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The hedgehog is a big insectivore with its back covered with sharp


When it feels danger it curls up, exposing the thorns as defense


Its fur is dark, from brown to black. It weighs about 700 grams and
measures about 18 to 20 centimetres.

It is a solitary animal and we can find it at night.

The hedgehogs eat

invertebrates that live in
the soil: earthworms,
beetles, caterpillars, spiders
and slugs. It also eats eggs
and small vertebrates -
frogs, lizards, rodents and
young birds.

The hedgehog hibernates

from November to March.

It lives for about 3 years but some hedgehogs sometimes live for 7
to 10 years.

The main causes of mortality are starvation during hibernation and

predation. Its main predators are foxes, badgers and even dogs.


Mariana Gonzalez


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