West Moreland Material Testing 8x11 - Brochure

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WESTMORELAND MECHANICAL TESTING & RESEARCH, INC, Specialists in Aerospace, Automotive, Nuclear and Medical Material Testing Fields cee NL rst cer) Fracture Toughness cer ere 5-6 | Metallographic 7-8 Corrosion Testing 9 Analytical 10 Peete ee ‘Advanced Material Testing 13-14 Eee oa eae uy 16 Dea ei) aa) Mechanical Engineering 19 - 20, eee eee Quality Assurance Px Pee ues ey WMT&R LTD. a} Other Testing Erodes eres Mead Eee secteal Welcome to WMT&R Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc. is a world leader in testing materials for the Aerospace, Automotive; Ree ie ee aa en ee acum e Cee gem cae e Rap is Cee ete nether s WMT&R is equipped with highly qualified technicians and skilled Coe Mate eI icone crate ity Ramee UCN cites l-utanacvnulets ca) ROEM MCS eI a tune Ly Pree uC aise ia aes ig tr to produce efficient and effective results for you and) your err Rear Ute ue c eae i aed groups including Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue Testing, Physical Iie re ameter uc IaCcieY kc) Nt Mechanical Testing, Stress/Creep Testing and composites testing. ‘These Laboratories are equipped to handle not only standard Rete eu cete nya co eos such as finished parts, odd shapes, and exotic materials are no PCN LO ANC Se cece AN TeceSea) Peceuun eto Cerne mE ick Ck ae eee Nee een iat ence Rca kes Ree RenRemeCi eRee L WMT&R offers many competitive advantages to your company. OMe akc ees eee emer icc quality system are just a few ways WMT&R stands ahead of the competition. We are dedicated to striving for continuous Ge Cueun eek ue eee ard our service to you better, quicker, and more cost-effective, Dee OCMC ee we eetcice Try Coe ee Ae Meee CEM Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ye eo ISLES EUV eA kaon ay WMT&R is world renowned for superior work in the Fracture Pete Reta ee agree a) eee aaa ac eee a ae Sees nese ue un seen COME oom Ie Red eee eye eel a sults quickly makes us a leader in Fracture Toughness testing. ‘The most popular test performed in our Fracture Lab is the ee ste a ae neo eel Sue ken) aE ee Ce eu LE fee oe ee umeta enteral mei eam ender ec Rue ea Cae rancs can be perfornied on samples ranging from 0.25" thick up to re eae et aan CREE UCR ice kee eau eee aka ae PUM Urea e merece D Cee UR edie nn A ee ee Me es aie the testing of fracture specimens, The actual crack, which ini- tiates at the tip of a machined notch, is typically measured au- Rete Rens ee sccm LC ET 260 servo-hydraulic machines equipped to perform precrack- ie Fracture Toughness Tests can be performed at various load ca- Pete cur eel eau eeu gty eR cere ee Rene ee ue kcad Bate ue emer ene e eo Pence te es ae eke tec onc ees feof ets ate aT alatata Tet teva eTara tala Ree eae eee acre ee) = = emits [ot [i a) Peete ee Re ei Dal eases eee EM Recm cme ech toi) Pee R cue cee geen Sad) panels up to 30.0"wide. The K-R Curve Test provides: SONU eet aus eee eee a) applied stress intensity factor K. R-Curves and applied K-Curves are used to predict the critical stress intensity eee ean Cree EO Serene Betoget a aac Gee atl (cr uieres 4 Through machining and testing experience, our facility is Cots Oncaea e usenet cE i. 2.0% The fracture toughness determined by this test shows the resistance of a material to fracture from a gradually advancing steady state crack utilizing a severe tensile con- oe Pee Cane Ag nc ‘may be assigned to estimate the correlation of failure and, Cees eter aCe Ce nai ec LOU £740, estimates the load carrying capacity of sheet or plate eo eae Rees Mans reece aga eee aCe Pere Ree acu eee on = a Pi eost ent etm cece ets ‘cracks under simulated service conditions. Pena ete eee Pane) eee era aay soe) Mantes Maree a Pa —— Mare ate) = ae eee ea Reports are automatically generated