the R.o:ma:~,a~gu,ed-by the p,roc.lamat~on.·of VeitpMian~ 'Tbe Je:ws .!1efusedl to be convineed; and J ewis.h ·comrpm~e:rs .(lif SibyUinevenes soon annexed. the ·theme of N'em,ts return :md wove: it inte their i'mp~e¢M[i()fi8, ofre'\~ej]ge and ddivc'ranoo,6 . .:Nill: had N ex·o yet _passed 'wb~l1y into, 'th~ realm of the supernatural. The b3~ Caesar of .A!1!JgiUS;tiil~'~ ~ine was only sixteen y,~_ts older than Traja'fl[, Whem Hadrian. eame tOI the power, Ner,o woufd be. eo-mp~etlng' ~is, dghJtJ:j,edi year. So. fin the de·~~lH~ions. rebelsand o£ fa;ma:ti·(;.5,CQtrne'[[~s Tad~~s, was. wd~. tl'ain.ecl, in the science of oracles, he knew' the friv·ol[orU,S er f.r.alld~-, lent reckoning o£nl1!lmerka~. ,cyc~es, ~g,er to r:e:fll~e va~n faneiee about '7 kings oOHMng out ,of the iEast and the doom 'Qf Rome, he weuld be no Iess..alert to ·the tm,e relevance of N era. !' F"'Mrn.wh~t '['!!!CitY.!! ~~.y.!il, gf' ~ £jim ·(UiJr .• 8". :wJ it f'(l[i)Q'W.s dl:.l!t m(!~ 'W(!R tWQmo.n:
:[9 • .3 b-e, d. 0,.", Bibc" ]\"" I j:cfI,,), OfLC:'lrl. :S·SJ89~.mudh. :mD!I~' fcntiOOJ3ibk (11i.Jrt. :~. a.. :~ i :Si:mt£lmU!il1 .Nero .~·7·. )iWl1Ci[ Wll.$ iS1li!:'.-end~~ed ~ my the :iP,lu'i~fitrui«d: Stltius, is!il~ .~V:3·. II:'C), a 'i O;r,~,. ~:i;i, " La:ctllJil.tll:1-'!;,Div, l~,t. V~~+ ~.5· u:, "'FbJ~J1}~ t!@rroo.I'! qu~, ~!,IJJ!!C lI~gi_tur ,oit\ r~rn~:;: dk:c~, sed! cl~ quiu :futurum .ett....,....,tolli.e,t.ur 'e rt.ena. ~i .1miper:i.Q1'n in..A,.l~. ~n'iI;~ ($.t)ibe('m·~
'Ui.'!:' :Ii.e

9'Ii: <me 'undi1i"1:"1t!O (.D.i.o· UVI.


~~, HY'B,t~es;~, x.'tV.11]; l (J9~~):

H,iF1I.lCh:s;, Ikr' ,!!' W':ikle,I"'fttzr«i ges:M RmN! 1'" /hr' Q1Iti~ffl rw:tl~ (~93:eJ. :J: I: fl': j. A. :P.e:TIett~, La Sibill(J: habiIO;l1'U.e [~J94·3J, OJ :f[ J .~. App, 1.;ll,· ~r .liif,,~.v.13,2; SiUt!:CiQ~~1,!:!!:. Di~}:fU'J7~~, +- .$ ; JQI~>eJ)h!l!$, Bj Vi. J I~. See e.:!.p, :Ei' Nm', N~' }qk!J(,WMi, :K.lXI. (I:'9:[:JL 63''7 tt. !!o"" C'__;\iI.. .:f[ It..:;:-..,.,. "11.t· ~;r......." Z· . ". oI;i1!S:Pecul 'I~" ..l7 .)• i~e:fiL-eg~etieu.: t1~.e { . ~r.~ ill.. . viii.•,Qw, IV ...1'jO' C~"~, "'1'(:, ¥ 'Of w~_~ ~Q-C"""''yJ.iM;'!: .. ;,~"'JI . . 11_ .. ..:1 .. 'io, pt[olfdem:!i of thait dO(ji.m'l~Ii't: u.e ·~oo·~rnpiex. to be dt&i(jJ:Miea. h.C:l:'E'-.. . 'lApp •.71.. -

ttn~~ O:def.t~dom!na'lb:irtr\l!r:atQ.1,lI;' O;reldll:oJ':!;l!i~~," Cf. Hi' w'iQd~jch~, jDie O;r:a'kd P1:rki:iitbhng.t;ll: ,iW' ~. AAI. ~ Wtl'm:ft'kQ;Pp,M:" Aid. ID:.¢ttl::.tll!'ll!ildle! ·!N·,D."

A"· 'C,' i.." Til' ," .....~'ir T' 'U'


,ii::!! lQI


A"·'1Iro.1" '0'-_.' 'T I~I ··p.r G"1: -p,.' 'E '~"~~ ~8' 'K'''' .1~ .,.L ..
l[\,,],:J',lE} .",.

The Em.pire had various lI;,arc~na;'~ :SG'me known. long a:go in. the f'e'\r""Obldoin~ry a,ge: but eovered up ~'n the Augustan. peaee, to be ~b·ru·~-tly·,- isc'h~,Gd later~ on. or- emel'li'til"llP thro U.!;il ., a prcgressive ',~ revela'O'h .~ ~ ,~'l;!I " "~ , . -r', : d .,' ." ~.,,' ,~.. " ,- '1:]0 , r va tion .. Thus the nlllit~u:y a-nd pJ·'C)vinci:al o~igin$. of the new .foinn ·of gevernment, its hos,tiHity to the Roman noh£litas, .~ts c·Otn,genital :pre... ference for ·~;"t1I.;iiP'·h'~.~IJi.~'~:n~ilI't'"'1iOi-""~_~ ~'~.:;I, O'i!'I=-~of '~h""'l!ilepotent~'!i- S.iI>I!"ri"',to.'ow""'o tars, ,~ctI'o;'l, ~ ,~, ~v" " .:K_!,~~i!;)~ ~ ~ = '"" ,,!A--'S the dual nature 0'£ the Em.pi]r:e---R'o·m~ and ·Glteelk.: With Antoini'us it tbf.ieawned. to, sp'~h the imperial dominions or :stWbJugate the W:est to the E~t, \Vith Hadrian i,t was manifest 'and aekaow ledg~d., ba-reJ.y'fiv,~ . f J\. • d the vi ~ f t.._ ': gener.atJ.ons ..f rom th def te .~ eteat G',,' .4".tOr.U.US ano tne ·'i,r~cfjo.ry-or 'hJe' W'"est.
I " ~~




~ ... ~

!L,'-'!I At'.;.",.~~!iiLI'

:i!lI;(o;lP]I· .....


0;< ....



Frn" t..he: :p:l-,dEb.e1lerris.m. 0:£ Hadlr.uan :t (1-gIS;5;l, 164" :ff~


1,· Bea!uj:eu

L« R.A!ligirm. :r·Im·Ian.e d: iJ'(1-ifJgi~ dt



T'HE AU·· 'T" - I-'H:-I O"',"R' .. .-_




are tarcan~,:i ,everywhe;re in the; bebaviour of men and ,go~.' ernm~nt8, . ~edU,~ty,:, th,~e_ h~.~t~I~~?iSn, 'Ott,.,~ere" .• "',ill!, ' to, r,'eg,ls.-te.r .'m,'.,.', .,_ f-acts bu~ to penetrate the recesses, Tacitus performs lti :s!b,my, and roth'~ee. The historian, too, has his secre'llS.YVh;at are the 'tru,e seatim,en,ts bebinJd the narrative, the eloquence, and t'he, drnma?' 'T' 1"., HIS slIIep 1" t',:,~: In.a[', c, his .... ,h d',,,,,,,,~~~-:.ti" ....>i:'i'Ji!o ,!l. _ 'i~iU, ot_ take one 'it "_~~ ~~ _ _, " ~ ,_ue .t;i",·t '-+-,' iiJ -cc,'-'=k J:bo"_',w":"i .,......... , __ very far. 'The a;,utJ~otrin th.'e~;rnLQgue' announces ,his design--=-he win willf the: truH .. [and, it is~m:p~ied; win 'bene6t the ,oommunity')t.What else: was, a man t,ij; say? 'The for,mula was inescapable:. So closely do the Reman historians adhere to, itthe: shape and traditiens of their art that It is not: w:ho'~ly v~~n to reeonstruct the '[los,t p;roW~e o_f'a lO:$,t ann~d~$ti: Ballas.t in -lengthy preijrninaries, aHowssO'meth~ng to be perceived of his ambitl.o,ng and his d~lSiC(U",ts,. ere has, t'o. be div~n$dJ., L~''''YI M a £mnk~r writ&", confesses honest yearning fat- the 'p~st, a patriet's
t-.rh, '~".





an.:rietyabeutthe present], adm~rad(m for the It,oman. POW'ef:, and loyalty to the ideals of ,an,olde.r Rome, Tacitus gMvesvery 1itt'~e aWRy. His P[Je.. fooes are splendid and fot.maL Wha.t assares their vaWueis, brevity, pom:t~ and Impl;l_rsona~ity. " .A passage in 'tne: Annaus declares ,3 moral purpose. History will ,oommernc,raf.e virtt_tc a1nd condemn iniquity fOI"~Vel,,-'ipraec.ii.p'uum. m:arOlS annalium reor ne virtu~~s $~learlitill]ru't~ll,e p.ravis. diritls faetisque ex pos,terilta.t!e et infamia metus If such was the proper' and. principal function o;f hiSlto,ry~, other reasons lay behind the wridng ,of. ~~I as the h~.stO(mfi IDi,ght admit {r.-om his ufitle'f.standi.tlJJg of' human behaviour.- an..d of his own cbaraceer, Ambition was an :av:owab'~e moeive ina Roman, Tbere WaS also, curimityJ artistic sense, and the revnh: from the inertia or m,ooiocri.ty of the ag~and perhaps ether th~ngs, deeper s,tilL.~


!:5f!:!ch 11;9; dt~ g:Y~hy d~1mee' ol :~i3e:Dlt<o.r 'Who ~d

"to "Db&:C~iU!h~im~~ I'lil)t





;'I,m. 6$.

,iI •

to RQrnC of the



'When Reman politicians appeal to ancestral custom or the $p~r~t f' o the Qcrro,-iF:tF'i"~ ~,"",I. ,.,." ;i!o'I"'S'~,i",ionrises that their [n,l,e,aannot be sunnorted a i]L ',n8!!.LUII;,~.o.uJ oQ<~_.!I!, r··· c ,ire by exact legal precedents; and when Roman wI,~.~e~91p~r;d.e ethieal ·JI"'~·~'I ':,,1Lj',-~ de net -".i111~,;;-,'tI':ili' l!l,~l' ""''''- ..., ... -" eenvietion of :auth,entruc.~iIt:'t1. c.iI!iI1Lm.s, ,t,fU:Y 0 n .......",,1 n a J..:!I imp osea . J Some .. times the man' s' 'oo:nd,uet sitands in, flagrant contrast; 'With. others his, sty.~eand, talent that en,gende:rs, a doubt! w£ir .gifts, Gf d.ecla:mat~O'n and sadro aJ~,e patent, SaUust W!!S' all the: C:at.o,niml language andpes't'(JO teres ,; his choice of subJect: and 'Ms treatment reveal him not at all archaic: b~t very much a man of the revo:nU,tio'Mr~r a~ deligh~ing in
A il"'~'" . """,, __,",.o;!I.
-,!I,~ •.

,L1!o .. ~

. ",,~





violence a;~dldiscord.


SaU, b:!!',i.ngsnto question the: total sincerity i

Some :ma:yaccept, Tacitus as, primarilly :3, moralist in bis aspirations, reading into h~$ wo,rds much than, the. aushor :in,fended.,it Others, will confess, dl,e~r 'pe:rpl~ity,. 'The lessons that 'Tad.1t11l~is s:up'posoo, to inculcate are by 'no means unequivocal. Liberty and digrrity·== ... UJt. also b the precepts of a stateeraft that a time- server, a polirician, er a. tyrant 1 '.~t· , '~,.~,' . ~i ~''ii"!.,l,'''.~'t·. ~f';:i!i' writinzs (ji"i" ~~~ .: . ""1'.'01'11""'. 1)", c"' b .!OUgilil, be.. lli£ap'p; t('j;, ,.~"::,,"-. ..... i1IllI ... ;;u.~l!Ii .... """'l!:"' vI.• Ji.U..... ,u.. ""~,r;.''''.~'''' ,"" .... : e "'~·O,."..··A,iL. ar.'e m@,;raUy~;ubve~iveJnot safely to be recommended :fo:t the instrtre .. tion of the youn.g'} Ii,ow much. in r-radt~~ is the garb of f~~bion and con;venJtffi.o.n, ',I An,d. what ,is left when the integument .is stripped,:~' The, 3!ittempt 'to extrlcate the true opin ions of th,e histerian and! .faliU'hom :his, persona'lity is, mere than bazardeas.

of Cemelius Tacitus,



. '·I~'






ik :,t~ .acuus .. 'i"!t b .. .. rned wltC'~ 'I.- I_U!p_·r.~uJ~ .. .. L -1,C' oS'-'~'1~ - 11'~·· ~.s,ru}t mucn concerns ~,-, -'ih tne. Si' - e It~ ral,. IThe mysteries that matter Iie in. the hearts and, behavli,QuI' of men, On
s, _ _.

the face of 'things the divine :regim,ent 'of the: universe is, admitred, but. seldom for ~ny desired er hlPPIY ,en,~:t.f· :!l!Jits thre, pUI'!p:Qse of It Tacitus to affirm '~hat Heave.n, m_;,y, 'intervene ,~,~PQnis'h.-.nta.:ilkind ..s Further 11 1h,i;.. ~T!I~"'~Ji'I;:k'i6;i!o,.~~ .......'.....,'i'\I,f: the ,!jV' _ ·-lg.:o'&~Tjli!i:'il' 'i'i"~~.: Reman People ;6 11.11. "" , 11..,. au _!Uj.... the a:~~'!u\r... o ... Ina ,. ~_""" QrAdcls, a, _,......... 1110""I~Ue UUHIiJi" , .
j[" Ji. '!I' .. '!..II!.!' ,.,., •

.A st.ri...king'and ominous

p.bra:soe, but' where concedes that the supef,na~, g'ood, and evil equ-a11y.,1



,oof)'Fess~o:n. of :a creed, ;E,h;e.-. powers remain ind.iff:ere:r:JJ.1i 1.0

;;u.r A:!'iIit.'tA'4.'!'t~;, 19J,S), $61 fl'. trad!iti:Qn.a],, ~V,~ftjW!j:!' ~tll C(li dw '!1:1ii1j.'t(I~,1;m':1j; ,Cb'~~f pirC-. ...... ;r.,~".......(.""';~'..JII,\;Y' •• 'l..'.~'V-:'I~~ ...."')1.. ~'~.'~,'~" =' .fir. ""·_;i·~.... ,;;r.<'~cr..•" ',I,~·....A.,''i.., .'!i,' ,., .... ,~Dill. Ii .~. 'l'!' ....... "'~"' .. ""I ""ri"I... l (".~'.n 'EiI. ~"'-~'~'iIi ')'" iii _. .. \.Ii'·~T~',fli ~8¢.'I, itb:ilil!: cail:tt.:czJtion, ZE$ll!.illrtl!l!!i pl1;!~dt~ ~~ ,tii:'lIU;h1m, h~ ,Aimgk~ {T~~lf t (Wj!i!$ib~n,,!
~ K. ,lLiiltC,'e~ '~SiiinlllSt?' (N~~' 'Wtgt:

~ 'Tbi!ll!i F.


l JiL'I

'I.II!I.o!!u- .....


.. Il-~


011.).1... ~~~




.. !J!!.IJ



and, FL,

P~U~tQR: d~sc;e'l,l\en



a ,rnatr".w'


m.ot.ailistie Q'utloo'k

(T-aeito, {ii:9S ~'), I~)\o'

~ C. M:eriv!lile,Hiu{iry 1);1 tile l~:~~'


t.kt ,'EmF,ir,~'Vu[ (dlj'6), I,SO.,

~;Q' ~~,
~'~"II""", 1I.lC!LI~!I!
lue~IiIl~;'ld._ ],,-11111,;"'-,.....

" 'POI" :t.l,'yy '''lDenlgnlhis (l1iZ:iJ;I!rit.L' (!i~X1!ta ..n dmi::~)' s~ : l~~"l" 1._II.-!~!! ~_.' ·I·t, .. '"'O"""""!I'i'r~'o!"lf!r-,11 ,'L,_ • .r;, "'.iII'. j'm;tl;il'I'li:ll, ~~"""e"').• ~.::I! ,'I V _ .... !! .""'~.!J _'-'iJ.'lJ_itJJ p g;~~.!H~""-i:f1e ~_.t:-r.~1 ~~~.-i_ I.;W~.

r:!om~d!d~ljr, "'e' .Aflm;!/iI!'Q bi. b ,~~:j'i!i7'iII·~~'~"; ~ .... ... "'t ,..;ii h~.r;,"",i"'; Dl.IJu'hll!l,U.::I
'o"~", ~~~!J.'iIlI",--!lL~DI

(~!L,43,. ~)I.
. !J i6

r, J,. :z: '~no:n,,eiise eurae ,etcl's, ~Clu,itinem nO!1"faml esse uillticnem./ r, ~:I' cr, Xl!]'., ;!!:6,. ~ • ... .JCIi!'I. :l,1I,. I: ":a.eqrU;L'ti£Ii~ d.e.llm ell:l OOn-il, :m:o.ll a que: doouanenta.:' ,Ami.


the deed: they me.:ilntnothing',;! Tacitus does noe hav'e ,to wnrry abeut eonsist~n~y" ~'ero. bathed in the',~~c;redl.SP!rln:P, fro~ ,"wh~,eh an aque-

W.hen Agri.ppina, is to, be murderedJ~ the ;gods, fU!rnjsh ,a,'fine night; ~ '~hQlilgho ,s~ow up' the erime.' M'any portents foUowed close upon, t

in II seaso,Ii. ,of crisis cr p3:nlc:. -f The secret o,~drulli1Jnces a.f ,f~~!Jte, 'v,n~ce tbe of '~he orades, and all the' omens-e-these :f:ound credit! but aH,er the event. :Su-ch. is Tadtus' OQQ~, verdict upon, the elevation of Ves, and the; fortuae of' the Flavian House,s Of T'rajan/s, imperia] d~estin.y' convincing evidence 'was, no doubt, !produced[ in dne COtU''8.e" tnou,gh little has 8urvived-=-only a;, hint oJ po-rtenti be was, consu], and ihe prophetic acdamadofl 01 tho bY,stand.e:ts when he: made s3Jcr,rfice' on, the Capi~ol before seU]ng out fur Germany .. 6 pr,ophetilc, ar'earn. in H'ercwes,' temple at 'Gadcs; a ,l\1:ess.~anicpred.iction in. lithe land of Jud aes , a wOfl.'deir w[\oughltt, on :M,Qt!n'tCa~ius in :8yria~,,O!I;" the river Euphrates preternatarally abating' its !~lood., p'!po'rtufi~,ties, aih·ounded fat a c-<)nve~,t~nna'~ ,adu'hlt:01f'V O and historian, W:~'btv T'-l'l~tl!, ~_o_"ever h i'W~"~i,.wr,'JI'~~":':"~ O,:Il.~.U!'Csena ......,~iili" .~_H:'I b-'". mat ",1'S:I! :Ii!'!:. Win. -, ~_L,,,_~_an. " in = :a:C1I~""s,~ ~o~ r "e co<nied:ured that h~$,ehoiee went to a subtleprocedure. The reoordin~ of omens. wasa t:radi.tioM'~,-£ea1ture in, the arma'I]S, of ,the ROJnans, ,aoo the ,diec.t (l,r p',remo,nitQ:ty signs. ~ rhe minds and, O~, actions, 'of men provid.eda sU~itable: ,oomm,e1l:Jtat.j to, g,teat ev,ents,,1 [dIe :fab~es were to' be, deprecated; bnt :a serious author had no :righ:1!: to,
j, ""

duct took ~,ts,rJ;S'ethe Em,p'emr fell Ill" which proved divine resentlne:nt) ,~ In the' H{s1ori(U' TaJci!t,lliii; is o,peruy :ocepti,cal, about &[grns,and w',cr.~s::oommo:n ' in unsopais,tica1ted, a,ges: they IlOw occur only ,

.A hLst,o:ry of tbe F.~a;:vlan period m.i,ght:have cornained remarkable

c,mi't:,il well-authenticated

pmiltgUl,. any :more on o:l:illic~a~ record,

of ,bisbQnat!.S,,9 W,hm Livy came to' narraee 1!hat e,poC:~, e will :ha~e aJS:C:-ettaiinedJ, h that his, r'egl"etS"were p~ema'tU!re~ 'T.heI'e ~was an adequate s!1!lp~ly.. a, And in ~ due cout:S'e the end ,of AliJ~stu_s furfi~shed,a w~Qle C-f10ip.:u, Ta,eitus,



rn.aJni€es,mltion,. i " In, hi~ own da_y f~iJ~ had ~va!porated/ w~~, no
,run "(he pages

I XlV",

· et ,if;i:'titil.~ ,~,~., ,.p ~~rcYt::iq,'l;lC: :1;i1ii~P::il V,QiIIi:~(; :It',jtttI d~i,m'i,ad§~lUI,Yit,.,~ i, J,. :86. ~: let pll..LQ :ai~1!l<i~b~!:i!9aeai1i1ilis; et±iirn m pace 01~eil''II\IIl~ quae :Amu"taoturn in : m~tQ 3!gdtilIDt,u[",' Cf. IV,. ~6.,~~: quod.:ID pace tl'Qi'$ :!ie-u. iI'Ii:il!~W!'.;illj tl!.l!ru;: &.~ ~ ~ diei. """(l~ ... ~ bat!af,. i' " S ]'(1\, j: ~ ip(i-;U ,mr.tW'liIli.m cudi.diim.'IB. i' ;t, Dlo, llVU. ra, ~.j; Pllin.jf, Fa; ,5'. J, t
'I, :1::1,,;1:

00, ~UAi'

S',. [:' ~:noctem,sideril:ill!l Wult'f;em di p~bUti!~~,:'


plilMo fi'I!QI£ii qi,W:~

q!,!lB,$~ ,~nv~.d!~


78.z (dL.'Cir~ct:

upon Ves~ian,

:~u. 5,0 v
~ifi ~-

:fQr: the


.J:_J,;fU., ~';j~" '~" .~ 11"1-I'~,;- 0-''b-' ...... f!i', ... .,~ [~w.......... -.' 'B t""""d-"" -',!I.,j:,1'1 .!IU ~:....:~ '.. 'Q1II.~LII\n.~._il",," 1
LViI.Z'tj. 2


,:;Imd 'UopOJ'!,).




b1];d at Regirwn :l.t:,pkium,).


.... ') .",~L~.:I'L.Li, ..nI1-D.~., w."t;[J!'VlJ!l&. ..... ".. .. "_,,iL.11V~!~ ------"-i'I'

Di'O':!j, :~~

,I .Dro

'fl" i 4,:,),. z..

t..t,ip of' ,AUJ;:l!.Ii't1!.ll!: :Bil.w Md,


,~...._ '~' t~_, JH1.Iu.L.IL,~1vy.1!

B~~~1b, :.U'OJL

.... ~



1\1j, .1

'l"A.C I TEA N' O:P I N ~0 NS.

esehews them, Not 'un','ttilthe: Iater books do, t'he: ptloiigia beeorne a re g, ~__ en~ry,. would b e'. f' ",-~':f- ,11 te discev_ ec_fa ,~oe,t"... ca_ 1!--";+., :i,,-:' s , T~t, ~Uu. , rular __ Ian,CUJI,C _n=JO(l __;~,S~:, ~",' 1 flls",onan, relapse into antiquated eredulities, The ,~eas'Oifl, ; plain: a steele i device in the old ~n:r:;.aU~f~jc tradition which 'Tacitus 'needed, aU,the rncre because hi, $'lll.bject nQW defied dl~ f~b-r_i,~ and 'ca'Il!O'~s of the "res


'""r :-,,- easy 10,keep -~,,~,-~,-~ . - ,' .• , l\A[ . t -,- ,.~- . ~',-:,. 1~]1e1r.' u~.y., .. ---~,Ii!-. , ,~~~oI;!!nC~j,~~,iilS, to, ,~i.. ,-.-,' m re_PMI'., .c.l'.lli:OS. emperors, - hnew .. - '<- 'd~ :BeBeif: r 'b""'!h~:,vi~'I;'lrh"--'!>f"'Y. _ "'"'''''me In,. Th.i.!';~ 'i1':"i,AF' nth: m bireh ,0,[ =~_" _ ~~= !ly' ..,..... " .. in " _d~'!i"tL _'" fa"f(]iU f" ,_, seleeted foe '~!h.eacerdotal eonege~, 'while 'Various doses o:f s

~ P'.,,1l'[;:c' 1 " T.h,e' rdigka:n of the ROnla'~ Stare, bel'ng~1~JI :~._~



s.y:,.tem, of ritua;'~, perf~r\.;'

·I..... ,Yt"



