Homer The Heretic

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The Simpsons/Religion: Homer the Heretic

Fill in the blanks from quotes while watching the movie:

Homer: “One size fits all” my __________!

Bart: “Resting” ______________, “resting” fired? Help me out here.

Homer: Gotta take a ______________

Homer: You ____________ your sweet ass!

Marge: Homer, are you actually giving up your _____________?

Homer: And don't you think that the _______________ has better things to worry about
than where one little guy spends one _____________ hour of his week?

Marge: Please show him the __________ of his ways.

Marge: He doesn’t mean to be ________________.

God: Thou hast ________________ my church!

Homer: I figure I’ll just try to live right and _____________ you in my own way.

Lisa: Why are you dedicating your life to _______________?

Homer: If I’m wrong, I’ll _______________ on my deathbed.

Marge: I had a bit of an ulterior _____________ in inviting you for dinner.

Flander’s son: Dad! The _______________’s getting away!

Reporter: Fire, man’s oldest foe; __________________, remorseless, _______________.

Homer: The Lord is _________________!


1. Where is Homer in the first dream?

2. How does the family feel when the priest talks about Hell?

3. Bart says to Lisa, “This is neither the time nor the place.” What does he mean?

4. What were some of Homer’s arguments when he defended his position of not

going to church?

5. Where does God need to appear after talking with Homer?

6. What’s Moe’s religion?

7. What religious item does Apu have in his store?

8. Homer says, “No offense, Apu, but when they were handing out religions you

must've been out taking a whiz.” What does he mean?

9. Why does Homer sing a song when there’s a fire, and what’s the problem with the


10. What lesson does Homer learn in the end? Do you agree with it?

11. Who’s playing ping pong in heaven?

12. When is Homer going to die?

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