using our innovative EE eee uM etna System (EDI) can transfer information directly and securely to Nec es WMT is an acknowledged leader in Fatigue testing. Our versatility and on-site ability to customize each project is second to none. We write our own proprietary software to control and analyze your test results. We also design and machine specialized grips and fixtures to ensure the best ‘turnaround time, Our capability to customize test set-ups is indispensable for those customers with unique testing needs. WMT8R has the right personnel, resources, experience, and testing capacity to serve all your Fatigue testing needs. We are specialists in conducting Axial Fatigue Tests on a wide variety of specimens. Our shop is experienced in handling a wide range of materials, even hard or composite materials. We have the flexibility and resources to accommodate a wide range of specimen sizes and configurations, with machine test capacities up to 1,000,000 Ibs. In addition to standard Axial Fatigue Tests, testing is also conducted in more complex bending and torsion. Bending Fatigues could involve Three or Four Point Flexural Tests or Cantilever Fatigue Tests. WMTR also offers Rotating Beam Fatigue testing which can be conducted at room or elevated temperatures. Another popular specialty, the High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Test, is conducted in load or position control on servo-hydraulic test equipment. These tests can be conducted at cryogenic to elevated test temperatures. Wave forms utilized in HCF testing include sinusoidal, triangular, trapezoidal, or hold-time. WMT&R can also perform Fatigue testing of components or assemblies. We have designed the set-up and executed tests on railroad locomotive suspension springs, automotive components, aircraft supports, helicopter rotor blades, coal \g equipment, and artificial hip stems, to name a few. WMTR is experienced in the testing of artificial hip stems utilizing the Three Point Bend and the Distally Potted Hip Method per ISO specifications 7206-3 and 7206-4 or ASTM F1440. This testing is used to simulate the fatigue, stress, and strain experienced by the part in service. This data is used to improve the quality of the hip stems, which in tum improves the well-being of the implant recipient. peo saa The Fatigue testing of fasteners directly relates to many aspects of our lives. We all rly on fasteners in our cars, homes, and workplaces. A fastener failure can have catastrophic consequences. WMT&R tests fasteners of a wide range of sizes, A variety of Fastener Tests are conducted such as High Cycle Fatigue, Tensile, Wedge Tensile, Double Shear, Stress Rupture, Stress Durability, Microstructure, and Chemical Analysis. WMTER is also an industry leader in Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) testing. This test is run in strain control with the load as a dependent variable. The customer normally sets test frequency, wave type, mean strain, strain amplitude, and a cycle discontinue limit. There are three stages to Low Cycle Fatigue testing. The first stage is designed to detect crack initiation on a polished specimen. The second stage is propagation life. The third stage is failure, which is usually determined by some percentage of load drop from a stable condition, Data reported on this test includes load peaks, strain peaks, hysteresis loops at specific intervals, calculated plastic and elastic strain, first cycle information, and the half-life cycle loop data, High and Low Cycle Fatigue data is collected using computer data acquisition. This allows us to track how ‘a material changes in response to fatigue loading. Fatigue Test data may be provided in both tabular and graphical representations and may be sent electronically. LCF analysis data is also provided on a CD. We work closely with our customers