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• Air deccan First LCA in India Launched on Sep 2003.

• Different business Model to compete against FSA.

• Objective is to make affordable air travel by offering 50% less

than others.

• Targeted the Business Travelers and premium train travelers.

• On the service front, Air Deccan offers no-frills.

• To reduce the expenditure, It hired smaller 48

Seater ATR aircraft from Avions De Transport Regional on contract.

• On distribution front-Online reservation,24-hr call center, e-ticketing

and tied up with various retail outlets.

• On Pricing front-50% of prices offered by competitors and

• Marketing is done by Print and outdoor media Pre-launch and
post launch advertisement.

• Television ad focuses on affordability

• It got extensive coverage in the media.

• Competitors are Kingfisher, Wadia Group’s GO air, Visa airlines

and air India express

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