~ ...._"'!;i

_ ~'Vb=



~U""'!I;,~ ''!I',


~~~ique.radition, seldom underwent aJ:ny C:haHg,e], t unless it be a keener flair for offida'~ jmpos:t;ures" It 'w,as ,clear' 'profit fer an h'ist'O!fian to' :have, held .... ..".; '....e ,~:,l- 't'h-''-;~':'~d;~ ~.. te ~U Orne 0 fthe pr.les, 00. s,~ Not ~ve~ senator, however, was able to p:r'e!jierv,~ the scepticism aJ:ppr-op.riSi.t:e' to that gaver.nin;g order which in past ages e'xpi.o.i~,ed -reJi'oilO,r1I! .s:'i'~, ,c;~L,.:~~]f·,;Ir,l'~,-v"I'i'i' R-~"-'--I: of th ~ 1' h. ~';~~h -nd: W ~~""'_.... u_~~,. ~~ ~ome v. ,.ue a~_" low 'W,~r~: riddled with 3]1 manner' of a,y:pe~titi'~Hl'S., Curious partic1ll1a;r$ are diselosed about 'Tfberius, Ca,esar~, who ,d,enied belief in the, gods and was, negligent ~JhQ1!lt:reWigi,o'USbservances,s Such items ~;ttl'act ~, o
I, __ ~ ~~ ~ _ ,. '!..'



'("-~"~s;,~';Ii'~ ~1I;,;"'A1J.;!'


biographer, 'The, histotian

'1;.1 ~

have none of them, Trivial oddities ,;::;-{)ntl~~',oo with ,t.'~ 'm~,~"!iI:\~I!i:tu',;1';;,£: 1f-~~,t-'...... Iii"i:l",=-~,:-,~ witb ~q~ pl~.'I('I*U·1:",~ of ""!il e 'I;,." _ __ " " .u..... ': w.j...",,.,.! u1S !V~'.I --an d~- n ",til. U_.LQ ,h•."
\oj _,I), "" .,




Tlder-:'* ~ 'Tiberius, in, ;3, "uhHc edict brushed ,a;sid,e'the ,nadon, of ucr.Ue,g'e eontem.plnolls1y,s -Dine sy;S't,~ of ])·eJilef l),eh:h.ct, h~~tQ.ria_nnor em!pel'Q1f o~uld, dispa;m,ge. It was the science of the 'sta~~.,Astr--o'rn,o_gy offe~ed a

:sag8!cio1l1$~ :andl-po'Werfid

s elut ~ ___'~Q thee___~_., . .~ problem 0'£ r~t,eand '_"~'_~~:jUand~ itB cood~t ~ _ ion, . _ ~ v~.x:'atiOtl;S~"" I : _ _.. ,,' a _ , _. free w ~ ~ ~~ " .. "" __ . " ~ .__ was supported by the' w~gbtY' ~1JltbO'ri~y of the Stoics, TiJbet,~11l15 ,Coa 'W'~;ilo' 'C'O' ii"'~'r~iif'i'e~'d" ~:l 1 ,l,J ....ii]",..... j;:;ff S~· a . iF ' :tiFo::l,n'D'e- stories wer ....eld t ab..... JlJL.!o.I 'j,t:' ,,+-~.,_ vu. f'Or-eknowied,ge: of: ,eVeni.ts~ and 'artful preaeeutors saw the ehanee toO ll] • . _.j h · t expsou h cree d- ane ,::]S, S'lllsp:U:lom;, b~Y a dd 21S I -' :m.,g maglc or ;iiS,tro~ogy to ~n 'indictmen.t:. 'Tbe' theme turns up ~rruy in the Anna'l~'$:, Wi-dl fun detail. A silly n[obl,ema~ of d.yn~sti,c b:~ood, and hopes came to gde(, perverted by the :poomises 'of the: Ch.aUda,eans.,'~ The p.rind:pallte, mk'e; all things, W~ as$[gn.ed, by destiny" M'ocdQtes bear witness 00 the firm ,and, unshat'eaJhle 'fai-dl certain m,Q:.filrnbs",
;jj;t~h~lf." ~ _. 19..Q _ iP.-~.~1""II




,!..-.!I' ......... '.

. . _&


1~!Ir.l ...... .1. .I,~.

. ~ !\.I.~, ~

Lv· ~ . ·A.·




So 'C~iH'Uiden~:W,ag Vespa:sia;[!l: in ,the: hQ'roooope (If the Flavian HOllse ' 'that he exclaimed in, the :Se:fia\re: (\ro,ysons shall follew inmy place, or DQ' rna~, shall.' ~And, pr~tl1!JSin hJs,tur.n,; whetn twe nobj,~ Illf h~gh,ped~gt~e: were' dlsooivered, co,mpiting to seize power!, ~ that be did was to teU,,tbe'm to 'S~OIPitt ,for it wag, of no 'use-~pifl_ncipatU'm fil::todari", If there w'lliS anYilJ:dng else ,ther wanted!, tbey ()ou'M lia,ve;~t.:i, :D\Q'lllidan. s~udi,~d,the art. He diseovered (~twas s;a[d) the My ot\ wMch ~,de~di ,of bl,ood w;Quld, r.Bll!, he feared 'itchefifth norur'"'-4i!iH! he eould not ,esca,pe:.J. .. vU", ~lli_ ~,m:lfl~"Ct~hercscepe -.o....,....,.ili~,,'s T'h' er ' were "" .... °l1t .....ries :ab :oi"!I{"-:t- tbe ,L~~!t:''''[~~ 1 ,~_~ ....~ ~"" '""" ,..,..f C·" _'... " ~""''''' "'lI]IO 0 ... Netv:a~. Wlwllt T:lCi.tus, may h13.rye~h{)lUghfo£ them. need ,not detain con .. , lecture. . In , ,the llu~'- ~ 'when d~:sc~"ss~nq Oebo's ast!::rok.l(i\e,r ,-he: ~~ is, J~ ~~~,' ~, ~" - '"~ _J_~~ U~'e ~~ ~~~--~-~-"Il:io~~" ho:rt~]e to the e~tire das:s and pro.fessiQtn; O'm.errus, po:rtents and predic .. ";-;, bout iI]J,e. I.e"'l.lny o.~c~,lie 'l\I"'~-V'-I~ House excite ~'~'.:UiJ11IiY ~ and a ';ii',t"I' ,ll: ,~a,·_ !an ,_ruSe e._X.Cl,~:e l:L'i.S <:1\'11 ~ an tiom ,am:iiU the d·'--~,~,·"·';f·· Ve5p~sian!5 belief and pr,ac~tice'~~, des:ign:ated as a '!s1ilpe.Fstit[o"'..J Thei ,/J:nna/es seem, to oound 3! different note. '\Vas, it some peescnal experience of the :agein,g 'consu~ar when .he woo g,O'v,emol"in ~AsiaJ' Of' sfimetrujjEthat happened! at Rome=-or .not nlti1er the spell that "'I!.. '" C··' :IL!_ L'" ~ , u, t --~ T~~:uer1115 .:_..aes:a:r cast. upon ~ b~;to!!i'lan d' ~u~.t[l!g' t,u~t ,Qtnig'~w perva,..,
!U!1~V~Le_ L ~~
""",,,""~'L,.!I_ JI --~"'"


Whim. 'Tib~rlu~ ~n t~~yt3r 36 w~t away ,to C:am:pa~ia~the astrologe:rs, announced, he would never' eome back, Hence the per'suasion, whJc'b to many preved fa!a'~)that the Empe!1or1,s e:nil was near'!' fer who could have oonj,ectil!.n--ed a 'Vo~un:tary' absence of eleven y,ean?' i...... shew -Ai hew... dark ~o. t~ V~",,~:~Iu:h,i(ijt~,~_".~ ,.:"' _=~,,_~~, ",,,", ~ .... P!,oO'1I!, h h;i~s, 'i'i':Le; t'roth JI"~.~,~~",,, 11. ~_ IU,L_, '~~.~_~~'."

sive £r-equ'eiltati,Qfi




~LI~ ~~

1 """"'''''''''"',,..,,,,.




, .....

how narrow the: margin between science ,and its, apposite.6 . '( AI ... . ... ~,..;I T-L. .'. Tl"iIi., ".. 'wou_,~ never see. 'R'ome a;gaJD turned oat a true , ,u;at L w~er,IUS' .. ' predruct[on Chand, forte dictum'], That W;a8, all, Theexperts had, not been able t,e fore,t.eUmyth~ng else. 'Tachtu.s is s.ultahlycaU'~~aus, and ,incomplete in his verdict,
<, .


... _~....

whno ~le···_., ""!F~

.~~ ~YoJ'~
iI""IliII<'" .. ~ iI!'~

iIfj,io 0" Yo"", ~


L~. 15 l.

,phas:is,! the se.mllte.noe lackin.g a v'erb- ~~andemC~.esarin C:Dnparll3ffi \~ ITt.,'''t' ~ 'iF''':~ w;,,; "'G~:'~:.L~-U'j' o........ :iM;,qu~-eu\i' .::ohlll''F1li"l :'r:l::jJJ. 'va~,~ 'H·~,!.h~, 's eh ~..l ....-n ........ ~--'r -.JI -1!e=~-""""e ~.:I ffl a'" :.,_', .'u8 '0[" .J..,..!F' .. ~~~ _ j=j:rs,[ ,from Rome W$ a Journey to Campania in 11:19., 'The oecasien exit mizht ~ ,lilA 'I!'''' tempted the ~·-1,41-"'''''i''''',~-:-d' tjil.-~ 1-Ia,T'i'iiJ,- o:f'", H';",~I...:i'!l'f!'i_8: .-'-""fl, ~ h~'~i'\Ci; . I~elll _if.IIl!or "'"'Hill liIIa~.LO ~ .Ln~· ,""(~~.~~~~. The new ruler h~~df' was expert in hO~Qsc-,gp~, it rus,alleged ..9'

~n··t~iN">d·~, IU ~. T~~'''';r!j,s, W1~~'t'h"1 hieed ~ly" " ,u........

_~,V ~ """",,I~U. =.;!'

oO,t'·~!nq.' '~V~'a

,1I"iWli1_ ""'""'~~~






"""'"I ......

[ 8l!liEtQ!1i~~~;Div~'V~.¢ • .2.,S~d ..Dfo [.:xVr,


!!:ig!1!,oJ~h~ ihi&¢q(d8l!'l!~'q;8oeOQnd t'bi,rughtsin [Y' • .s7' £: (.A:p,p. ~'I)o lhilt the ~~rb :!I!bo~t ~9<trolo~~:~ ' r'q.ilR::!t:fit :B: :!iub~limt jfi5Ii:r:tLOO, :and. ~t''Wo'Lliidnot be: :lillie to u~ the 'piMUgt: for ,:lilr-:i'U!m.~Ht 3!bo!i!.t dUe dar~ of ,(;~m'Po~i't!.iiIJ!!. .. ,UL.!,! n~,. I .....'1.."I~e Iln ~t"ruL""..sI'ro'. m, 'tth f-'lIn::r~~~t~IiI :p'9t-'W'IiC"~, t·b·· 'i';' H" Ai' ~!'!, n'" ll._~';;::, A~-' . .. ~ i~ ..~ -h' .. ... . f,~ \.11..'~, ') .·a\lrJiln ~ 'of .
S pu

,iDi:!) LX'!/l]", ]'s. 6. " A~~, ~V'. S:8., ~; ~,~ en!tu!i".:'



:1;2., ~'

Titi:lt '9. :[,.



(!1!(lt re~tGd to :h.o((il5.\oDpca:). J D.tmi., 1.,6. 1:. ~ fIrst" ~.~ '[ ~ re, :~nu:. 'j'S:. ~:2i.!ici~,



~t th~re ~ mO'~hif,j:g,in, '!:he: ~e.N~~ur.e: sugges.t



i'~ at liE~t,

fhlSi, '¥~~~ ~' [V'.!i'i", s,


q)llIa1n (I~C'YrlB:




So was Ti.benu'S Camr,. tbO'ugh dle hiiS;tori~;n keep~ $~le;nt about his [closed. his imperial desdny~:i:

p.rofidency ~]rnoo.t te the end. In the year 3;3T:ibe:t.~u'S. s:ll'i:mrtu)ned to

Dlp'~eae the eonsu] Galha, ~nd, ~~ier a ;~~r-chin_;g' t~lk.!. isd

Tlberi~.s, 'karned the ~rt from ~rhras.y:U~sl@,ltgago at Rhodes, who, w,a,s n,'Qton~Y' an. ;as.tro·~og,et.,bUlt a seholar of superior rank ~fid unim ...
!.V ..... [U5 ..,.. ~-,

........ .J . __ ~ _ ~..,..., _, ~ ~:~ ...... T1h!... _ "...... . IJL _ ~. iIo~b -. _.......... !~~'" P-eac.hab~.eseieeee. T~~:I!'!'<;~I~S,teo k .. him .~I~IOi""'ff· the '''''l·~:fflD ·tnll' '1!.:;~: skill, and t.o, desttiJY him like others ~ffQuod fraudulent; Thr.asy.Uus. alertly predicted that the exile 'wo:lllld return '00 Rome and have ·the powel',. iThen" invited to east .h~$, QW.Q ho,roocope he :s.u'b-mitted. to th,e test, ~ililence' .asc~rtainhlg· -with. wonder and terr..ol"that h~s,lifewas in peril. Tiha,t::proof established his ascendancy ..2: M.~nY'oeher etorles circulated. Th-rnsyUus. ·~liv·ed. T~beri.usou the island of Capr·me and. dlied only wId! Q. few mo.~ths before the E'mper.o·r, to whom he promised ten more years of role.) Tbe· son of ThIasyUu;sj' also :aJ1adePt, d~soQvered froJrnl the stars that "i'1l..~ .iF,,:.w~rmust _gu tn N-;,~- T. ;i!'\"":~.~.illU ... -:':'i1i-~,t. he '!L'l!r;.·~~.11 :~.tpi~"7' '!Wi.lI!;l;I~ .. ~.~iliJl. !UJ. ~ eo _~_.~ note that prQ·pbecy m due ,ooune,:4' Tac.i~!US11 ·a,:vovring· his 0'\VtaJ. un.certalifity~ adds :30di:~on on. fate a!nd



. _.




. I "-'A .... ~

~'~l ...



ehanee.s The d~v,erse tenets of the philosophers, Epicu:re~n an.d Swic are ,,:~A'f~er wh~,c!bJ' ·Tad.tus eancludes bys!tating' the almost anivecsal be~~.efof' human .kind- the future is

deter mine d, alit the hour of a man's birth; i~:~Q,mehjjng:s fml [out oth[er .. t 'Wise than. predicted ithart: is du,€! to the .igr! 011" dis'h.oRl.esty of the ;:a strologers who thus ruin the cir,ooit of a science that has, been. 7 correberarcd :in the past and in. 'the present by fi()~ab~etestimonies .. The structure ,of ~he universe and t·h.e spect-a,c:t~,elf evoots· might


by ruuig'O.rI.U:9. N.i.c;~, wjjn be: f'Qumd in ,C~u ~oJiJ" at,tr', gr. w, 6,. :6;. of •. Ct ..:F,. Ii', C:n1imt:ii':, Aurol~ in RDmtm Law and P-6.l~ .[:J954), .~64-·ff.. ~ \'1,. ;ZQ~ ~,' ~1 GaI.b;a:, q.~d;gq~~ .d~~lihis: impeduin,1 ~ ·V.I. ~.iI:. f"O!l' tb", o.ri~:n ;and. ~jlry ;Q:J Th~yl~\.i:!i~ p. £08 •.AJ!'4;l< :F.H ..C-l'::Jnt-c.t Q.,,{:, 9~ :If,;. iliLtld. 'hi' ·n!i.ti :ptlH:ticaJ: l-nfl)ii.iMCe, 99 fl'. iii DID L¥Ur., ::17·. 3.• • , ·VI. ~~ •. 4. ct. X 1.\"", '9.. 3 ~."(l' :naJ[l.(:~ o~li!y' th¢ ~[ChaJdacn, :nil) (iLl!!', ~ •.. ~ f:.) aJ!ilCI .~~ tlh<!. n;;un.e· Thllt: 'N~!'i!li'~1 Ul~' B;al'bJ~h~li!P(,PIR?' B 3B.) 'is ~he :SUtl! of 1":h:f.uyll'l:ls 'b,:u been

1Iw...~~oope·. ~pjled

~~~ b;-C.~Cacl.~t.i~~~~

'eo mjgJu' :n0'~ [be. ,Sitoic: 'bUit ~'n~~i~t N~o·PJlg~~t.; ct..('at :lefi:R/th) ·W. 'f'h.eU,et~.PliJ,l1~'UJ' fur Pttn' t'i6:R Jet. Miih-lJ' .rum' 6(;1. GJntrmidl' ~.iI:'l'H·sJ, If. h ~. 8~. ·that ·lh..e'P~9iJ,:d. ~'A!ria ~~ h;;l!'''~'~ aa~: ~. ~l1itn.8: (Qf ttiligl pe_~o..n). of the my.ste .. ri.oU1l G-&ite (-u.n. see SJ~' 868 B tl:nd!·0;: .Pra.echter, .iP'_:W SUnil, nil' :53,5' tffJ~t~ iPr~~~ Qf' Albi~.til$:.. -s~,m~. 'I::~t~ng gi;: bt>W.Q, ~i: n :i!llK: hi~.i:lfi., it h!llt'dly n:I~tter.!. E.. Fra-e.f!k.el d~milis~B: tbe d$gJ:t:l8iw u. ··.h:.iiIhgeaebr!ie.ll: .:B'eiw~k' (_.N~,' .!IdtbiJd~rvru h'9j:ii;,h ~.j:D)" 7' 11 .... I' ~.. ... . - Zit. J:: . .ol!!~e'fum ll!iI!li.Ir.un_~~, ~_~!U'm. nOD ·e.XIDl_tI.!ti!.:J!fqUll'rI. prtmo· 'WliU.Jq_uoe Q!'tU ve:m:1i.l1:a.
~e .35
j -

ncces,j,Ltat:e trt-unUitiibili an .. f.aif{:· ,g; "I',h~ ~~d .s-ab,g"4iI:!Wf.e~


'h9~~), .39c:l ·fta, Cf. F'.·SoS;. . _. .. t ; \!!:ed rnib.i hiiliee :!lie ~al!iiil.i!L;'Udiie.nti ~iflince.r:!io· i, est.J, -f.a:~o:..rle :resi IDQruHrum '!!:it:



dtsti~fitUl"":~ :lIiImd

.N~~ B':t$ ~


&C. Some haw:; dt:Q)~C!i:d T-aclic:~s<; 001'l!vt:t1I.ICiI1!, to· &Ii,t~tQ1!cJcy~ e·.g.. R. Reitzl!:mtein, A,rttM tV (].?:z.6,),. ;ZiS,Thlit l$ ,q.l!li*~ u;owi31m.!]!ted. For 'Tael~,' obi~cti:wi.ty c:f. P,. ·&gi.ii~., '~tt L .dtU-.f~ u: hi)~::I),3':1:3:~3:314j :DR" (I9~:S:)., j:S:a. ft'.

~rH1E AUTHOR condemn, a man to :fatalism. Who, couid remain 'wh(lUy a seeptie about :as,"":""~""'rA1" when " "I[~:;,b:er~I~I~a, .,;I""~ n Caeear 'b-.i:i,11~_"A~?1 Y'-~~some Olli. th -If ,uC 'VOJ ... .II....JO' £i ~. . ~ i "e,1:. "'""'u~ '~'hi~gst~t happened could shake any £ataJis.m~ TJ~citus was deeply ~mflressed, by the character and the conduct (lif ,Marcus, Lepidns, the, mQst dmtingu~shed sen~t,oir in the ,reign of Tfbedus. By bis prudence and bis d~gnity Lepidus won the: esteem of tUlleBmperor" and ,g;re~1'; ,autho,ri,ty with him, Tacitus is, moved t,o,doubt whetherehe fa,v,out e.f prim,ces is determined, l~ke an th-~ngs~ by fate and, the lo'tassigned at ·'·~'''''CI'n''''''''' ~~_ ,Illll~ '~.I"u.g)~~_] not•. ',.e· l~~=. A' ~_~~i D ;"1"d',~m""!I!"I<t"counts bii-], ~,' '!I!'ft~Hj',i:" J1ul -_ti..~~_i~~_~.-:.-U~_~~~rwrl~~ :a!~J '6 ........ ~,-,t.t. :n,·.: 'b'-- rh e ;, fd,~shny... '.. ~ pr.1lS0ner o ..
. __ I.,!,,'Y' _






, ....

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""' ...

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'TacJtu;s, writes :tJJlis,t:o,ry with the, aceent upon p(!mo(ua.HtY'i,pcnetmting '1(0 the deepest recesses in his search £o.r ·motiV'e,.~ So did :S~llust. Fata'~tsm orr,fes&~~ is, :~,ohar, SanlliSt. rHts the i~divid[j.I3Jlatth~ centre ,of a'ffai~C~tibna for ,energy ~amb~'u~<n" nd enme: Ca:~ ~d, a eaw, beeanse they exce~led in '!~imas!',while contrary ,in pr~ncip~e and

_. "4r.I__:_~


v;:, ~,r' 'V::-~"l'iI~i~Sjl .... tho,~,~O"1f-. .. ater .... d· ...I ~~l_-l ,~









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m .....,... B,~,.,.,;.

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Ined ,CU

!.Gt t;h~ RO'man,~ts primary meaning' of ('lour,age and, energy" 't, It ln~ght occur and 'be admired in 'bad men, Thus, Lucan, on the elemental vigour of' Ca~r ;;!: and ~not~er ep:1'cpoet" SiHu~,.It':dkuiS, singled out: the (,imp',rob~,virtus' o:f flmrubal,6 In the :p~Sttt; arihle:venum1t, of RUHle S~llust atSs~gnsthe credie to a :f-e,w :mw o~ly i? and, :s,peaJdn.g (,Of him,,self in the ,~,rol,ogu,e8,~,othe, mo,ne,gr,apfus, SamllUSt iins1ste:ll!dy preaches a gos'pe~ of' 'eR'e:rgy and :ac.tioru.9: T,he beliefs· of Corneliua T~C.i0til!lS have been a, ;surbj.oc,t,of disparageib. d!" W i1 • dO. " ~l iLl d aga~!W:t 1l..' meat . among tne 1 tea:rn'~~_t .lt~~ :agrav,-e m.l!C,tlneo~: ,~eV'e""G~:, " mm,

pl])Uosophyj no system. in. his head, but ,oo~ftlsion, and a jl!.tm;bl,e on v.agu_,eand t..alf..~a:k,ed id~s.~ Ot~ may slJs.pectthat '~ts by I'!;Q' :mea;~s, i
~ M'e..!Ie COJIJ~pqr:!iiiC'Y bclic-f~ li~i I!h!!t g.;f' Hadr,iln t.HA" lid",. ~'6i i):! w'Owl;i, :not ih!a,'I,\I~i Gom~, ihim,titl!i:l. tn!::!t.e ~ n~ t['a;cc: (iiI pt,cdlie.tI'oIliI!: iI!Jo.ut the dle~tiny' of Cliii,i;jdiili$~ ~~t pztent '!lIiipd8~1t {cl, m. IS" 4)1, NO:!'"j' ~tniC1ih:liIl&:;!:if:l!,liI:'~~ '),,'(!:a-r ;g,~"I;,~~ ~ OOth~r 'feCi nom 'th.aili: ~jberi1il8 ibllidjw.t pused: 'ithe'd&lnaaem::~ fi~tli"'l:hlt,d ot'M li're.. • " I; rnv. :~~ l::'~d~cb,"blrt.llrt; .. ll:?['f~lO,ct'~'t::niL'~~~~ w 'i.!lt'lil~t~.ji, :ii:.:i.:pt,~plim mcli.~litio !L" bos~ Ofre:tI!li.liO :!L~ ~U\o:g", ;m g~t ahqUJd m nostns 'c:ow:~tLw~' '&c. I' !, ''!'hat i:!i, d1t:u'. S'~~'jjfn~~~rr., Cotl$in I' R~. it;.X4t" :~!IX h:95]:)~, 1t'ii;8,M.t j .. , ,Be.g!l.i~iil, I._~.· .'](.}:II: (]'C~'~ .';:" . L,~A':II';';\ :~', C~~ . =. ''''''fl#!!. .~..,. 9.S:lM. lZ:Z; tTo iii' H..... 'a;Q.:ii;,~ .Q~ H XYI:, '[.I9J8)~ ,Nil,. ~; I. ji..ti.+ f.. "sed [i;e.~iii \!',irtli8 !Stare 1000." ~ eli, J1:.Ii'lIVa :I" 58. S(:£l ;aJi!iO M::i!'lliilfua,v,. 4!_J'S :If::~dc!;!.t:cillid'ng !he m~ of ,:iI!~:On who, ~ip.5e ~ibl liM{ - .•. but' 'Mth 'WLho:m !in:iI,.!r,ood , au.Ie .~- ·'~m.'t'rIrob~'Wi, tet ,- \'lrtu.s .• f -. -_ ~t~ ~ .. -,' _". _. ""'.I! __-,~. .• - ,-._____l.f' - ... , .. _

cmshin~ verdict pronouneed, As a ~hink,e;r" he: was

an ,~mpo:st()!r""""'Do

ii! M'" :~ba1lJal!' R'ft'. tI:" klr+ D.lV·( ~'946)i~U5. f\", lQ :St-e.trI.dhal h39 f, toi;' ~yjrt'ili!i,:' in 'T1iIciti'ilS M 8, l'krir.fI; 1.c:b~:5¢ij'M'. d. :R. Pe~r~, Wi71~'" ,jahrb.rkMr ru (~,~:);, J:C,3" i!' R. !l,!';.~,'(!hllrni:&:ilim,~ ,BdjJ~ jl~~ plJrL, •.1Jisl'; 1([. J:;i,;J'lo.~, AMi .. t, (,j:. M., L. W. :L;lii$!~of!r'. 'Who bbi:mi¢'$, :p;'ts'~!il'!!", f'@l:' i!l.d!)'j)d!'lii: ~. ya~~1;i~ of ni~~!lIdl~C.c'nt~'!"Y' ~,tI,Clnllili~m(T/~ r» D......._~ n'· (" . ~ . "\ L··I· iI..".' 'h' .. -" {It "'II' ., vnar~.p!~i8 nJf~~,~'"i'}~ I.~~i~ ~I.I to ne tritiJi~ !1. ei ~ii'i:eo._~i~i;letiC~~ .!II, :!I!CIU~:i!!~~
u). ~

,. C~,.•.sJ.







cun.1l;lEl!, '('IEil\:t~I!"~ 'That :9cll0 1:a1"; :!t.p"~0p;ri:M(li\ry




N '.' ~ .' c, .. - '• Ii' .iCo,', .... , 0: " TA' . 'C' 1:''1.!Ii. ' 1E'i A' ' N:'~ I.. ' 'p' I":"j,:. I 0'" "N:,;;:)


il":17' -'

be shut u:p :in the armoue of :an, invulnerable' doetrine.t Certitude is not given to mG,n~~sjl and, TI~d!,l,I~:s is red,eern,ed by hia respect for the' eternal amb~guities,.~'

an ad.van'ta,ge' fot an his.ttllt',j,iln

0' ne ,..',-··J!'01, ...t...·· SIn,hi ~+-:.. 1$ Jiun dl~en,l~a~ ~'., 1'~,thIe os.tu ,. 0,1. mml" .. ue: IlHOs:e :.lgu~,L.I,es ,:Ii: . ._. . "'il< I(. ure '.e ,I,o,v,e; UbCifty and the love of dcmination ,af sp,ring' from, lot sing;l:-e float, with good, Or -ev]l ensuing, That was the' diag~lo~js of Sanus~!'~~ Hi~t(),ry showed ,~tv.aHd fer states, $ wdl as, for individua~s., The ~vh1~.U~? cf R,I!'!L1'Y;>"lI~ Peoole•• ~ peevailed ...."'en." .'.' ........ '"'..... _. ,un~u kin ,~, and the t- .... ~ ..... ilil 'I;,II;,!I',I-"ih ..."Iil: ev rvwhere ,e., sab du \"10' the'-' ~~ ...~u. _,' . ,_""" , '. 'TI .h id '00, conquest :an,,~, UQro1,n~o.rnl. Tn .J.-I .., ,n:a,tU)'II.Si. ' nere was: snotner :S~ ae t ne
I· -, I






Romeas themselves avow' it, The vanquished have. leoft a m(~e,timpe-tf:ect r,ee()~dJ~f' tbeir hatred and. resentment. In the first epoch 'Of the Roman sup,:remac.y the ph.iLowph,er Ca'rnea:dies) e~'bi:b~ting rus versatile talent at. a pu.b~ic, lecture, demQla;strated to 'dl.e ,~mperid people that their :IDuCh... vwunted. justice was not-bing but the right of the stronger, -I 'Though a sceotic '(hi"; was ~ 4~ .d,·I, the A' 1~=1.-1'~\'1~r:, ~ ....~ """;1· - Cam eades ,,.,, ~~~e.u:b,is, 6£: J~i!lr.~"~il_ iGI"-rflv.v -)' 1~1~':"":..J, ._- _ r". . . au die . - C-' - . d was ,an, exeeptton f' t_ ie most. part.' t_h e upper uence, ..arnea'es ~o:r th classes in, the G'~eek lands kept silent, for th,ey owed securi.ty and ,status '00' :R~'m,3n. protection. Apart ,f~,omsome acrid p~mp'hlet'CeJ" ,in the 'pa~d service o:f the Pontic monarchy or a :m~ljgn:ult hiatnrian, who .. H''iiI''''lIl't- _v~ tho Part b lans -_ the e.~lii!Ia''''';e;'ilI,:,'~' R-,ifr;! '5, "'.... v,a:-",tif. c:li':;~:~""~sm'-' .. ,~I~b'· ~"""~., _.~ ,. ~~ lII.e r"""'!I.Q"Ior 0:11:. ...... J.ue" ,_ came firom, much lewer down:~ i~l ,$bp~ .of apocalyptic [i,te:rature~,6 the 1'i' - it Instead, :{action SU:'lj::e at R:um,e: and political prosecuti,o:ns, erupted with. dangerous ~l',gUtnen.ts" 'Cam, W~8, no(~tbJbb~for his ;utacks u.p@iJl cormpt and oppressive g,'O'v,ern,O,irS; and he fred,y- conceded toot the: peopte of Rhodes had eVlery rigiht to aspire to freedom or pray fer
_I!.r. _



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f~~th,i_I-(:!!i iirl 'tille' ii'mdrc'''''~ ~"T~dJtU!i: (~, of g~'~f ,;di1ii~~,t'i!Qi :R~$:}'~ ,d.¢$~,ibed :thi.\t: d\oei!J n.ot take: one, ""ery' ,(lit, Oif vet)' deep, F:Of Tiillcil~:~ b,Qs,DlIity' to, pnlito'.._.IQ.u

,~~hc![';!j,..Ch" XL!.,
~I· .....,



!3~", ,,L,~'A'I'iI#:g~-i\t'Jdo:ll\lsiljl1te )t:(: W.'ein.r,eiCh, I'9:5:2ll, ff. Not mllIDh ,cmt~,~il. ~r!he:'WO'Ma. belonl!!:' '~.o'liwn.-t'illf.e :t1at.h.eir' d:J;ftR to ' dCiigIDa,., '~:f':a.ltJiI,m/ ,!Ii!;I, MmtI! 'Wh~~h hi ir!~;J[__p:liegib~, 'b~~ :ru;Jo!i; :my!;i.~Jtow", 'Th".&: ~fa,to et ,,,,& ", 'n1I .....~'~ .......,'i'., .. .."....~0!10'" f-~'i\<o"< q_"' "" .. , ... ....., "1'1, A.~.'I>O!o:i:'~' (.~'_ '~'5. ;'I). ,,,,'''!..iI'J' ~~l'.U'"~ r",>",,.., .,;JJC.l!1Ie~"l ..110........ :Ii .. ,"11_, :5,1........ ''\'fo!1o~, 10' """:iII~c;", , ~"........ :~", :_.:II"'''''' -=-iI"Il f1I, j"'l.. ~,""'.n~.'. '",..,',~ ~ ', ... '" .. .. ,11"-;;;il" , . l~ "'''><. "'" ,V,I .. ptQ~.liLIt"inl.iciiltil.~' (~H!I!. t:ill., :i.'), C~~, th~ ~1d)1:!!r Se;n.~, 00 '~hG~~U~e ,C)'f Q:r,:l.tDry" ~f'&m ,fII"'i:1o~"""'" i .(.ro'~,,,_, ] ,"...... J~ iI!i" ,.' " ....... "'·Ii..'~I& ,~l. . ..,f'.,~ 1i,~ "'1= ........ ~B 'W· ':""'I.... ~~r~ ~,J'I,~ ...11~, ,01' 'T"....;"...i' , , .Ii .ill,. ",,!I~""~_~"~ .;o.U.J.-'!i:i .~.:J ~ . (~lililr.2i). ~;i8 f. '
<I_.... ,~ 'l;,l' .. ~~~!iI_.,~.~ ~ . ~ll!~· j. lL ~~, • ~i ... ~"'_IHL_III1~;IL=5, aIw'!w.~J, ••


U:'~,i",._,;' .u..·,j R!l.w,,~ ia:Li'!Il.

TI'''' ~l,t. ,~,....... .... "... ~u ~~: iI;.U_ ~;j: • ... i'--- .. AI,·........ ~ ~-~ ';n, ,r~, (19,5 ~)i' J;'~~: -:fl'. ~ j'" Kr'~~, S~i!o!!r~ '[FeMl5lcf:t:r:U;t '0"
'~.t-"""" .... ",; .itU"I.)_~~





.iIIi IJI' !'Y~~;i

iii ~

~~II_.~~~ .



:in.domiwm iiim:p(!T: :inter: ,c~onamiLrUl: I_!l;bert~dj,!IIU~rllo.riae

~ Hi~(, [, 7': "'rn.o.ui:!; !P'r.:im~~ diS<lle:tls;tOflles:



''V~~~(lih!UiItl!liI'l:~ '



,iI' .ro .......... ...... 1!¥' :n~,~,;';.'._it:"""_"· ,.'.~' U.jl ,_i"Io, -~"'\i,~ •.", UU._ •.,~', ·8' '1I",Ii", .. ",I:'~....... f,'• ,y
c .. '"

(,';;'''';'''''I-~: recU-n .. "", "l.L"",,,,'" . rB'1a!!'!.' .y ---:~--","-d- ~~ ~

evcn~,rel'qJLJiDd, ifiq'i..iii~, ~clqiJ.].'e' d~in~ti~lljie, :iS~t.' .

,!; 'i'Io.iIj'_.....___,i , ~'I':lIi~,v

......... ....... --.

.. ,"'''

.Nfl' ~~~x;~'W',' ,H)-1:


t'h.e ~'01iI)!~f of Livy '0;:. 18., 6, :p1J',e!JIlJ.m!!!b.~y Timii,gen.e~, ''' ICSen.e;ca E"P/). 91, ~j)t who 'b~:lime hD~t:i:le wh.en M q!lla'rn1!Ued w]t'b , 'Wiidtt.i,f.m:d:

..::' C;t"""""~'" ""'.Ii: ;:::!"'"-\tr~ ....." "

1, '",O:gFI.CI.

' "' .. ----- itl'I_~n.."' R~'- ---.'- '" [b"'''ILL'f'I!V!I, --........... +. ~-. . ',~

'l':·..~I,·~,ll"" ""na" ':L··1II0.' ......... d." .... .., .. ~.. " ,~.-.
,·",·_.:III·~"""" '_",~ iI!"'~~ .l'.-'!.I!,) ....... '

· ·,jl~,.., .. '!..!'IJII ..' .

;iTj!~.-;'V, I\,,!O,!!!. ..... ",

~~ a :F;-llIeh!:,~ lJt;t g-t:htige





the dJdea't of the Romans. it C]ceto, a century later; when ;l!j:n, ~dvQc~te For the :p-mSiocutioiD. or ~-X~QIUfclgPornpeius ,Magnus) declares how bitterly and :how jriLIStly the emp.~re [of th,e R(!'maTIi$'~s detested in all the jan_ih~i the provinces :rn.die lamentation:, free peop~es: complain, and khtgs are ,[ndi,g~a_~t;Z, lit, was othem1se in, the put. N,an.o!llS would, oooner' be niled, bY' Rome than e_xe.rd.s~ dominion over ethers ..J The Repll;b:[~c made war' on~y for just and ho-rtoorable ,r,e;asofiS such as sdf ..defence or the protection of alHes.,+The world!, dom~niorrn that accrued migh.t there-' io[r-e:be d.esrug~~:ed not as,'im.pedum" but as 'patrocinium ,orh:is ter.nromJ• :rr ,~nthe se~,uel Roman bd:m.V'lolu" [CQnfute(iJ, the engagin,g notio:tfiL of atnls[te~bip over the n,atioAs,the declension could be assigned to a recent da:tt" with most of the blame conv,el1)~en.tly :m~d UPQiJl ~~hilWa/li S.u[ch was, the ,ex:pianati[o(Q,publiSbed by Cicere ,~n one of bi~ethica~ tr'eatises. To incriml''e Sutta :appea'~ed,to SaUust, but BeMust knew and affirmed, drat the, evilllchange began 'much e'afillier.,6 S~Hust~ and certain. Rfimmt, :historians~ are not p'ilibHsh an ,apolog~a 'for etn,p,ire. They tend 'to be afigry~critical~ and eenscrious 'j, and theie.technique, .of dramatic oOlhposrt'iQifl", with ir.,esQrt tC)speec'hes 'Q't' ~~ettersj,aciUtates a vi,v,~d(and sometimes 5yttlpathe 1!lc) portrayal of' f Ri)me~:8 eJfiem~eSr wd~ equ~,pped, w.~;th powerful or :~nsidi~Qul'3 atgU""'


8allu:st compesee {o,rl\fithridat~, IOf P·Q11Ut;US;.t letter that rn~thQcl~ .... ,cally analyses d~e habits of Roman ,f.on:ignpo:ruicy~rty~ tenacious, and dishonest.' AnOther historian PQmpe~:ujs Trogui'lh fur.rUshed :fo[£ the asme monarch 3, lengthy ,ocaJJttffi,on charged with vigorous invective. 8

of the Idn_gd,oms, f the world. E{[ome o

'Tr.-ogus:; 'wrldmg liJncl,er Augustu.s~,cumpUed a s,urveY'~nQt of Rome but

'W2JS :S:ld)QirIDnillte

monog[,aph s~s eloquenrly f~.r thevanquisbed in. the ha~.a:l1gue of' the Cal,edO'.ni~n,chieftai~j with fervid, denunciation ,of ,ilmpeT~al conquest-s- 'the Remans call .it emp;r:e~ :llt ls, in, :fa,ct :mu~cl,er and rap~ne and,
~ QiI,l.otl!:c'ill ~rn!ilvtly ~. G£iiliw: v]',. :3•. ~6. I.,. li~.:31., 201~ lk imp.. ,Qn-. ~P:~' .(is:• . ~tmp., ! *1:• ... D~' ~ "p!dJ{i~'!J l!:J!1. lS; ~ ~n~1~' i!!iU~f:l1! popg]J!.iI!ll, ~Qci_~ d~~MOOil!i tl:~rum. iam ,om:nium PQtitUl ese, m,l'ry c~emp~ine.&ithe nec~ com,vlmon. 0:[ ~~i,l!tll, be1Ea.;'" ~lilem i!rn,..~ti~ii,ti.0n. M in~lt:i,th...t; C3fw:n Qf ~hC''wan :!!IIJ~t '~!1h~ ~ '~~dQ:o. u:w::i(ga ·;:i'Uffl::ffll'~ !S~o!'Y'
. 1

a:nd seme d~ovei"in d}f~~: ,aUJ~:ho'rhQst~lity or dep~ecialittiotl. ~[ . Trogus was a :n.ew Roman, of' native stock :£ro:m the p~orvjnce o:f Gal1~a·!i~ The eensular Co.rn,e~~il!]$Taci:tus, -m, .his fi[Sct

to his desjgn~


,en., ~


ill U'1:i' "QI'-#'. n", ¥JjI"'K~


n ,,,~, ,,
~~ I.




