The Present Simple Tense: I, You, We, They + V He, She, It + Vs

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The Present Simple Tense

Ми використовуємо the Present Simple Tense, коли розповідаємо про регулярні, повторювані дії та
постійні стани.

Слова-маркери на позначення the Present Simple Tense:

always, often, usually, every (day, week, year...), sometimes, rarely, never, etc.

I, you, we, they + V he, she, it + Vs

Spelling rules:

1) До дієслів, що закінчуються на -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -о, додається

закінчення -es.

wash — washes mix — mixes go — goes

2) Якщо дієслово закінчується на приголосний + у, то у -^ і + -es.

fly — flies cry — cries

3) Якщо дієслово закінчується на голосний (а, є, і, о, и) + у, додається

закінченя -s.

buy — buys play — plays

Закінчення -s вимовляється:

як [s] у дієсловах, що закінчуються на глухі приголосні;

як [iz] у дієсловах, що закінчуються на -ss, -sh, -ch, -tch;

як [z] у дієсловах, що закінчуються на голосні та дзвінкі приголосні.

The Present Simple Negative and Interrogative

Заперечне речення

Повна форма Коротка форма Питальне речення

I do not work I don't work Do I work?

He does not work He doesn't work Does he work?

She does not work She doesn't work Does she work?

It does not work It doesn't work Does it work?

We do not work We don't work Do we work?

You do not work You don't work Do you work?

They do not work They don't work Do they work?

1 Write the verbs in the third person singular.

stand — Stands stay —_____________ fix — ____________

copy - __________ watch —____________ come — _________

miss - ___________ marry —___________ do — ___________

teach —__________ know —_____________ fry — ___________

say —______________ run —______________ push — __________

2 Look at the pictures and write as in the example.

1) every day/play 2) often/draw 3) sometimes/make

l) The boys play football every day.

2) _____________________________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________________________

4) every evening/watch 5) always in the 6) usually in the

morning/drink evening/read

4) ______________________________________________________________

5) _________________________________________________________________

6) _________________________________________________________________

3 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Helen is a shop assistant. She works (to work) in a big supermarket. She ___________(to like) her work.
Every day she ___________(to get up) at seven o'clock, _________ (to have) breakfast and ________ (to
go) to work. On her way to the supermarket she ________(to meet) her friend Olga. They_____________ (to work)
together. The working day ___________(to end) at seven o'clock and the girls ___________ (to go) home. In
the evenings they often ________(to watch) films or ______________(to meet) with their friends in the park.

4 Put in do or does and answer the questions.

1) Do you always do your homework?— YeS, I do.

2) you often help your parents about the house? —

3) your mother drink coffee in the morning? —
4) your friend read many books? —
5) your grandparents live in the country? —
6) you always clean your room? —
7) your father watch TV in the evening? —
8) your sister like to play? —

5 Make up questions.

1) when/she/come home? When does she come home?

2) Where/they/live? ______________________________________
3) What/he/like for supper? ________________________________
4) Why/we/go so fast? ______________________________________
5) When/your lessons/start? _______________________________
6) What/she/want to tell me? _______________________________

6 Look at the table, ask and answer the questions as in the example.

play computer games cook dinner clean teeth

John often never usually
Frank and Vicky sometimes rarely always
Diana never often often

Does John play computer games? — Yes, he does. He often plays computer games.


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