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Radu Anton Roman

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Radu Anton Roman (19 august 1948, Fagaras - � 29 august 2005, Bucuresti) a fost un
jurnalist, scriitor si realizator TV, cunoscut mai ales pentru emisiunile pe teme

In varsta de 57 de ani, Radu Anton Roman, gazetar, scriitor, realizator TV, vanator
si pescar sportiv, a publicat poezii, insemnari de calatorie, romane si eseuri,
fiind implicat in mai multe proiecte de televiziune si publicatii, dedicandu-se din
1997 si domeniului gastronomic.

In 1998, Radu Anton Roman a publicat una dintre cele mai importante lucrari ale
gastronomiei romanesti �Bucate, vinuri si obiceiuri romanesti�(Editura Paideia).

�ntre 2001 si 2005 a realizat pentru Pro TV emisiunea cu profil culinar �Bucataria
lui Radu�, extrem de apreciata de public.

In 1991 a fost ghidul lui Jacques Yves Cousteau in Delta Dunarii, in 2001 publica
jurnalul "In Delta cu Jacques-Yves Cousteau" (Editura Paideia).

Romanul "Zile de pescuit" (reeditat in 2002 de Editura Paideia), pentru care i-a
fost decernat Premiul Luceafarul in 1985, a fost publicat in Franta cu titlul "Des
poissons sur le sable" (editura Noir sur Blanc). In 2004, datorita lui Radu Anton
Roman si a lucrarii sale �Savoureuse Roumanie", ce include 358 de retete culinare
si istoria lor, Franta a fost cucerita de bucataria romaneasca.

Este �nmorm�ntat �n cimitirul Bellu - catolic.

Radu Anton Roman was born in Transylvania in 1948. He studied law and journalism.
Since his literary debut, in 1969, he has written several novels and collections of
poems and journalism.
Fish on the Sand was first published in 1985 with the more neutral title Winter on
the Bridge in order to get by the censors. This trick didn�t keep the novelist from
getting laid off from his job as journalist or from being harassed by Ceaucescu�s
regime. Despite this hardship, Roman never left his country, and, until the change
of regime, he earned a marginal living by fishing, and with help from his friends.
Since 1989 he has had a collection of short stories, one of theatre chronicles, a
novel, and many political articles published.
He lives in Bucharest, where he is involved in publishing, journalism and ecology.

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