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English Spanish French Chinese

I have two ears to hear oidos oreilles arh too-o

I have two eyes to see ojos yeux en ching
I have a mouth to taste boca bouche tsway pah
To smell there’s a nose on me nariz nez bee tzuh
With my sense of touch tacto contact mo
I get a hug from you abrazo etreinte chin ee shah

English. Thank you.

Good Morning

Good morning, good morning, good morning

Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning

Clap your hands, clap, clap, clap

Stomp your feet, stomp, stomp, stomp
Spin around, spin, spin, spin

Good morning, good morning, good morning

Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning, good morning

Wash your hands, wash, wash, wash

Shake your hands, shake, shake, shake
Brush your teeth, brush, brush, brush

Good morning!

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