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Theme 5: How We Organize Ourselves

Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organize Ourselves MEMBACA
Central Idea: Government systems affect the organization of its society MENULIS
Title: Justice for All MENDENGARKAN
Lines of Inquiry: BERBICARA
 Form: Types of governmental systems APRESIASI SASTRA
 Function/Causation: Effect of justice systems on our societies
Formative Assessments:
 Ss will gather and use information about different types of governmental
system for research purposes
 Discussion: things Ss see as ways of people to organize themselves in their
 Ss will make report writing from inviting staff from DPRD of Bogor District
to explain about Governmental system.
 Students will be divided in groups and make a T-chart of Venn diagram to
make a compare and contrast. They will present their findings to the class.
 Ss will make brochure, pamphlet, and fliers using keepsake scrapbook
 Ss will be creating motivational bookmarks that will provide adults with basic
information about reasons for voting.
Summative assessments:
students will choose a country they know in depth about the governmental
systems, leaders, how they choose the leader, and how they organize the country as
well as interesting facts about how people live there. Students will present their
preference findings through power point presentation, puppet show, role play, etc.
(Performance Assessment; Tools: Rubrics, Checklist )
Essential Element Assessed:
Communication(listening, presenting)
Thinking (analyze & synthesize)
Form, Function, Causation
Ss will be able to understand and learn that towns include people contribute to the
quality of community life.
Enthusiasm, creativity, independence, inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker

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