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OF THE 21st Century

Amartya Sen
Harvard University and London School of Economics and Political Science

1. Experiences and Lessons
2. Blood, Sweat and Tears?
3. Hard Build-up and the Role of Accumulation
4. Hard Business and the Fear of "Bleeding Hearts"
5. Hard States and the Denial of Political Rights
6. Capability Expansion: Human Capital and More
7. Weights, Values and Public Participation

The Suntory Centre

Suntory and Toyota International Centres for
Economics and Related Disciplines
London School of Economics and Political Science
Discussion Paper Houghton Street
No. DEDPS/2 London WC2A 2AE
March 1997 Tel.: 020-7955 6674

Paper presented at a conference on 'Development Thinking Practice', of the Inter-American Bank,

Washington, D.C., 3-5 September 1996.

NB: This PDF was retrospectively created in February 2003 of the STICERD
discussion paper previously known as DERP No.2 which was published in 1997.

There has been a shift, in recent years, in the understanding of the process of
development. It is not a switch (as often portrayed) from a state-dependent view of
development to a market-reliant view. Rather, it involves rejecting a "blood, sweat and
tears" view of development in favour of celebrating people's agency and cooperation and
the expansion of human freedom and capabilities. The market as an institution fits into this
bigger picture. So do human rights and democratic values, especially as the vehicle of
political incentives (complementing economic incentives). It involves, ultimately, a fuller
view of human beings.

Keywords: Economic development, capabilities, hard states, political incentives, role of

public discussion, valuational weights.
JEL Nos.: O10, D60

© by Amartya Sen. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two
paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including ©
notice, is given to the source.

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