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In the absence of any covenant in the restraint of trade can a partner carry on a competing business .

Sec 9 states that partners have to work for the greatest common advantage.

from the use of the property or business connection of the firm or the firm name, he shall account for that profit and pay
it to the firm;-cakewitch-aas
not same business-all agree-knowledge of one wont affect growth of the other- name of firm not used in front of 3rd
party- no proof that 3rd party agrred only because of a company name.

Judges concur that if the contracts had materialized -then somethin could be done

Sec 16 doesnt prevent partner from carrying on a side business (even if it contravenes the contract) – its only secret
profitsthat one pays for.

Sec 19 doesnt describe the scope of the 3rd party- as 3rd party is not exposed to the intersee relationship.
If it is a non trading firm- the claimant has to prove that he took reasonable care

need to prove trade practice is well established.........

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