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Anyone lived in a pretty how town

By: Jason Sze

Anyone lived in a pretty how town,
With anyone’s heart going down, down, down.
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn
He loved with heart, he woed with fear.

Anyone’s love will conquer all,

With anyone’s riches to make otherone fall.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
He won with riches, he lost with life.

Anyone’s live was at a peak,

With noone’s loved he seeks.
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
His life was lost, his love was not.

Anyone’s love and otherone left,

Only someone attended to anyone’s death
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
His life is over, his heart a void.

Anyone’s life is governed by,

A set of eyes high in the sky.
Heaven, Hell, Sun, Moon
This life ends, just as one begins.
In my poem, you have 5 stanzas of 4 lines each. Each of the first 4 stanzas represents a stage in the plot
of the book with the last stanza giving a sense of conclusion. You see the usage of Anaphora, with the
word “anyone” starting at the beginning of the each stanza. Caesura is evident mostly in the last line of
each stanza, separating the distinct ideas that are related in that link. This poem has a rhyme scheme of
AABC. End-stopped rhyme is shown after the second line, pausing before entering the third line. The last
stanza is an allusion to a greater being similar to god. I have chosen a theme of “love conquers all,”
which is evident throughout the poem.

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