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Week 6 – Strategies for Flexible Learning – Lesson Plan

Activity Notes
Overview of session (5 min) What will be covered in the session.

Discoveries so far (10 Min) Class writes key points about their Flexible Learning
discoveries – use whiteboard.

What do we mean by Overview of designing for blended/flexible learning – Content,

strategies for Flexible Communication and Interaction, Activities, Assessment.
Learning? (20 min) Presentation of some examples.
What are the options? (15 Discussion with partner about what you might do. Use the
min) template.

Explore the Australian Discussion about appropriate strategies from the framework
Flexible Framework (15 which may be suitable for your teaching.
Return to the design Complete the template – you may have to do this after the
template (15 min) class so organize a time to meet with your buddy.

Using video for assessment Talk with Barbara Kerr about how Vet Nursing programmes
(25 min) use video for assessment.

Wrap up (5 min) Summary of main points. Activities for the next week or so.
Blended Learning Strategies – Template

Strategy Content Activities Communication/ Assessment



Strategy Content Activities Communication/ Assessment



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