providing frequent updates by means of email, phone, and fax as the testing progresses. This way customers have the ‘opportunity to provide the direction needed to develop S-N or E-N curves or to compare the data from various test groups or material types. meTatL_LOGRaPHiIc Neg en aac a ee ere RE Reese ec ee ec analytical related activities into one state of the art building. This facility is divided into four specialized See Ria eae eee set ee Corrosion Testing Laboratory, Analytical Department, Sa aes NLS ce ene ee eae ‘common and specialized needs. Our Labs can hanidle SOT Rn ae ere ae Mr cr ear ate testing to failure analysis and problem solving on test See Ue Ree cna Ogee eeu ue en closely with the analytical and physical testing groups eee Mosc Mee erecta a result, even the most difficult problems can be identi- Eek Many See ees aceearnure} Ce ecenartcsty Microcleanliness emery ete aca IGA/GO Peery eee ca aoa Alpha Case Orem a uo a A Oa Pon eee eS Re ‘automated polishing procedures using 1.25" to 20° Cems cea ae sad retention and flatness of specimens. Cold mounting eres ota eee fr —1—id {A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with the capacity to view up to 100,000X is a huge asset in Failure Analysis testing. Standard SEM tests include X-ray Mapping, Line Scans, Semi-quanti tative Analysis, Contamination Checks, Fractography, Alloy Identity, and General Photography RGe roan e cakes ute Serie eee Cs Ce as eee Sen esac eu eeu enn ea mao Cre Mer SCO Nee cunt acne eect cee Re ae See een eee CC a See Soe a eS ae ee neo! POAC ee guna Aetna ete Seer In addition to Metallographic examinations, WMT&R is also proficient in Hardness and Micro- hardness testing. Our Hardness Test facilities conduct Rockwell Tests using the latest instru- eR Oe i ecto et ene es teenie Ean testing is also available from 500kg to 3,000kg loads accommodating all your Hardness needs. Reliable Microhardness testing per ASTM E92 and £384 is offered using the Knoop and Vickers Pee en RT ol torn eee eet eas turnaround with computerized data transfer capabilites. eee em re ad A ect a aD sTRess see 1 = Lal hell Re eM eee a eur a sion Stress Corrosion testing for the Aerospace, Automotive, and Materials Industries. We have custom designed our own, programmable corrosion frames to ensure proper time inter Ree een eee nen Eee Menees ote We maintain pride in the fact that we can design and fabricate = innovative fixtures and test setups for the most difficult of oregon CMe Me mee neon ean with the loading capacity of over 2100 constant strain speci- mens. Asa result, theres no delay getting your job into testing, irene eng g Me Neticeta cs Alternate Immersion Testing Includes: fet Tee CE Reta iene ere cr) Cena erseNesr) , Betray Pe eer rca eer) U-Bend - ASTM G30 omens) Constant Load Capabilities Cnn SESS ren eae ea ese rue ELC Ga ey Exfoliation and ASSET testing. Exfoliation per ASTM G34 covers Wee mon CuO eneice as ceo a ROM eum ecn ACer cs aluminum alloys, While the ASSET testing offers ausual asses Dea ouReoeseuie recs sm cuee oe aluminum alloys in simulated marine environments (ASTM ono analyTicatl PEERS batt] T= lam a) 1 ee y ee ete ee rd RO or ee eee cutting edge automated testing systems that set, Wee UCM Cee cere eed PC eer ene g deus oe ne ae ee Lc ee eet LT ea oc ed Pu neue eee ered for specialized testing, as*well as user friendly, individually tailored data output. As a result, we can format data to suit your company's individual needs for easier data analysis. — A Ru od Fs capabilities. Our expertise spans from Spectrum ao Mee ema oda a Loree renee cna Sere ee Pee ees Pe eae SBT Sao ee treet eed ks Perinat cence ator gearand\stabilizer bars. Our technicians are experienced ‘in»running a variety of custom Peete Catone ea RUC CR une size and test condition. Not only can we test Pee eet Rene cae a Pa