II: !iI

ibd~, ~'l: ~Jmil!i Jwt~ ~ln'.'4-'7 (, ,~ua). :P,Nfu!.pS w,rottBiYt d. N, Fi\(i~~,o..¢, ~ f.
['\1", 69, ~,,~ !':~!,i.d!!:nd[l [!it f!liikn@ G1;



]:Ili$ti~ n,U~.S:' :



'TI-A'-' ,.-.JI. . ~" " C' ·i'T-~.A·-·

1Iro.'" .1l1li1

O·'-::·P·I"'":'r~O·· ,"N' . ," .. ".L.~.i. ......

ia~ IC

:!::8~. (O'~ E~ia) ::Ii :x_i[t" .31", 1--'4..


hili:§; B11u..!ltilllrl: ec' F!I)t· die '~~ffQ~ ,of;, .:PlinYi' HR·v[ •. S ~bi.g;(fiLrtl!.uiiru;f:Q ~l;'Wiit.' , ~ Xii.Y., JS. ¥l'\!' .• 31.. F'iliIi; .tt-cn'lpt;_:I. 1;1) pil~y di>Wn ~: 'T'aci~D. :~~; ~ A-pp. 69.· su, .3.3 -: '~qllilii'paeem. :n~s:t'h1m!' .Agt .. 30\" ,. The w~.

,. ~'fliii:C ~m








'mwn penH
... ;."
·r..... _ ~:liIL.:_' ~

" .xm •. $6,. '1; 'F.R_:Ia:ti¢fi.da m~ngrum iJmpel:'j~.~·d il!ls, qq~~ i~I?Jl(1J'.i!:~t·i :pJliici,~ 'm ubii Ramle.os maneret, ,guild. d.:oi:ft;]'u:: ''I.ii:liid ~.fULrt, m>qj!i.le: aliM ~Udioel <I.umn se i.l!i~ P!ll~~!~/ Fa]"~ de-ep :~1hil1lg. ~.n'!!he hi._.~nl)~~' S!~C.gU'o:~ Qf.' ~h~ .fate (If ~_~ uibo He B;" ,"f~',. ,o..e, JJ f:. '" Liv:y PU~ ~:j, .~'.~;~i!.I:it{libt :mod~,;!UI)· ! ~b~:tu.r. :imp~a' niCi(:: IilbfiU!.e~t qUiOd. 'WlllUn
,...i".m,- . ':::. ..;Ii ..

.3 I: (Q:'UGt1!d. :a;bQ'Vto, .Hid •.!tV'. 7.3. f.

:p. 49 3),.

ol:daml' que!. ~

-vim R~am


Cit ~~.i!' tn.

U 1::1:

... , ~~


.lJ, :iN1Ui"~)Krit#e-h:t, U;i~1iM iWB,. .die .o-u:n: din· -/•. imd' . ,.ce' '"' t . .tI,!'t"'J')~. ~ -- t .- .) '"'"~ .2<9 n', .lliJi:ilO D ,~ W-'" ,r", 'Ui".',.ai.ln~, ·OVr. ~.I ,.1955,., .;J!"")i I~. C·,If. IV, •. s (L, P.iao 1n .$'painJl. '0' -ne __ .;'~...l' pei.'~.ap' m~. Ii:: .. ·L.... ". - f •. r .II, _:: rid - - HI ip. ~ !p':. I!;YW-"lI W1~~O'UL' 'QW pa.n'l:.iiYJ'lC Ci_: .ri.e'cJU!!!I ri.>;'.!i~.;o;:__e5lj'·S ~.• .1. A. Ricln.:m.omd JR3 DXJ'V (~944)t ,+3 •. ·~I!iM ~pl~j, . lip1f

....,aJ ~~!I J


!! ..

1i ... ~~L~

r'L..·.~.'r"-"~~L''''. I!_~W~

r;,.,;...." ....



''"'~ .L·IU~J:ag3:,





I ..


TIrE AUTHOR It~s, d1eap and. easy -e~)anaign peat empires. And all too convendonal. 1 Tacitus was reeponsive to 1t'h~ majesty of :pow;er. H~ looks, bac1k;.with I.o~gl~ngttl t~e: ma:rt~a'i Re,~,'Ub~~c,and,he extol~ the ,mote: recent conque:rot.S. Did he desire and argue that Rome' shoald :r:eve:rt toa.pelicy Qf aggrandJsem[f;nt,'~ No[ 'Qneq],L]i~OC$~: a~s.w[er'c~rn,be given. If wir,fare (soll[e migiliit :hope) dispelled the torpor and inertia of the: times, conq~est could disturb tbe equi~rbrium ,Qf fhe Empire~~peciaUy if itwent beyond, Euphrates, and T'i'gr.Ls,,2:, DominLon. produced and parad.oxica'~. c.on8equences~ The in war were vmqu~shed by


pe.ace.,] EmIPi[lt abroad engem:h~redl d.espot~sm. 9I1U: home. Mal'CJ\!ls Bmwssaw 'that dilemma long' ag'o[, Be~te.r foefeit empiee tha.n. :fOlf'-' 1".' I' L., e l.. ~ ~'e'p\iIi, I~'~can,;~ hj['. :!J.eft: nll'"1.. ~ ~~j~:rty----SUC(1i, 'WU tne ,a'",~er o.~ tu~ n , As for' ·the conquered peoples! being speiredJ 'tl],ey were des,p~sedL 'T ,aCh:~ , .a:ppears to nOUr1:SL~~' ,~~YPtt_~-:P~Y a nth.te preJuludi.,c--esO'~·,am, " ' · '1.... U\ n rtro h f ~ -' .......... _ .:. __ ' :imper.ial H~s,anger 'bears ,mos!t; :heavUy upon the Greeks andld:lc t .. __ ._'. _' ._, .. " .~ Jews. Hellas 'w1',e1dcdlo. 'fiorce or f3!lte tI! oonsd'ollS allehrougb_.. ""-' ,that ~ec -·'·1-·' -,-.,,',' " '. .,,~' ~",", 'c'i,. , - ,c" ' serted anD. 't':l_ ","Allm, 0,[[1 siIil:permn ," ae ue.r 'i·:,..... ·4"' " "'. ~:,"J "ty " -/i CIV,I rzatl:on was supeno.r. T· .ue,J'[ ews asslQ sndheld ;aloof. from the ,c{)m~tY' na:doifls deaf to 'pe-ts:uasiol:\ and of _ ...........::-·""'t - ;,!!!.,.""... Q.b·~Ll1~!~ _.I~""eu -..1 compul ..~O-'''''' T"h"'~r ~-,..JI:~u.,.",h''''lm'''''''.'!I.· ' ,.. A~~\""_'Y~~JJ l}.llJ.~11£ generis put ,them beyond the: p'ale"~ 'To the Greeks Tad.tu:s :ne·ver $U~~:nlPU de~:y' th~ ancient ~en(lwn of arts, and wJtters" despite his 'to 'pr.-ejUd~Oesi; and' he m~ght easHy divm,e: or expl\e5S, 'what -mheGreeks ,thoitJg'blt about R'Qm.a'~,





L ....




. __



. __ .





0 ..........


_.• JI;[.tIi:l1i·· ..l~,!I


I,· 'Ii;.I~


emp ,it:",O= diiQlli"II.6I!.~~.,,1. .....1Ju.~.!; '''~~, ",,111;'''~Ir:;:; 'f1I'o.'" _iII'~!.Y'''''iL'~~~ ._;~.y~. ,easily vuherab~,e,.Taeitus ~s,cueful not. to' conoede flull p8:iIl'ity/~ If he shows[ Ur the , __ ...", the4t' d!unDtv and~""',! their national habits ~'c'n[ .,' fa;~r·;,O'ti:'~n ", '~,""'~J in ~m,§ ,., 'dtete ,i~ n(J[ an~m~aitY, biUta'hnos~: Te5pect ? tempered, perhaps with, a
,~,i')I& CI~;i."!iI~iifrii!!l" _-~=

il.·jll~'~! .T!lb. pa:d~l~ nee

l '" "!II R


• " hed . ~R' m1p:rte'; ilMatii:;'·co,'ms~~,:,'Gme

\,,~,... R.I.;!,;.. ~

S[~I:t:"i!lW" ~ ..... ~~~'?'

ith and therefore


Will'· ,fut&-o



tene oro,f patronage,

R.0lli.afi81olldly praise the :fio:rth,em~arbari.ans. It ~s :£1)1" v,alour and. the love of' 11~1li.."",..,jl.'i7--"li'",dl .mom'e;b'y' ;m';;;mnati'oil!'ll peseeiv ,~.;I hew close th:ese lL_~U~~-~,'j·':~;.3 _ ',..' .. .'~'~O.:I ~_y't natives were~o the~r ,own rude and, hero~c ,a.noest(u~., [Ta.c~tugj'adndr,a,-,
_ ......... 1..:.. II~_

~~JN'.;, ,is~th~b

... ~ttemes~ in, Tacitus' narra'tio~, of

~_-,·I_l_~~i='=' __

the German wan,.

e- .... '~':__~_'.' ,.-_'. __ ".:'


I fli''j't., ~iif. ,68,5; '~is,;ml;dita-ta 'I;rIra{tii.'mc ~, imperi~, Qlbi~ri ~~'~ta ,~,., t.'lillI'!."elillque~et, 1fivldiml in PO,P.l1.i1,um RQm8inuttiL ·efi"Udif (9 01i!lU.c ~bel ud! d.emqogll;e). ~·Clf'.Ch....XXllVU, .I 'F" 'I , i ,,", ".okd· _"'" ,.,,"', ~-:)' Ym'(;enueq,ue 'VIlC •.I, SllIJ[t!,1U,I!ii. ..I ", .•"... : ." - If;'ot ,.'Ii.. l,om\'U:I" ....:' pl:.ue c" lUJ(Y,j N"'!9' ::a:l'v.s~'a..~, '0' 'flee: ,. ' , ,n -- -, . paret"n!u~,~tc:'mi~/ + Q~ hy (llJiirl!'tl!li~i!lfi':. l' '9'5' l'ptr1llffi!i¢ ~~~m ~!i-~i!!'i irr]!p~ q,1!n'm ali.m.i 1'i!e,rv,W:; iiiiDe afo c::.nimviv.ere iban.e!ite d!ket~, cum ~ \,ll'el'I:d~ n.utl'IlI, cGndkdO ,~t, t !: ¥'V, H. iIJ!!!~ :!lJbCilI.!,11i . j[~.Jj:h ~~; ~ C(, ll:wl,. v, s- ] :!!!rld! niQ~ QX!V., t. ::1:" [The ph~ looiJlliffiJ genedi h.umai? e.hiew'b~R :me;l!!MilmiitllI'l.th1:o,P'Y1' cf.:;$eneea", n.t t,.~U~;~ ,at:timi IS. J:; Plliny~,.NH VI~, 8'0,
'1i,:iI;., , I,.




-;;''P., "r~ve9'~ 11 mi"to iii



AJ~.rMMro «' u.: ~,

d' A~J~

(1!1Jl1'si). ,[73.,

!t" T-,._,

C'" .... ,&

1CT:'E-"A,' ,~~- ..


N' V:____. ~'P"-INIO"'N',f(J1

t', _,_~, •.•. J .: _~'


was v,i~e,~'qu,@euneea undique atrecia ,aut pudenda wnfiuU'fJ!t cencelehranturque' ;1 '-' '~ The precise abomination file :ihlstorlan has in mind W:U ill new ~ l' ~ 'b' . ~..1 th . , '=H r~1:WQnt~~a'tprormsed tne WIJrst fI ~Vt~g ceme f'rrom I'u-~a}:'::- I,e i:. i ,..1i,_ ~ elsewhere asserts that' foreign, Cliru,ts, permeate the househelds of the Roman ,ma:gflJa!lt:e8.,~ The inV,a;SlOfn. :m'~ght: 'not ,stoOp ,short: at slaves :3:nd

d).yMSty., ROlme, becaro[e the (;l:unrno,n ,r,ocep'tilcle of' al] that e:v,eryWherc:

the urban prof, C~ailll1d~~s,Ca.esar (aQoordit~,g to~ Tacitu:~) denounced the ~ne:v.alence: ,of 'externae sI1llpers.ddm]Je.g" as one reason, EGt the
"I!'~[I~ de
I_ :__:

.J:,Ci<!<' 'U _ ~~~~Jyj

0:'-& ~~


t'L,," _'~l~:

'IL,", "ru;:i;:t1I' ",..,,,,' i~~[ I,: _. ~ri~[~.;:I':.

...La' ,,: ",,"'n eient 'U~lt ~!'~I.: ~ .

I .:,

I' """"+~Itutj,,,,,,..,, ,fif~' he 1I.~l;IIi~~, ~ '__.._,~,~~~ v.;~t _' ~~J,

Ii' ""m'" ~,,~,~~~~~~


S~ate.,"" It Vi,as mere dis!1burhing if' dlublotls beliefs found. aM,ven, in families <:f the ,g<f!,eming order" The 'Senate und<:~t N'~ ~s apprIs00, of ~~I.e,g~horu;.ap~nstaRoman matron, Pornponia ,G.raecu:t:.l!, '~8UpeT" - ..-~,~ S,..itiCl;T'IIi,~, e"""~'~oh ,~~!~:& ',£"t'_ ,~~~~~I-U et .... her ih~'~'IZ';b~ ~,.~ P~l~ti~ ,,~ :'~-: ,~.'~l.. ~'~~u.O ~&~'W . ~~..w.r._;"'i:>':i;~•.' fI' ~ft'~""r- .:I' ~ll-'~ ~~'~~ _-'~nd : A" c.',~~~~.'~.:~. .........go:~L~' ,,', -- ~[S in~,o[he' matter privately; and she was, acq_wUed. o,f any ,gudt.~T.aCltUls t (~t is dear) was atI~~ ,fo.r· th~etlJd~est :~u·~ofild.o.f:ts, 'of 'what h~s, [o~, time feared and, dls.coveredi.~ ,Ah(l([1Jj,.rdl,g.t,o'Jl:S presented, ,3, do ubKe: dang,er=-the aJr.~stocrncy w<'eiken,e:d" ttthe :low[e1' [c'~a'S'8ies, p.rey b) tana,= a tics and, false .p,rophets,. _ _ .. In the: ,mass the: l~~ebs,'was, cor.rupt and, sllllperstilt"ioUl$ and. servile, 'T.hcnJ,gb no .mm. of atati.o,n a_nd independence could heJp desplsin_g t~_,C sJiv!~in bondage or enut[l[cips1tedJ- :ads:t~ti,c fam~~jes,a(kn.ow~, ~ed.g,ed .the loyal d\eVQt~,@n. of ,slav[eg and, dependants in [evil. daiYS; fC!l"-e--igne1:':s [o.f respectable b~rth~[aad even J:ta]ia!~) bad s:uff~~red,disaster rand ~t-he ~():SS of personal l~bert}r;: 'while' the :authorl.ty ,o:f :~hUoSlo", p,me doctrines, afikming that {):n~y'th,e wise man is, tru~y free, imp:~iedl mairt"; the .slarv1e[Qught t-o be: bm,ted 'with humanity, Class prejudiee [C-<Hl~d riot :stmd unshaken in the' face ,of :fact. T:ae-itus not. Q'm~t te (?~le.hrat'e tbeoo[umge of' ,~;]i3I,v[es,1:' hum'bl[e clieats ;" and in 0 P,~soj:scan:s:pitacy the: freedwoman Ep~.cIDu1.s, was fitl]l, and ,:r~]_~l'te


III;: rn.&y' !have 'kmown ~t; h.e!l prooc<msul ot'.A..1liaJ (Ch;, XXX'V'h if nat eII_dil!'.r. FI..!;__"'h__eo:r~ w :me Jewj~b ~~JlIiiQn ~~ :bao:c: ;fli.ikd, lQ Ililitm:sify' It~ hmOOi:y--mld [itw' CiilIited to, dUill:::rimma«:,. Bu,t o:b8erv,e:Hilid;riiiiiltl:~1 ,feSC.rl!pt:to, Mil1~:iclw; F'wnd\a.n;w~ :in J.Ufl 'b:l\, ",15$), ~ ,At l~:an:tihrQ1!gl\'~ m(IoUtfi ,0.( (::auiiiiiLcn,gii1LUS ('XiEV. +f. :3)., .. Xli,,, I:;" I.• 'PRS~b[y, 'from, I!, ,~~~hj, d., App, 40, _.

~, ]If'!';,

#' J~


1,4. :~" ~,t,e;a;nl'lm ~L ~c:n~, ~m 'tMt they 'w~re !IXID~m, 1)1) 'Cll:rif;t~ty~ :see :fLOW'~ •. M. :Smil:liI~w,DOdi'Class. Phil'. L~ ~~[9,:s6,)!;. ,~'ff. [t cinbe a.dd\ed itblt. O~~;:!i nt;g~ti¥O in_Cc:~n,QI!:'~Pt.w'~ :i.1-i) ,&.Qffi ,Anit. xv. '....' II nat i F
':1"'\1 1:~,!:!jI(o!Ij"\I!"¥:r'{E~ --......w~

::liZ. :2-.. T:3ci~ m1L:y' have KnCJ'IN.ni1ef.!=='''longa, :WIlIJ:C P>Omp~ iileW et: CWJItin,u f!!l£t,~ Sne ,~~ved. 'nt~l ;il! 813:. U ,. 'N'--:,'},,-,.",~. 'PiI~,;" ...."",, '(.' "') .,.,_A; 'Il.:', , __ _. ih'i1l~Y~ ~~=, i!llG ~1'~-/~',-' ~u .l['iLiIII'!I'Ji~t. ,""i~....en'.UJt. ~:5 an.~ ,~!~.~w]r,· ~ '_' .. H<! Flayia ~D',. ,"'·.]"1-1, ' .:t', ,/,,'" .' o.m1t~ .a, -_,j!'-c~~"": Ill.. ,~.~ 1.I"..,,0._1I' ,. "",,'.i_Lc a~'l!I.n'~il(~~,,~ 10.1.:' 'J!i!' ",~ ,~,\\-. J;. 1'!J, 1i'WlI ~'la."Il~'~--'iI ~lT1!f""il:"'\I' 1;1~ .~,;;.1," !Fl!"i'Cl!of,ljllill --64.. :ilc' ,~\ ~,~ -- \ \ -;, 8 .e!'...D.., (ff ~--, -~ -'~ I ' "L_ Ilk' - -- -- -" _
~ !UU[,

'~""""'''''~~.=JO' :~u'.



7 n.,:39 (CiI:emeni, ttlb.e ,Lb,~ 'Of Alrippa ~tu,m.iw)~ Sq~tt.!I) :xnr. ;60., :3 (the anti,," of Octavia)., i

v,amI ..



(iChi:: li1Hfm' of


~ de .. ...... '~···- h'·' "iln~~:t" to itl~Yl'le WI,Cl\,

'~1 p.6TII;o:Ii ....

rh.... .. dll .. atoe t· ". liiJiug",_~"', aD.'. :sen._ r.I'Ulm~

!! __ .•


~..:I'.. ,.. d'i C:cr.W;I'fJi o


d,en:,ounc~:ng - .".

friends and kinsfolk.'~ '~,~'Ii'n)ft ,:""~f' ... .... --hundred U ijo~I~,,::-~'-', eca '.:t>,~. ·o·, Wh """u, .;i,'!;-,.... .......ljljl 'f:'if of d ath 'U.Y"~iI\o',0' ,.....~' f. .. ~'IIr·. ,. U~'!or, ..:J _1,. , ,,~ftt:'V...,.., b .......R,Uafl! , one O'f their n:u:m'ber had, murdered, their' master I, LT,aeitus furnisbes th-r(J:ugh the oltad~n. of CiU'Slus, Longinns the ar,guiD.lents'£0:[' severity, bUilt none fOf' merey..1 There is no ,,;t~t:e,m[ent his own feeli~gSii' Y,a of he is Clrtfrul 00, .register the cause of't'il),e: crime, whruc'h is 'to the' dlsct'"<ll\4lit- _ '...... i'i'i7-o!iI, 'it;;c:t-}i;li"i'i.,:)'1:., wo 'y_!jl be_ nremature ,'!or ,~ conclude that T'~I"'iI"!-~h~:; 1=':'1':n'. ~'il~l, .... _~""U_.;o;t "",",f", ilu'U. . ,A'!..-l.!l..uB 8haud the harsh sentiments thai' enforced ,the cruel ve~dic~~'"'No,r, for' aU his, hOSiUilit'y oo'war.Q.s, the :f.i!JUo,we~s of the "exitiahilis :super'~ stitio' o:i£ [ewish o "'~:!IJ''In, it 'II;r~'~'~Ir.:...~~:~ I """'~ tram' L. i4ll laneuaee t',L,~t- he "d.·lt'Y!I·'t"b~1 '[J"""""t..~·_.:I.~_', :Il]~~ nat ~~~_~!ll~~ ,uld a,ppr,olv,ed the spectacle ,o:f torments 1t~t Nero or,g,aI~~zed~ pun~~'h,,"" . 'ai'_ .,' '........ lor - '!L ,C p,easu_re 0,: the ,mQIU' anc ...... , aver ~. ~,h·___; ,'~l_·, • ~.'f' ..e ,'",_.t:-- - :d' "'" ' ' ·rt SUS_PlC.Ulfi, .. ,' "..'~·-·i ', " . ttl(g se .pegoa~ ,
II':U,IIU" ... 11l-lIl!,,-" ",III. .~!I;'.L. !t'~'''''-'Ii.u'''''!l.Y [~V '!..I'JlJJ,. A _
~,W.·.~~~l -::_: ~


.. ~, ~








:f~wn. hinlse'":,~

!E~·itCENeE was. enjoined 'by the. dignity of h~stcOry. HuttJriDB md i1nnau1 gmdgin_gly cO.ficede· ·two 'bri[ef notesabout the " ".. _ auth(J·t~s,eareer as at $~tor.t nOithing abQ1Jl.tflis Q'rigID.~ nothing aboue .f~ly er :ficiends[,~People .known to CO:!.rueJius Taditt!1!l& must tlalV\ebeen involved in th,e: P~soruan ,oonspiracy and its aftenn;ath~ suffering d,eatm. or bmish~m·ent----and :s;ome perhaps h~s, family.,;i. Nothing' .is said .. The civil of' 69[ touched pe.rsons, of his :acqua.m-·
'R' ...... - -. ,.. 'IWinc,e m ..::lb.1L U1e fi 1.... """'.:;, .fi_r.~~~_i:"'~~~ ..__ t.

'<!j ad

t'!I, I_~~J

~ the ne

·pIo'lOU;''''' ..... '''' ~'~,"_.''''~~~A,.~~:


of "N' arhonensis ~ ·,}d.IU·.~ ~.I.:W·~,


""·n..J1 ';:In ~a_~',U. ,~'_-_



Italy.,J AgalD .no sign. 'The mother of Julius Agri.cola was t.::n·' 00··.·~-- .. ,-"·-,ld~:i-:~~' '-*. Al·· 'b··'i,·,-+=·....,.[,-.·,·ill' ,,4 Wb·.'.·': .. _' 'at'the ·~·:I·,i:!i.i-""'~'lIIi":" relat es when __ ..ium... ·_" Ui K~. [1)'1:S0 .' ~e:~.5iiIi"ml.ll~Ji, u_ _ .. ~ ..... ,...~"'_~ ... w that to'Wll is saeked, is ,tbe: bero.ic behav~,()ur of an 'G:rn~fiary Lignrian
__ ~"


SalIne argue that Tacitus desp~ed Wil)~n,,~' The dooi!Umtnts fa'm a long way sliort of pr:oof. A cOD;sub;r in the Senate under T1iberi'lls uses $ b~~g,e. Wom,en, be says\, areaoe :m,[eTdy the weaker $~:they can be: cruel, am,biti(JitlS!, and :avid for pow·e:r.' The sp~er ia, d.epRcating 1tthelr interference In military and d,v~~ affuin, he wern\ ~CI the 'wi.v[es,Oif fum.ctIonaries.,".an..d he !is, :f:ortifiedl by 3. recent example: ' .b_nw tbe: wife of Cn. .P'iso[ 'behaved, In Sym.,II, .Nor is there .muC:h we:~ght: :~fiother a[~us.ioDS to the detriment of women,.'!) 'The daughittb :and wlves, of the ·twbiks asserted 2. pfOpe:r ClaIm. U~
":L- '.-,' -.,~·~t'·ij:"'.i!!'o. ...._.!.[~n r ;' iU.le p'rer'~e'- I ... ......,.
!!. __ " .~ .. . ._. ". . __ .. __
.c. ....

of bi~·b and , s,'I':a:l-~o:n~'andl :ind.eed.· s: :arjs,mer.atlcd..~c~t __ ~,. _'~_ ~ o!O th,e :fe.m~Je: ide 'enj:oyed ttcog nit ien and. ¥aJlid~.ty. I. ill· '\rV:Om,eml.[em.ill]lated s n]U~:fi.n aJrtogar.t.ceand~ice:i:lce, '~:rhe i last ,age of the Free Sirate kn,e.w :~tt.s poHtia:l b.di[~-1i:.vid'l 'utna;cmp ulo us, an·d!ufibr~dled ..U The type was

~; Th.\lB· hi:!ii friM.c:l! ViP:i,tmlUili. McssiMl:i. (FliJ1.: .. m", 9. J~. c.); !litt'ui.:he hu~.~t :lti'f.r.:u:mElllio.m & by' Val~ri1!l!i!i :!ldir1!~, ·;i!Qi.rtw,,( N~i):Oe:!'li~l!O @nd a fricnd ('If P VGIl!':ii..Siiilifi. [(rlI .• >!l", ~).

I H:i~'{., " J:. j; An, :U,. 1. jj',. ~ ~ 'iTi"io. - . ....,''' .. ·-1JIiI.~"""" (X'il ~ ....~" 0111:11 ... -;,.'' .. .il.lI1C .'_":'_ "I.ill!
~!p. ••


I'. "'i!!f"V j\·-Ili'...tL.y ·or. ~':I""l ~ iMP~l!eili-n..:.

II!bou}t;;!if,)! ,ea:!'lie.r p~t.hcld,

~ . - .. : n. ~:.1.. H-' !:it. '.. '.
'ii. ~"

i. 1 f,



~-~ .. ' .. .•.'j,. ~ .u:Ji:nln~, . Il];

,a;!.iI~ =which waa ibi!IM.gtCHUI, -e~t,~'

p.m pe",]lI:!iP1ii 8Btapi.d!


fre ,"_en:~!(HUit'l..; ,~L..e_ i!!-!.Iil!e.9_OO a'f' n:sI'1COiiili,.•'......,.,1l.. .• 'Pt,~ c' -.. rom m'~' -'r ..•.. w. _..:lIt. Ij· .."'....... t = ~e.l" J.II'I'Jllri .Ii.* :1ii1ll.8gc~tcd m. Ag. ',. ji:i 'st:!ildm ilfJJ Pl!rtis
. ..

:adi!ilit·~, ~.vun!J.

P;;1!l~!,ttn. ~!)iI!; ~i I!~~,t~ IlimbitiriiJ£l!.Irr.II petutam,iil,vid!t.tnl. ~ ,: .Note the '~'ef'~] ~'hQ Irl)tp 1:11,3:3, J UJ\ rr.. is.S:. [6. fie a;ttiailDn :WI;:)!J .A:gr:~ppm~1 ",L._· ·-li., ~io. -. (.,-. . - i .,us,~\ h--"I' II-.--n, a'.ll..; . 'Ill!: ,,·_·,.I!Cl_ [F"ct· .:~ . .Ii.JlW~)1' !!.!OIe . [:,,", .c!._ & ·~I. .~_ "'__ ~EP. _ '",""JiI.!_ .." ydl~Ifi'IJ. "~i:l' "U'S, om. "ilk .:D'j,. .• "lie .1'Uil'Lne..

, C.A',. P.,, ·T'atiill!!. f.',Ii~ ~~~limuttl';e (l'9+9)I, ,~·o", ,.An, ~]~ l: '~noo WI:J~UW1Q! i:1tJl,mn ~( imp!i!!t't:tfi la®riIb~ ..3.3.

~. e.!i!', ~f;V., 4,[ ~ ~h'Ciii f:6tnUlii.fi1m cm[itiJiiute ",di :ga:u.dia..' ThUi Rubel~:rlll_$ P]ilutu~,; ng.bil!it!llil PiiI' :ma1;:!:em c.Jt lWlia. ·(PRill!!!.' .~':w:~v.; d, ~·z.


Tho :~roni~cf

:SildLu!<t (CiIU'" 3'S)=-Or'I' better~ &niliia. mill :PuJiriili.




perpetuated and enhanced ,~n tffil,e: women of the a'ynasty" Tacitns' portn~l is, t~rr~.ble and truthiut J ul~.a,,Agrippina,; the, - mother of Nero" is wholly aiu,then'~ic~'I; Pride and, insolence bad i.~8good, s~deJin wornea as in, m'en., S'har~ng the ambitio:n, '0:£ the, husba'Qd. (~nd by no mc~ul.s,!'co,nc-'e'med in, dl.e ~tOig oJ ,his car-eer)" the 'w,ife shared the ha~~:rds,,a'too,,! gQing widl him into ei~le' .... OO<~l~ .. ~t,' in the 1t"i,iI"<i:i: 0::: ~ U~l. __ :S~'UICJ- women AI';·d"'- .net '{:a'i +~ iI'" death, [":' ..Ill ._ U.I.i. _ be .... .•dL:""·'-·_V.l.~j~~';IO-ri...J:1 '_~~ senatorla t 'k ;1......... ,iI:"V ,-f...... r t- t, "" ~ 1I!'<e:1 and~ thei :r ommemo .... "l""" iD.~:~_:~~_.I.~~, '..... a:d' -..;r: ~cV_';~U_ .l]i~i;;IiW~ ..J: ~_J~.,JL( '~1:'"~
_ ~. _ ~,lil _ !\.II"t"IIr~~Jli~,_ .11101,. _ ..!r. ,WJ~~"-r. ' .. ~ .1 .
.~~.1. fU _ ' __ ~ lJj.


!!"OO", _ ..I.~~-~'-~i> ._... r...

, ~._ _, _t:_ _a: _ e :t'!ovr:ru. ,g not tender-bearted ~ Least ofall the !i7::~'-e'--I-;:"n-' ordee. 'f1her.--ewas ,[10 such. word. in '~he :~angu~,e, Cornelius Frente b a:~nt'lns, :~'iJo._,:3< B" : ~"owev,er'-a man cantliot --e' :iiI R [.,g'i"'J!.:iifi a senator or' a 'phUosop:het al] the 'time,:4 As Q'ftan:! tbe b~,og;r'~phy Ju~f'ilJ;~ of AgJico:I\I, supplies 'tone, ,01" facts as a co,[re(~\iv,e" 'Tacitus extols the wisdom a!nd, " were:
_ -

staneia' :t _ _ ~_ ~_ The R.QmaJlS

r ,.,




·_._~ ••








,__ ,

the -Chas,hkr' elf _ _ _ ~c.!:''''J _,

A~O_l(fI.l~'~[i!I' '!O!I ~~, ~ V".IiiOJ

m,-:;,ot--'~-;I:" S--I,h:[e,,_U,'!;,o,I,., _ _


'"' G!iI

£:,~ J_U:IU.

