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“The average woman is a despot , the average man is a

Man cannot think of the peace of home without catering to the wishes of the
woman, his wife. He works from morning till evening like a slave her and her
children. His freedom is restricted at every turn by the responsibilities and duties
he owes to his wife and children. A refractory husband can never think of
enjoying domestic peace. He has but to make himself pliable (easy to bend
without breaking) in order to act according to the behests (order) of his wife. Like
a slave he has to forego his own enjoyments and welfare for the sake of the
family. He must be ready to do anything to provide for the children of his wife.
Regular discharge of these duties makes him a habitual executor of errands (a job
that you do for somebody that involves going somewhere to buy something or to
deliver massage, etc) emanating (to produce or to show, to come from something
or somewhere) from his wife’s palace, so pliantly (ordering in soft way) and yet so
compulsively that his very individuality fuses into the larger personality of the

There is an old saying that: - “when a boy marries he loses his parents and when
he begets (to become the father of child) children, he loses himself too.”

In the course of time he becomes just an instrument in the hands of his wife for
winning bread for the family. In this way man becomes a slave.

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