etc Sec ed Re RG seer various loading conditions. Some examples et ea Cee ee ey Loading, Block Loading, and Periodic Overloads. Se UU Me Pa eek Ree eed the crowd. New standards and test methods are eee LOL ad Cee et neo ee RCS Bae er ee Cue upgrading software for updated standards. This Se aC eo ae ee) eres Dea ee Rrra Re WR ea ae a oe a da/dN =C’ Pet sta i a q | : rer Ws Rate (da/Dn) testing is designed to determine the rate of cracking under specified loading conditions once a flaw has been jated in the specimen. The Cyclic Stress graph is. plotted against the Crack Growth Rate, with stress intensity being the controlled variable. For da/dN and Delta K test results are reported in both tabular eee ee ean) voltages, compliance, measured loads, R-r Oe oe euch) Cet ea eres cur near ae ey Puen SOR Oa ecg measuring techniques including Electric Pote PRN Re ea keer ae) Peau mL ed typically are R-ratio, material yield strength, Pe a a a ae eee eee cme) Ce eC ere ey Pee Eee ecient) to 5.0” and Center Crack Cit) panels up to 20.0” ors PC OR ee) Cee Re Ue ced CC cae ed Cnn Cece neuer Edge Notch Tensiles (SENT) and Extended Compact icc ale CE eee ee cad Beacon es Ces On nia ee) Rene Pace i2 | me) et = | ae CUP kee nee er erecta gL aac Castano) ees ciuueeEy RIS Cee akc Leese Rech ae iec pane kected Rr ceca ear uate keke Ly any temperature, this type of testing is often’ Peace NEU ec cour icy ae act oe ec eons uC eur esi ue aL ee Cn caecum LC Bd engine industries are interested in this type of ere TORO M ci aii perro hen atte act LK oss cure R sa suns opening displacement and the crack length to determine the amount of plasticity occurring at eee Wet kad ey becomes difficult when using both Electric esi Te Acces Ete Ru cui eee Reena alc ene) Crea ee RO eR Ucar ed Gree cen akira eet to the (C+) test. Data reported on this test rete Ree ey crack length time, C*, K, and Jpl. WMTAR is very active in the development of rier teraction aU test, conducted per ASTM £1820, is eta ur ea Ee PO cumCu CCI Mente sae ees Values obtained using this test method are JIC, Sree CoE IRGC UNC ree intensity factor (KJC) is calculated for each JIC Ree ath Our Research & Development team has: Oe eau Ree ecu act Oe a OC ue) et a ee ec ae CL Ota ceca e can be used to define a transition temperature CRMC ccc a Goons SeMPePSRMTaeye aTIMINI MINT eT eT eT eT eT AT a) ti 2 nee it ee La erry TORU see Lee ‘ working with our customers to develop cutting Errata eyecare: usa ensue etre ude) inch and less! We can also replicate these cracks and with the aid of high magnification and visually verify our calibrations. This research is Cite Nel acute en etc’ Calibrations and Microwave Crack Detection. Nau eR caaes sn LeU Sea Cee eaters ue urn pen ors BEN eu tL ee Peucine Ru een ee with load capacity of up to 1,000,000 Ibs! Since not all test applications occur in ambient “lab-air” environments, we provide you with non-ambient Ones air eu seek ere RD inert gas. Testing in fluids such as jet fuel, hot oil, Ene nara a cure LL a Ce een eee a teste cies atin Delmer tise ae Leading the Technological Revolution in Materials Testing. TUTNTNINTO Te eI SININ TMS Te eee E Ay ee DAIS CURIE TECHNOLOGIES ‘Although the major emphasis at WMT&R focuses primarily on the impressive material testing laboratories, we are proud to offers, state of the art, in-house, captive Machine Shop to accommodate) all your fabricating needs. ‘Our Machine Shop encompasses 15,000 sq ft ofclean, modern ized equipment. WMT&R has capabilities on CNC Lathes, CNC Mills, Manual Lathes, Manual Mills, Saws, Wire EDM, Plunge EDM, Gylindrical Grinders, CNC Surface Grinders, and Notching Low ‘Stress Grinders, ust to name a few. In addition to our variety of machine equipment, WMTERis also noted for their shop effi ciency. Pneumatic tubes and conveyor belts are used to facilitate movernent