~'i~'i'" _II" ,uu.'1i. dise

-"""f ,LU. COI~:u·""'.I:, ~"" ~i'!'", ::-;itli'~'I;

of d.ang\erOus tendencies in the ytQ;~Jng' man's ed,~,c~:tio![t;~ and Ag~lco,~~,}:s 'wWleenables T:adtus 'to[ combine I'ood, sense with. 3, delicate per;,oopti[~Ul. 6 'Whl,ch, side 'bald ~ibe histori.a:ri's far-vo<lllr whe-n the Sen.ate: :he'~ddebate about proc-o.n.su1s!' wives may su~:e;jy'be div.iru~d~ undue deference to grim ~.rdhaie,su..nda.rd.s [the "duritis veterurn I) is nut of place, the age has beeome bnmane and ,dvH~zedl, and, the men deserve ,th..e greseee share of [censure if '~heir consorts misbehave.? Calt::oniian attitudes, 'Of' convendorns pe'[s13ted~ 'T,h,ey m,igh-~ some ... times be eluded, The mother of A;nn___a.e,us Seneca aoq_uired ~ hberal e~u'cation, dcsp-it,e; her husband's I:,antiqu,us .rigGt'~ which forbade her' 'L d'" m,en'Jt$O._:'p~]llOSOp.-~y..'" '" [Frl!!.., f' 'L "I, h aJ,11 I~ut tne ro __ " ~ ,!,LJ.ere were not :many- avcwe d champions o.f w,o'men,~s, rIghts, a~: ROome.'"M'us:o:J]"'~~S,R:1iltuSJ" ,~tis, true, argu,ed that 'boys and gIrls :S.hl)u;~d,go thr-.ou;gh the same Course of [ed'lu:~at~oln" ut M:uson~uaj who. insisted 'o(n, p'hjJ,O~C)'Ph.y for wemen, B ~


'~,T': u'm A~' u 0' \_,,~, U-T In .'_ R" . JI-'~l';;'

l."""l-__:' :____

max,riage- ,fOf philosGpheccs, and :rigowl!lS continenoe

-lI',.],:' an, ,o~mty"I

in both sex~s~ 'was,

Anytbing can be discrooiwd. if It is tufnedi i[1jj~'Q a dQcttirn~~ and, men wm ro:o,ce~e to' practice what they I~leny as, theory. Seneca :hlmself {l,wed ~nlu~.h!t'G women. He is warmly grat,.efu~,to H~via, his mQth~r~, ;s~st:eJ:'jl IO!f the ;afi'ectiQoo.te: care she - devioitcea to' him, ~~, ,imancy.~ Hdvia, w:as a, m(Jaes.t woman, shunning publicity., Egypt and tb~ dty :J: ,it ~ 'L,., 'h hu ",;c 0.1. rue~una~ wnere ,.~e~~U'$ b - p': ',r'Qe(:,t" ~~, 1- ,mve:nt no, e'\T~l '~_, was 'CO'U'i4 ,a~lnst h_,er)1 IThe ,itiJm.e (J,f' Seneca\5nrst wUe~s not knO'Wfi.;~ TOo bls m ~ rei hd rhe histori aeeon d ~ i-'ompe~a, ,lriaUlli~na~,newas d 1 a,ttac~~eC'.J;a5 ,::,_~ ,~~tor~an ': :~eep_y Tacirus with s,ympathy attes,ts,,5 'S,eneca ~,-, knoW,Ile ~,.e u 'PfI,i"!L+ ","v",d.ULI:iU 't~,iOl IiI;...... , _ '1''1',d' 1;p,;.~~~~,,,.W·'·'·L~"t' ~;;, "-~-~ 'S: Yd~g,.~-~'··""i.:l' "'..,.n,f-, ....-I' , .... 1f,om'@ ~.•~,,. £"~"IY';:rl'r . , ',' ,'Jj"1'l~ " wordsconld take a,man ~nfWnere. Seneca won entrance to ilIJ, cirele t:.,. ".d ' , L ,~,vet,y f w h'ere: temmme m~iJtl,ences ,","e.ife d ,o.rnmm1!~t~:.e 1+ 1" s:tSitters '01,' CaJigula 'tWiG aunts ,of Nero, and, o:tnel' ladies, unres,tra[ned.:Cii If' he U, ~Uegoo~he; over of' a prlneesa, the char1:c: may be' false, 'but ft~s net l idle.? Seneca ~a~nedin, poise: ,and guile, in, dlplomatey and ms.~ht)~ Tacitus may also nave benen~;edl from e[egant fr,equ,en.t::l!t::l.(HiS,'~ The grave: h~stotian is acmetimea a p,rlsofier' of h~s pmfess~.o:n,. If Tacitus
,.;I' .' ~l., , " ';'~ '1;.,
I GO I.~,," '1"o.I!II,~

the 'eJ(!),erience of a society it is, :fa'r £r.-om,certain 1I!lhatbe 'was a puritan.,l(1 He depicts, gilr;ac'e,ftJllythe charms ?fP:()ppa~~ :Sab~~; u th~: ~spofntand oGm,edy in the with which she Msa'~~s,a
'~ .""

_1~ "" ."'1".,' ., '+, .~'- ..:at_1' sex,;j,!II_~, .. arenO'I;. i1llwaiYS oorne,~ iOU' m ~ ", iL,... t '.maxes lmpu~'d,Or!S, agam.s.";!!:[I¢ ~. '!I(~.GiIiIIi:
,JI,,,' ~ ~

Qf dlc fra:~.iIl:n"t3:, C. 'iE, :t.iLtz, Yah Cl.auical' S'trdieJ l'I;; (~'M7h sy,mpathtti.c ,IiiPPUCia,t-100" 'M. P. Chiirle:!,W{[rtn., Fi1,,~' ,M'~ (J'9'36) .. 313, fr. ko~eC!l!, ir.! ~;UI~ b",cml~ add!icttd t'o '!ll!IWO',ddlfy dttctr,jrte&., H~ father '!NO ,ahll:i: to· ~,,:&om vegt:iidmiii;m I(EN. I QS. ~::;J. . ~,Ad .lli!!~ :I'l'r£iirtm ji,9., ~., ~ijb. 6. Her !In!l:5ihandi O!!:'!l ,e., Gde-n:jllj; (PJR~, G :i!l,5i). W I[:f. Pl~t .A 6,~'to She :!;liI.8iredi hi:!; ex£!eu, :mel it: presum:;!ibiy '~O her 't!niii,t .h'Ci dedicated. D~ m.1trtmrmio., ~ :I: :R, 6,3" ':I:; lIi:!;~hi uniee dil.ect:a.m..' She ~~.,....i~ed (tir i3! f~' }'Ii!iili:r.!!, I~;;n!.dallili ~!1l :ma-riitu_m.

:3 ff, ~ lilt'

P:or;'l, ~e1d:,iIIi_nd 't~~];nion.




rnl!!!mm:-kt.: 'Tacu~liJ:!i ~~c;ntda, [nilt dDli::!1(ii,fit l:>:l!IjJp~ft!. the oheap IiItPiitfirtiO'.rl. o['uct:,!I::st ~~ :itl! cl!el!m:i.ofilipoomptum~) abolllt: :be.r R~Cue f!!:l(undlll1ljol!J!t 5lJ.1i,dde {6 ... :1)", &i!/.lnin_a h!!!i"pe:ns t<~, b~ 'ID1!!~tiicmil?d! o:n~y onCe Urf ht:t h.i1'-'barnti ($p ..lG.1l-. :2,)~
,~ Pi.. 2,58,

ifl~~riv~Qf 8~mi~ Riliflll!l), " Mig 'wri.tin~~, how~ve:r~ "t~md 'to r:epJt'iOd'U~ CClIllfvg.!1tiQrulil ;j;Kt. :pr.ediGtiilJbI.e 'o,p~ni'oM 900.uct
F:II"Z~~RftJ" la\l' •. l('Iil {1!!Jil8). 3'3,:5~. It;.. ;:z:~~ •• w,ri,w hjl1il~I!!If',RQ.t gJ~f~ithu' mth ~,I~,!!i~~'Qm,', ~il' CQ!lIlm-CllLting OJ] if1h;e. :i5edw::t:l<m, of Lavla lllli:blt b:y Se.vEln'us be :IIay,I'ncq,lile. fcrnm.a am~au pl,:u.tidri~ :Ilia. :il!b:!:I~rl~' (!fV, ~" J). h: ,d:s.:-wher,c- s!,:d~·iIlh: P'1i,l.'fP()"~' ~~, ;g;ffi'rJ!l ~h3!t, '~l!irnl!i A 't,,".tIina,gre!iscd :ag,8i!' tne i,c'lernm~~1I :l!'I!9iortu;"J' whe.ltt he, punished. letdp:am ,lnilciI" V,I[':QtIlC: fl!!mtl1i11$ '''i1.iIl\g~t:Jrn' 'w:. ~4. :l). Tadh.i:!l~ ,[jIkt': .di~:ap'I?(!''Qved 'Of .l;tiorsii :re,Gh'Il~llibll,.





l(JuN:2i, Li.~.in9 ...tohe clillught!l:f o.fGem1!!Wku.s),

d. A;rn. xm • .p... :l (liD the

,~, J. o. ~$i~., c

'fi!)m::i~ :!I~:.,

cr, eh.


tillti. ] I X~~~, 4!i~. 3; ~ 'I!ilCURQ c:orn~ '&1';" T&<:i.UH C:ln r.e:pon t~~


IElb:s; ul'dum i~liU:m.., wo '~y


th:iU' tlJ¢ [oveJ!Y'

:ti~ Julia


mQdlc--r-hitui been dle


mi.(:idcatisIm pr~... fc:~1'(; ~t

M:Ullty 0,(

,g!d (lV" ;~., 3).

he.r d.~y. Hie aho

:!a.sciiVia uJtJ\·,~

'TI'!f'U; 'P"uR'C'O'NAL'IT-"'Y OF T'AC'- rrne , ..~I.~" .n. -',6',:."-,:1"'" ·'·-.':,:..''''-,~-·];:.l_.ld

n .. -:i·-::·· -.;.: ,:

d.ltato:i:'y br.ide,groo,m.;:i and a gen'de ma'~~,ee 'show:s 'up the ;socie:ty ladiea 'yi~o_oome 1t-Q visit Agrippb'la after her- faU f~Qm 'po,wer,:~" " \¥hen SJ, ,man, ,~oo'ked, back upon, court ,hfe 11un,der· the: anstaeratrc
~ _~ _M'Il.II,,,,",

m,An~oa,"'.J'O'h,'v,. ,Wj,e T!If" ~Q"-h:-t serr ..... ~.i'!'" to ;;Ji ~,.""'iiT'I!~ :(~ID""i~'lI:I"'~.n..r:;;,_ '1"jf1;1!--"",,1!',.RI "I~JIIo, ~~" ,d· 1 ""iIl_ ,-n, ,,"v g.~_ .1 - Vl,ce ~d w_:gat.lty.>~, :~-~'e eh 'h'·IIl.._·' a ~~,ety :an_~Q 1- . 'Y....L epo~~'!'ex' '1~:U'.lt-__ ed ,. d 1uxury ana mth~ess ·wit: that had, since de,pan,e,d, from the wo,rld~ The :Standards thia'F.now__ p.'........ ailed ''!I~~'"'' ~U~, v 'iII-.,...... ~.nd i!'-al'i! ibrioes, 'M:t'hii!'iillt -'h~]I"I!r,:Fi""'!Il'II . ._~__ '" ,_.~y. ".~""l"I~~_~eY Societ;y krie'W no entertainers as good :Q Passienus Crispus or Dum ..,
§' AU.1 0 "_
,,,,",'\.l II'!,

0 ,"",


U!!..~,'",", ,,~





;J ....







'~ __ 1ir.'_,_


__ iIL~-~


itius, Mer,,::' For a seaso-n there survived relics ,of t'he N,eronian darys and, ~~,g:hts not the best, 3)n~ not all ,of '(hesn attr,active'" IThey mi,glbt be i dlscoeered in the a:b.~fit1:of the Emperor Dpmlt~an~V,~b.i'Us, Crispus, 'Fb r n~US,el,en",o" :a! d le -... nO'if~,elli.~es:.:'4- t-I- ere '1:.", . ..J~ ;1__;'SO' 'I.. ..... i dash '_, .' t, v~'~+'. _!n. iesser _... a .", h' ,. uau, 1" neen '.. asni ,]ing and eleg,ant fema!,f'$, like Sta1ttilia M'~aJUina" whose :fourth, husband was, Julius, Vestinus " ;and the fifth, Nero.~ BQU.dw'O,nh now occupied soUdly the front ranks, and 'medi.oclity dUlJ~,avoided without~ undue dIort, the reproach Q,f cleverness, Sedate Transpadanl or' :parsim.o,n-t.o,u;s provincials were matched w,~,th safe and, suibIDbleconsorts, F~iny,whG discovered ,in bis friends an, abundance of charm as wd~ as of gten.ius, is not lSIibl'eo produce a 'rnit-ernry lady of t
too. . -" .. "," .. -1

to phHosoplruy- 'W~th zeal or qu~et reverence. It was!tk~:XlJ, hat drew them, or' dl¢ old m,ytns t '~l· r ,new~y interpret,o~ ~, llor com f'On ano1- a 'Il.. • b :urlg:iter h ,;ope. 'U ,L;_'VCn th u.~a'~l'-' 'I,e ~ -~ . . ~ revive d" s~nc-e, a:rc~la:~sm - now in, :~:a8~,'~O:Q-.n 't'" i: o'~' . ,. : :1:.._ ., • e hi f tronat p'ietle~, was .D'~_ ~e~s every ;sod, cO[lv,e:rged. or fused.'; 9Jnd, sublime speculations abous the sou] and, its d-t.'$ti:o'y· found, support 1~ eccelt . S.l ;'0. ~. U. - eienee 'OIl' ascetle p r,I\O-' r.~ L = ..

anv conseeuence, ,. - ~J' .. q .... 6, The upper' classes were turnin.g









7 tires. Pytnago.reanis:m, ,[kept and strengthened its eomp~.~ :aJ,pp~al, D,af1&er'arts, an,d, sundry fOf,eign 'cults also :hlLd, their devotees. Under C]a:udiu$,and Ner,~ allegatiens of sore;oery figur,ed, ,among' the treason, .., able' c.harge~ brought ~g.ainst ,pell;s:o,n~ of rank, S 'T,he n,ext 'epQch saw no diminution in, the credit of -fi!uig;iciSln-s and theosophists, '9 Only the i:,. :;:I" '~'C;U!l:' mim -diiffi:::!rn rI!~pt~:!I:5: ~g, ~" &c. :1 ~~.H. '~7. ,_. j',~ ... _.,. ..... X~~T_, '~,i'1; J"" ~,;'''''''; ~a"-;J1'~,~i ~. ,,,-, 'o· ~.. !I,Ji!~"" ,t""~"""""'" :i'i;".-c.,--:-., ,..-e. .... ...AI" ..... ""';" .....,0-,.. ..., !tr.ll~", """:1... ,~,

f-"'--~~'''',,,,.,,.,..., _, ,- --:,~·~,:i ~:,;"""",,~--:-_, ...i[Jilil:",•. .,.~ ...... ,lin ""w 'Tb,eu Ii Il'Ui& m.or·'C a.i;u;l-lit W(]nU~~no, thll: rtih~-ni ,~~':{'~,d, t tJ~an in rt~ :fijnilt'~ d~e:,hj~,rory' hila: ,~h~~d" nQ4::'t:he~'I,i',ie:w.s.of the ih:~S'oo,tiln. ,~e.n~ fr.illn I~V]_, ·'bl:&ilidi~i:ille:; ,:illiI'ild,'M:Jn.d~mci.dwn' OiCetit' :m 'xm,,,,xv,1tw,~u :and :[(:U,lf!'" '~im~!ii t·~:5ifi~¢i,v;~~y., ~ ,1'" 3 ~;B\_ .. '1'" ;5:, A~!l!:' the.m MOiiIJtatlillU; {id'enJf1t-y nut 'cerlmi!l"l!): jj]0V--til:'-iiit ll~c 'I ]1,rIi'llriam i.-titp~riU!
'\L ~L""'"",~;!!.S.,

~ :xrv.

\"CMmtfi noctC!Iqrut; N'~Birn~,' UigV~~


PlRif, S ,b:s:. A~din.g' :E'Q' ~he: SchO]IQSt: on $U,vem!l1. VI. 4,34", :Me:.!i~I!Il1lina ;'OP1,b~, et . --,'.- c "c ~---. ---- . -'~ '. '-'II!' rt, 'p 1:.' !'!I, ..... ·l' --.~, ) i!;I!9;5, f-----·. et m~l(:n'~D 'PlEl!!",uml,!1£Q, ''!l;ll!~w.t·" '...... P'!!., ,!I,'- ;!I:~!;!I.; ~re,;, r~'~, '(' ""}' ~ ;:Z,]:Q' a' Ulr:ma ;\,:!X j,t;, " '\.i'"ll ....,'., "',[ ~ w' ,'''' ., ",.,..1.- ~""" .. !U ....... ~ C"""",r:"~,II, ,iii 0 ..1.,,,. , ,-..rU ;',1', 'c -;-~-: '.... -: ,;._,.' , -,,! iIIh.!!! ~n,"",!I.Ii'y :",,--, .., ,,1Id ~~:h:..... ,KIM!".. ;:;;a:,. ,,;I!' 't;'_""l!':"il'!l""'- it:Il-'c .. ' ' .. ~'i., '" !:In~.y ........ ~-c,"',+d'-"--,..~~ti: ." (Epp. JX. :~S;., :r)., ~ N.ot thilt much ~ii-n. be ,ncer,biliin,ed. '. XIJ., :2;$" :i: ; :5:9. l' :::xv ..... ~,; ,3I:., I,• .A.l!;I.o, (!atf[-~t:!!!!i, if.!! (h~ ~ ,8. '0'1Sc:rjoofcl!iu."!, Libo. O~.,:J'l ff~)t; ,~,ApolWoJ~i~!ls ef Tylil'li& wiU :rLot :be fM,g,~C'.en", t'hilt m,:rste.r1tn:U '(miitll ,j:a.:r,gcly :fi.@ti~) ;ch.!i~..e.i:",' ~ w.h~~ ,E" M"')IIi:r~, ~'S' H ,1,.11;r9~ 'i), 37'1 '0:. 'o::::-! KI'. S'd.. _ u ~:192-4)~Il;3i ft. ( ,
~,!, _'

[v:. :1;,36, f~l_



T'H,E, AUTHOR disciples of E:p,icurus stood firm, not numeTousor ever obtru8~ve~, but a quiet feree for good, sense, The dean'll of evidence may 'be deeeptive, T:mj;ant;:lictH'tSO'rt avowed her :adhetence w, that sect," l\.1aRy ,t. ·'h.· H~.. :1:~"'Ii""" -m,,·'1 h ,,,,,~~,',U15,F~~ .•. h'.~':m··,··. ""it',t".,IV'c:U g"u_ ' ;svmp'llt""h.'V",J' ..., . "il!"~ ~~~'b""'" in ~ . GlU~ ~~,., ve 4'LfiI.ii'!I;!;e·d ..I .. ' i!i't"I~ro' ",o~t and . J



00' . ".


At the S~~ time prob~enls, ~f pe.rsQnai cO'nduct :acquke'd ,a~ stlber ,em.,hasis from ,instru,ctcrs, laci:lng' allegisnee 00' rigid dogma .. Ha,rIest: Bp~ct:etus (who had,bem, ;i!j, alav'e) ~mpres..'\Cdthese 'who nude Ug~t 0,£ birth :;m.d "weatdi.. Although, Epic~etusa1.atmed, S';Uus ,Emlirus (the opu1e:nt consular passed f~)r a .8toitc). J he earned the fdc!lJdshlp of Ha,d:rilln,:j, A devout but sensible man ,~ik,.ePIu.tBJllch ( rdi~ou$, -',-~m:-;,' [~,:f'~ :'m.--·o-.~r;1. ')' "b] 1 't" baliefs. ;aI"-:-e-., s t'-~firt~,: f-~I-r-:~~~:: W-~:,~'~I :~'m~:II~~I~',~ .... .'~-:.: _ ,. 'a" . _.,'... . u,~;... don" Roman senators exam&noo, their :sQ:uls and enrbed the~r' irlipmlwes to. pdde and aJrtger'.,4, The a,g€: had been gainrung 10 bUm.31d~:y" and, 1toleratron" ~. '. t" :SI)tllJiii'hon mlau Cha '. t, .il .;an,gw :;, . •.• ,I' A .eertam~ d ,[leanneSS, enauen. ,'Th"·Ie,~(l~~tlca. and ,the; men of b~i1h 0[' courage who fo.r a tim.e made doctrines .appea!li' dal\get,Qu$ ex~ted, no more, Ta:c~ltl':;!th 'cQntem~lafing '~he ,pas.t utters a des.palring c~rutfo:f ,en.e-rmr and fol'" heroism, He also admires :9. , styU$b rdin,~ent ill ,oond,uc.t as· in ~~~age:. V ~tr,~O<us senators oJ the ,old days esrn C()ntmendaclotfl fortheir "eJ]ega;nna vitae", ConspiCiU,C,'U.S are ServiUiI).1s,N'o'nlanuS and, P,omJpo.nius Secl!.lnd.lIJ3:I, an rnstoda:n and noet "'~ """noble :~ - ._~u'li".m '_.' '~_'..onae "'r"'c"'" ~' . f~ b' ~J":I:Q.l·_: ~""l~ ,rY~" "',i.UJIJ_' m' ",..:I... 1_ o· . 'The palm seems togo' to ;a perfecr '"GluJ'~ w:bo:m he styles tdegantiae arbiter' ,Peu:·oulus,was, the fashlona'ble pattun ef all the social graces. 6,'Y'et P'etre!li:fUS, ~th when g.Q,vern,o,j' £:a p'mv~nce and. as, o oQ:rrus.u~ :showed capoc~ty for,' aft'~lrs" The st\'Jd~edi elegance 'of his, end, in harmony with, the manner of h~s life, ,exbihru)ted. eontempt for the eS8ent~a~vulgarity of his friend, the Emperor Nero. It abo eony,eyed a gentle rebuke to' the :men of conscious rectitude, P,et~!)!I1i~U5 ,in h~s lUit hours drew solace and :strength, fron}; song and verse, not frnm the doct_ri_'_n~ of the W.i8~ or diseeurse about tbe immQrt:dity of'
1510 '~"~'"'",. RO ,~O~I Q.i~, "" _~,.,., lV' ,.~"

p-.--: ~




... _



,~)~If.'.~_, ..... , ....



G, la,





ro the ~ua~~y a;tyn~edl,'exit"of' Seneca. Not d:mt :the histerian is hostile to Seneca. He knew that the autbnr -_.",,(1 0'(';' ......."~~~,~~...,.,·, a'" :I"'Il"I. s· .... ed- wlt ,--, '~~', 2'S' ,;!;i' ,1!;:i,_ ~',t·,'tJ!' ~'i7".:1 f,..o' !!;,~'1i.I ".IUIi ... -"'fIi'V1IOJ,""" r~'>!!"~ ..., ·nl ··"""',·.~~'Ill,;1I;i;!o """"'. __ n1 as ""elW" ,. l.J ",n,u ~ _ Petronius is, ,a,pendant andconeast
6 -·i!i·

t'he soul1





'I :;i:

h,di!in;, lJi;48" BPU-ff,tj !.! [,8.. '/,. :l- IlA~ Hadr.. i6., ~'O., ,M, MiniiciQs :P'IllLdll'iU1i [(tujJ~ ,107')' ~e~~ines,ii] :Ph~!f;aJ:rclt;.:s h eMili~'lr~~Cf; i l E.:..Groi!I!'i'j p...:W xv,~:I:8~+, . f ,~ p., J~8. P'(nnpO""I~'~ jdigmro:;t; vj)tl;e.[~ n<'iilJ been ~l!':lQ'Ue_JJ ,Di~l',.J:3" 3. in " ':!tw. !tSt. The ,~b:iira[:Kt :!Ik;::it'Ch l1i:iiil Sa:Um.tim f.Glilurt::5i :ao:nd lfl1l. ~o of [[1, :3<:1. i:i: ~S:i1lIWlti,uo;, Cria~!!ilnd M;li~n~)i cl:. cAp,Ili.' :5.].;, The ,pra'm().m;m IC? h'S., r , ~d.~tm~d~d :f~m 'i&C~, m[7" I) "!'v,1U di!;lIWbted. by Niippeoo!t:.]t;, :ii.1tJdii)lrU1Ji"C':i:!i iiiOw ~,SI~nlie1946) 1:". Petn:lf:tius, Nlgu- to Ib~ ~(lck'@:nl?d wieh 'cw1f; ,!?611;.},"

~ty' :Qccide.-nt re:-vea'i:!: it fiLS 77~ +,Sl,(t~8:];+: ,AtiheM).

")" X;Ii'~;~'9.;Z:

!uo.n :per


'~"u: uibtls glOfi:ml q


peteret'~! &c;

"iI!~'ii "E' .' ,6.~ >.J. T~.!d.., 'pU'D ~O- i!.i"A'

I ~~~ ~





0- F- T~AC• • .~_:~.


I~ I::.




he caanot have failed to ooJo'1 the L:rPJus .de 1IfOTte Clafl.di


=~~,,:~ ~:"~~:rc=:,:;!~i~=~o~ ~~;:~~

Amoth_er emperor deepen[ed. ~d widened his sense of humoue-« -"]'1'" . ,l!I/e:.re_ rich ._~:ta. ,~ ... Cruatldius '_ ..etI __~ ero~~j~!i< pom.!pmJs:~ 0.1" ,SL Y~ T·:t.. . was- nco ~ m ue, !J:1~.;~l ~_:,', _~" Caeser '.' -r-.Jl~"'"",. , in. the. pubik pronouncements, ~Tacitus exploits it, but not unduly,. For example, the Roman. Emperor, in sage admonishment;[ equips. an Arsadd p!tince wid~, tbe cenveational precepts of civil gQI\r,ernment:. ·the~ t'l.d.em: will not be :30desPQ~',he m'lilSt remember to treat the Pa:rth~ans, as· citizens. not_ as slaves 4- .. . .. , _ ,- _ ~-, - - ,, e:s. And- .~."·-tef'u:~~u tioi) the Senat'C's, , gra -- J .areep· , .151,- , _ _ - , _, to P~]~\, 'Claudius :a1tit1l.lSt~t h~$I treedmm 'pre£e~ ~:owaive the grant of a sum of .lfioiJl;ey, be~ng' m.odt8~~.yontentto abide mt"hifi. e dtt: ]imib;, of his !:"p1ior p:a'Ulpe-t'itH~'~~ There is, gaietY' in. 'Ta(:;itUs~ and :p~rm1y. ti' '"\1VheilJ C.l.aJ,u[~Uu;sOa,e.s2Jr, "caelibis ·vru.ta intolerans' ~-: lll.h..... n t, ·f·"t· a widower e ,~_ and .. ",,"'~ ~fI',it'i>'Aie~. "'" .. _ =_ , Ji.e .. n ... A.., n ... "u, the advertised a!:Ur,action~,of three '~~diesjhe summons the :r~eedm,en ,of the; bJ1use'hold~ commanding a debate 1-[11 proper fOf1n..~ful'·such is ~"he: seuin,g [contrived. by the histeriaa, in :mockery of a eabieet co~n,cit' l'"l() convince the Senaite that lhe Emperoir must be united In. :~ui",· ~\ornv to h., is: R(·£i;('I-LII" ,:",.~ ~.l'" wa:s ... ~, k t"~ c::: a' ~;~I].e·d·· ·f .• ~.L)ilJ: "",Ua'l. na"" "",:Ii. _ ". 0".:r Mh., d' .iplcm .,+~,.:'" ,., talents of L, V:itellius, W~Q duty' i'(rodu[ced am. oration-s- '~n 'the m~nn,er of h~s master, A.g~~jfi, Se.fieca, ornate and, subtle, outdoes his own :per-~ fo\rma'nces in a 'private discourse to Nero: and Cossutianus 'Oapito is marie to pallody the eloquence ~[f d1e presecutors, ,grotesque: in e..x:agge-t"adon. l!f it were not sinister and IDlilfiderous,,~' The humour is o:£~encruel, A·n.ominous cloud ha:ngs. over ~he ~~gbt and. fr.b~''O·~.oU9[at the garden. p~'rty 0'£ Vaffi,eria l\lIessa~]ifia.fJ; The predica .., :tnen.t of Ron.l,~. knigffilts ~1!: a compulsory en.tel1ainment under "Nero is rendered! in. excruciating detail: they 'Were [crushed. in the crowd, they feU. m[~,mHy UI sittln.g ehere day and :nigiht:. ·~h.cywere persecuted and ter1"~)<:r.i:z·ed the; time,u~ :dl
'.C_,,-,,-' .'"

The lilony ·o:f Taeitus whole episedes, such as the· .~nter..


~I"'-V..... ,1 ,g:0I!~


C'~ li1iiaS ['~i!i,c;;,

'Ii'JI ~

,IV' '"


__ !I,~,


1M... ,!.

~-!I,L "~.""


__ _

~_~ ............. ,





l. .iI

OrJ rM.lM~ m:lt't:tft"·,d!Le S~titi(;oo.~ '~Mll!gh 1'21, it,8.4.~ 3; ~'9 :(,'. 4~8 f.

:nt: ilEDti!ttcrn:s

:!ile1tlJet: See :iurnher' :P',. ~j6, .1 App •. 4.0\;. '

:ii!i:U. :1I. ;iZ;: ~lIJt H(;Iit dlimdfiiitfk!nernt e~ ~c:tv(loS ,~cd..ii:'Oel:~. ·M: ·i:ih!t:iil'[ci.·' ~, :tru, sa 3,. ~f, :fl_fuY'i lJpp,•. ·i;-nit. [6.. i:l'. [Th.e ~~,uing ifi~~r,yotive=R~:a.W.:$ I9JPell'.edi ~!!, '~q,lIlIi 1'1!!:!mHllt:ndo, irn~ilJd~t~~ P!!!UPi!:XEBIti. :adiimrMe- (s~.. 3).1'8.n<li F'al:liII!i iilti.m;mr ·o:f pmalU>il:s :~m:m:!.t WQ'I1Iit:n. ',,,,Jl!Q' had ~'I!Moort:s .. 'w]~b :S:~if.~~ ($:3; •. !). .,. ._ ~ M!i:ifliY ·",le :f"iii~d. ·to :fie~ h~, :and. !hil.'i,ilC.Jn~ged thelii:' "'!.!"OCBitlo:n",.TlillU1. V. SU.IUfI:'iI~il= ·'''[''''liioiillO!l. (:iQi'Ud W h~!.~ be~n a 'be.·U.iU· ihi!JID~ii3ri. if h~ tOg, hifid had :a ~~ae .;:if hUffiQ\lir~ (:l'7u: .~--~,.; '......• c··..,·ll',,,,··rr,,,,,, •. [e. ..I',,-,,~ ... ,) ~'[J'" F~' D-,.o:r"'" ...... !:-!'....... W"l'.v)'~·

FQt the p~irns: ·Qf :tihis .~ce~. a_r~er, ~'ta:g~~~V'~nlt"S a.~dI :~ tb~ hgi.IlL~w_g a Q;( 'book, [d;. tibe~ t~,U.fe [h,lltiit :in. AfgCB {xv.~ R.).

}[U, i::f.



ell" xxv,.




::tt•. ~ :L.

~)~. ~,," •.

