Service Seeking-How To Apply For A Job Not Listed

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Service seeking-how to apply for a job not listed

We do not need to debate on whether most people rely on online job postings, newspapers
and scour classifieds on job hunting-or do we? It’s just obvious. But having used these
methods for along time, I think it would be better to allow yourself use other options to see
if they will work for you. According to a career hub source, more than eighty percent of the
jobs go unadvertised. Now, the problem is ‘how do you get these job opportunities and you
didn’t even get a chance of hearing them or reading them on an advert? That’s why this
article has been written to help you be on the light of how best you can use this option of
the unadvertised freelance jobs for your own gain.

What next?

First, determine the type of job you want. If you are on the service seeking option, you
have a specific skill-I presume and thus you can’t just find another job. You will find a job
which you have skills in. your skills must go hand in hand with your interests and your
career goals. After you have identified the job, the second thing is for you to determine the
salary. Here we usually have a problem with some of the job seekers since they want to be
either too high so that they can show they are of a ‘high’ class or too low so that they can
increase the competition. The truth of the matter is that you need to be considerable. Don’t
be too high; neither should you be too low. Too high will make the client feel that you are
very high for him, and too low will make the client feel that you will offer low quality service
as per your salary. You can consider asking some of your friends who are already in those
jobs to help you in stating your starting salary.


Identify the businesses as well as companies which are likely to be offering the job you are
looking for. You have some characteristics you are following after you have illustrated your
skills and your salary range-right? Thus you will use that flow to determine the companies
which matches what you are looking for. Don’t worry of whether they have a vacant position
or not. The thing is that you know there are businesses as well as companies which are
offering the services which meet your criteria. Determining this means that you have to look
for all information regarding each company; its reputation, its success and so on.
After you have identified the business, the next step is for you to identify the key personnel
in those respective companies. You don’t have to look for the managers; the best option is
to look for the HR manager or the person in charge of the department which you are best
suiting. You can also ask your friends and family members to help you in asking someone
whom they know from those companies.

Lastly, contact the companies as well as the businesses using the information you got when
you are determining the companies. Ensure that you do a follow up after sometime to make
them know that you are interested in the freelance job you are looking for-keep moving.

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