of materials and test samples seamlessly throughout the facility. WMT&R removes pollutants and metal particles from. coolants in efforts to recycle and reduce consumption. Machine and grinding chips are separated and materials are salvaged into reusable wafers. WMT8R machines all test specimens on site, thereby eliminating ‘out-sourcing delays. Our reputation for quality machining and superior turnaround times acquires us production work from ‘competing laboratories and mils. As a result of our advanced in-house capabilities and substantial engineering experience, we are known as specialist in Low Stress Grinding and Machining Sub Size Specimens to very close tolerances. Besides standard machine specimens, WMT&Ris also known for ‘our ability to custom design and machine foturing used for testing finished parts, odd shapes, and difficult or exotic materials. We are constantly seeking new machining technologies and methods to improve our service to you. Having afull range of capabilities fully integrated into one company on one siteis a competitive advantage for you. Itis because of our Machine Shop and other supportive depart- ments that we are able to offer you the best, quickest, and most cost effective services that you have come to expect from West- moreland Mechanical Testing & Research. We strive to reach the ‘quality goals set by our customers. ‘ON-TIME DELIVERY IS OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS! ett] [e] oe |) | =) PTA me 2 Se Pace 1s Machining Capabilities Include: te Standard Specimen Machining Low Stréss Grinding Low Stress Grindi ‘CNCMills CNC Lathes Saws with capacity up to 45.0" wide ‘CNC Surface and Cylindrical Grinding Wire and Plunge Various Manual Mills and Lathes Specialists in machining difficult materials. and Polishing RASA AAS Rotate rtet a mecHanical TesTinG One Ce Ree ee Me Com Mac ee Pee eee ee eceu eascte to fit your testing needs. As a quick example, Tension and Compression Sree one gM eee mae eect from 10 g. to 1,000,000 Ibs. WMT&R is proficient in the machining and testing of round micro-size specimens, as well as thin gage sheet See CM Mn ec cee arse Nei atmospheres (argon, vacuum, and corrosive mediums) and at cryogenic, Ee eae ee heed ears Ree) Our proprietary testing software provides us with the capability to"Tun’ standard tests plus full stress / full strain tests at various strain rates, crosshead speeds, load ranges, and strain ranges as your requirements, Ce Ome me Cte MCD - 4a eee ata fon ho gees er foes MRR emer Renna ener) acy hee cecgy configurations. Our Charpy Impact testers havea capacity to measure less than 1 ft.Ib. up to 300 ft Ibs, at temperatures ranging from -320°F to over a eR Cees nen Lc CAM 2 oe LO oa Key-Hole Notch, as well 25 Un-Notched and ISO (DIN} V-Notch, Sub size specimen testing is also available, IZOD testing can be done tip|to p40 ft. Pee ee Seen) jie sas iaea WIMT&R also haf the resources to edndlict Instrunbented Inipaet teste eet ee eee nego so send ee Meese propagate a crack. The maxinjum load of thetastrepresented as Fracture Toughness at K(0), < Drop Weight testing is performed to ASTM E208, Thistestistontlucted to, ee pn INP Cet ae sein ems acre) ate Tests can also be conducted to your temperature requifements from. Cleese tomatoe ro 2 Damen epee Miu or Wer ns see ene) Osta yuo Ea eenem gage cine inoue gees ae) sia0 oi! Beste NV oo el fart rerun cyiaceetmts OD) ine) asec) Boe ee ence toe nc frie MeaMiccet de} esses Be Reet leteRenids=iohecc sth). uste em igagetcct oh nile eee ater cie Un lion) econ Ne SN=< 1-5 ee Me Meee cori) enn cancer mentee er) ul actual performance developed) thus assisting withiappropriate materia Pesca Stress an Greepy Rupture Tests can be conducted at elevat Roe eK reer MR Ue Ras au he ee Ree kem OE) Temperature and creep readings are continuously monitored ar eran ene