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© hie | Sue Wie ee eae Lei GHL Lake nse Fle cle CEL oo LIhorl eboBacurscits shes LAV GWHIGANA Wek be wet iPod Sete ghia btu sir ut hndy tt Ble b AEBS bd Caan ip SbBrer Le EL Babes pl oss LL SEISN 2b « va SMe FUMUGF Cyl i bE tL tfe fee Sees eu l w Jip they EEF ole wih DP Fie L AM oe tell YE eS TPE ee Libel eit bi etd Mele LL Ape Jeet Len OS Hine esd fae LBP elt Feb Atlee While Pye, dee Seid Lilie Wte deseo Se he 1551S) LPI Obi iio Boe bifre Pe te nd Lb pil? Cates ile BAA Eph ae en mete mel {Te SONG SRO IH SE LE A CALLAL I al Bier Sunt IL le SUP Met Une AE Plums Seen bot MN tee La fENG atafuleund std rset See e Sa Patra, All started suddenly and thousands died, milions displaced, hundreds of villages vanished in the matter of just 4 days!!...strangely there were no weather warings, no alarms. these are the worst floods in the history of Pakistan BUT no one from Global MET offices could even trace what is going on in this region? ‘We have investigated this matter and concluded that HAARP has recently been used in NW area of Pakistan . the choice of starting point was perfect. all the flood is going in downstream ie Khyber (Hills) to Karachi (Sea)... it is designed to submerge entire Pakistan and bring up the worst crises and chaos ever happened. they know they cant win a war with Nuclear armed Pakistan — it would be a mutual destruction, so they have other ways to do it! HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research r Program) is a little-known, yet crtically important U.S. military defense program. HAARP can and has been used for weather modffication, to cause earthquakes and tsunamis, to disrupt global communications systems, and more. wap? WIKILEAKS: AN INDO-ZIONIST CONSPIRACY? It may be noted that among the over 92000 secret documents compiled in five years, there is not a single line written about India. The documents are silent about role of RAW, RAAM and Mossad in destabilizing Pakistan. Nobody in USA and entire westem world has noticed these glaring oddities as to how come role of three principal players is missing from the radar screen and US documents are blank Have RAW agents in huge numbers present in every nook and comer of Afghanistan and moving up and down Pak-Afghan border been grazing grass all these years? It proves the point that not only Indian, Northern Alliance intelligence and Israelis officials had a hand in providing anti-Pakistan information but the trio had also provided copy of documents to WikiLeak. These hands had a definite role in coloring the perceptions of US leaders against Pakistan. It also proves that the US has unjustly treated Israel and India as holy cows and Pakistan a suspect. abt “Samson Option’ and Islamic Republic The term ‘Samson Option’ created in the 1960s — applies to Zionist regime's strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against its real or perceived enemies, whom it consider to be threat to its existence as ruler of Palestine and the sole representative of the world Jewish population. Like the name of the entity (Israe)), this term is inspired by the Biblical story of Samson, who destroyed the Philistine temple in a suicide mission, killing himseff and thousands of Philistine enemies 2 PO IONE Lp ables Se Lely ett ohh ete wig alytl Zhai LEIE Ty Siw? We Ul ee Tt fre tie buena r vst EEG EK Se Utriigea Bt Mi bueit eMete Mer Al II RL I er IL Male ele Ble (BL ie Set Fete MR Cho oP here ie by Uday Gob si ere Att carb LS Hum i ASP wl Hise: Woes subst ibiteBfort< We shf Lulu tiburge 6 Cones Snot BLA GIVE MSHS wees WEE ede ESL wb et Sire BELLIS Lastorye abox LYRE ALLEN i Hes Khe pra Let yr tant A vL ge Git GF See tEe rlle PHILS Utah! mfr Lupo) Sik fer ung heto tor thsi 3 hythisption Pak Siptte Dome binges (oils ot Lew Yeo P DNL te WA FURL Wet Bs Or kalba CON aire BN VATNL AG gurital O6 gUVnth tt ole Te eG Ne Ute BCL ape ENT oe UL Kees pa shun uszis ORR bill L Pr einfnit ie mile te united urate usb® hing Se weg ele pha PP LL ta Bah Bale 4 eee

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