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Preparatory Course 2010

Vol. 2
Table of Contents
Infectious Diseases .
P n eu mon ia; Uri nar y Tr act Infection s; S kin and Soft Ti ssu e Inf ect ions ; Di ab eti c
Foo t Inf ecti ons ; Os teo myeli tis ; Cent ral Ner vous S ys t em Inf ect ion s; Endo card iti s;
Peritonitis/Intra -abdo minal Infections ; Medical/Surgi cal Prophylaxis

HIV/Infectious Diseases .
H u man Immunodefici ency Virus ; Opportunistic Inf ections in Pati ent
s with HIV; Tuber culosis

Nephrology .
A cute Renal Failure; Drug -Induced Renal Damage; Renal Replacement
T h erap y; Chronic Kidney Dis ease; Renal Replacement Th erapy; Complication
s of Chroni c Kidn ey Diseas e; Dosage Adjustments in Renal In suffi ciency

Gastrointestinal Disorders
G astroesophag eal Reflux Dis ease; Pepti c Ul cer Dis ease; Upper
G astrointestinal Bl eeding; Inflammatoiy Bo wel Diseas e; Co mplication
s of Alcoholi c Li ver Dis ease; Viral Hepatitis

Oncology Supportive Care .

A nti emeti cs; Pain Management ; Febril e Neutropenia; Colon y
- Stimulating Factors ; Thro mbocytopenia; An emia/ Fatigu e;
C h emoprotectants ; Oncolog y Emergen cies

Men's and Women's Health.

O st eoporosis; Hor mon e Replacement Therap y; Drugs in Pre gnancy and
L a ctation ; Co mplications in Pr egnancy; Contra ception; Sexually Transmitted
D is eases ; Prostati c Inf ections; Male S exual Dysfunction

Pharmacokinetics :A Refresher .
B asi c Relationships; Absorption ; Distribution ; Clearan ce; Non -Lin ear
P har ma coki neti cs; Nonco mpart mental Phar macokinetics ; Data
C oll ection and Analysis ; Phar macokin etics in Renal Disease

Acute Care Cardiology.

D eco mpensated Heart Failure; Dysrhyth mias ; Acut e Coronary
S yndromes; Pul monar y Art erial Hyp ertension; Hypert ensi ve Urgen c
y and Emergen cy

Outpatient Cardiology.
H eart Failur e; Atrial Fibrillation; Hypert ension ; Coronary Art ery
D is ease; Chronic Stable Angina

Types of Economic and Humanistic Outcomes Assessments.
F ro m the ACCP publication, "Phar maco econo mi cs and Out comes"

Policy, Practice, and Regulatory Issues .

H IPAA, IRB, and Infor med Consent; Pr escription Drug Appro val
P ro cess ; In vestigational Drug Ser vice; JCAHO, ORYX, NCQA
, and HEDIS

The Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties "2010 Candidate's Guide".

P rint ed courtes y of the Board of Phar maceutical Specialties

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