aeons ers program is capable of recording Julian time and strain readings up 10120 times per hour. Thisdata is utilized to maintain temperature tolerances and to create a unique temperature history report. The » reduced section of a creep test specimen can be strain-gaged as a Rian eect Menon Broo cos mi Mee Une Ceol ecco M Rae Mae Tear eee Re ence Pent Mac Lmegtee Sete = cease UR LU ae Ue NTT performed on matefials that exhibit excessive corrosion at elevated Fens i aE e a enna eateries Ep pminiaid ae Pee che ee eee eet tars eae Bee ea i i" eee Test ee formed at room temperature undera ea Gi Tce ae Pate meee oe Eau eau ano eau pit: pe Re eect elect kaa eae HEB See ae ae Dun tents spare with ASTM F519 at 75% By ececr the materialis susceptible to Clik a Bae f an 7 wae pei ona: ging fron Rea ee ACU sc researc) eto Reem ae ee ‘Static Notch Jie aa J Pace 1s =e ll elo WMT&R’s Mechanical Engineering Group are specialists in the product evaluation of both actual and ee eae teeta a ‘custom design and fixturing fabrication to conducting Ree o eee een act ace experience and resources to complete the job in Beem ces ee eS = Ste ere aera ene assigned to the Mechanical Engineering Group. This specialty shop is responsible for making new fixtures, modifying current fixtures, and manufacturing special fixuring for one ofa kind testing, Det ee eye Se TET mining industry, and railroad car components are just a Prenton ere eerie Engineers have tackled in the past. The innovativeness eee eee ea Narre Voc of our customers, place limitless possibilities of what een ets fr [oi— By employing cutting edge Cad/Cam technologies Area Vecrite ll urheemnr ket eet impressive efficiencies of turnaround times and economies of design and machining, Your projects will be fabricated from start to finish under one roof with a mechanical engineer assigned to manage Rete tecehees aie Composite TesTinG Vi Ree) COMPRESSION RIG ee ge Bot Sivieotee yee he se speek) Deeg te eee ees ne sion inspection of test coupons, to conditioning specimens through test completion and reporting, WMT&R can meet yourr composite testing needs. sees serie TMT en eee oe & WMIT&R, our Gomposites Testing Lab is responsible for testing in the Aerospace, Power Generation, Automotive, and Medical Equipment Industries. Composite testing at WMT&R includes ert aia ate aneg es on @E DT ‘Sandwich Core Composites. We test for tensile strength, eins eens): lea slosnt ore oe modulus of elasticity to applicable ASTM & SACMA or fet collaeselicii(e-lt Be ata desea (toe ree seer eae te eee eee one ASTM C273 / 273M Standard Test Methos for Shear Properties of Seong Poe en eee eee eee ey Sandwich Constructions by Beam Flexure PT eee eee ee ere eres Po ern een ee eT er PST rae ete eg ee ere Lap-loint Adhesively Bonded Metal Specimens by Tension Loading eee Poe ee eed cu ee eT eee ec eter oa eee er eae Ree eee ed Pr eRe ste ee ed Pont emer et te Lo ened ore Ge oe et ac Loading ASTM 3164 Standard Test Method for Strength Properties of Achesively Cree ee hee eer) eT terns ere ara ree er era eu Lees Po eer ne gee Reinforced Plastics PT rsa et Le eee Re leat ain aaa ee a cae eee ee ene Sep aed kc ASTM D641 /1.6641M Standard Test Method for Determining the Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates Using 2 Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture one eet eee) ‘Compression Testing of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates Poe neces renee een Rec “strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Laminates Pola eer een ee gee eee erence eae) oN ye ue ee ne eee ne a en ee eins . POM es eS eee Ln ed ees bet rire ec an ents PORE ete Le ee ac ere tt eee ea een a Deas ore ti i a C7 WIMT&R has established a rigorous Quality Assurance program. Our quality system, accredited by Nadcap and De eum ner ns See eee ca tested, examined, and