Google IPv 6 Seminar

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Distributed Computing at Google / IPv6 Seminar

1. Time and Place

! Friday, March 26th, 2010

! Universiteit Antwerpen, Campus Middelheim, Building G
! Middelheimlaan 1
! 2020 Antwerpen

Route description and maps:


2. Program

Time Room Subject

11:00 - 12:30 G.0.10 A look into Google's infrastructure

12:30 - 14:00 - Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:30 G.0.10 SixXS: an IPv6 tunnel broker

15:30 - 15:45 - Break

15:45 - 16:45 G.0.25 SixXS Hands-On

3. Registration

Participation is free of charge. Registration is required. You can register for one or for both
talks by sending an e-mail to:

In your registration e-mail, please mention:

- Your name and affiliation
- The title(s) of the talk(s) you will attend.

Please note that lunch is not included during the lunch break! The universityʼs student
restaurant, however, is right next to the G building and offers warm and cold meals at
democratic prices.
4. Summary of the talks

A look into Googleʼs infrastructure

Google has a wide array of massive parallel computing infrastructure at its disposal, and it
uses this software to solve problems which operate on large datasets. In this talk, Pim will
offer some insight on key pieces of infrastructure: GFS (Google's FileSystem), Chubby (a
paxos-based global locking server), MapReduce (a parallel computing framework), the
WorkQueue (a grid-computing implementation) and sawzall (a parallelized logs processing
language). We will explore what it takes to write a program that literally greps through, let
us say, a copy of the web.

SixXS: an IPv6 tunnel broker

Established in 1999, the SixXS project provides a free, non-profit, non-cost IPv6 tunnel
broker provisioning system. The supporting website ( provides a
comprehensive portal to help engineers and enthusiasts find their way around IPv6. This
talk starts by discussing IPv6 itself in some detail, and moves on to the challenges we
faced while building and deploying the world's largest IPv6 tunnel broker. It discusses the
design and internals of SixXS: from provisioning to configuration management, frontended
by a highly available website as well as a geographically shared deployment of our points
of presence. Later we allow for some time to go hands-on and build an IPv6 tunnel in an
interactive demonstration.

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