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Solutions Manual

Problems 1.3 through 1.5

(c) Force (weight): Convert F = 100 lb to N.

Convert the numbers given III U.S. Customary units to the corresponding SI units indicated.

Problem 1.3 a

(a) Length: Convert I = 2.35 in. to m.

(b) Mass: Convert m = 0.156 slug to kg.

(d) Moment (torque): Convert M = 32.9 ft-Ib to N·m.

Problem 1.4 n

(a) Length: Convert I = 0.001 in. to .um.

(b) Mass: Convert In = 0.305 Ib.s2/in. to kg.

(c) Force (weight): Convert F = 2.56 kip to kN. (Recall: 1 kip = 1000 lb.)

(d) Mass moment of inertia: Convert IlTIass = 23.0 in.·lb·s2 to N·m·s2.

Problem 1.5 a

(a) Pressure: Convert p = 25 Ib/ft2 to N/m2.

(b) Elastic modulus: Convert E = 30 x 106 Ib/in.2 to GN/m2. (c) Area moment ofinertia: Convert [area = 63.2 in." to mm",

(d) Mass moment of inertia: Convert IITI,\ss = 15.4 in.·lb·s2 to kg.m2.

Solution to 1.3 Part (a)

(25.4mm) ( ill )

I = 2.35 in.. 3 = 0.0597 m.

111. 10 mm


Part (b)

( 14.59kg)

In = O.156slug = 2.28kg.



Part (c)


F=lOOlb Ib = 445N.


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August 24, 2009

Statics 1<;


Part Cd)

(0.3048 m) (4.448 N)

M=32.9ft·lb ft Ib =44.6N·m.


Solution to 1.4 Part (a)

. (25.4mm) ( m ) (106 Mm)

I = 0.001 m.. 3 . = 25.4 Mm.

In. 10- mm m


Part (b)

(4.448 N) (kg'm!S2) ( in. )

m = 0.3051b· s2jin. . .~ = 53.4kg.

Ib N 0.02:J4 m


Part (c)


F = 2.56 kips kip = 11.4 kN.


Part (d)

. ",(0.0254m) (4.448N) 2

I mass = 23.0 Ill •. Ib . S" . = 2.60 N . m . s .

In. Ib


Solution to 1.5 Part (a)

(4.448 N) ( ft ")2

P = 251b/ft2 = 1.20xl03N/m2•

Ib 0.3048 m


Part (b)

6 'l( in. )2(4.448N)( GN ) .,

E = 30x 10 lbjin~ -9- = 207 GN/m-.

0.0254m Ib 10 N


Part (c)

( )4

. 4 25.4mm 6 4

[area = 63.2 m. . = 26.3 X 10 mm .



Part (d)

~. 2(0.0254m) (4.448N) (kg.m/s2.) 2

Imass=b.4m.·lb·s in. Ib N =1.74kg·m.


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August 24, 2009


Solutions Mallual

Problems 1.6 through 1.8

(a) Length: Convert I = 1.53 m to in.

Convert the numbers given In SI units to the corresponding U.S. Customary units indicated.

Problem 1.6ft

(b) Mass: Convert m = 65 kg to slug.

(c) Force (weight): Convert F = 89.2 N to lb.

(d) Moment (torque): Convert M = 32.9 N·m to in. -Ib.

Problem 1. 7 ~

(a) Length: Convert I = 122 nm to in.

(b) Mass: Convert m = 3.21 kg to lb-s? jin.

(c) force (weight): Convert F = 13.2 kN to lb.

(d) Mass moment ofinertia: Convert Imass = 93.2 kg-rrr' to slugin.e.

(c) Area moment of inertia: Convert Iarea = 23.5 x !OS mm" to in.". (d) Mass moment of inertia: Convert lmass = 12.3 kg-rrr' to in.vlb-s '.

Problem 1.8 H

(a) Pressure: Convert p = 25 kNjm2 to lb/in.".

(b) Elastic modulus: Convert E = 200 GN/m2 to Ibjin.2.

Solution to 1.6

Part (a)

( ft ) ( 12 in. )

I = 1.53 m -- = 60.2 in.

0.3048 m ft


Part (b)

( sluz )

m = 65 kg I:> = 4.46 slug.



Part (c)

F = 89.2N( Ib ) = 20.1 lb.



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August 24, 2009

Sta ics te


Part (d)

( lb ) ( in. )

M = 32.9N· m = 29] in. -Ib,

4.448 N 0.0254 m


Solution to 1. 7 Part (a)

(]0-9m)( in. )

1= l22nm = 4.80x 10-6 in.

nm 0.0254m


Part (b)

(" slug ) (lb'S2/ft) ( ft ) .

m = 3.21 kg -- = O.OI83Ib· s2/111.

] 4.59 kg slug 12 in.


Part (c)

F=13.2kN(103N)( lb ) = 2970 lb.

kN 4.448N


Part (d)

( I ) ( . )2

2 S ug 111. 3· 2

Imass = 93.2kg·m . = 9.90xl0 slug v in ..

14.59 kg 0.0254 m


Solution to 1.8 Part (a)

(I03N)( lb )(00254m)2

p = 25kN/ni -.- . " = 3.63Ib/in.2.

kN 4.448 N Ill.


Part (b)

') (109 N) ( Ib ) (0.0254 m)2 6?

E = 200GN/m- -- . = 29.0x 10 lb/In.",

GN 4.448N m,


Part (c)

(. )4

5 4 m, . 4

[area = 23.5xlO mm = 5.65m ..



Part (d)

2( Ib·s2/ft ) ( ft ) ( in.)2 2 .

Imass = 12.3kg·m -.- 00 . = 1091b·s -m.