.5,. ;I,.


the: jnrnocernt lBriJtatmicus" In w:b,QID same inca:u.tiously di.scol~j"er(ed the promise ;O,fflilture virtues, ~ A proud reserve was· oongeni~lto .his nature==or had become SiO'.• The~ 'fl;fteen years· of DQ,mlda~~ might thel~' mark ou a, man. Those w:ho emerged fmrn. the ordeal. were maimed in s.p:lrit and. b:h:wnted).so Tacitus assertsi,:I Tacitus 'h~Sie1f had nat ~en ,oo[l:~m_n,ed, to ;si[el];ce ~nth.e time, and :he:made a good C;3Jl1ee'r.,3 Othes senators ~.: ... -: 1':"" .- .~rne C .. ;il: --'. N.-· iII" :11'1(,.,:, Id: p' ~.~~. __ not Tacitus)__ deservecomC i!'i' were ,~~, ~!'- lliae•... .... ~a:~,~_ crhap s .__ ~ . _~_ _. _~~.... _~~=~ a miseration .. P.~iny in the ..~ast yea~ of the r-eign. benefited by' :1., mo~e .:. - I': -"".,:',,-,r--~I-"· advs .,'.-"",''-,''''''. remorse. (OOS[P1C:UlO:U's1 a;"" l'f P~~li~ ~~:nyconeeived__~_ ~,.~~._~.e aner and ,r~~~o,rne~ ~g~...~~~ the Letter'S b~trruy .~s~grU·of ]aJst[ng effects on his character, The ·bii~.g,tap~yf A__grlcolaoffers a temperate defence of :p(dlt1c~n o o:pPQrtllnism~ It is int.errop~~d. by a 'V.ioi,mt: and. personal. Qutlu.lJI:St, c:~~nengfng' those who praise, ·to excess .the de~.t eaemies of despo ... tism, of Courage and integr,ility periS:hed~ burt the time"se.wers carne th[tough. Guilt and Icom:puttetion (it csn be argued) dweillt: ith 'Tacitus w e:V'CJ; fter', and. revenge impelled hbn to write about the C-ae$~rs" a Des]?oltism, 'was the: subject. ~he :a~thor":sco~itrib~; the S!ttrugg~,e foit' liberty and, honour came late, It was equivoca], It wasoonveyed ~tn WOr.d8 'Gti~:y. The writing mirrors the discord ill his OWn soul.!5· n IIr~le~ l-oi·r,i].... b,.a'lW.!. '~~,.' .... ~. the 1!'i"!I'~kin~ o:f 'aft historian E'v... .",[& . -ck """lIinbe nX:... ~ or d ,e.1{amoe wil~. help, S~,dlu;st WI~)ii.lld have been. enhancement Q,f a gri n.. WUJ~, bur . ~, .:. he y ~!!."liiiJlOLi!oU.. ]i'"o. hie caree r 'T!'!o)!,'" ~~=~. to au,"I"1--' .~.~. r j:~,~~::i': ~des ~u _ .... ,~~ ... where u _ J.'uf t H:v t"" ....__ ",.,..1'". ~ ~·rning· ~~ ~ ·,"",l'vJ.·!'JI~.up. for (::On.sQla.tion" he almost acknowledges the benefi,t.'6 'Tacitus have become 'unc:omfbrtab[y aware (jof hi$, own good ~ort.1l1ne! oppression'bemg ; usefu] school-f~r hist~,riams':,~f.rtt· ~i~5,rnot ,~t~~:tsh~them,
jl Vii. _ -I
~C .~

Tacitus wears a grim ..~mperoofl_al m:ask. Hewill t1J,ot releru ·even for














·~~~i ... .



bazards for 'who ,S~r.'{fVe to ,r,~geby bl~er.t,~and, fierce ,eo:mpetido,n .a·mong the orators. Sueeeaa (and[ 'Tad.bJs, had beenvery 5ll!utssfuh) bfciJliight 0]] envy and detracd,ofi.~fr{o,m decayed ,speake-rs. whe ;c-'Q~ld bear t~-"be. c'ondemn00. to sHe.nce" and .f~QID. th.e acrid. not eJnl.lla1tio!1'lt of the young" Ta,!.who loathed subservience and, had. ev~-ry1'W~~ for pr.ide in what he had achieved, ~.:pI,res~~,an .a]mo~t .mo'iihid, fea:f' o:f' ostentation and, Iiiacbl;rutia '1 He m.a:y hatve encounrered
j ~

None the less, :pub:~~c life at Rome was enOl~gbjevenwiehout experienee of' the tyranny" De-ceit. and pretence: held. sway:,. with many

~ :lIU, ~6., ::l:.:!: i~n.eqw:mim. ~em ei .fut.!se :lfi-de:lem ·~et'li.Ii1lt~:siv)!: '¥e-rum~.. ~i.l. ic;lo:nM;neil1da!~; !t~tif!i,gj~: 'f'ID(r~m iIli~ (!li;p.~~im(!f;liw/5i~i!ii . ~!'!L 1:7,·I',.


0 9:S:il)~ 1:..,.g. f.. ~ .;a;04; :~:l+ I, mult:~~ rnl~iI:'~!;I: :l!!tq~ 'p~td~lil R:qui~'L"]~'~ ..~" , ,Kil. 1'1', :[ (cr. p, ~13},,, Ob$er!!e :nit:!; fimcy' fer ,~!,:, d!e..ptle:e.ltaUilry' 'Nltr.fu,,;aili.s" (Di,at. 2;6. :iii! ~ m. ::I,~. ,Ami~.I. :~6" :3}.. A. l!Iniq.U'C: w'Qw" d•.TLL.
~ D •. 'W:mlke.t·, '1~1!!,AE.itli:ii1lls

.. A~"'" ~.-r... ..II: _"'..

'~;" II'!

Agi" •. 3,. I :t7+ T.heili*ri.y .p-.dqth.aC)iL;! P1~t a,~~it.l: :Pil!!,~pl1a.s!~cQj I((~h. i]~ . V
(' '2... .~~::.. , '_,.~ " .•'





,+, ~." !;l.g~ty:r' ubi l!~jlT!iU!~, .~




trouble and, disc.:o,mfort from, 'the raneoroua, from the pretentlous=._...:1 f" .. __.. 'h' ,men ---i., p~,t. 'ea:rn.e::stnes's b--' &'- .- t't1Jtn. :S:OC;~,b:e;-,-lflr 'der'-'L bi}e. .- ._ Wu:,O - -' - __ _-_.. _ e,l!.O.r~ --'to "r u ~,lw, _'rom ~~W .. __~"

The senaterial Iife P.'tedi8p~d an bistotian to univers'al s!lil$p~don a'bout: human mo'dv:e$i,,] His: ,exp~rien~oemade him eag,er to' go' beneath the, surface, to :show up :hypocrisy and demolish, every ,oo.mfordng r f ~Y e t AI - f' U h . Ji. aeuus was ua!r:sh>!. ana g~ dl 1 ~o:m.y $, a b e~~.e~..,...; !l!.t eoes nottonow t" 'at '~T~'penofi.3, J:o~'romthe; \Vr.ltJin_gs som'etbin;g :may be' inferred about his J:lJi.a'!ture-,]?\tide and Lnt.emity, tbe admirstion O'f grandeur, a 'feeHng fur ,c{)le,ut' mo-vlem.erl)Jt." -The imagery is 'V, and violent, ,DJisha.rm,on:y appear.:s t.(} dGmi:n.atei, yet the stmerersl .qu~]ityof the ,au,tho,r"'s in .. ,t,-'f]'19e:n_,ce-~t·..JII_ .- (nat, C:l!.ear 1 rn b:u perrectetlY~t urnea ..:i if:!tHSOC" a:Il!~ no".- '. £ . 211';e:jJ s "an:~, } e . :,--.... . -.• od e, .... ~. _...l.~, • d ] iess '. In, tue t: tar-reae h.' desi In.g ::!es\tgn. ...·'til acute sense s: woms "1$ 'pia-we~, ror with an Ulu!\~rrin_gmemory, H~rnce echo and aU,'I!1$ion, ,eveq'"Where~ favouring the pby of wit and malice, T'acitllls seleccs words Of dis+ t,


of an, ;apP'l'oved aao~,tity"



. '~I '.'

'1' 'j




-I -

..."lI"";I ~!Ii.U.'!i .......

verbal, and ,even obsessions.s WHfi!11,contemptuous, and ever-conselous of the eHort ,of style'; a writer who could ,SlUnmO'D, the uJ!I!f;;~j]in,g resources of wide r'eadh"g'~who, had formed 'the habir -of documentary in,quJry~ and. who was :fer-uc[,ou'S'l'yccurate in. s:ma~lidetails, JlJtalY' easily a in. his, p;ersoo~'] dealings, have become censoslous :and[intraetsble. Wr:..atcould be known about those: matters? There is tact and poise :an,dltolerance in the' ,Di'al~j which 'W~;9I composed (it may well be) when the historian W$tl aIre a dry immersed in the: turbulent theme: .of civil W"at'" Var.,ioUl3 passagtes, in the A1i:tJ'a'it:$ shew a ,gHt fur fende.rm,g
eontrarv. .). op'hd~ en '91 in a , el1uit.y':~ 1VIo,[,'~oV'f'.r,. his personal in- -, J. '~ -- ,.' . - 11_ -'"- -- . iF - - - - - "';I. - - -,,;r • ,-, - -, - - - -clination towards the humane sO'~U.ti(Hl an. often be divlned.t IT:iilCltus, c o]d ,man, R!!.lIW. _ A~- tt:a: h.'; '.... ftd··~.I,embitters, L·l''''i.'1l ... __ """"" ~s,~~ ""'~,u1 if'"';'O·· t, .• 'J~" .:'.srd "-<.i.~'" '1.. n "Iii:I'''''' ,I. ~ __ to appear querulous ahout irmovation, 0,[ hostile to, y,ou~h.:~ N(),ih~ngEothi,.d!s, the ,guess 'd:w,t he was ,[Iobus;t, at leMt m:u:el-,tniuenI.dy cheerful, and n;olt unhappy as ,3, husbaad. If his portrayal ,oofa:n_g,r.y and dom ; is ~~ ...._..:'.: ·~_II:Jl~I.< ';J!:t, to exei ,"(.1.:- ~, '~:~"":.'Sp~IC-~...... nl'n, ·~l._-l;'vely e....i"IIug'iIL :':~' ·c'.i'L'Ii/ te . s-1' '1- :_..~ '_-~,~Jo~ .;&;.ilL.e 1_ . ~.;~~~ inee ...:ng- women I~~~~J; ~ ~ ~,B:', Atr. 4~. ,4~ !odl~~~ ~tr;[n, ~~~~tr!$.·
,j _.__ ," --- - -" -_, '~j'I,;Ji;:;: AO '" ,-.-1 An. _
c J ,; ~.:

:i!..'~I_ _mr ....... ii'"":'li"'!c:,,LnoCt _..~~~ .. __ _ _ ~"" _ ~,~"""""" __ ~,u"'\J!"'~,I'!',~,:It1i.~,;;u~~I-loly.·~ ... v'"'c.... ~,.... ... - ..-~'"O aili""~ip··a'''h.itis, net _ ""1~1!'ely':' ~O'Ur.Z!\"_. ~ "'~,;(Ii; ~ ! choice u !!..tllJ!


1i"I11D ..... Qllo

....,..~~_ ~ _










::Ii ,... ~ u ~i;" :rr-i,


]o.g,icali pe:t1et,t',llitim'l 10'1' 'I·'!IIIcl~!, 'I,\i;'h.:iie'h.Ii!; 8t).~time$

c'h:Bimc:t-C~, 'iit-(l:
:lI;tgck itl'pCiI,!


, ~~.",~ ,"'f~,,"hi .. ,,o.,..--: '~"'.'I'''' .t,.,I·.-.-;;. ,,~"'i,"ll!l" '':f''L_ =10"..:1 "" 'H- c."_:~' ....... d""""' ....... ~1..iI~ ...... .,..__ J. ,Iljl(-ili, 1"~~'

''''''''~,i!'I''II~)'~, .f'.... ",'y,... ~ ~

, " - . , /l :"al~~p;,- T':.&. .rJC: - - ~~ , :nrg~-.lI: j, .- --_ - -F~~




'O€' hi~ :peslin:'!!i.S~~Ci: i!tBlglu" G. Bo,~stif:'c~', e.c, 1:,31., ,J E. :H'DW3Id~ V6,ptI:Ci!'id dt!i1' l!iH;tikt1i Gjjli!... mk-llZ~J,~hil",e~r.m:t' (P;;J44Jj ~~:s'. ~, 'C:I\"'- i"Ji.. ~-I'i""".""_ .-~~:.~.'.. .~. ... ~ : :l" t -.~1! : .J"-~~'~II ii.JIiliU!r.' ,"-~""""';:;"'7'''''''""...... ( -l;i"il~""'~ .......... ,'F D:;""" <I, ..... _, ... "'\.;,a"'rr; '.. "~t~ ~ ~'r, eII ....... ,Il"il. _]·i .&I..r- .., ~. .. ·I"'....
'-~1r. I~_ ,,.

ste ]',.C~i~,.


dUUib~ed, jJt being !I!!!"g!l'ed tbit hi!, ~~,l~t. Ul~ h9$ [II '~~8 'ff~,Fo',[, ,i:h_e V$ll,ic:'

(dt! Pomprir-m: 16, ",),


the Pij,ydlC);i-

W-ilf!!III ........ ~








It W:liiiku', 'I;I'.¢. 5,. ~ .A:pp. 4~ ~ s: I t,

,~, XI,



f~iii),j :),':ru. ::ii;li, f'. (ftclii!edl~en);



~.a, f:" (Grcd: ,e::::'mel)!at :F.lgmt:).



'' S~~~~ W,Q not

(:;3i~cl(l;ua (C~btJ.o;j'., :c.. 8)..

THE A'UTBO.R ,o1jliIe'rs~dewin. be set: the comfi~ssi,Qn and, dle: parho$ that go out to' , Octa .. ia an, ,d·''"'~;" p.~t'!I:o.-i~ p.,.!aJ~'llhina·' Cenleeture ' ~s' V;i'!II~-I'1" abo u.., '~'''''e'iIt-=-,., v ut 111 .. , iI,;i:I.,.._ .... _ '!.lI',I~~!F"~ . __ 'Il-I-_W] ....,;!I.hiJ ..........- ....... __ .. tQ,r~an~$manner ,of living, l\Vhat nQith~ng else oomdl disclose, a ca:8'l~;d
Q.l.~~, .__



item ¥~"e'" ~ls._,....;Tca· ',ir""l' *" 1,00 1~aoll!nhunt .. ,!'i.\"..'I".'ll lh,.... ~jli.ialm~,u"' Z WritiJlg to Pliny t 'Ta.citlls,urbaueJ,y describes himself as one whe
!I..... LU, ...... ,., .!510~,. ,. r;., ""-Ii,'" '~~Ri'':;' :'" Y!I' g..;JI lAo
,-,--,-'l'i'i, _

could learn as we11 as, teach,] He als:o, relined how' he ot1lC~leU i~~o
"'OI:"'~'r,iM"!D~liii'~""i'i" ""u.~ "","'::!oAO'!IrilV~,l

fsshion .. P~i,ny,appears well 'eqj,UiPPOO for' the role he elected, to be ,a, benevol,en.t dtro-o.1cler of It.oman ,~ife:.Not that .aJrtifice or pretence ,~s

con,v,eyed .3. lost by rounesY=-;liild. not much is, revealed, Friends, of. Pliny' cannoe alwayS! have fe!1fi: at ease with this, :l~oofma:_Q wh~ detested exuberance: and. cnmp~3itm(';y. TaC!!tius ;m,d Pitny shared, 1tthe: prosecu(.ion of a. p[oronsul~ an:d tbeyexdlange letters, Otherwlee It'hey are 'not dis!"" ~,eted in i;be sa,m"e eODl,p~uiy.. Thereare har,d'ly :a'rliY' refe:re.ifiI~ea to mutual frirods.5 8om,'e ():J1' P~inis advances may :hio¥'v,-ebeen geHdy brushed a's~de. He: (lno~ wrote a letter to Taeirua dep,r'~iI~'ing brrwity in c'ram:rs ,(fbI' the: best :speeches :3:rcethe lo,ngest)~ andl ~YIDg' a. reason,edt reply,,6 Pll:n.ry exrubi,u;, :n1,, virtues tJMt earn approbatioin~ n.oita!blya disin.ctination to, look beneatb the sl],f.fau. UnUk,te Ta:.dtusl, he admires au' VQta~~es'Of literature and, th,e bigih___,em ,thought;, and he is z~a__loius. to8ihio,! res~~.ct towards the; Gre~ and ~.eir cu~~t~e~,m 3: ooifiv,entiO(fia~

1-~1"-->"'!I-~_~~~ wbose s'p~t:'i'I~~li'(l'e"":Cls, n, _......,..., "" ... ,1J'Ii"e\Vlse pi3JI'ny ot ,re.novln between the: two' ora totS" .. Notbin__g was
'!i.'rtj,ii"~ n,u:.n ..... iI:i,+--li'!'4O',b[' ~
~j~R'U.VU ~-.lJliirri_·'''lIT'\~·'O!O,,",~~~IIi~,~

abs;ent. On, t~e oQrtua,ry.,the letters are ,:aref'U~ly:con,trived,." Pilr,~ding candou.r', and not l,oathcto be~hought guie]ess~ the, :iluthor :plays do\Vn, d~at alert ambition which, hr-ought euccess 'swift and,1'e plendent., He is! ~~'Cbed~, unequa~, but not ine[pt" against the majesty and, the subtlety of C~)rneU!U.sT'a,d~us,. '1,"100rD[l~cal manner o:r Tad,tu:s derives ,~ts str,ength. '([,om, a keen and! l :m.alicious ins~,gil!.t,'which he scarcely tr-oubles to dtsgill1t$e. It was not the act of a fri~nd, ~Q compose ,a, 'tr.~ti__,Se on the d.ecay ~f ont)ory :S<J soon ,after P,~iny~'sC:herrs;i]edJ, .Panegyncus:; and there ,3[1e passages 'thst mi_g;ht allude 'to PHny or to PUrry's, instructor, the unimpeachable

iii .He: rnigllt, :M,'\'eloot: :h~, wife (death in ~b1]d;birtfi 'WiiS ,crn:nmoti}~1 er di.VlU\c-ed her,. B~1id~, :~¥I'~Cl!ihiti1:m:~b~t ,di'ilO(j(r·d !mi ::ifiotnt;t ~~~ tD~t (;1£' Aviool!!!!~,,d~~~1iI ~low :in hil Q'.ffici.lICBI~r 'lm/a. herw!::: .htarn:ed by flU !ipou,se" !bill:!: been prod/aced, 'by E. 'PiNtOR,

Tati'M <:195:1 );, g.o•

. 1

[1'i!I}Yj,-,EH. ~';,6~ i~, 10., ] T-Wtl1i.ii ~$t:d tifi;e:warnB:,~:j.t:.r:e :iiri;iigl:5tert



. (:j\

ftlrtb.el! be.k1W~,p., 6,~9., App, '91, 'Th1!i L~#~" nO'Whe~ :~:d T:!Jcl~ iin ,u,:!{' :pe.r.son:lli rc~Y:tir.ln. to men of r,!unk and: ~oo.n$.equena=, (Le.t.a, <i®i1Lu:_m,perary O!.llt'Oni, or ;Q~!'I iiYi~ PI') ,. a! . .t, zo. Tihe'l:'-i:: is. m(ll· t!:'aCI!I' oi iI!I1! :iII~(wer • ~

p. !~;3:, 'F<i:t {hi! :m-e~,

{liPP..WHo ''1•. r).

Fo!:' A1!iniu:!: R1,lIf!,:l;'S, JulI:vi,i!:!II and

{EP}). lX.

:a.,;l. :J.



.,. p. g6.


'Quin:dUa,n,:'1In the Anna'leS' the hl';d peefcrmance 'of P'iiny"s uncle eomes in for ciitids'ID" once 'by ,namJe' and ~t le.a:st, onc~ i-ndinct'~'J. ~ Furthermore, In ehoiee [of episode or in the manner 01: comment; the historian often ~s his, ,eye u'pQ,n per,so:n:s livin_g ,in his OW-.n. age',,~
r +. " ((1\, h . iIk. •.... ~ ...... ..•·· 'p(.QV~nc$s,. f numan.. 1.-. h ...•'~'- ~fi""erest.,.'..n]ffi, eq.tlW11~ C··' ue.;.,.'aVil;(H~r, u y~[.,. runes IlI,ising fnlm $~al desire, jea],ou8Y~ or repulsion receive due. attentien .. Thus ,the· praeter who threw :his, 'Wifie out the windo:,w. :T.lle incident :bad. a, politics;~ ,sig_"j:li~nc-e as w:eU~jt iUus.tralted, 'T.ib:eriu;," exact cafe fut justice, and, the: ira:Huettc:e: o.f iL~viil,!Sfti,ends.,~, Tacitus reeorts -- l.W :ldi'!'"Q'., o·.··~ eest .~U, :ai, """.,..~!!;~,,y~, 'b':."'iFJI"I1'e' ~5, ,.,t1L~~. ,;ro,f," h ;';8 ~:jI!'io .. sen ......... 'I:"~:a" ~ '" ""'\r"' =.~ -- a ...\'Il.. ~ '~_~,I;o. ~""" ~..~., I: 1~_.·, ·t'l". 't" the fami] '. no[!!.,,some •'..'egen...e![',ate anSi~,ocmu(:,, d' ."... " ,."" ,~'. .",~ rea'~,e!ll:S J!'..:uevt . lilla .~.'e mn~!IIy was, stock but :3, new COOistda.r ,family from. :Patavil1m~ that. ex't:nlp'~a'ry city in, the nQrth...,ern ~:OJ\\e f Italy, ~The cage o;f Octav~lilSSagitta" o magis .. h0' k'·lWJi,eu. b" mistress, created a :stu:" attne tune--=an·. It utt>e.· .bu;:' "~1i -ill .'·' "L· dief d t..._ t.rate:'W '1~3
'·It .. ~~ .'~.-Q,~, al~'
iD .ro>i."!)io'!",~ '~i~" ~,_JUi~. - "'" 'V',U.IO!.. OV,iU." I!..!I, ,.



' ..ll.·




knew that ambitiQIL or v~nJty is, S!troQge~, Nor is, greed and r,apacitYt to wh~ch. S~l1u;st r-everts repeatedly, with an ,obsessio,n tha't ,may weU ~cite :grav,edoubts a:1bou.t l.e author.:a: But [Tacitus 'has a keen, ey,e for d money ,and inh~~,tance"o He notes .OOVl' A;grippina ,in the lar,it emerg'eA,c.Y was alert :aOOu.ta frien,d.\s possess,iOrui'i 8en,e~ :abo'1JIt is owntestaenent. io h 'T,acitu8 be6,ts,one whe eoneentrates upon power' in the poUdcal fj,el]d"seizes and erophas~zes amb~;tion in the indlvidua:~, and tJ),e; effort, tt, Vi. ,~,~" ~ ·:.;I'''t1". f:n.,.. social ~,~:U~HiI".o~'en·.,'f;i~h,,'t'h:il' sec ....'p.·.'lIr;I~m,""O!>;"":"'i!I' of en J' h;'~-·"~"-' "!, r ~cr~",y!, or' coaceit 'N[Qiclass Qr pe.rson '~S'e.:Xe:n;1!p,i•. The: results .eo,me 'O:Ult in th.e eharecter a;nd.d"em.emGut" of the s~O)tdier' who, becomes an alm,ott,. 1;lhe 'nJi't"l'r'''''i'''!i ,.,~,r~';fJI, ];"'''"'0'. ~,L~ C"1L'iI'jI,~~~1,~"i''''''' R'~.. ~~""""'''''''~ 0'11" ..:!I'I,A",.,.... ~' .. ~ .,~~v,_, "'" ..... tions ,r~ ,,"' ,u.... '~JiJ,....., ""'_'~..:!I'b'I,~"""~ ~ aneour ~,.. secret ~!Dp,J;r· in:vob.l~tar.[m.y tev,ea~.edl bY' some word at aet; and the ,bist.or~an is not ,it 'iIi.." 'I" 'fy' mg f f, . '1!.. averse rrorn ,cnf.Olntc:~ngth' "0 unecd If:~. o,r~ ,('f~: a ,:~,ortur.u~ d tne all' mora] ~apsesof g,ood mm~:[~ ~
j, ~

,t'l ... ····t'·,r., lOll' ~ . b 'I f'. .~le . ,---.... ~.Il,,'Ii;"ml1ngs, .,', t'itrl If+ 1 .. d'r:_ama~c ,~",II.IiC,ure,~ :a:_n~Lra ~'yj\ ,Il,Of t"b " n~, '~i'li''''''''' be-'.". ''','' on me . ,lIl.a",a beauty o:f Bo'ppaea. Sabm:~l." . Sex is not :amol1r ~be main. preoecupations of 'Tac~l~the :se.nat-o,r
'[i ~ro




••I.. U......... .. U.l!

.![Ii"".~ _ I;.A_,I',U"

. ~~-

, .....




1 "',U.'Y,


'''~'i!I\li!I~ J.



'tA..I. ....





,[ p.. I f. 4, f~ , , pp. ;JoQi !:;, -1:.,3 (iii" '14. I), p'. 3:3i6. ,~ VJ:. 4-9.,

ff. Ob9e:nc';,



~ iP. 2.'9'2,,, i\~lati-'{t::$,of !P~o'1;, iRom:i'nl'l/.ll!i H'i$PQ

p<i\IQ:"t-~f',R ~(:!i:'"

oil. lV" ~~., Taci_ 'blid. ,ai![{ladry t.~fi..i&Il~ 0'( Of,~~"~:a.!fiiii!:! n th.e ee Dr!ex.1.on (1.1'.. :34 i' cf;, ~v. ,I: 'I. ];)1.


" n.te! ofi' W&$ '~llew.ilf>e (bet' &rn&ly' 'name ~,:u.o.t fU:.fM!i!he d_J,oJ .sex., P!lpinriJU,t A~ii'lll ('".0.". :;3:6), it 'P-ati.'Yint, (JL$ 9~.S)I" 'filii:: f.~ of ihi!:!i:' ~',1iOt!! WQ, Pliitiiiun'laJD]:y' 'lii l;:ie niii~ii«:d
;..~.... ,~'C:-~ .oi'"' .. ,l,tl!'l!dr'OiI'I, ... ~..,.'!.,.., ~,,,~. . !l-J!l............. Jj~ .... _~~ili ~~ ... ~.

~ .......



D·:ioI' .~'.....,.
_!to .. ~ M


,ill __



,r,me iD:~rlitw; PO:SC!it ~~~~iii~~,ti Itl!!buJa,!9.:~ ~~ 1.:2;0.. ~ ('die ftT:a6j'«tiJii [C,QSftfil~ Al.ditl~, Rufi!,:iiS:)",m itEmLtlor' q~ ",rt' i:K],~ t t,h 3 '(C1.:Ir~i.i~,alllfwt). . HII 'T:adiiJia :in ~ obttUiui~! is :Il!bk ttl add pI]', ,d.ettlil. abou't the :IIifi!lie~iCt1<tg,of' ~

, x.m. 4,S,.

6. J:; .:lV. [6,;1.

' E,;,. Harwald~ O\,C,,, 16~.

:p. ,4f8:..


THE: AUTHOR sulted by a young' nobilis; ,and ,he: made: a glrleat damoilL1l about the

The fat be I' of Domitins Corbulo oo,mpbined thai! he had. 'been, In-

r-oad_s,in Eta;]y londly dJ!rtouncmg corruption and ncg[,ect., H,e w;8.S ready and, [eager when ,invited 'toO ,rectify the :abuses" His seal had. d.dett:e'r~ous,res.ul~i.1 Coiibulo himself does, not giG[ un.aci3!~hed,: Tacitus bring charees of pompI, o.o;o.~~'"J" ineomolet ~ vel~I""~tv "l:..,d.p ~~~I__ i"'~ ~ ilI,~t'U r'ei1!1(~ f~' .. -'="~'''''L=J:''.1,~:"" "~""-~""'~"J" U:~""''!r'' The :fust introducti,,Q[J1tof' the virtuous, B;arta Sorar¥us ;snowshiro, prime m,O',,"'C1" tbe Senate's nO~'()irit)'1!m decree if!lt honour of the lttt~~rial of tr[eedman P':albs,;~and H~lvidiius, Priseus comes, on vffiew'~ ~plo.i,ting :p,lllhUc bus:in.ess, to sardsfy ;3, p:riva'te quartet. Other charaeters des.. ., _ f, . ..01.. •. ~ ~ on tne bn,e d torprommenee in.l~ue:],:at~r. narratwe aro(~rlt· =Le;,\ov'ise~,:ro'UgG~.t th scene for ~abrief mcment, insidiously.s 'I' ac~,,..rUS:,, o'L.., u~y he ird mu:cu. ,d:iec··;l·~mat"',::,· ,'..,-,':tJ·:b~. II~b';~.....+ 0,£''1"'1<,.01'''11 ~:ti'r[r-" Vi' nO ~'_I..J ,M, ":"[~I am .. Ion on . lL SiI!1 ~Ie.,.." ~~ rna{1iJ, virtue (and! who, in M writing'~, W,~ imJ'elled to honour the P$t)~ takes a [qiiLlliet re'venge';j allowlfil it to he ;SOOn tihat the anci.ents were .n.ot: a'l\W.y:s;right----or their :mQd.el',n 'rum:itat'O'f;S; geJ~uLoe ~dllsefuL. The old 1Jobilitm hadasserted a proud ineransigenee of speech and dJe.rru~anQur~ .' ]A! 'b' C~i(~G~ d '~OO' rar, ~gt:41e:rnt~:fIig'meo '~f, ... ", .. ' • '. t:. .:I~""." .... ' .. ' . d It. eou cne ~e,roc1;a,:a savage .• ... ···I.e fiance 'both futile and bis~r,~o:ni~c.[6'~Fides'~ ~cQ.nst'antia!' s,tood inand vulmerab~c t:o,geil:"hCcT as,an ideal o.f.a:ris.toccrad,c COL~d'Ulct..;," but ·constantia"
II!< ,~~~' 9


~' ..



,I;)\" ~

"h . to, be gnm, ne 'W"'3;S enamoure d f' ca~ '-''''':::I·''y·.· ~ Tfberius nd 'yr._-L[IL~I;,~ ' 1' ' '~.' rigo~. "'.It"!,.;:;o...., '''0' exe I'"",,,oj.iIk,-. --"--~'J ,I,lD'-~ .. _~~i!:I\!! . ~.~ !Ip~W, ....'rm'v.' eemmanders stern discip~in[eMmed praise, i:~ ] t nat so easy fht' them, to. ;sh.Dw· n.ergy or judgcmenr, The' 'severitas' which commended e rigor.; B
• 'I'

\\TOO, :Iiable

T"'b' cc-.[ ...,11efilJ;S'a:esar ,


'to ~hm-dlm. into inhmnanity,

11]'ke.ll] .iliJ"~ "iJ:
~L'~ I vr'II;I~.,¥


cruel acts






··..,O~:'loi!I It'._.l~


(..,.:ii;~~ '.'.OJI~I/U,

*'~ ,:' (r.e:- -~~ "JJ.it1.5 '1"Y":g'h' p'oo";';;''''', _··C,;..".IIi...Ii._.,,,,,,",HIW 'd''''"'''~pt'l'V'.' ' 'e ~~, . ne ..~'I"," .~~.. .., ,..,'.... n·eml'r~v,~~·~·;1 !Il.l1.~, C ~ _'""'' =' 11;1:, _' S'IJ~pi,dIJ5'G~dha failed the test, CUJr:~Ji!l'S' Rufus was obaequious as, well as, harsh, n. '0, Veranius:, tneteg3:,t;e ,of Brrtain;,had 3, gr'eat :r,ep:utauQn"
shie_lUi _Ided] till,·
IY!L,· ,I

b-ut in the end he was[ £o[un.d 1l)'Ut:: vanity and adulation of' N ero..~l

,homif:iil!'i.~ e,g'. m. "f&, :[ (BllIlpiciU:!i Qu~'dmU$) ~ 'is, :I (AtdWi, 'C"spiro)\., Or ne [~ 'be d~= ll!b~r,:u~~.y :~llm!t; ~f" .~:!:,' I (CI!InlWii R~l,:I,!!i,)., liII. j.l. l:ft j:ljp. :i!~7t '.fO'iI' 4i1!i31495· ~; xu, ,5,:1,;,::1;. .. X~U, ~8,3,. !, F•.jO~" , :For If'ttQCia:~~lit W,. 1'nu1b. :r..iP:A LXXxIV (19!i."lll. ;Z,so :Ii. ,But: there Is ,br.d:1!y di~p.Me :in ~de C!d!pumi'll p;.!I(jnc:~ :n.o:biiii 8.(:. {U4;lci vfr:Q~ [(.I,v., :I'~',,1:), - F.: (,.~ 'I..l N'.' o""!!r...- ti·( ~ 'J ~,m' '~tgJ!t~1I :iI!$ ,iUJ! 'y,ppe.._r-e MS a:n.... 'Vlr:t~~ j,."i1l. <.:i'.~!I\'t~ ·:Jlm..... '. ~ :X;.' ~'9,~~~1~, :2.,] fI, The: w'Oroi ha5 8 (;(dt.f1tIofi mid. B hEilf:ln ,Getb~'=Gt[II:e£" 'fuk:!il~ f.o.ut roll.imrui. II Senea~, lk ira~. dt:, ::h ""'~Q ~r:ratu dl~ rSavq~ G'X¢eu.l'lP:n .:;;if ~ ~die.r ;a<~da Clin~i~ by' Cn.iP,~o, {.tW. '1iD.C'.)I. T:iberim~ frimilL Catha :lwd, "ilfiu.q;l,n:w, rig,or' (HId'. ~•. ~8. j). 'Ii ~. 1:5. _.,: \::~id:v1l!~ ~r!'i''Cirit:il!tii!i, in iill~ ~ qiWie ~~, :fiClll'cret ,~Jlbu::i:, t :!i!iI :XU. [:i;. I (c.w.i,u:s ~genJI:.I')\' u And 'TI'!!i, m.a.'Y hal!l{t'i ~ to oonctiivtl dO'L\lbb B~Uct tli1t; :U;n,~ii~, ~i!uy f~ of Traj:om (PI;, ~.9S).
,j, :;j, (j. ",. ~;;J'~, "'... ~

J.~, )':1,

:it" j"

:l:1'v. ~9.,·1 : j:mII.~~ dum, vix~t. se:ve:!i,~.tati~farna,.. $UPR:m..~~ tel~iti ,mmi£e3.mB; ,quippcmiiilm m. 'NCi:'OIiCID i.dluhti.e:rnc iiIi.did£t ,!OlIIbied:wum :~ibk..ooio, pif.~imo '!'~.~

vtitbilS IimbitioIDli ,ejp~.tWn .fiLtiu:e

,':r"~ 10' T:·,~,il.n

'IP' .11.', ... ,0. ... ,],;.l1li .. , ..

