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British Empire

1819 ²1901


³The Sun never sets on the British Empire.´


³The Sun never sets on the British Empire.´


British Commonwealth

rince Albert + 9 children


mictorian Age
² 64 years
1837 Queen Victoria comes to the throne.
1839 First Opium War in China.
1840 Marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert;
1841 Penny post starts; Annexation of New Zealand.

1842 Opening of the Great Western railway.

1840s Railway mania hits Britain.
1842 Attempted assassination of Queen Victoria.
1845 Potato famine hits Ireland.
1846 Corn Laws are abolished.
1848 Revolutions break out across Europe.
1850 The first public libraries open.
1851 Great exhibition opens in Crystal Palace.
1852 Britain annexes Burma.
1854--1856 The Crimean War.
1855 Livingstone discovers and names the Victoria Falls on Africa's
Zambezi River.
1856 Victoria Cross is created to reward bravery in battle.
1857 The Indian Mutiny happens; the Second Opium War in
China occurs.
1858 The London Omnibus company is founded.
1859 Darwin's On the Origin of Species is published.
1860 The navy launches its iron warships.
1861 Prince Albert dies from typhoid; Civil War
begins in America.
1867 Diamonds are discovered in South Africa; The second Reform
Act is passed.
1869 The Suez Canal is opened in Egypt.
1871 Henry Morton Stanley finds Livingstone in Africa.
1873 Asante war occurs on the Gold Coast.
1876 Christians are massacred in Turkish Bulgaria; Disraeli becomes
Earl of Beaconsfield; First telephone call made by Alexander
Graham Bell.
1877 Queen Victoria made Empress of India
India;; The first
Wimbledon tennis championships are played.
1879 The Zulu War occurs in Africa, with British army defeated and
humiliated at Isandhlwana); Britain invades Afghanistan.
1880 The first Boer War.
1881 Boers defeat British in Boer War; Wales bans drinking
on Sunday; Parnell is sent to prison in Ireland.
1884 Berlin Conference ends the scramble for Africa;
Third Reform Act passed by Parliament.
1885 The Fall of Khartoum; The motor car is invented; The Indian National
Congress is started in Bombay to help Indians play a larger role in the
government of their country, which is under British rule.
1888 Match girls' strike; Jack the Ripper terrorizes London.
1886 ; Gold is discovered in South Africa's Transvaal.
1890 Cecil Rhodes becomes prime minister of Cape Colony.
1892 Kier Hardie becomes first Labor Party MP.
1894 Rudyard Kipling writes The Jungle Book.
1896 The British invade Sudan; Kaiser sends a telegram to Rhodes
regarding the Jameson Raid; Invention of X-
X-ray photographs.
1897 Queen Victoria's Jubliee.
1898 The Boxer Rebellion happens in China.
1899 The Boer War.
1900 Sigmund Freud publishes the Interpretation of
1901 Queen Victoria dies.

'Dr. Livingstone, I presume.'


'Dr. Livingstone, I presume.'

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