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Spring 2011

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester III

Business Intelligence andtools–2Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)

1. (i) What do you understand by Business Intelligence System? What are the
different steps in order to deliver the Business Value through a BI System?
(ii) List the characteristics of a Data warehouse and analyze how the development
of a Data warehouse helps you in managing various functions in your
For SMU Assigment @ 600 Rs Per Semester
Email :
Ph: 09873669404

2. What do you understand by Data warehouse Meta Data? What is the use of
Metadata? How can you manage Metadata?
3. What do you understand by EIS? What are the significances of EIS? Briefly
describe the benefits of EIS.
Spring 2011

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester III

Business Intelligence andtools –2Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks)
Each question carries 10 marks
1. Describe Data Quality Types and discuss the concepts of TQDM.
For SMU Assigment @ 600 Rs Per Semester
Email :
Ph: 09873669404
2. Explain the Visual Warehouse in detail.
3. What do you understand by OLAP? What are the guidelines for an OLAP
system? Briefly discuss the concept of Data Mining.

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