D'''R. PO; '_'r.'A'_' L ',1:." Ij'! Y" 0'_:.,:F: 'T-'-A:'"'Co,I I,., 'U' I'0 "I"' ,,',".:.
jJ_. ~

'The ,Revo]ution at 'Rome 'wQrked it.:;elf ou,t~in 'tw'Q' ;stag~s~, one the sudden, the: other' :8~OW. 'T,ile :first act destroyed the: :RepubHc in. civil w ,al: I_~,"e~oor.t, wore ~L VtR _~.e"l~y j;L ,_ ~__ __ill t" ',' vin tb ", '.-""' U,b~"l'i" and :l'n~:a tJ~LOC:.rnCy ~n, ,"~~eyealr,s O.w, c __ r ehe :"~": ,d' ",';,',_,:110"~11 ,e peace:. 'Siallust is the ,chm.d 'Of the one epoch" Tacitus of the ,other'"

~ TH-'~"'"_~

A'~'TT-H-n.,-__-"R--:-' _1l...J _. __ v __

Tacitus wo,ks alt. h~stolY much as saJnust .does, Y'et it will not be fa~r to, say that he simf-ly imposes his own conceptions 1!lpon the hiS'", tory 'i):f Ro;m~ under tbe Caesars, The history was ,~~ke that" The events co.loufl, ~fifcct,~d, dom~na~etl}]'eru.s,wrian" -Livy'!, when :he re~ates the, f h ~L1S,~uO~g~,.tsase {I'D an ~t[qu'eue,_l. -, . h ve~,er:a~u~ast" comesses t~lat iIl.,"1i... p tk TacltUJa,~as withheld h~s ;aw)'wa~~but cannot ev,ad.e: sc:n.. :u::in.y.The Tad~eanT.~beti,iUS lsa famiJiar and 'fati~in.g subject, Another' ~~~iry' 'Was,relevant: norw ,far: has -Ute, h[stoirUn been, influenced by the FJm:per,o:fjby the sombre" :r.-e1ice:flt;t~wdsa:,racio'ill;s :flgttr-c -of Tiherius
L_'I 'I[..

..· C-··· 'aesa!['!'--"


I A'iIl.. '~, '0£' ~'~$ h'" =~~to,:r~ans,SUCl1l M, ceserve tne namej, I!.. - I!.. \ 'ib. brut netter, ',.[E hOO persona 1"' I'lty' and aspira1tians som.e~'hing ntay' ~erha'p$ he gleaned! on a negati.vre count 11".~I...e'hitna ae -~"'" ,~}or -.- - .. -" , f [1lm 'IlC!:~'amct,ers t..... seillOC,'tS,,e·· censure, res,pecJ_.a~"ym ,n::- 0 ...._.,,-rr'J ,t·

Tacitus ~sa, poet: and a dtamatistinot d1fie~entin thatfrom ether

notices. Thus, a ,fluent and voluble spesker who eamedeasy ;SUC-CIe&S without lasting raJlle; :a,~awye:rwho de:i)ased his ~earfi'blg' througb subservience to the govern m rot: ; a pro80C'utol' ,ofge'Jl'i'l~'who .bad. no grace or digllitty in, the miltli[i,er of "his living,.3 Mar,c s:i,gnitt,e;anta;Wle the perso,ns W~dlwhom be ap'pearst@wdef.itify hlm_se~£~r,:emudU$ Cordus, the hist-or~an" ,in ,magnifioent argument for .ruiberty of speech, Pornpenius Secnndas the consular draJiilt:1dslt or even An.J1JlJ.etls, Seneca, the iIDp~ria1 minister and o:f~e'ttetS.

-' ---',.. .... ; X.:-L' '-I D""'O--"C'-:TR"'I-N:'" E'' ' -S~' A:~"-' N:·.' D"'" :G ,Q,-,·,'V·,:,·'E,··R··,:N·····M,·',:· E~'N"'-:'T"I' .: ''-'-''._- ~_ I.e", ~'"
I .:
I _',.0.""_" '.' ._' .. ~.' r " ~ I'




eve"~ eonsta [L.,t, 'f Does a,sinele ~dcctri .....o:~,' -! ..ain, from th ;;" rst w-c~t',-- , -, g __ _ _ _~__ = _~ ~"'_ ~" .__ .=~H"" ,~ _'!<)~_,6J ~ ~"e fi-__ .1'1 _lilllt:J.3 'M' :L 'L... , .,h _ie f' to the ~S1l:!.., ,',,;SlY not th autnor have 1I,:;:U.:iiI:n:ge d' w~t, t'h p:8iS'sag'e 'Qi~' ,; 'ii... ae ... 1!... __' time, evereeme b,y disillusicn 'wli.~h the new 'ern, o:f e11lHghtened, autocmcy Qr y.i-eld~ngto, sombre; theughrs ,as he smdied rbe s,tr:~gg']e' between, Hberty and tyranny under the Caesars :r':t
~Q __

.' 'b

iT not easy to nail down dl'~ ,ebj$~,vle s, and oQlrnple..'"<: character, How "11- :th~, pon. ,lea-j', O-Pl!nlonse' .. dl'~'- - - ,-,-- _..__.l iilnu d "euficu ,,,,,' ere tuey -- .li'·,t,,·· - _, ~,--'~----, -, b .' ,1..8CO'VCf't;\l ,- _-]1 W"-·, S,Oja! ~]]5, " .'.' :C'I
,-.,.l ~


At Jifls.t s<igbt and 0(0 the surface he ]s hostile to the monarchy. N'-o,t only 'bitter ;~ga'i~.t the Caesars, but ,m,odring the P,r.incipatc: for it3 ianer {'.;l.1sity l1:fid. perpetualeontrast be:twee:n promise and performance, One laver _ deeeer -! and: c:""1fi')I,~'h:~Ti<gi_l:H ~~ en t to.o ,J:~sc](lc.,~d' ,I:' d~~e~,;.,-,',~, ~ ~ - '[;"0,":.. p. "",3..... an, ,"""",.--: nd _ ~~ iL .... _ _ ""..,1:" - ~~ n;;;"~~]~,i,. I!JIIllli e srn,bm,ty, the role of one man cannot be avoided. H,ence ,acceptance' of the monareby, from pessimism or ,dJ,espai.r from the lessons 'of
~:>'V~,I o:!''!.< .,~ I, ,.1, J

;fIJ:n"d,the 1,Q,gilc I~.fevents The ~r,g'u;me_nt is, s.e.:t, uttil wi'Ul f eloquence and power" and {as rug typical of Tacitus) by EJ, ba,d man experience
I,-,:--.CI~ -,--

'-.': c ]'.... .' "jf-'L pu It·S lllp W,h.ll

trviru '~fj. P :a;,',a ,I,Q~ pt __ ana nonest, none oener man ':It,"-:, araeor 1-,-1':,-',-: . "'~i-'--' thar tne --'r-lS' I!.i_ '. __ ,l"'r'[:a0-- m and he -,-:~,-""5 Eprius ~larceU,us,: :h!e. knew about the Rep'ublic,. and he also knew the times one lived, in; he rendered proper ho':mage' to the :past whi~e keeninn ~,~ sten '\v[d, the- 'p.' = _~_, ~ resent: one = ~ --.' ~ ., ~, ,i!;:I' L emp efi r, ,nd prays f~-r -- zood ~"= zrcr a: -~ -I_"-~ - '"\b in . - f' --~.~~ -~
,'IL,-t .---. - ---:. }I-' . 2. W.U.d, . comes,'..
~I ~ -

'. -," ' lrt md ' ~, t, sua ·L.···b'n,.", ,',£ -'L de '-,. ~ .- ..~ W'eaT t.hin :Bin__~(:UJl;_n; _!i,;:lIJ" not least h tue .. espot were be '.' _~ernev'O~euL that kind ,of des,potism, enfeebles the: w1U, and bhmts .in,, '[deal . ~ "--,~ = -, ~-- or traditicn 'I;, Livv I' Salluse, and the- wr~tin-~ _~~ senatorial rus,t(u:,~i~ ~ • ,J -~:Ii --- ~ - - ~ ~-- '"'0 o'f ~ --_,~, --~ ., J It. a man might turn in die contrary sense, inclining his sen,t'ime~,ts towards the :Repu'blk:.. It WQ'U~d. be advisable to ascertain w hJ3i.tmea.n~ng the term had, ]f dIe: P.r.l.rucipate was equivocal, so were its enemies Or ~.ts, erities, Politieal ]~ ii':'lff~,'aU;--A tends 'to...... b h \'fl~h,::, ~ -,- ;b-.\(FiI'iQ,- [,-1(;1" ar ,dl, th,.::. 1i'T>:~~:L' - wnos '~I-y·.· am Jo!p ~ U...~ an .......'100.. ::' '!i;-- ~ :e' -~_:~,~_~....~ _ .. u .7'. X';... ,r,eh_gj,on ]acked, dQ,g,1Jn3" found comfort and compensatl,on ill devout zeam, for the 'res pu,b~],ca A pretender, insurgent against OD'e, of the Ca ,cSa.rg:i 'lv.t~:Ii, aS8crt_.. "':iL· ngHt'S, 0_ S . .. ) an'l,!.iI; fI',oop' le all, . sta:tt, :as ,1\ '~,1b. . ·f' ele nd .--.'-,d . - .. .',--- ., - ---"~111 . __ ,"ue ,,~e___I!II:llte - A, = champion of ~ll:iber.ta;90~If-he succeeds, he has; vwn,d.~Ca'te.d. constitutional
"I' .

Tb~ltplea had no-doubt been 'heard ,again in the ,hig'h assembly andl t,'Oo '@lft-e-n-----JaJndit :pe.:rhaps became painful for 'T:aJ,dt,1:l~,to r~can in the sequel, Obedience to ani.thority Cobsequium.~)" once fervently lexito'Ued as dutv 'It'.CI t'~,,,, t], Comunonwealth W~110~1l'-'"r be irU];Ur" ·,'.·'::uh'l' ~~- , b e~~n;o t _ L.JL'I,.-I! J ~~ h.. _ _"", u ...... -:~: to
t!Jj ..... _
,UiLV _, 'I!'I! ...
~c ~~ __


_~ ~




ft, .....



I',.,ci.p,l,e;s,and es;t~;bHshed ,iegit-imate gov-ertmlernL

Which. ,~s p:tQpe.r-


an.d. oomprehensible:.1 'The imperial power; in. so .fal" as i.ts, source is. le~:~;j de~[:ve~,:~r{l~ d~]e~.ated. au'th~rity., .~hat is. irrefragable~ How ,legttLma'tt'ol1 1$ in fact :wdtlced ·or·enforced IS ano~h¢r matter, 'Tacitu:s IDaiY'[concede Repu.b.Uca.n aspirntiofiJ.8:, or rather' (fQ.r. he lis very cal.-e.fll~)<,. report lleH~fu atnd. :rumQI!lI;"S,. Hence a reason for the:
:P"O,)?u]arililty of Germanicus Caesar :;::'and that senator of admirable :sp1irit ~ ulius Vestinos, who hated and despised Nero:, 'W11:S 'believed to be a Repub~ic~, and 'there€o,r,e not ~ik[ed byt'hose who had C, Piso .fo.t· t'he~r'[canaidat~,,3 .

'To' bring back the Republic mean.t free [oompe:dtion :fo't' t'he: cen .. suI ate) ;govermnent of every jp1rov.lo,_,Ceby proconsuls, and. the Senate i!l. eontrol -or finance :3:00 armles and imper.hd poUey ..In. shott a~~,hat. t the Free :S,tate fennd .~mr~'rncdcabloe, that Caesar AUgUSt~5 all abolished, No,body faced (and. few confessed] the £ull implication, 'T.acitus is devoid o.f m.!llsions about the old erder, In h~s own day .(or rather in the timeso:f' WhlC.h he \V.rote) sorne noblemen :migh.t ·expf.l€SS in ·wo.rd orr atti~lude· (less. of~e:t1t by ;ae:ti6fiS.) ,iI. Rep1ubiican alleeian .... "'" "'i'!I~ n~l!'~iI'''''~ d etesting '.. ""'_ ~ '"' _ Ij~c,r"":li m', . _.. _. [ig~htemulate !PI.~W ~i""""'''-~ ~,f"jim·o. .. •. _ .......w,~~ subservi ._= the ~!L~.tocra,tic: traditions o.f pride and freedom. In the hest of :m'e' was not always oonvinci-ng'; and T;a,dtus ·t..~dlbefore hi~ ey~ the repugnant evldence of contemporary afl\ectations when a RmrulJD bightt :~~eady servant of' 'the governrn,ent, set up b~s statues of' Republican
OV,. """' ~.1' 1HJ"1'1W!.!'



I!'Jftl c.~.

f"tnp@;ri al .. l~_ .. _~~ ~ __ '. __~' It-early becam.e ev.w.en~;that ona man held. 'aU the :powc..Jj' and author~ity. And it was not. :~'G.n,g·before a theoxy.devnelQpedJ to ,save appearances and p·ermit rhe senator to maintatn his, dignity :p.reciSiely the: ideal of' the middle 'pat1h" Hberty but not: licence, discipline 'but not ,e:n.s~.avemmt.$ tsuited 'Senate and ;senat'Q1r Like thec~a~m(H" pretext of I •.es '~:rybli'C~~" jdeal .m~ght be equivocal or ftarudulemt ..~rh,~ r that ooflies.t name of c' itself to deceit or ~h~sement. It was captured and, paeaded by bland! intriguera, subtle careerists, or' avowed ;ag~n'tSi


iIh.. '~!"<":I,.... ,""'r· ~ ·u"~~~I."'UL. n,...~., e.., .......... (i;p;,.,_,·t. '!Il~","i'm[ "~rI!i[ .... 'IUo""~. ~

Yet. [Tacitus, does nor ~rbiandQn~11.hope, So,me aristocrats honourably .i avoided tbe ~xt~~~ ·o:f abrupt [c(J.ntU~y and degrading s:ervili:ty .. The prime model is Marcus Lepidus, deemed cap~li:ble of empire .. 6 :His [character and.[ conduct made a ·powe.rfu~. impr,ess.i[~)n..~In tbe: historian, When Lepidus intervened in the Senate, he spoke fur .g'Ood, ~ense hls quality is commended by Tad.t1ll5 in ,s()[emn
~iPQ~ ~i~ typ~ ·~f pglJiH.cilil :Inn@lw:i:~~ R. Syrm:~ Rom" R~\" (19:3!91. 15.5·.
:i 1"

of a/lutOCl\'.ilCY.



.. P!mYi

t~t~. Ubc:ttli.'tdfi.;· Or..~1i'~'~1711!lDij;.!!,.


.Epp.. 1. :1.7' (Tlit:~liIli!J!!C~'P~tQ);

·~[6 : ....

:~ XV~ :5',20. 3·, .pl)~l!JLnjt ,Iio


Ct Dio

C&! :h.amilnjJb~qW:

LVI ••

:3.• 4·:: Jl'~t:!',J.~!,r.:i~~i,oi.~' ~ji'~ £~r,; 8(,is ni.0:IJp0!l;PQ:TI;I'!!fi.'!'wi.liI"!'




v.h UitC,fia. pll1~i






in il!~O$, ii:l~ ~it ii[ii!':l,uM. in f.ilOOtirJis; ernl'stl:l!iii!l li.ceartqiil'e ~ntef' OIl'!.~~I),Ufll3iaiSli:li!, (it: d)s{'o~ omt:qjl!liu.m ~!"Rli!'l;"~ i~[ am.'bi!t~onl!! ae iPii:~,i~uiUi:!l "'~I!ljlllrf!l.!,~ f'0\r' S;aillhJJSti.<U'l: ]iIt1:gittllge ihe£:.e'~:and :ii~ th,;e oOnie.Xi:, :9f.Ld ,itl! :iii speech ,of ,Ce,p.irl;lI.I!J O:iiI., 50}, ii!ji'bCf'lfe "
cliril.alrn,(i; ,ir.Ii ib;os;, ~Mio,
::Ii Yii., 10. l:: ~![Iu.llii,u;s :geNaiii ,~e.n..t-e~'t:jae! sp.oonte, ~u.oto;r et~ q]IIlQtie!l:"i!i :!iaprcmtt:E' n:U)d~3ifij!b,' O.n[y ont: lti.i:lt3in'c(: ap~31I11, to b~ Reordl~d {Ul., ~~ ~V'-"-·...8' lW~~i'k, '" ",.-.!1,",_,~- ,,"11"1_..1~ ",,_1111\''''''''ii'''~ ':";'~01A"'n~' ....r- "" _ ,') ~,~,),_.• "T' !!. - ...gll. ~Jr"Ir~~~ "'_:.I!L"' OJ!l~I!I'I,'''!L!IIII._''' ~1i.~~~~~"Ji y~ ~J.~
• ,11'1'

'I ~V'. ,~"

3,: ~iI,:I!~t dr14rbk;iU'o~


-(;;lito ~~ ~(!ir.te n2!:i~nd!i;

'ut C~Q1,;


'pfrifllaipl'!'un ]11"


ea. 2,}.,


.iii ::;:']1[.

j,O'. ,~

~U" 'n~',~, '--'_ '_ f. ~d1i~ o-f Catq), ,<.. ,~ ",'-,'_ ~.a__~u~).,u. I ~ " IV., 3:3,. e. ,An, md~¢ilIHom of tll.e :&'Ulr.:Mf~\i!:ifiti~CiUf:r)'niuitlm. i 'II , R Ci - '8; .. ~ (.. ..:1--1 ............,:-,:1. • 'rc,Ql!!~k' ~.!!mI~ ') ':~~_'~, ':'cie PQ~~ __ it ~" I:ha~ ~'h r~~"'ii!!l' , =:. ,;;;IyrnrE:!i'(!i"e. 3,~'- a ,....",_, ,11B.~' ,W"",Qf!!W!~~y"i!:·";""""I..;.,;.:n.e":II'l ......... I; ttJ~o-rl.:ziling,of C:iUl\O' ,~cii;edi Il !pDWerf~ lnfliiIJ.enc.e ;[Ifi the :form, ,o-fgovefiim~lt ~,t:lllib]i~ed. d~' the, Civil 'W:'al'~ 'wq",M :h.J!;w !Sta8~~' ,;;Ii. 'RmI1!!iUl. ilLi[!Id OO..r1J'udar•. i!II 'P' Ch" ::tXXI'", liD, Se-n.eca" ,D~' (km, ~. 4--., 3 '. !prindp.t:~ : :r)-.?re~,U'41i ~,: 'qUOC'-'l.IDqj~ dig, IWmtn'e i!lunt 't~U;·t;!IJ"--G1!i :!!t-iih.iS p-uhli.c:ii';, De ,om. tr, ::1113.,~,' 'iCWn- optimU3 ci,1/~tiit~i:o!i, ,S.tai~1l.IS I'-!L,b, ,re_g.e :~wt:a\,~t.;' 1.1 ~' .n-_I::- -""J:i"~ll_ ,cliJ.~ vii .'"",;0, ~...F"·IJ!k·L~-\_ ,~-w:II,," .. ~'~~I!I ,v, lU~..__]{!I __ _~.!I!~!Ii"!Ii
CI ~~(tIO, ,I,. SiiClfL _ A;:;L~

tm!C~:f'U~ 't~~ioB~W:j'_'~t0~ n ~[.~ ~ ~_ _p;r,rbil.::a, 3, ~ t~~'~ni, ~ d . ,1)j! ~ >Op~o~~_


~ XI,V•. ~"{"

(Ute, ,Ga~'.~; ,,,,:r A,ID" :]:). ~ ~ ~Me:rFI~5).J9; h,gu.1;~9;, 3Ut~f,~t~~



eon~t!l!foI)t~ f'3!~;

lr:t Q,U_~,u.lim :p!!!:',iilieULm,

l !Q,-

'~:d.' . •... f_ ., 'L " T-"-h- CGU~" :PJt'O'fi~tI.tOm ltWl,Y~OUt:mn}e:r be._ 'l'"~e:' :t_tr!J d_wrut'~,.outo~Sjng t'l)l '_,ey' _: ,t: _ ' 'profeoo~, nOi:nu~;~, deceitful d,evotiunt to' 'the ideals of thetres publica", or The -mQ~alTchy D,;Q'W being so' deeply eooted, a,ce (iff'fioodforthe P'alace aJnd the Senate '~Ol live in 9J mi'ty and, eo:M.aborat-e: 'USefUUYI ~f,the \],'O'lU10" erinee ~ ,!::i.'-Q'.3.V'e'! heed ~'Ol 'h~.81cocnsellera , -;:t J~'~ ~~-'" ~~ ,.1 -,,',-,~,--,. The first pronour n,C--'I " . ,,' " , eJl1IieR from the throne, afk.iIi' a~~,ll.Hiing 1t:he al1:mSe5, of the :p1teviou$ reign t:()1 "h promtse 0"f rearess),-) went en to deli . ",_1.. i,lespect~ve :sp.-eres . red -., her .:.ehmrttne ( ,of Caesar and the ~,r,~, ubHcaJ) p It was roo, ,8~mp:~e!1i~ had all been, ,heard, before and would ISlJjrdy reenr .. Yet someti1rung' might be galn,ed, by skill and, :~atjence-=a.nd by Seneca.:' 'Tacitus ,gJve-s cafe£U~.attefi.ltill.O:fi t,o thst min~s~er 05. state, Not that Tadtus;' p,:reoccup~tiJ;)ns a~e; 'whoUy IO'l" naU'~IW~y' pf}Hd,caL FIe is peif:na:ps,m,o,~e -d,eep'ru.yconcerned with. moeal and soc:i':afmatters, More irnportant than the name 'orr (If the Commonwealth" than the system o:t~its ,~awsand iirlisif:],mtions, are "mores virique",
'L_ •



Domitius COlrlbu[G~s, with the armies, Seneca, and T~ra~~, Paetus OCCUPY'and' share dIe ,ruo:m.esdc annals ,ot _Rom.e under Nero ..Mien who knew -5en~ qu~,tioWl!ed his, career ,a:md[his, prindples;: and ~n ]~~.eJ' days nei:tber' enemies nor friends {the btter' in a, minoriry] have found it- easy" eo do hlm "J-- -~---'·l1S1t~Qe., ~, _.L= - -,' - '""" The h~s~o,rlalrl Cassius -[)io draws up' a da:mag-ing indictment. It was not 1::_~_.I_I!_Ol~",", for ,1.:...~J,!~:..:a 'to.. debaucha,3; prlneess ~!l)iIll'Cl"h e exiled but II!r.\X~J~ .)~ Ci''''-ec:__ It.='~l!J(__ UjC.=11 ~Xl~'_.~tP. _ y._ ~~tt'"'" had, not made him, a beueili' man. H,e now turned ~, attentions to!l, :modu:~,r,.,A]~:l h,':'16 :6'~·:~~""'i,-~.un '-'''-'.nrer 'tn 'hi p -: ,,~~Ie prineiples ~.!e ~= _..,,~ ... ~~~ ~~,~~_ ~ = _ ,_~~_... _ ~ ~ advertised, Declaiming ,a~ruru;,t 'tyr.anny, !Seneca .instru,ded. a,~des_pott and he abased h~m_se~f~n COp~Oli1S:fbt1tte:ry 'Qf the freedmen lof the ceurt, A declared enemy of wea~th~he ~oquired great riches and lived i~,
t!J~~._ ,·_=·~,I;L~~.;I~~i"

'-M- - ~

W'l,;;; ~"_,:,~,




1JJ.1,]U .."",,-,






C~s~us, DioJI as, a,ced advocate of absolute POIWf£:J:in the State, is hostile 't,o' phllQso:p~~rs"In a discourse on h~gh, politics he puts firm eounsel into the mouth, 01 Maeee..nas. Not ,otaly are all Imnovators in rd~gi~on amenaee to the :s:tabi~~ty soelety, The ruler -C~lf
i lU~~; ';I. :.~-disCiletaml dtlrt'lium et r.e.m 'p"ii..ihik!ifii.. t.tifi-eret !3.1:UqUill. :m!Lmi~ s-en.a-t'lJiS,~ eeai s.... h:un, t.ti.b1li.rliailibl,l1!; ba!j~, e~ iD~b~ie!W pr--Q~ ~d~i~m[':Mlilt,i!l:i p:lti9;l!m aCIIit.u:mp[~' :

luxurv - Ej-~:,t,t.:·,""!ill 'II') -: ~~-~l'-',i7 - '~~7- ,a., ',n.v b--~ ioU 111" _!,~.'I"U.!I,,:U,,1'b v,~,v...---."_J',l:i'TI!-.u, ~lnil'ii,oIJi"'" ~~i!il-:'-:: -------i!i1n_ 1IJi, Ili..U..... .... ~UX"L y . _!'_h.,..y~ !l':"reac.1L1TIll'l' """a", ,:: I..,. philosopher- ,encouraged N,e.:ro in. such pr.alctices,,~
'1i,i[" ~oI. ....... , :


:lWb.o~ it: Ii!; t!l:I.CiVliifirt, w,~Qi p:r¢'i.11:llmi!tl8' abotit rtfut~~ 'linn:: 4:u' C:i.e:!IIIi'!Bid C~OiiWeti~, , W£fC ind!~l!-i!io'hablrI'and 'be~~ce!ldy) iri~l:'itWiniGd~~el!m. ,-=n_imJ iit!l, ~e :i!~dll!l£t: f-G!. !J?U!'blicac: Qil,U:U' lilt: I'ea,UcI, n]tle.rum non 'PiilI~;:;iJt; sine i.U:ftUSqut: pe:rElt'' t(,lk tit$[. I"t. ,3}. fi'rli1rt:h.e:r, StIlE,ali ii:s: P~:!iI!lrlllt :;:IIi. n~ i!le1'l!at)!;!I,daJ!d'ehal~ ,re:pOi['~ Ib;y T:;ilcit:u!i.
j. .


~.~ mand!!!ti!!i

exe.rc:iJti;D-m !COJ1lruiIJt.:irnHflL.'

'D'io.' _' .. ~ .




'ro (":It' _~.



!hIs 'i]1;otnu (!!a. [)~ that

wi~~in,g P.::!impl:!~a 'f'4uil~i!:k-a ~iou~d .dIe w~tli.~hirn(1.i~;.'[,), T~~ ~n;e: :6C1i\i it i'S in~,ni~i at :tlM: le:u~1 'to 8ccep't Sc~',:!i r:c:!.p~imnty, '~fit th; tcbdiioiiL In BtJit.'8:in (iLlUJ .. J" I Ml-cApp. 69).

'\i.\ ..jl~.... - - ........ ••iI..~., c""';p'~:Il m!l.1';'"",,·.,AI _ .·_...:~' ..L 'mi'" ..dt'~ ' N;i!!~'" ··n _~...i~'=r': ~~.u~w.J.•. ~H~,;:; )~ !R.]ii'--V M~il.I"'.S- "'-~DlJ'" ~1!r.!1i~·_·_~ ~_:~J_'~J"!'IJ"-II!iiiU :~ QQ:r!5!pk-,¢-d3~~lIIt Nero, (':~4' [')~ thai: he :~f:I;;'!I5.1Dtd, thEilt -the 'UlI'Io,~
~.:;, .........


will be On his ·gua lld. aga[fiS,t the -purveyors of ideas ~t'hey have: caused unnumbeeed W'Oe8 to men ~n,dc.o,mmo·nweahhs.
i l

Die's p.r·ejudl:k:e$·inyo~v,ehim in sorry miscoeceptione, z He regards Seneca pdm.arH.y .as 'j), philosopher; :an[d[ is aversioe may be b.e:ig:h.fe-n·ed.. h by' a double I"' n,re/udjc'C'- Ut'e:t1U'1l" and p" oUdcal:"aln(t s 0 -,-, 0.. ,"h-, f _ -~-ne .~ _"if: j,olcemos,t nmlleS Latinletters, and .aga~nsta colonial R.oma.nfrom the the· western lands ..· T'~dtjuS at once shows It. .~s' eneca, J S the stak$man 't.b.3i,t matters Men of '00 oks and ·theory tead to be too, rig~d.:Seneca is ;3. diplomat and. a man. o:f the: worilld .. SOm:e writers (bu.t itot 1t~d~s) would extol also the 'p'raed~ca~:g.en:lusof 1ttbe: aeker ;afid b








first transactions of Ner.-o·;s, _m;·eign." commends union of moral strength 'wi·dl social tac:t~'~ho-n,esta oomita;s~,.~ He' would. not 'be Tacitus if he c'.[nj.tted to throW' 06 a p3~ing' allusion :root ~]to.~ther ·oom.p·lirr.u::::n.t3ry to the prose style of Sen.eca. t-o the: Nerenian Qrati,gro;s in. wh~ch ·the impruial 'tutor' p~~adedl ;at sovet'dgn.~s c~e,menc:yand :h~s[Q'Wn. ta~.ep,t.~' Som[e of the charies ag:lilIiin:s:t: Seneca were obvioti;s~.moneyJ po'we~, and t'he' 1;,raffic in. honours. They are eonceded=-or robbed 'of eheir fun force by b~ng Iumped together w.itjh_ f3~se a'Uega~i,O'![u~, the calumnies in. 2. discredited advocate,__ :S::ui~I,]·l'.~~·III'_ -1;',- V"", " ... ~1i_. ~ .to .. CI .....IU.J anouvmous ,"II~~;'!'<Ii,""""7.:"';fio. R~.··.u·lr ......i!:" ~~"I:~1ed- ·N,· . -..:-:[~[ ~[w ~nlO.ll. i .LUI'"U,:" l:!l.... ,u. !l.-u..~ iiIU. _ ~ ""' u..,.~ _ iIl:U",,! !.V (:am,ong whom the alert reader 'wQ'll'~d d~v~n~ O.fon.iu$ 'Tig,eUinus)~" There was worse, For the security of the d.y.niiisty Se.neCi1 had, 'W condone crime, more than [000,,00, His c@,nd.l;.'Ict.· after- the death of B,t.~~at:rni,cus came in 'for criticism, which Ta.citus duly pu'ts on record.t Apin'll Nero's dispatch ,~,o the Senate, retailing all, a:,gaL1ns:t.Ag:rfuiP·p~Q:3l) the 'who'~e clumsy sto~ about: lttht!shipwreck, w~t'h It: was gen.e,i_,aUy believed. that Seneca bad. tent his ~a'[e!nts:to the "'TJr:"I,li("Io:'"cjt:~1l'" of t-.hat ·d,]o:Jlm'-, - :aa. (::I!'"O' 2!'P'" W-"a'~~,-an :..:i: t,..·~a~""_1I[ O,,","~"',I!.,F'I!..!'''']. ],vu, v ~~_ ~"~--b~""'~ .. V'V ~_~, and h. in ["'i~.iIi":I!\~ .•J .. ".. v~ ...... n,'!.r"-'lol. elL : IUL~n.L"',. It 'is,~ot dear" hawever, thatTad~us shamd. dl3lt: 'belief, [Q[ n

mana:ger of: property


T.he·historian, when introd.~,cin_gSeneca in the





@o ....





""i'i'" ~,IL!r. ,~..~,'\.

... ~ ~.

