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Buel moke you (ve wes Gray ontdé Man TES: per ho& on Hey GO lee 2° Ginne your heovt co ‘ ent? b+ Mike it i oa , a OF else Fisey whout” ie “Ee CLA ne Diag TPA BUIVIN? LA V2 ‘er 1 & GS. { 200 -2c0 Gmmenath QCay BEX Ope gis pha welt Ait ‘MarkK— ni" sz. caste So age eA, gorne ive, Shock me yy ee: me pyle a Aight ENC reste c 4 Twanra cay thank you te all the people ave gotten +o know jin ne Phi Lippi ner another answer After he heard this, the rich man smiled, thinking about his payme ‘Than the effendi took bbag of from hie belt - a bog of copper cuir He bent down next to the rich man and shook the bag, The coi jingled loudly." Listen!" he said to the rich man“ Do you hear sound?" "Of course I hear it! of course 1 hear it!" shouted the rich m impatient. "Well. then” answered the effendi "The problem is solved, the debt payed. My brother has smelled your food and you have heard hi money... HI I'm Lee woon duk(maybe it’s Terry I'm years of age and a male. 1'm of fair complexion Y'm lems tall and 62kilos heavy T have a medium bit. MY MAXIMS of society Don’t s From Th Of Love cannot die for you but I don't want to live longer than you will w your teeth until you decide to bite’ Talmud of Islam honestly If you have question just e-mail ms I will answer ASAP“ , 1 where is erey-eld > Wh my boodmates = Ey TP. Ty tagayday (LR: Christy , IV IM, me ant Daliadd — — . Bottom: Im Baguio (L-R: Jinny ,me, Sunny, Romy and Tenny ) When T and Mutya met-for the fivs+ hime, she Ahovgut Twas crazy. Bot T guess she doesn Ahi So Now... he he he? Se that's why she's got the Mutya’s favorite poem @ she is my teacher in wrong idea of me Now! *}s Doosol language center 1 the ely thing tht Wi nse me of what cat aaa sell, 7 PLEASE LISTEN 0 WHAT I'M Not SAYING ‘THAT IM REALLY WORTH SOMETHING | 7 Don't be fly Me, Don't be fc by the face I wear fit { DON'T TELL YOU THIS, 1 de’t DARE AFRAID wo For T nea & MASK, I wear thowsnd masks and ome of then ie ME rm aid your glace wil sot be flowed by acceptin and lve 1m aiid youl thin sof that 904 Ig and YOUR LAUGHTER WH Prenng i an at U's send tre with ILL ME. Dat don't be foe for Go's ake DONT BE FOOD 1m arid hat dep dow I'M NOTHING, ht EM JUST NO GOOD 0 that y's this od REJECT ME. gave you We inpretian tat 'm secret ll is sunny and unufled with me within ah we ns without (tide, tht CONFIDENCE ts MY NANI nd cones is $0 1 play my gun, MY DESPERATE PRETENDING GAME ny ame: tat the water's ln ad YM IN COMMAND, with a foade of susaoce wit ad toma cid win, sod tha I NEED NO ONE, And so beens the are of marks and MY LIFE becomes «fn ‘ut DON'T BELIEVE ME PLEASE, T iy cate o you lo tat save tones f sur ta My surface may soem smeoth bt my sirfos is mas 1 you EVERYTHING THAT'S REALLY NOTHING aad sing of what's cventhing of WHAT'S CRYING WIN ME. eset es no smugness 9 conrlaesnce Beneath dvs the REAL ME in CONFUSION, in FEAR, in LONENESS. 0 when I'm going tah MY POUTINE, dent be fae by what saving PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY aod TRY te HEAR what (M NOT SAYING ut 1 HIDE THE, n't want ebay to now it ‘What 1 ike to beable to ay, Whit for my survival { NEED TO SAY: 1 PANIC ut the Bought of MY’ WEAKNESS and FEAR of bone EXPOSED. Pe: ‘Dut which I CAN'T SAY. +) That's why Uta crete a met ide bind ‘A sorcolanspisatal FACADE to HELP MB PRETEND 1 DISLIKE HIDING: Honesty to shied me tum the GLANCE THAT KNOWS. 1 dative the SUPERFICIAL game I'm lying “Te eperial game PHONY GAME But such dance is precy MY SALVATION, my ONLY salvation’ and Low it <4 REALLY LIKE TO BE GENUINE AND SPONTANEOUS That is i is FOLLOWED BY ACCEPTANCE, Ke FOLLWED BY LOVE, ‘od ME. BUT YOU'VE GOT TO HELP ME Ws the only thing that can LIBERATE ME~-FROM MYSELF From my own SELF-BUILT PRISON WALLS, fom the BARRIERS that I 9 ‘wotten by anonymoas painstakingly erect

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