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Date Place

Birth 29.8.1809 Massachusetts

Death 7.10.1984 Massachusetts

Father-Abiel mother- Sarah



Suffered from asthma in childhood

Young Holmes was often admonished by his teachers for his talkative nature and
habit of reading stories during school hours

Educated at Phillips Academy and Harvard College (HP)

Graduating from Harvard

Studied law

Honorary degree from Yale University Law School

Trained at the prestigious medical schools of Paris

Granted his M.D. from Harvard Medical School

Believed that the olfactory nerve created “a strange connection between the
smell and the mind,” a link that might explain certain mental illnesses.

His dissertation on the subject, “Neuralgia and Direct Exploration in Medical

Practice,” won the prestigious Boylston Award.

Taught at Dartmouth Medical School

Taught at Harvard served as Dean there

Attempted to admit the first African-Americans and the first woman to the
Harvard Medical School.

Published "The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever"

Awarded numerous honorary degrees from universities around the world

Coined the word "anesthesia"

Holmes persuaded the dentist, suggesting the term “anaesthesia” contrary to

“Hebetization” proposed by others.

Witness for both the defense and prosecution during the notorious Parkman-
Webster murder case
Member of the Fireside Poets

He was often called upon to issue occasional poetry, or poems written specifically
for an event, including many occasions at Harvard.

P-phillips academy
Paris medical school
Parkmen Webster murder case PHD
Puerperal fever

H-havard college
Honorary degree
Havard medical school

D-dean at darmout medical school

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