14.59kg 12111. . 254m


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August 24, 2009

Statics Ie


Problem 1.12 n

Use Eq. (1.7) on p. 15 to compute a theoretical value of acceleration due to gravity g, and compare this value with the actual acceleration due to gravity at the Earth's poles, which is about 0.3% higher than the value reported in Eq. (1.8). Comment on the agreement.


The values G = 66.74x 10-12 m3/Ckg. S2), nlEarth = 5.9736x 1024 kg, and 'Earth = 6.371 x 106 m are given in the text in the discussion of Eqs. (1.6) and (1.7). Using these values, the theoretical value of acceleration due to gravity, Eq. (1.7), is

nlEarth -12 3 25.9736xl024kg 2

gtheory = G-2- = 66.74x 10 ill" /(kg· s ) 2 = 9.822 m/s . (1)

'Earth [6.371 X 106 mJ

The commonly accepted value for acceleration due to gravity, namely g = 9.81 m/s2, is most accurate at ±45° latitude; it accounts for the Earth not being perfectly spherical and the Earth's rotation. As stated in the problem description, the acceleration due to gravity at the poles is about 0.3% higher than at ±45° latitude and therefore, at the poles, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately

gpoles = 9.81 m/s2(1 + 0.003) = 9.839m/s2.


Note that the poles are useful locations for comparing the theoretical value of acceleration due to gravity, Eq, (1), with the actual value, given approx.imately by Eq. (2), because the effects of the Earth's rotation (i.e., centripetal acceleration) are absent at the poles. While the agreement between Eqs. (1) and (2) is quite good, the differences between these two values is due to the Earth not being perfectly spherical.

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August 24, 2009


Solutions Manual

Problem 1.15 !

If a person standing at the first-floor entrance to the Sears Tower in Chicago, weighs exactly 150 lb, determine the weight while he or she is standing on top of the building, which is 1450 ft above the first-floor entrance. How high would the top of the building need to be for the person's weight to be 99% of its value at the first-floor entrance?


We will use Eq, (1.6) from p. 15,

_ G mlfn2 F - --2-' r


where the person's weight is given by F in Eq, (1). Let the person's weight on the first floor be given by WI, the weight on top of the building be given by Wtop, and the height between the first floor and the top of the building be h. Using Eq. (1), we may write these two relations:

mEarth mperson

WI = G 2 '



Dividing W;op by WI and solving for Mitop leads to


HI, VV rEarth

top = I ( + h)2 '



such that

(6.371 x 106 mf

Wiop = (150Ib) . . 2 = (l50Ib)(O.99986) = 149.979Ib. (4)

[6.371 x 106 m + 1450 ft(0.3048 m/ft)]

For the second part of the problem, we need to find the height h needed to make Wiop = 0.99 Wj, i.e.,


Earth = 0.99 =>

(rEanh + h)2

. 3.2095x 104 m 5 .

h = (0.005038) rEarth = = 1.053 X 10 1t.

0.3048 m/ft


Therefore, the top of the building must be h above the first floor, where h is given by

h=32.1km= 1.05X]05ft= 19.94mi.


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August 24, 2009


Solutions Mouual

Problem 1.19 g

An ice hockey puck is a short circular cylinder, or disk, of vulcanized rubber with 3.00 in. diameter and 1.00 in. thickness, with weight between 5.5 and 6.0 oz (16 oz = lib). Compute the range of densities for the rubber, in conventional SI unit'>, that will provide for a puck that meets these specifications.


Based on the problem statement. the weight w of the hockey puck should be in the range

5.50Z(~.) < w < 6.00Z(~) ~ O.34375Ib.::: w.::: 0.375 lb.

160z - - 160z


The weight w, mass m, density p, and volume V ofthe hockey puck are related by

w = mg = (pV)g = (prrr1h)g :::}


where, in the above expressions, we h ave used the volume V of a cy linder as V = n r 2 h (w here r is the radius and h is the thickness). Multiplying all three terms of Eq. (1) by 1 [n r2hg leads to (with r = 1.5 in and g = 32.2ft/s2)

O.343751b O.3751b

(1 5' ____R_ )2(1' ____R_ )(32 ? f / .2) .::: P'::: (I 5' _ll__ )2(1' ____R_ )(32 ? f / 2) , (3)

rr . m. 12 in. . 111. 12 in. . ._ .t s rr .. m'12 in. 111. 12 in. ._ t s

which simplifies to obtain

2.610 lb· s2/ft" .::: p < 2.847Ib· S2 /ft4, Since 1 slug = l Ib - s2/ft, it follows that


2.610 slug/ft) < P .::: 2.847 slug/ft",


Converting the above results to SI units provides

( ) )3 ()()3

slug 14.59kg ft slug 14.59kg ft

2.610-· . < P < 2.847- .,

1t3 slug (0.3048 m - - 1t3 slug 0.3048 m


which yields

1340kg/m3 .::: p .::: I470kg/m3.


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August 24, 2009


Problem 1.20 g

(c) Convert () = 4.65 rad to degree-s.

Convert the angles given to the units indicated.

(a) Convert e = 35.6° to fad.

(b) Convert () = (1.08 x 10-3)° to mrad.

(d) Convert e = 0.254 mrad to degrees.

Solution Part (a)

o(n rad) ,

e = 35.6-- = 0.621 fad.



Part (b)

30 (n rad) (103 mrad)

e ;:;;; 1.08 x 10- -- = 0.0188 mrad.

180° rad


Part (c)


e = 4.65rad -- = 266°.

n rad


Part (d)

( rad ) (1800)

() = 0.254mrad 3 -- = 0.0146°.

10 mrad n fad


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August 24, 2009

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