Cardrunners Starting Hand Chart

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No Raise in Front:

Raise Any pocket pair, All UTG hands + All MP hands + All CO hands + A4s JJ+, AK JJ+, AK
AK, AQ, AJ, KQs KQ AT, A9, A8s, A7s, and higher, A7o and
KJ, KT, QJ, QTs, higher, suited If it’s folded to you, If it’s folded to
JT, J9s, T9s connectors down to you can raise any the SB who
67s, offsuit connectors hand you would limps, raise any
down to 78o, suited 1- normally raise from hand you would
gaps down to T8s the button. raise on the
Otherwise check
Call/Limp N/A – we don’t ever open limp. Any hand you would --
play from the button
+ AXs and KXs
Fold Everything else Everything else Everything else Everything else Everything else --

With a Raise in Front:

Re-Raise -- JJ+, AK JJ+, AK JJ+, AK QQ+, AK QQ+, AK
AQ if raise was from AQ & JJ if raise was AQ & JJ if raise
LP from LP was from LP

Call -- Any pair TT and All MP hands + All CO hands Any pocket pair*, Any pocket pair*,
below*, AQ, AJs AJ, QJs, TJs AQ, AJ, KQ AQ, AJ, KQ

Call With -- -- -- JTo, suited connectors -- Suited connectors

Multiple Callers down to 87s down to JTs
in Front
Fold -- Everything else Everything else Everything else Everything else Everything else
Only call if the raiser has ~75% of a buyin or more.
With a Raise and a Re-Raise in Front:
Re-ReRaise (4-bet) AA & KK, fold AK & QQ, and fold everything else from any position.
If these raises are both min-raises for some reason, you should call with any pocket pair.
© 2007 CardRunners, LLC

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