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Question One-
In what ways does your media product
use, develop or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products?
Through research, I discovered a number of traditional
conventions of magazines, that become typical upon
each magazine I looked at. Conventions such as:

- Bold magazine titles

- Use of three or less, main colours
- Date/issue number
- Sell lines
- Variety of font and colours sizes
The colour of the masthead, will either be consistent every
As you can see through this comparison, both issue of the magazine, or will be changed each week to
magazines have bold titles in which display the suit the other chosen colours of the cover. For example
name of the each magazine. ‘Vibe’ has chosen yellow, which supports other text on the
cover and ‘blender has chosen blue which also supports
other text on the cover. However the colour will always be
bold, causing it stand out and become appealing to the

The writing in
printed in a
large font,
bigger than
any other text
on the cover,
in which
causes it to
stand out
above all the
other text and
make it clear
to the reader
magazine it is. The style of font used for the title, tends to typically reflect the genre of the magazine, for
example, in relation to music, the style of font, usually reflects the genre of music that
magazine focuses on. For example ‘Vibe’ is printed in very ‘blunt’ ‘edgy’ ‘firm’ lettering,
which is supporting the ‘hip hop’ genre of music and ‘Blender’ is a much less harsher style,
much more curved lettering but still very ‘statement’ which reflects the indie genre of music.
The use of a number of main colours, is usually used throughout the
magazine also and creates continuity. If you were to cut a magazine up
and mix it amongst other cut up magazines, it should be possible to tell
what pages belong to what magazine, by the continuity of the pages,
and one aspect of this continuity is the colours.

Each magazine will always have a choice

of colours to display the text. This typically
tends to be around three, but can differ
from each magazine; typically this is no
more than three though.
This tends to always be
Each magazine will always have the issue number printed in very small font
or release date of that magazine. as it is not highly
important to the majority
of readers.
They will positioned around the main image of the
magazine and sometimes supported by other smaller
images, that relate to the sell line

will always
have a
variety of
sell lines
upon the

The sell lines will consist of a variety of articles that will be places
on the cover to show the reader what is insider, and hopefully
ultimately appeal to them, and therefore purchasing the
As well as colours, changes of sizes of fonts can also make
particular words or phrases stand out on the page and
attract and appeal to readers.

The sell lines are printed in a variety of colours, this

causes particular words of the text to stand out The use of colour on particular words can
above the rest. cause them to stand out on the page,
attract and appeal to readers
I have also printed
For my masthead, on to the cover, the
I chose the name date and issue
‘Bright Lights’ I number of the
printed this in bold magazine. I have
and in a much printed this in a
larger font than all small font, another
the other pieces of typical convention
text on the page to that is typically
reflect what is found on a
typically done by magazine.
magazines. It I have included a
causes it to stand number of sell
out above lines on to the
everything else of cover also. I
the page, make it chose to write
clear to the reader things that would
what the magazine appeal to
is and finally readers. I also
causes it to appear created this
much more appeal through a
appealing. variety of font
sizes and
I also chose to use two main colours; black and purple. The colours help
to make the overall page look more appealing, make different pieces of
text stand out and also creates continuity.
Here, I feel I have captured the use of masthead’s that are bold and in a
largely sized font. I feel my masthead stands out above all the remaining text
on the page and makes it clear to the reader what the name of the magazine

I feel I have
the use of
the main
feature of
issue of the
through the
layout of
the text
about the
artist being
right next to
I feel I have captured the use of sell lines well also. The amount
the main
of sell lines differs from magazine to magazine, however the
purpose of them and the use of different font styles and sizes I
do feel I captured well.
The creative studio has a variety of tools
We have black and white that were extremely beneficial to what I
screens in which to photo in was trying to achieve.
front of, and a variety of lights
in which to create different
effects of lighting.

I felt this was a brilliant way to

capture the ‘studio feel’ that
comes from a large number of
music magazines. The main
images, always tend to be on
one background of block
colour and have been edited in
some way.
This is an image from our collage
website. It displays the creative
I booked a session in the centre; a studio. This is where I performed my
session in which I had also arranged with photo shoot.
my model, so that we could both be there
at the same time and perform the photo

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