'~~fL'0!il:: ;!tQj~ [L'-at;il,jf:~ ~ i';fptf~iij~d ni\~~-:r"'O~·ji'''' jj!'~Pa:Ud:~~ ~Q,~. he retifll~l~ M'lldiili'lili~,' -dt:nlliifi[;i:l!l.'lion tli£' StoitiSo CLX\'I...~ s- 1.:Ii}. ~ ~"'S:" [D:n H~il""idi~$ pn~C'U-"I;==7\!tf'Il!.~6:J].t "trf ;JS4' ~;, -:-4r 6X-A~' :m~eif.i[~ro (~:'iiJ•. ~:i, z): . 3 C'oompt.!te h~s: dl,~pit'-I!!i~l ,of "ri~ialriI.·~ ..e!t.r1&~ti1 (!Lxv-.m. 4. r, .d.Ui~sed. £fi A4'PP. 8:1:)i" ~ 'Pliin.y·;, di."I~U:B!Si~ hi'~''V.hll~~dJ~:j. :~'tl'~~, iim. ~':m;~r,J!ml?llJ,t.i.r:;:()I(I~:mir-a-t:Q;r !:manium' ~NH b !'

Ln•.J6\!.4~ ~i:lptifj,.'t'tlp.tta~.,i'l:n~ .

me: ~t:st



~, ....~ .&.~. .. ]~~




r!. [.!i,I, ~,~ .• '" '"[ ,I, .,. ~ '1'

e .... ~'iII'


~hoo~. him. :iii TAP~A: ;:U~~. h9n}. ~4. ~ :(I ~ 8. I: ':litlC defue.r:e qui: ;ii~tij,!'.irot .gfRvi't\iL1Clfn. iI.d~-e:-vt'njjjilis, qu.od! [donla:!; \iiJm:i:!i idi tt::Jmp(l!i3: [l;lti1ii1!ol! 'p:~~am d·j)v.~iuellle,1«;, Sen~~'~ i(l!W,n, di!:!C~n~ .~~~ iii:!! ~ .. ~. u·~ '[;8;. 6··::'diail t;)!f,:!IIf'J!I1~~!is. e~ if:iii~'ti:tiu~biJ:!! pai f.fiuliLliSo b~!ttdi're h:: iiltiii!i.:iIriam iii:i;tii~ q


.Xl'!,!'.. ~>='·~~~i!1,·Y!j:

~., . 'Rytbc,",B<to s
iti;J!f<l.i1!: C'af. ~
~ 'Xli,t" ::iII.d'Vtil1lo


i\l1!tr.g.Ji~d iil:l! -the !p~d&tS' deft·ndcF· of' :Sei1,e.ei!l~. c:i. R .. ·W,iiiLtz..


c'!-ja:pti!l!r:. [T;!Id~u$j' !!!'J:diTect. Vito J~ Smi~\!!' (iE909), l!!i:j,



W(!!~d:l!, '~~ailvurn me


·esse adlt!llc.e: nee [credo. nee gand.«!o·', :psii__ inr mt:m to SOfilt:C:Bi (""1[[[. ,S.., ~·B)..' ~-MI!:'1I;!,!,!,]ii;.rreJ;'j i!#i,f.,. r-l'l'!~. ~-.~ .. (1'9[54 , '94- .a ....1 - ..._.-1 1'__ :r:u.·, ~ _.) . .~-l.!. ~!!,;\I!",. ~~.

.3 ~ ~;etgliJ.l. nom Neru'l' oui,UtS. il"ltlCl:a:tJ:it:i:!!Qriliniunt ·qutstii..i:5: aniiib!li',. ~iied.SelilbCi. . d {i~~~O'O~ iI:~'~ QO~~I!!~~~ID .-~. ~. .. ~ i"iI. ••• ·...:I'·L ~I'll-t q,l,!.I!!J.I. $cr,J,p~~~irte~, ~:'I;u~nt_h~AT1![e~,t~o;.r! h~~


,own sharp ul!slgbt ,~ntohllman amblgiUlbe8 and, d~le,rum$;! ,insi,ldll: into government rendered ,anot~.erand necessary service, How g,iea:t:
_"oe ~~,

Shle1d~ng'.S~neca~Tacitus, for' 'nA,c~ P?~ Se .............infln .....~e ' ·~ .. ,


't,o, b~A,eyo'~oo,t emp~oy.,


=~,!u_].. _'!I;-~w.~<·

..... o:J,,.r...: ... '" ,.... d.J1~~~,.r


I"i' ,:.., n'Q'j!. ~W ~~ :~IJ.·


,jo .........

Oil"jiIL ;~_.~~1!t~t' a' dJL~ ~ .... r~l~l ~'~~l ,-"",,,,illl!!


mal~e.,;!iIf, ,~n an i3Jge~Mt ',",,'38 coming 'to t;a'te doctriaes and teaehees more :[!:~.40~~ISJy, t· =. U~I ...~;~~C;o:I"1 ~~~I_!1!},..'~~ prone :t.... Oi'V~,p~1:-U" ... e be m""jQI1f-.t h T41 ... LJiI: pmlosQ:p~er beh~nd, die, thro:me~ th.e,re waa a QQ.ntrnry danger, and grea,ter': malice Or' ignOtal'rJ:.oe would dadt:.C!nthe truth with posterity ,"V:rthout the 'te9timony iQf 'Tacitus, S~'TI,eca~'he:sU!~esma~,co IIIld hardly ex~sl~1l Seneca 's OWIll writings fumish no adequate clee, But Seneea " "t'" .~.t} ~.' ~~",t'~ ,JH:::;rso;n ~ pre:!,:a:mon~' .' ...Ii-- ''!:'Yuca",t1\I ,ue. ,Lmu:, 'i;e ,. '.' .. !l-ue i .+~ ~ ~ 'f..~,_.jj m:a",et'e~ .. ,.l.l.-, w1u ... '. ',::.:1 , ..... , __ ,aJ~]iesof some: '[f5e'*.......-and ev'erll a, :po'~icy;, Seneca's poUcy was the best available, It. dlef:[ved.fromreoog!1~ltt,lfin. of a f~ct~ ehe mnoarrny" W~th tb~,t, admjtted (~d, :00 arwk"'''afd questions asked). ,the, government pro~eededl 'to c'petaJlte throu,gh. ~ ,·Ai .. 'N '!Il.. 'I..' persuasion, ana pretence, .__I, ot mucn was aemeve d .-=0,[ dip~oma,cy~ attempted. The minister hddlno ;iiJl.lib,ari:qrin. his O'Y/fi right!, onID.yby grace and favolJ.u'of Caesar. He conld never oppose te the ead, but nrust give way and, be 't~ankf:ul:; :and, he learned, ~~ o-t'he.t$ bef.ore hi'm " flow hnperman,e.rtt ,~s'he fdendsMp of p.rln.oes~ t C'omprQmi~~ Is hlhere_;~1't in ,tb_,e:nau~re of civil ~i!;:o'ver.nm,ent., A contradict~Gn. be:tvreem ,se.rm(Ul)3, and statecraft would not distress a Roman consular 'Unduly" Whatev>er value be S-e!t upon the moral [~ays of A~naeus Seneca (aind t~ey w:e-refar frQ:nl dogm!aiiti'c),!J in T.brns~ P'aetu5) '~Itshould. seem, was, a, man who ordered hIs Hfe by the tenets, of a'n,establisbed creed and scoool.. PhiIDosophy enceunrered a dee,p' distrust atnOlfi;g ,the: dea~~: words, and ratiacinatien, it mig~t ,~e3Jd t1()1 ;s1J~rvenlve Op1Jl~O.nS, in or mystt~calaspirations, T.he narae em.b~.acedlthe bigh and the ~ow', ta:king' ~nall manner' >Cl,:f seets and pun,tttts. It covered :m.a;gi,e theo'0''" sophy. Street preachers, were also noxious for th.ey ex pl0lted, social discontent and t.r--oil!lh~ed, peace: 11)'£ the ddes., But. sk.Hl ,or. ,sancti'~ the: couldrise b~gJl!,and :p-hi~.Q$Qp'he~lh~~~e : Qth~r experts or ,ebadamns fr-om.the gifte~ pe?ples of the 'G.~ek, w,w admittance ~' the ma:ns~Q;_~s, f the ar.,~st,oc-[,a,cy~s ,SlPlrttUal dli1ectol'Si, ~nd are , o
. ,~,"" ........"',', '!;Ii __ ,

_U.""!I',~IU, iIL~

' ..






i: ]'e hil$ 1Ii~Ii:5ifiIJ~iy

8 ~ . \ a~9 Tr. . - 3'77" D'Uit:.'Il... ;:;. ~',,~esp, . ,'~ 'H '~.r!,.,t ill: ~,<:'["a-t:ihll;~ :1l(j.ft!lli~lI[ :be. proiiQllm.ced iii maM,crpl.ecc, :iiidWwtiing :i1j,III.dcvmCC: in, 'tilC~iq!,iC :md i;o hl!J~oricii!1 ,iJn!lgirli....3'tiQI! ~ , ,:i ef., d,eprecatll1lg ,~r,lIiiGru;~. _j'"" C[oo'k CO:P:r.JiUJi:1'UPri~ ()9S,5)\~ I t'9 ft., ,~ S'UilhioolU$! iilit' ~,:ple' i~ mise:r:a'D[e: i(Nm ". ~.,J S" s:" ,S2-}.,
. ..i . AIiex_~_n!'~ :!"~. a V"ni!:t!

men :",guedi -tlll;lit 1':.dt-'U).'j, !Oll.lId! not maflbeup hi!!; :mi_~di ,illho-wt Sern;eCiMi, ,er dell w~th h~m~,bccay~ :ht: ,did, n~t, fi'l) :i!litiiJ, il'nc: 'T:&:C:IM:m, IDlignip:hic :schcm:c:.i' CW:, H.,
. .1
ii!'.io .... !I<I~.
r'" ,

I'W. :!I1, _:jo!!M,f"





,XIV'~ ... '~~'~,52:'h'

.. ~e'!~w:. ,."~9~-(fu~:",~~; P ~m~~.d~~)~ -, - ..' m : '- c,' ~; Q,uilln,tiilIm x, I", :J:;W; 'in phtil.iliI~bia p.a.nUil dil!l~,,~

c '-,





'D O' ['C-'T' R·'·11" ~'T E',_:_- '·-l·'J.L~I .. " G"/' O' 'V"E' 1 'S A lii..lj"D· ," :.' '" . "'].':1."1 ~
.. ,': • 1 •• ' ,"

m ''''',. :A~'" ,l." ..&:;p.':

'M"''''U'''N''''i'lr'!! ,.I..


(it ;appea-r:s) strajns akl1l.'o$,t to par.-ody v~dous tr3d-~do:ml, attitudes[ of the Roman. H~s, hos.tili~.y'~O' d~ctdnes, and their: addicts ...... 1Il~, ":__,..~ ·,I""D''"'''''r--' .... ·th'- 'a-'t- ... ·ew-i"".. 'h~'pe n,E't'it-1e- old nman th e ['t-- ·all-II~~Cato ,."i!,.t> ~~ .~I~,:. "-_" parent of Seneea, :r.igo[ious'~yguarding wife or son from tempbiid,on,.'" In 'T'acitl!!;s care for' choice la:n_;guag~'work~ ,to the same e-nd as, p~,e.., judice, and he is revealed in, both. 'The, standard and ]no[tf:eTIJs~.v[e't:er,m 'pro A in -t"U. lari;(,,-L'I,t~ __u, ien d·· ';:1!I11i'I'''lI'f'Id·.· ,;r'.."J, .'s: he f.o' .LiII....... ,~_ the A·''b,.' ~«vW and th' _~ IQl~' !:lU exp.lIOiit$ 'pirof~OfiQ.~" for d,er,~sionj~'~:phHo\SOph~a~ not fOU'Ad in is !the: AnnalBs''i :i1nd ~p'-hnO"SUphlU;3' is there admitted , once, wben SuHHus Rufus[ l~uA,c'!b~sa" diatribe a,g::~n;~t8e~,e~.1 [T,acitu.:s MS, a keen flair fOorthe: spurious and the :pitetentioU$., N ere, ;SO' he records, admitted pbilcsophers Ito his co'mpany. 'N[o-t . .from curio~~~:yor' benevolence, but to enjoy '~heir wrnT!(gl't$" They were brcnl,g'bt ,in after dinner, and mien, of ,g~im, dero[ea::n.our did, not ,di:sdain to, pu;rvey palace entem:inment.,1 [Tacims
·C·· '-~~~:'_.:-iwr.:._.~_

,~~tan,ed~ along' with doctors and. astrologers, in, the, palace ,of the Caesars,' Some ,!k'ept, a reputatien fo'[ ,honesty and :Siaradty~ friends of the dynasty aJnd.U!s~fu'~, agents of the gO"v~rnment+ Othe:rs were :f'Olund, out" The alle,gati(lus, range f~{}:m. repulsive haJi'bits te cr,~me, v~.ce" and (jofispb'acy~ 'Tile general char.~e was :h.Y'POCri.SY'~ '\Vb,e.n claims to ethical siupe~h)dty collapse, the 'vul_gar exult, Satire ,a:nd'ta~tiJJn scored easy 'tr~,umph.s,from the "~iM,ggy : besds, and, the ,ifiti'midat~ngeyebrow'S/~ -'i'i":t.,esame ~'- ~' . sonerana'd·-.'respec;"""", a", c,n ...... ',".' - " noe 1 !t-Ih;j;._""_ s.p~ t. -:-. _ " . .] - .[ ,i!i',..;:b·lJ 'illl'i,es were '" .. ,_01"" "" '. "~'.At .. ",, n nme, O'1!l.t~Qu~ntiUan,bears wi,tn~,. The pto,feS'sl[Qil) [easily became a d-l~gu~se: for idlefieg" :3. ,refu,ge fo-r the ,~,gfi(),r,wt and pretentious .. Quin:ti1ia.n. -, .. , " ,",, "", .'--.. _. ,- pu~ .it.:' "',, .," ,. lari . -.,s a J U8iL, pronouncement-« "L"l'" OS@,ptUJ~ emm ;:umU::1irl potese,-', [eloquentia non po-t..esf ..~' 'Quintimiatl ''yt'aS defending the educational primacy of s,tyle 31'Ht. pI:. ~j;'O""; .... '"'it..;iII! enem ,~ U~~ W· ere 'fi",,;.tu l~r'!OO'V:.Ei:rs r :arI'\nagnt and sup··;j:Io-Cc;al o ~~~~'~'b~~~ =~:_:.r'!¥~'-,,, .~:·~Jb :mora'!~sts" He wro1te at a seaso:n. when philosophy ~nC:lll:rr-ed solnet'hmg 1i"O, ,,'10 :~f~rt;"":'llii"'""[~'i" TiI.'i'"""'SC iI:";:'I-::;JId·· ~,t,_ moili',~ '~'J.. susplcic l._ ,u, ~1.,..[4, dislike, [rl,l-h' ':-: ~ ~i\ 11", _~'. 10 .,._'...... 1'''' v_ .. ""~JU... ,1 ~'ft,~; m:any,' of '~b..e nrofessors went mto exile,
'2Il~~~rIr.·.'~l'I~"""-r. ~,ItV.I:~ )'~i1i'
~I~ .... _~"!!'''!'J'L''',_~, :__.~ I__ ·~~.~ ,_1-


,_ ,.... "' "

-'i'i ••,tli:li>l,L Oil














f.;·6~;Cin1(" ,"-""!'OV!""



'~~I!D ... U!iI!'!;,oU

[~,..,,;r":~ ....



_ ....

nall:t:,. Fu_rUeJ, PllIn.1)I' ,I~ ,:lZ. 6~ m. u. 6) tile '!/e.Ii1!e'rill_te l1h;'liPh_L~1 '\i"elY ,d.irft"cte:td: {-.:. 10.., 6, £:,.).. ,~ A! ~ 1:l'~'J!.,:tl-!- ...~,,..,.,...:,: J' .:1('~~r. - 1,..,i;::'. oiIII...- "i'~, ....[-i'f=_ ,_,.;I"':""'r"lI'e!l w ..-: ..." "" ... ~I"I!. I'''T,~. 'd~~~~.~.m..Qf'tiIjIl1l8t ('c1,teOi by G·C=-U'iQl$, :~,,,n!,,,,' :3)..
~l."""lP.lI ~~":.:-",~

~ J .... ':r"~""'-."''''I~ii' ,~o#' ~_l~J :H:e hit.d. 'been, ,de$>c~iiblfi;S: ~:!! 'p:~gl'ii:tiae. 8fi"O,~ilfiti~, ~ '•• , ::!!I!libi'w rfQ[i,~ CQf!!n....ct:a irru:niis~q,'lJe: b~fLba, ~ '•. ' i.n, p~bi~ ui~,,-g$d)omj dJiiJ~hni..' AIJ<) /Jr~~ !]~::'i_;u~njJ~~,~~ t~:titia~ ~~:_ ~i~!,~t~_t~',a '~~ ~imWl1~c~imi~,~nm:

.~ 'O~til! x,u. a-

~ .... .:JY j ~'i' ..-13 ,",,,,,,,,,,.c'



~ ~~1Ii



(!i= oCQllJ:r:ae"

:P~dc~ W'U

<i ::[[1"1'.,
'·''''I-V~., ~~

j (Agri:ppi~, ® ;&m:~:l),. ], ~, ;._,: j:"","; ~:,;Ij.- qw':· ,"!o;p,;o, , .. ",~ ,1Ir "'_.}Ir.~ Q}Ir.-I!Ir.IIJ"'oll!l..
,~r. r. " ,UIo1r.!I"




.,' [I'






_ _ ~'!Ir.


'If._".,. .. 't'I,.;",,,"I': U~Ir.'~ l[ljg"_._~

"P<;'~~'!'q, tr;·•..,.;:: e..' "'''': ;:


'... _....



:",,\.,_'I·"""',~"'''I'''''' r'qUi' .~!, iipe,... .....:.Ii.~'"_.~HiiF.. _

¥..U ........ .

., :UU. 04~ •••





was an adh~-nt of' 'the Stoicsect" Egntiid,us Celer, ;S.UhOf.n.ed, to ,des~my h~s patron and friendl. ,Egnatius, was ac.r,afty :t:e:_Uolw---=gmvc and convindf1\g in ,!o,rd and g,arb". but venal, ,COl't"u:pt, ,.and :~~cefitl.ous~An [el":~p~e ~ a lesson so Ta~.ttIJ9,so~~mRly proclaims, that moo, m.a!Y

Many were ~:idjcu.W.OU8, but some were Sln1S,t~-f:'. 'Wben ,BiUiea, So,ra.nus~consul and proconsul of ,Asia" stood on. ,tr.ia~~ chief w.~lmess the

detect ,hy,p0 qrey and. crime=--:and, especially ~ fa1~e fr~.en.d,that mn iI:~he NlIrk under the disguiae of r.,~Ugi'~'n morn~~ty'~:1 and, If morn~ity and, public order were not impaired" it was in gen[eral ,amatt'er o.f ind:lJf~fenoe~~[~he R.o,man !historian,., as to the Ron~an ,gQ;v,e'.t.llmtntJ, what be~ief~, were hdd by ,fol!eignen or by, Qf low d~gree., L&k:ea~i.en.reHgionst phHiosophiml doctrines may take ()~, ;adifier~O!t mean~:n_g'when they a,Urad m~mlb~ of tbe ,gov,e.rrun_g class. On. a, rigOfOUS c'r tfad~itiona'~, stimate, ;any ,exclmive devotion, tJJ I. sect e or creed mightt, aeem ,!I_Djt:q_l!.Ltteproper for a R.oman ,k_nigbt~ ' f!D__e aenator ia,ldJf:timsdf' open to, a d.o<ub~erelPm.ach:; e~It!' 1tti[et~$m~,witb. G ne.glec"t of rbe dut('es [o,{ rank and stat~on- or the s,-;;·,·=~t~:feontumaetous :-'['-'~-""""'i-":i~~;I-~'='::~,:-~ .",_, __ 1[__ ,,_.- ..... -[f.JJ.~1 ., ~ '-~'[~ -,~.. '-, O'PPOSltWJ!!:, iSGOrn..J;ng the sad but. necessary' rompronU$e;, between w.t.ite his-W,ty" anger abated. (o:r,r:ath.e.rwas,dive:rted mto oeheechannels), ,eq;u.ity ,~ert~dl g more than iQ;t,erIll~,ttmt rigilin,~and,ad!mh:,atioo. '«nuld. ,nOt: 'be:!. eannoe resfs!t :;1, fUn,g' ~.t Musonius[ Ruftl!81[ a :bightwho fm'ced. on an ,embtass,Y' .senat-Ou~ an. exponen.t of the St\'lIC -0.[ doetrines w:no~ead. a '~cture to armed :mefi.,1iOdler' members of' a :motley ,tlr~be, :6' as Deme,tri1Us~he Cyme" no doubt inc~rred deds~.Q!nin la,te.r books ~[f his 11ts,tmiae,,~ The censral theme of the dash between op,iniQnand aJruit'horityj qu[,cldy and1~rm,my, b~ou,gbt in 'at the of Book :IV, is m:ustratedat. onee 10f a cheracter ;s:kd~h. Qf Helll.~dilJ~ Priseus, ~tfQngl,Y' ;~ym:path.etic in ,oolQ'1Ur~ng,.,. A note 'of c.r,i0ti.dsnl is :admi(ttedL It is very fa~nt-=-SQme &hougiht that
Hehidius was, m~:re than a,l~ttle ea(ge:rfor fam[~.. : ~ :In. t~.e An'tliJ.les the conflict did no[t brea't out ,open~y and :6er--cdy until ehe tw'-eJ:flh year' from Ne:f?~"saccession. The causes and nature are 1iabl[eto be misconstrued. Any alleged inflnenee of either phHoso'"
I. XV]. ,32., J,. 'The Tigel:liniILIS: (;K~".57· :

.... ;I,-, __nd °'''''''_UIi. :aJ n . :~.arri""_"" Tacitus made: h;s p[,rote~'tatil!)n ~n t~e iJ.p'icQ/a'., When he. came: to
~"!iI .....•.. "'JUi.::1·!.';;',

:1, J<;I! __ ••. ],L, ,8, - '-. t -'I ,-"-\ I. I ",!p. ~_)'. ~ IDtm1:rtniiii i(1~1R,2~, ~;9) $c-eiTia -ti'



'W'otu'ilj.u:d.c:u$; :iliWi![i!;, in ,die Ami\i]k,]Ii' '(U[J1y bCl'~i:llnd

M the

lip:!: ,o:f

l'Iif.~, ¥'. !5, ~: ~iCivi$ '~.n~~i,}J' ~


to havc:~d~ ~~er

aJmie~;, (:Mc:,tis viw ,offilcji$ i!!,'(!qillQ!ibilis~

[l:;tWn !lapi&r!itiilw,

limi(:!i lin, a1Jtaclciing 'V~iiPlIsj':ii!iI.


w'nte.mptor~ :r.utJi :pCl:"j' .oo:n:!itllmi :EiI.cive.ts.l!IE> !l:'lRt.wi,,' :, fI,. '[, ~~n.:nt qcU£b~, !!id.r~Jii!:t(!ntiGl!:,-&m;illl; V£d~N~U:---"~,q~dQ ilo.ri!ll~ :n,Qllj'jn_im_acxuiitur,,~' Ct. PI, 99.


, ..t- .' '.' ~,,,, DO. "C'II'JI"!"RI'N' ..' ,~"Q

';';'N'D A~ ~_c'

•.•. .... , '~, '

G' O''V'~R"N''ME' ':.1.'\1 ' '~TT-' ,1_"

phieal doctrine or R,epu.bnca'~, :se:ndmen,ts, needs to be ca;~e£'i):d~y ,scrut~]1ized; and due :atte:n.ti,c)n 'Win, be given ~n through to, the ]',.-n'"'b,..... .... "'1~ld--! +",~"_ ''''I ....lit ;1!..c,.:;, i!;",'it:'-:'I~,·."l-~,"', of jaJ m('''''I~,~.·.~ ~~w .. , LV I~,U, 1 ~,b_ Ii,;J,~n,l!q - 0, --"'''''' o.rne Ul,.... "~'~,'-"~'iI-, 'I!"',,_ Jt ~""""!!.'!..-I!"_ The :first hint that 8toi,c sect :mig-bt 'be a danger. te N ern em,er,ge$, unObti'Usi:lferny, 'with, R.ubelHus: Plantus. When a comet appeared, po'rt.endin.g ('the vulgar be.lief):a chOlnge of nd~r'j ,eve.ryth~ng' seemed to poi~.t to Ru'beIDJ.i1l8" ,ero, was appr,ehensive':, and it ,portent eonfirmed N
-,c;,iI"'::ifil',' _l!."iL.-.., j t, ,.... ~."
C., '-,.'~;

,c -[, --.--:--,



~R'~. 11- tn h d _ . ~ 1 _, d' h ~1e' ,comet. I' . ··'Ui~.H~:=ius'j, tne ,~'egr,ee ot ~l~S, ,··,,esoent: ~n. lb~e maternal 1 [$.~d,e:from. Caesar Augustus:! was 'the peer :a;nJie~,ual -of' Nero, so it
... 1Il.,

could be :a._~e:rted.:~ 'Tiberius Caesar in 'th.e :ye~r .3:.3derided

p~',ed. o,:r, also Ju~ia, the daughter £
b-1'5e'1", ib:i"t ...othed '!;"Ii,...., ~
....~"",L ~ ...

abeady married to Domitius Ah~nob:arbus,. H,~


that he must find, nus,biands fur three prineesses. AgI'rPP~nai the daughter 'of G'ettriafiIc'U8; was,
'h~\(), Ao"ill:~~'i'':;1 S"".a;j~ nus] n:."li ,.n..... ~I,.... _ lv.IJ3.:nu".~_A,,,: ~


his own son Drusus (w.ffil,() had

t.;"". IU,~
'1,.-1; ~_

;sistel',$ had, te 'be

Blandus, the g~and.son of a, Reman kIDg:h.1t.

paradoxical emperor elected no' sdon, of the o~df$ll.[]ie.s,b'ut .Ru bellins

~jlo!l;i7~,m,"c...... r u.lI:...",,~ '!-o....... _ , l~ ~ J'~II"ll~:att "~, ~U].Q

From that m;ardag,e ~pran,g' Ru,beJUus, IJlaufus" 'IY[od~t and doiscrw in, his, w,~yo'~living, t~,ey-oun,g man honoured the-standards of ancient d'(:!..1 ~ '. 4, IJi ·d ssembled Ul~, r;z."'.j f'.:Si' but h,e v~JfllJ,iL, I in!. It C.. "'__ tb - cons ....~ ~d-: ~ .--"s;f'oa:p"'" ~~e ~ . ,~''Us ~:!"".' I ..... . i!J",' quenees of good, {Birnieand, dynastic blood, 'N e~ol urg,en_, him te go abread 00 avoid calumny and re,tH, to the public peace,. Ruheliius tl~:H~--r't:f ' ore W<I!!:IfI;'t- 4-:0 ]1ve ~'n~~"",~]j where ~e ..... _J ancestral;n·o<r~·y·.s A:sta- ''!'~~~~ .... u~ "''''~~!;-"''U __ -~.r"""''''-' .. Scatt"c;dy two years p(ijssed,~ and a centurion arrived bearing the .... er th J'ai!~, .,'-"~'I'~""':,U::i-,c; m",,_!~ d. ,1 ~ • Ofonins fril-~-,"1o'~l,j-:r"',;;";Q h;,"Ii,~I.i(iI'i~e;iI"""<11 rd :,'t ,'e-, _ OulU;., _ ~g~ ~1Ul "!.!I'u..... ,.....U ...~~l,iJJ""" must ·!;,"-''iJI. from the counsels of the prince, N ero, he, insisted, eould never be secure as, h:.tnfg'as, certain eminent exiles remained alive ': Cornelius Sulla ~;t:M~83iH!'lI!~Rnbellins in the prevince of A..sia. 8 ull a;, might, seem, a torpid, ereatnre-c-but his name Was hist;o.r.icd and ominous, and he was.~Lm_ bHn'~ CI!Ier1Li- 1t-a': enerev and ,.b:de,~~,ts,_6 here was '-'-0 p.,., w_ d-~'S¢!-,-: . 5_iULCTI"''''byn, ~n, . T ._., VIi __ n, eeteace " ... about, R"ulbelliu$ Plautua He the old. ROO1!aos, for' modef~ and, he had adopted 'the :1lTOgant" amb.ido,us, ;an,d da:n:geru'Us tenets o£ the SU.oiCS,.l Such. is tih,e, ,eall;]iif~s,t notification of that creed in the .Ann;a'l~'. It is declared by 'the infamous, ~rigclUn,il1s"to, ruin his, tha;S"t.e:es dly~tic, ,rivat Nor' are p.bilo:sophjca~ t:e~ets the pri'mary off-en'ce of Thrasea

e ~ ·1l"'''''''\I,M,IijI .. 'Q,iIJI,






1''1;"., .






,~ __




~,iII __




!l,.. _


'~~j;.o;""!<Ii, (;I ..... ,L...... A








(!!:h.e ,illk:g>iii~!OIfl, ~l1at _.\gt,iW-i!ltiii d~~cd. ,eolo:bil~! l1:abiiU



!kim ;Brndi:!i~ ,et


:the, power).,

,~ Vl" (1/7,
.oj; E'll.

~ :ib. ,~.

~z. :i; '''~,p8iC :p~a-eib mill.orum,


$C:"iji,.~,TO, ,[i:U,ta.


16 X!\~.~,37. d. ,3~,


'1' fb. ': 'ad!ttm-p'h!: etfairn §, ad!pewnl<~i!i f~iat"~'





'This, ~s,¥:iJil'-5tm, :8-'Li!l!aFelix. (PiRi, C r..4l.i11,,c..o.~'. 5'2;, ,irOn ,M :tJht:



<Q_iiiile tW"'hid.(lt; e~ iii-c:.~otio.rum



~f'.:so,m,e C,ofiseq_uence :wffilen N,eol:s r:e~gn began, the hi~tl}r~ keeps, h~m oft 'the stage, until the 'Y,ear 5".8', T,he ,~asl(J1fi. 0.£ hjiS, cntmnce wastriv,;~~]---gladia1llio'rs at "." ·.. ,J,:, ,l'aSeasPGJ_e .. ,' '.' pfG:pGS3~,mr ' ......•.. ·.d'·,·1.. t.u,e,sta'ltu,tory k aga~mst:a ',' II~· .".'.~,' .. ex'Cee:'~ltltg S,·yracuse., 'Ftfih· limit, T,IDuea:,':S act~O'nmay (or may not) have excit:edlad:V1etse: com'" m,m,t; T,acltus can pr-oduce criries of T~rasea. He also :f.,e!utes them in th e :ir'~tIlw_'It!;eince, . . ~...i def 'b_ .' .a. _-I ., ~i]S 'f" WhilC~~T"h'_~~a O~Je'£:wto 'II!.'. :"Ii1l:en~\, 'l"If'IiL ,i.l!~ra:sea argued, ror' the mgm~' of the Senate: :a~e~.tiofi even to, small matters, Paetus ~'

i!: pe~fi

would demeastreee Us sense of ,ri~,po,~tb~lj,ty+': it. ~,t ·gnPP,]llil WilSea:n,g ;, h d.' .:ill" n nen tne mem;,ory ~ A' corm; lemneiJl rn d ue .... :~n.~t '£.' ,l~~..... 1 "r,i':",'lIl!'DJa. rose and . A.meu. put". l:'IJ"b':,.:h ~'i:!i:r1j~,.~_.t'~~~ d ....... ,1I'),:'c:~-~!'-""t:!I, "'~1'O]j~8' ~'VJ JtU~ _0& ',",_"' V'I' r.n~~"...... ",,:a TI,tA, damgerous to h~msdf, and could not lead to md!,e,peJfi,dentbehaviour on .hl"!i,~~!~'jj'i"'<I';r, ,,~Jv. .. ~. t'h,e"ii'"Ii'!!I':rt,> ,0',[& ,.-;.";~,o!'i __ .Z His '~'e""'" a·,~j', ... ,It''~. . ~=, provided ~Ij'!;,"i'hl-, ~lin' example and a tonic to th~ ,!high .Siembly. J:n, 'tbe= yetr 62 a ·seJl!~ltQ!r stood O.n. telal foe having written and recilted, :30 Iibellous poem
i '"






!IJ ..







_ ....