inspected in accordance with your Pecan Cena De tc a Cet ce Department is to maintain our established quality De eR OR eS ecu ae Dee ec RCM ese ld ete eneee gst ‘The Quality Assurance Department conducts frequent Se eee en ctu a raat tas eats nek eae ee Sea / a Bie oes OR ie Rl as ty Dare Au ome arse) all specimens prior to releasing them into the labs. Aside, ecu eUi cee ete ences Calipers, Digital Indicators, and an Optical Comparator,” Deve eect Pes Rena eee cs oa Ce re ee cance By Peete see et we nerd Rete ea eee) eee credited To guarantee the flow of specimens is not delayed, our Ree Seneca Roe eee tee Ren ee ms data is channeled back so that the most accurate, ener eee Bea ces ea tue cy SO See Cuan stud Cee ee me eld ee ae eam SUC) SOC RGR ee eee aca as cil electronically: This fully integrated information safeguard was developed in-house to effectively control the quality elt Wt eRe R Coe L ec lolioe Cr) Reyes Over the years WMT&R has lead the field in the development of material testing software and systems.. Our in-house staff of programmers and hardware technicians support and maintain a SS Cm cue ee Cee administrative, and accounting support. Performance is critical 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Data Management Staff works closely with our Engineering and Technical Support Teams to design unique and innovative software to meet specialized customer requirements, Proprietary software streamlines the transfer of data as it flows from receiving through machining, inspection to testing, and all the way to the final report. Having these capabilities onsite greatly reduces the time from concept to results. Cree eI eure aaa ¥ Custom programming for testing, job tracking, data collection, and reporting ¥ A secure environment to preserve data integrity and confidentiality Petr cee ig eM re ea) ¥ Leading edge hardware and software technologies Pete ed aera NT Lae ee Mca a ence job through the process and receive preliminary and final results online (CR2A-Your Competitive Advantage!) er een [toile feo y Cee eee ane cake Pe ec ec ee SC ee Cee co RU ue Ui BRT Co ek nu nt rutknt curiae an SOO re ce cece Pee ee ene ma ces services. Specialty services include Thin Sheet Fa- ee eC Pe meee cs Metallography, Failure Analysis, and Corrosion test- Rea nek Cu ec eC ed Dae eco Rau cea ig race Re ecu aun Cee cn offers an air-conditioned environment and top of the line equipment. Containing mostly Instron machines, pee Ce ee RT The prime location in the United Kingdom is a posi- SOE ee era re ute an aa Pe Ce eee ats) eC Le Ree iL aon Le Pee eur tie ue ced Peck ree eke Cora i . SPECIALISTS RESEARCH TESTING SERVICE: PETTITT) eae Ur Re eee ea ae UT Re CCC Re PCE eS ee MMC UML ure Rs eee Gece m We ARC mee een eter Pianeta er eae Re Sst} Cauca ice Cc aatae ne ian a eet del Bs, 8 + GENO T eT IIa SOCAL Cee tue ieca eue mand ee etCKce nem CeCe aCoIn natant Ce ‘achined productsteuch as'comiposites, and Joint ett es CS a CRUE Peni Mare cue Run cuciew AIRC UCT nce eric) PIR eau ct Rea PUM Re Aten Mae Re) Oise mucus tara eau Cee eea Se Eee RC Naat PN Pee eet itte aie Cs AU including Accelerated Corrosion (ASTM B117), Stress PRS RCs Ree nen aes RCSLT (ra Constant Load, Constant Strain, & ASSET). PU wet MCS Ro DOLE Sa PRU aman Cue ee at) services to account for all of your global testing) cree i WMTER Ltd. seeks to provide New Solutions for New CUCU aac sce ee og Be jin Rate Testing AN \ Evaluation on Structural Components and Sub-Assemblies See aC oa a Ur) a CPR ET ere ua ey eae) MES tae Eu err nel) Restate cee a i TVET [eM Yoee rt Youngstown, Pennsylvania DESMO Roe STs 221 Westmoreland Drive Nora CMunGaaurS anc iIc} ssl LOR GPS: Pra Bear yan nie) art) HPL SKE RM Fax: 724-537-3151 eTUBE Ce TOM Cute Web Site: http:/www.WMTR.com CPT irra

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