G __ -

'.,,' ,Ol.· ". .. ", .oJ1. '. ,..,'1.. ~"'" .' 'L.Ue ,.Ir.<mpe.ror + CJQ__mc were ,~ lor,. "I'" a :senl~e.n.Qe0.;f' !UMw+ '!"!Jl"II' ~ nrssea ifi'Jt.e.rvened~., tiEie, le,gal ,pe~ty~ :a'[~d !lodufig' :mJOfe. Thrasea's :speeeh ". co:mphm,en;ta;r.y t'.Q ,Nero, whQ! 'Was forced to accede, though aru:toyed.:J . " The sante year :f;, ,ao,othe.r' :S'!JOC'~S8. Am, the prosecution of a, Cretan, magnate: called C~audius," a dep~ci.rajbl,efac;t came out-s-the feJ~,owhad boasted tbarhe could make 01" mar the prn,vince!,Ej,




'o:fficia~ vote of ,tha'r1!ks to dl(~: ,rn(;O,ll,$u't Th:r,_a saw ,aQ. 'QPPQ~runity ~ p tine peactiee, to be tot aU, a[,o,Hshed .. The h]81tor:iaD, a'il.(),'W'$ hhn a

00n :a'nd.dignified S'p~ech"with ~(ppealw ·the ancient 'i'elatio:1Th'between :m.a.ndato.ries of the iir:nperial p~p'l,e :a'~ itt,he~r'subjects .• 'Th~a&~ 'was ,heard, witfu. apprDiclB;t!on ; and, rutb:ough. the comm~s,,at first hesitated to aecept his p1'-oposal~ it was, givern fo:~eeof ,ma.w'by N,ero .. Hqwever" the ,next year :Sib.O:::W8 Thrasea in deep disgrace, No, new motive is adducd:: N ern fo.rbidSJ hiln it'D attend the obseqrui,e,s, of iD ,"t' -U-nllSmaye dl!, 'Jl ~]raS'ea,tool~ I~.lueauront as a :s~gn, di '. 1'lI'IiL...... .. iIi....a:....., ,!!,. (lippa-lta::9' mrant. I: d~a:t Illie· ould not; ,M,v,e l,ong to live, 'Yelt, 'N etQ seen ,afverwarm, t-old w I, that ,n.., ~~Id."mad I,;:;' ,rn[&I p' rith- ,J.~=~..... "fi'". S UIi_. ~l~. ,~ W""l '., ' tf'Ih··Ir"'~""a· :8·" ~""""I, 'i'I~IeI"eI'·P.-. ,""".' ' ........... (()~gt.atulated the p:[.i~cel' which (:acoo'rdi~g to, Taeitus) enhanced the
t ~l., ...
;iM'Ii,I'>.i"i<'!i ..... .",....~ u '~,;i!I;


,"" '~i~~


".i, ,~





S·:!J ·n·I~.,,'.o, ";,:',~ ,aiJiS'U th ... ,t"':i:'lii'~~d.:s , ..... G ""' ~n di'1,,:,",,", "'''-10 !t''''''' The reconciliation did not" ~~s.t. Tbr~, {'Or his. :p~rt was not appeased, With, no freS:bcaug.eQf irritation diagnosed by' the :hlsttlr,~atfl! Tbrasea ~I)W adopted a deliberate po.Ji(:.y of' ~bstefidQ~ from. all :puhlic business. He lapses, ftom the: ~narrative, his nBJIDe is ,not sO

':'i":,d,fi""',~~""';"0'· .,~ 'tT""i.:-iIi';i;li!l:i6f."1 QJ.~liIi. . r ,I. '!'~.110 _A ~T>,41, ',



I )1,ut. ,4'9'. r!;lC'r:b,a;p~ d.iE".rivillg from, ilis, 'bID.g:raphy by ,~Ulniu~,R~ltii;lI1$. ::I::i!~v. l~. t : '~~ihjj c:a.mllm pt:'J'iC'uiM fecJi~, ,,,,cl13:i.iIi 1illx:r,t'2!tls ,1!]itt]Iiifi'iI~C!fi pu-elI11it.,' " ,i!-8 f.' . .iii ~V, :~o' f.

'" ;2,3.,

+~: 'urJ;de~,i)t,~I,!Il!Jjrq'jjsviris ~

et ~!.Ii


,S57 mitl,W, b, mentioned in the vtho~,esm.ry of the"PiS:Q!nja,n conspiracy and be ornly comes back it year after that :a;ffidr, to, 'be indi,cwd about the sasne time as Barea Sorsnns. Tacit1i..lslinks 'the two cases.! N ero was resentful, 'Thrasea had!. ,3; personal en.. nl',Y; Cessutianus e _ ~w C'3ini~o[1<, W,''i~h,'a k, ipm:' - d !fTe;_:l T~1. .~, :/'-li~,'·11, ,.@iTT"ilo:i'i'i'l'U1',h-o'WenttoN,"'era !!If!"'l --"b'Y'.
- r-~~l _. ~!.:.-. ",ri,iiil'ti'll ___A_Itv.·If.'~~UI


and inflamed, him :aga~nSt.T,hr,ase3t. CO:$$uti,anns went through the cata ..

dl ' ,~~t~uty W' J, mer m_., go vernment, 'H ,b .'e
iL,,~," ·'1,: -,~; L._ scnoor ·1' lo,r theie[10US and. aggressiive dlemeanout ~ he deelaimed abeur Catg and C~us and Brutus .. The i.a.",guage ,is, oonve__~,tioMl" and 90' are 'the ,themes, 3, W,Mt measure and w~ig'h.t ef relevance ,ought they to be accorded t T'hnsea had in :f~ct writ,w li1 a life 0'£ Ca:to..4, At this late date reverence for Cato , need not in, itself connote a :&.epu'blicatt, a'Uegilance' snd. pol~cy. The: '~r~'''''I''i' names '1I1'' ~ID'' 'd··· f,';:O--i!'iIJm.,:IJli1u ......, ~..,:~:; l;;"i'-i'\"!~ti"'I'\U b.·~;;:'i"ii~' O"!I:nTfl,@l[,i";:1,iH, nolities ,gr ',iF. I;!~e~, ""'t _ ... ;Ai~~' _ ~'""U ~~'" :~PPQrt of ~~ia'l. 'p~et.eMiQns ~[mo'01!l'ooi:fi~a)tiQn,Hencea :peITei:si~Jin af· h~s~,'O(ry,.s',.'C"!to ~avowted :himself. an.,e.rJ!.t .of' "dl!e Stoic,









1~.(l'1'1,~ ..... jffi; ... ,"'"'

o· ~ "~

'~'C,,;e..q~£o: JJ. ru3$lI.rR!D

... ~ ... ,,"-"i.i:I! ,

,~f" 'p-.,:~:"i'''''''''+
.... , ,,~.'U~OIl.

o. ,.Ii. :1("

,....... ,,-', ... 'i,m,·,·, . ......,D!l.u

revi .. ~,

'·'l~..:I11 T'b'

""::-""Y-':II a.....

d~ ,l rrasea .an:: 1..::_

~,l!t, ~

.Ji .... :"!!O,.,.~'j.._I!i':·'i"i"~ " UC'.[ll_L.,~,""!I.~"",,,",l_.,~





. ,II;;V





....... ''i:-,ead mi'J·'....,..+~Oil!'" ," li'1Ic;"'!I",,;I<o.:I"t!" o .f· C' atemeoranes " ofi'f' B.111t ,U,~~ _"'='_"~~'-lI, v. nl' ,v... it\,",",",.J' ,.' " o ~~,_~iIi!t:--~,~~~,~-., =,~, __Cato '_ 'was, a !;n:)M,tiea'~, leader; he controlled a gr'eat ,nexiUs,~0'£ ,amlianees in, the trob/fttU~ he possessed. clear discernm ,en.. and a 'no]~c,,ely· the -.,-;It ~z: .. .. iF .1,;, . __ .. ~ r.
,~"""'Ii..f.,6~~, ,""""'"

d ectrme






. .,



fight against ~tho~ ~extraiJurll~:da.'e ~ot~'bltes,' whkh, he so 'finl1;.~y proelaimed, w(m'~d mean t'he end of the R,epu:b~i.c; and, when he:
1• depa .~:___'~.~~ f:..""'ft"I. t'..~.. p"','L·,·'_f'l~j":Ii ~. _ __:.I.~-::~,,:__..~~_~' ,_~ _'~" ~_.:..'.;.~.:~ J!.._.~.~:.. ~~Iv..i.;..1 x ~~~aI\~: .....··~...i Il~I~I~';i :lJ. ""omp ~'I'l~lif'il()' Porn peius 'FM' 'o:i'g.... ,~.,_":yl, "!LI" his choice between the Catoman ,P1artY Wld. Caesar, he has;ten,ed, if be ..Ji,l}]',",: 'F .!r~ vVoulti, " the armed conflict '0 be·1t"'illl'll;:;,.,1 t· ;lor,,,, d1.L~~-.:!I~. ..;6 1.l U,H",Jl..n" .' ...'ni rrr ·-'f!;'ll~e'. . il1I ~ ,U,,_, , vnasrs
1 ' 1 .... ,.. ~~j~





!RIO;,U..... , ~ ",-""",11,1 .~


"!!'!I' '!;,I'!o<LiIl.

Cato's n,ophew ~nfuerit~dl h~s, mantle. Marcus Brutus had 3, p,hiloso ... phical ,aUegIan,oe=not the Sto~, but the Academy" Brutus, e:ngr.oS'ses the glory of the con.spi1:a,.cy aga;mst Caesar the D'~cta.t'Otr"The ,o:dginaltQir' was ~a~sius~, by o~;u~v.icti,ci,n. Epicil:li:eafl.7' Cassius and. Brutus mig'h.t a:Q, have lacked! fnlleonfidenee had they net been. a!Ol,~t,o win. over the

'XV[. ::U, tf. ,Aoouooing '~O R"


d. eo :iu'~rodu.;ce T,h.r,ilIsea}. ~p,J;J::it :lL):.,In~ll;ld£d, i~,l!t~ ~~'QG'k 4;:'l1i.a:l)lc: t ~ri8id,i ,~~::h,;il!o~"' .. ,~ P1Iut®r.c.:h, ,Cl:U'O 2,1:!' ": .,,,',I"' Fotr, ;V~rt!iJi ;' '~8:Bi; ~,:l:li'lJt'!lI!:edb'i.!' '~r!a(:'tus,to, Thfllse:l, -),..:1', VeUeill,u:~,~. (on , ", "'~"'._" ,i]' iii , 1 ". Ip .....~ , ',',I , " .1 .. -" • _,., 'C~tQ'.) u'. 3's" ~.' 'l:hIl;:;IDO' V.inl,!.l;tiJ. ,!!'imiUim,'!;!)!!.,' Th~ :n:am~ of Ca'to~ u:~~d,fOf pWise Of blJ3Ii'frW:~ lA, " Qld;mitt.'ed. by th.e~llii~~orii.tlln nly' in sp~ehe"S, {Hut. IV. ,8. J;~, A'mi. IV. :3~4''ot; :XVI. ::Z;:Z~ 2J" o I .s¢Jj:l<!~ ,dJid. :his, 'itx::st tJt1, oo:nwrlt CS!~ f!'"Qm; ~ ro~it:k:i!!!;O t~;t(l' ,~~t!,., JIm' 1il!!!biaI.':~:5! C:a;oo' far a mJd.tlM' :~lSIn: in ,~~~caw, War (Epp. 1:4. r 3)~' ,~ L ,Sym.c, ,i),.c.. g;6; ,+,6. '0; :ilb. 5", Observe 'tut 'Taeih!l_jil' :."Ibn.ost iji~ffile the Lartri!nti iMis~s on, tn/::m'der '~CM~~ !l!i!t -of nt1Jb,~a~" qt 'Q:!1Ily~hfm dm.~ in tih~' O;[;;;!tiifii", (]f Crrmutius Co:nil~1!l,(n/:,3~".), Ibti:t'j' :!i,peiiik]f.i~ N f in h~s ow-:; TI'Iet's.on (jClS~/iUi9; iiII,t<Jll:.le .B,mtb\li!;~,1m, "lie} 2) Cf :ii;!s.t!; 'i,CaistUi .e,t !E3~rofurl'l~_ ~i~'t_. ~, . n.l:'" ~'~". "iL" ~JJ' ", ~""~'.~.,.,.", ,,,' .• ~ '" . . ~ .. (I,.. !,;:),. j:). The ,:i!JUdWFi!iI bQs,til!ity' to' co:nVi::nt]on Silid! to '!idi!io~(]Kk"!!;' iI;lOt!ild not be mere empihiUlCaU),'',a.d.led. l"h:e: form: !,Rermls, n.~IJ.ii~hlsqrljf/ (XIII. S8)" J:U)'we'ver,~ ,is; Dot: dUCi 1:-D' anJnli",s~ig;" ,it. iii ,~d ,:it;'" 'Y~, d. C_fus H'~a,; fr. ~:r ~ C~ro~,]h,,~ ~, 81; &c.,
2,1", :,1'!' :2;,'2;, ~

~~ch (TAPA

So 'R~

bf:: dees


m.m,e.',.!up!p~~ing :


~XUJ :1:1:1];. j,j,. :3: {lin

{J95:Z;), :i'90:: :~''96), .57~,'wfi.e:n, it~ RQt ,S'!i.lit 'T':aeit W!I, did,


THE A U'Tl~J:OR. more remote' :fir:oim.books and. theory. ~ CaltQand t~e' L.ib~~Q!rs, ~toodl fo,t the honour and. predominance of their ·ow.norder. They .invoked ~Libertas,J,. Alway'S fl'ex~~leil the term ,cb~ngedlwjth 1IDe·tru:m,e'8,.:2. Thrasea Paetus may be described a.s ~he heir of these noble Romans, with a dttf:~rence.,- The monarchy had. the power, :r,el the Senate W3JS net devoh:!. of use in. the .r.ieWsy,st·em which arm'· em;· ire, [p.__ . en,ces Ull:!pOS e:11-Ffl h- r,-">~- O:ll..-N'-', ;?ffinc::mnce···d.·· i'i'" . . "y", ,,_.p.._._" ' Id[·. rovi _~., ., _~e ~(\tgTI, .~. erG '1'1 "~ ..'... ,,· ..· ~ fait· ·p.rofession ~ the Senate' mill.g;htga~n if it t~Qk the g,~,v'ern:ment at
-C;.~ ..

C'aJee:arian :m;anhals----.."inthe ~~o(tefrQntD"" 'dum w:ihmn none

'I'hrasea's interveneions in public business ~~O'woo sagacity and r-est[,alnt--he avoided. the po.rdo'fi. '0'£ Caesar, namely fQrd,gn poUey t thearmiee.and finance .. H~:9,'~i,ro~o8a~ forbid p:l:\o'v.~ficia1 vOlbes, ·o.f to' thanks, was no' d.oubt fLatterirng to the pride p,f senators, but d~d nee ~l3Jckjus~ftc~don. As Thrasea '[pointed out, :It is, not a good thing that a governor should .M.v,e to curry :favour 'with :fQ!rcigne~s,l Theearliest of his,aetioas ~. cltronl,d,ed, by Tacitus belongs to· the year 5'·8. It wu stiU perhaps not too late for Seneca's PQH,cy .. Dylru1!sdc murders, :it is true, had ushered in. thenew :~elgn;' Nt S'iLmus in. 'thel?~Q,vitl,ce Q;f Mia 'C'~andtl~'8' 00' 'Rr·~"·DiI!1I'·l'C,,'UlI' ..~~t~~· i -In - r'l~ p' -alace TtL -t- W;iiI.S ;iil!L. -. ,'.'." '.. _ "oJ!! ,_), .. i ,l~ ~~< _.~ in ~u ~mir.e",,· ~11 ,,;' ...~",... ... ~ nil. _. - -l·~l There had. been. no sequels of. blocdshed=-and some mea m~g'bt condone, mlndfuI of' 'pas,t history' and the ~,esson:s uf Plt.i.less ex pedjence, * I t was· .not~so ,may te 3Cloep't and 1el(.~lairl!. a~y the supcrfiuous crime of Agri.pplna~'8. :i\emo"va~in 59. The events of 16'2.~e·n,et.a discarded and. mQ,!r'~ ·mu~der~abolish~d.aU pretence .. Thrasea soon. made' up his mind.~ H~s eandnca both belpr.e a'nd after that date becomes .in:telUglble. N(~t creed Of dugtn.a" but the d~gf~ity of the gov"'e4:'.nm.g class, personal hon~our'~.amd the p:a:ramOlll[]itcy of free speech ..6 > SOflteothif:JJ.g more can be Slid' about Thrasea Paetus, o.[.~gfinand. family s:t~nd '~nserlet relevance '~O' bi~ priaeiplesand to hLs f~,t:e·.The zone, of I~aiiy bey,oindl ~he P.e kept and iliMde~l the ancient standarcB,:;i'1(vr,i ~·Jh·· ereed 1. ~o!tt' ITLCna I nro .-:-'r~t'~~.~' morai :..... it Ii at', ..'. .. prospen y~ .w(~(r _ , ~" .JIJW e.nJfii,·: _yt."Y utg vlorth~d for an attac.hmeUilt to .Rep~b~icafi llegianoes,'l LT~sea!, a 'wiho belonged to an old P'arlb'vin,e' fam~ly~ did not di.Sdaifi to dress up and perform alit:acal p~geant~,,::I;AWsofrom the N orth Wr~ a number of l

titt:s W'Olrd.










'i'- .' ~.. ~

Wiith '~'hea.rm!e!ii ,!1!~ro~.d; h~~d1)y-;3! 'bi.ll'eak $l~...Qe:5:6 E!jlC'~'Q!:, ~rh?!p-'1' ;SiS), Ch.. cW~ni:l!itiibs:ki~. L~.W '18 a PtJIal'tiita-l Idea at .Rome' .dW'l'-1ig tJi.~ Lau·]UpuhUt 4M Early PrifJdpilte {1>95Q); ~~! 'fF, ~l'!:.V. 201., .r: iilllt nunc oO:~lm! ·~:l!t'cmm ·tt: :Il:d!'Il·I:un!'tlll:.' No~ .q!l.lllte:~ :b,o'wel!,!\er,', ~ 'i!'1!;lirrow Italiiafi fiilt~~n.di~' {:11$ 'W:~~!i!yiboo, iic. t4Q)I, ab9A;!!~ l~t 'Th~!;a :iSl made to [;cfu,t,e Q <.In, etu;h"I/J,ia~ti.ciII~seVC:riillt£on. o:f P]~flLY itlloll.rt the vaitic ofp!rvvin<:i!ilij tt~"tirnQ~l.:J!~5i j'O. . .g,}. t xttt, 1'1" [; ~f:!lici..n>u;!i. Cl;il pkr:iqe£ ,~tiam.horni;rUi!,nl, ii:l:I'!.-QSc~b:J!Ilt; tl!j~~
!. :i



I i


~n!Ki'Ci:llhile ~e:gmJirn i3.eMh'n.~tIi~es."



H:e hll.d

t;nJt·'t'-J:'~dthcCuna :rbT ihf~


Ch.. Wr~jb:5ki.i<

:138 ff"


(XVl., 2;~" 1)1"

p,,, 1.37.


;:i:,VJ •. :::=.1, ~',.


'his, relatives and associates, [ ,HeID.vimus Ptiseus however, tn whom he gil,ve h~s,daughter in marriage, carne :£170'11'1 an older I taly~eur of tbe recesses of' the Samnite: 'C-Q'Uln!tr.y. ~ The: party of Tbrasea Paetus was protl,dly and no'ku;iolJis'~y a, fLmHy grorup,. After' his d.ea:m Helvidius led ~t.N Q l~ s;igniicao,t the aneeeedents T.hrase:a, married the of the consular' Caecina 'P.ajetus)~
l-"'';;':~,f!':'I'ji'a was, an No"'w~'~
.. ~~~. _....~__ ~t!.

who made: an ann,ed. and taken to Rome" Caeeina ' ,suicIde' in pris!:ln" by .in..'R, and example 'Qf his heroic 'wife. "I' ~ 'The' Ar,runt1.UiS :m~.sed. standard of 'Sen:ate :a;nrd. th,e P'e:ople.,5 Whi;ch may have plea5ioo some of h-i.sasscciaees, ,It mesne Httlc,. There is, no sign 'malt this descendant of PQ,mpeiu~ :Magnus was ever tall~~)m for a Re,f;lilbmica-n. The, men, wh1), prosecuted Thrasea Paetus ,oould, per~api$: have alleg,ed a stmn_ger' eharge than dissenr or. ,oon~citf: 'an. he~editary fei~d with the dynasty. 6' '~ Theasea held the oo,n5u~ate early in N ero'a re~,gn~':t ~ny yea:r;s and elapsed b~f.@,r--e' conduct br.otlg,]it him to grief, :Similady, it 'will be ,his :n.oted" the final eabstropbe of the :g;rou,p under Domitian did not oom,e UJld~, y,ear 9.3,$,The time and season of such transactlons will the ' tepary ,scru:dny" Chance or feud ,~nte!V'[,;and men who adopt moral attitudes may get: carried further than they ever intended,. N,ero aribta,cked "Virtus' itself in, ,the persons of Thrasea Paetus and Barea Solnm:uI. From ftSlls, co:ns-p.~iraCv drat act led, a seq·1~l~:nC-e GI' ~ to deaths COlt 'Prosecutions, on various charges .of treascn :ast;ro.iogy" Q,i[" msgie, Six men of eonsular rank 'were inv Qlvcd..,Th-r-ee are impoi1mt, and, :may y.~e'~d" :oont or c'h,~e",'~ 3 Cassius Lo(" the grear1t, Jur~8~, was sent into exi~,e(along' with, him went hi,s, wii,ls nephew; ~L.,Jllln~ltlS Silanus] ;]0 Andsd,lIJs, V;etu.:s" anr.ticipatin...g ,oo'J!Jdemnatiol1lJ took his C'rW'n

of',"" ""'0"I ..... *~I'oQ: C'.····.)~~I~~l~'i,~- _ :amtocmt ._~ ~.LId~LJ=g._ -J fhe . . _= .=~_ pr;ocla~altji,o:n. against Claudius Ca,esar., Arr,est.ed
at1IL~nl"i" _~cWll~,...nlL~
~~~~_JIIA'O ..

:1 P''!liIh!l!P.!il Ji!Jn:~iI1S 'itU8,tiau and, ihilJ bNtbel' :~Vl'i3i"-!ri~UiS, d. 'G,. B. FlO, CIfdJD,\fIC!i:' (C:'i~~t,~ ,'/nm ,Cali! -(i>!)4i:~l' ~Q4;,!ll',gl1l~tl!.gf~otn j:~il:iino-:>,ft,a, bali a• :Un PUn'Y'. ,Ifp;,. I:, 14h 4 ~!i!idd~ted, to ~u:riCUi)t" F\n'1l:hef,~ F&1lii:i!u2I; ~hoc' d.a:Yi~t'(--1" ,(;If Th..J',;uea .• W:i1;, t'le'I:liLtedi eo ,Il V~iz[ ca]i~dJ'Yn'iilii, (EJpP,Ol V,IJ~ :19, i:h ~__d C., :FIllr1niutl, ,{8HJ'-, Y. 5) wm, ntl,t: bei :fQm,~, .iii iii4,. :1,,",;, 5. I., I Am9~ ,da:uKk~!r.' Q.f A, ~ec:iM 'iP,iiMlI1ifi.l' 'mg" 3"7 (PI}f,!;, C ,~,o3). b.'r,!!!!Jea,'1j: fl,(l~[ T mime i.~ P. C~Gd]~i!,!Ii;, Tk'rM'e~, iP.':!clii.:i:5i (P.IRjJ. Ie :~'1:$,,), 'Tnl!it, Cu:citt'hl f:lfi1!iDy mig1---ht :l!IhiO ibe: :iPa;t.~:I"!ifi~, ,oti ,P,Ik.-y ~ EH'., m. ~ 6. ~;J,: ''e, qtil, cl'I)T'I!:t,i' n ~: Dilo LX. I S'. s~ ,~, 'C'f. :xii"!'.. 2~" I[ ~ ',P,illOOfi'iUtn, ,A:g;dp~;nl1u~~'p.1!!~~i irtl, iPf]!~c'L'):!e8,odli, hcft:dcm.'" Thctt: h: nCI Wl.1't'8nt:l,_ ho-w:t\'V~[',; (Of '~'he vi1~w' 'tih.,.t Thmsu ~, liJ;eif'-iI, :~d''L!'QC;;I!~ijng Q'¥errnrow of tbe ~ t__he: ~n'lnie:nl!; b~' f(iii:'ClC/ :!!iI, ::J~~d by R, g, IWg:el'S~ T.:A!P A. !.lOCUlI (l!,9:5~:1!)~ZQi).. :7 :liJi is,till PiIM:JIS;p.!I; d:ii'fSl.!Igh-:Se:n~,~ 'p:att:uugt: (anrl! des:ign 0;1' eond~i,it.~~r flill¥01iJir fOf the

d~~tYJ1" 'T.n~'IIi~~,-'~;:::il8~ 3,~;,~w..i~

,II Ji!m'~~' ~tkw;, R w,n 'CO,tlSU[ :~m September:;, 19~: a~dT., AvLd~us QIl1~eM" ill: -fr.iend,Qf'the ,!!!:!W1'Ip, 'belo.ngs: till -the :fitst 'p:IIir ,of ~!!l!.D:U"lt ~ '93,~ ~~I: ~h~ O\R Pm'o~uS\~ J~tu8, ~:i!l]i®' (S~~aj'~ b~wther)t,:llImdp,;, AnCiei~, :Ruf:U.I:, An,te'~UI, ,h,QWeV-f:t t. may !haV(::]![I;k.~ w.iLtb 1":h..nll9e;B:'S; gl',®u,p {,ct., p. S6i:}.,


l~. -~~ ~ - .~.~~.~

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'7 tr:,

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on, a ,eha:rge: ,of COt'niSpiraq ~t Benev,en'tum}li - C'o,rbulo~8 ,own. f:ate€oUo,wed qllick1y.,Net'O on the H,elllenic tout summened to his pr,~.enc~ th.e general who, for a deaen rootS had maiDtaill'ed,the p.reStige '01 :E:mp,~re,and dyimsty ,runme: eastern, bu." Cofibu),O f'~e4v,ed dle 'oommand to, die, and he obeyed.'.' Corbulo 'was, hi;gh.~y COnIl.leclted. 'thll',ough ,his ,mother~s, l'iIlume.WiIJ$ marriases iliO' T' he .WU'-" t.4ic·n'tl'ty' .: of' HI.,iQ! W,' 1"f"'''' t..,~~ b p···r·-""·~·~:I·, she ... ·jlI his '." ,il!l8;"h~m:seU'a :might 'be a dau,gp1ter ,of fh~ jur~,t G:3JS$~IUS, Lo:ng~nlls,,:i~aiss
~ ... ~l~iI ,r

-d" [~.&.. ·an,n,·.. - ""... ..·~;I""1!..._ "',_.,.,. '~'ll: N' I ""' .......~"" 'v"..... i~...... H"'~"..::Ii_"I·g,L.t'p;p........... ""'. 'I~UU[t~, ' ,"<~ili.~JI t o,t ,.:. u" ' ~ :~1' 'W:I$ mam,edj, to Annlus Vinidanlus, (the 800. ,of an. leminent pertlsan of' A..runtius Cam-iM,us);~Iandl the' b.~ofther 'OlE,Aniji~,USVinidanus was r the sen-In ..,:law IOf' Baf'ea SOltanus.1 Be:f{j,rc, the year was IQ:ut AnnfJU8

brrought the f'alJtalmandate to Os,'w~Ius Scapii .. ila, then resi.d~ng On his dls:tan.t estates, in, Ll,guria ,,:i!:, ~ ~~Jt C\lnspj~rr.~acyhad[,oce~~r f'ClJi1~" ~'~ro, had be.M lucky~ on var.i,Ot1s counts, ,PlSQ,WiaJS, a n'O b:il:s , but frivolous and mC(JIDpetent. ~iQ'l1:-:':m, """-:-- ,~~.I."" ~'M. Ne. ro's ""1I"A'ITjII~~' ~~J'~~,I,t_ 'l-:,n 'i~ld" up' ,~'~·~.l:~:n!D,t', ,,', ~I,~a~l'ti·" ,H'i :ll'r)i;n'I',g, !ilJiu,~I]'§,~,h,.c', il'l-a""~-~~., hi ,' IV'n =the leading :men :Ofpr.~ndp:fe ;a:uthori'ty in the: Senatel~acandidit~ :and. endowed w~thbirth and lenergy" and :3. g;rollp of the anny comn1.aJndenL FUn!lt. Y1ear:s, earrnier'~. Ru'beMius Ptail'tu:s:~eatning 6,fhis danger, :solidted the: great genem1. D.omh.iu;s: Corbulo to make: a proelareaticn, 001 :so:me aveered. Tac~l~s, win ,haive ,none of tQtg; :stIQry" He repom " hfiWtever~ that Antistius Vetus, the ,f'adl,(![,,.:in.-law of RuheUiusl! Sent ,3, message, ut.ging' him not 'tn,s'Ubm~ttam,ely to h~e,d09m.:~Barca Soranu.s (rt can be, added) was also a friend ,of Ru'bellius,.* Further; bo~h An.tistius ood, Ba'r.'~Wihen. proOO(~U1s, of' kia, had the Q-ppurtunlty (0- ge:it; ,iJj:t~,'wuch 'with COlchula :j.'~: a,nd, ~~;thollgh no known (acts of the ,.,.... ·t:.·6··· di , . .+1"' .' ..... imin ·t·· . ,C: . '.10· u'" fll.d [I -. ,. yearsj '6:tt'. an,d iO ·..~(Jl"Iee,~y lill,'_J_l:;le:O'f b tL , 'L. ......)liia, o_,nneD.ona ..0'f'.' .. :~ife:;1311d
::t, cenmrlen

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:1 1'+ t ,~ 58, l f., ~'Y'., !kept lout of me: :ti:li!tf:§b,vt:: by Tali':itUlolilfi:i!t:t' 6;31; dxu'.n1pil:ma'likm and 'pcrha,p:S: cem~n ~~~eh~$ (i!:x!~~d !Oi[ ~iI)if) J

,xy~., ,i;i,f: ~

* XV:!'-.









:B1.f.a. ,lIind,odli.eD. Th.h! yoUctliJ man "'",!iii -wtth COl'ibu[o in 6;): t~"", ~, :iF'ot' hi!a, f:lirthcr:~J[,. Aimim Vim!: .. ~ ,~h ~iarrU$\i' pre~!jUI1!:ilb1ly Qi oonsllIi!l!r irlilllIk'1' Gl".ie '0£ the oo.njpi:r;lIton;,'l!4-1 ilIfi.d! ,p.romJu~e:At .~, the :BiiItiii$~&nat[on, of CEili~I;l~ :see PJR,z, A. 70~:,'1:'Ih¢. '~iiC: '!iii€' rna ,u:I:uicJrnlbiip to M, Viilil.ei'Uli! (~Ql; 31)" II iQrtI.~5) 'CP1!_n__,@'t'~ ,a4Ci!!min...e-.dJ. .. 'J rn. ~!O. s'i!t'iiiln (AnrJoJiWl :PolIUtI\, PtR~,A 6,8) ihiidbe.enemed ,$o.f COIniPiicit,,. . (!IJ/~tovm) :ill! thEe [p'ii;go:nl:m COIiL8p]r:acy -(1I:V. 11" Jh

~n,tliLC: c:oi:miC'Un.MVmici!lirc.a~ of :~hU!~MiU'SrM~ '!I:IS 'Il not ~""i$e' ui.'lnrdied· clNd'f" oJ NiM"-Q':!i ~.oumt,y to G~, 'p. Dh) LlU~~,. '7,~; s. f; :~nthe wi~i!i"~' 661''}" :p~.rhape:~. ~ of' ~f~ ~ end of 66., ttl!! For. the:Mll: fiuSiDIlIm1!S O'.EVii!tiitiiill,'~Piiny"NH VJi]., :39) see C. Cit:hruji'Wi~ ,R6~ .8'1:u4ift' (:~,?;;,~)~ H; Aibl(n'Ci. FlP' ;!:7~:, ,~S~\o 4"W .' • ,. •.. " ' ." f~ A~l::h 83:. Co.rb!aiQ"~il!, d!1lI~h~r~ ,I:ite:r, 'C(ilMor~ 'OJllifil em'pe.__l"m::~ !__!Il, DQ'ffi!I!~~.LonJ!..D:l (pJRi:. D ji,8,~). LTIiLc ,'~ tru,gnl', 11;:;rwt::vt;t~,,dt::rlYe 11IQt; from t<he CIiI:!i~i, hi1t :fr.M'! ~ib;e f~ily' Gf C, :p-(!jliDljlei~, ~!lir'lJ~ G31lil~ '(QW. 'with <li~ V(:~iiIJi!j; :rn i,!l)~. il!bl::n!t whom. :nG.'i:hini8: is
,S The:
, .• _ •• " __ I.

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