Human Digestive System

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The human digestive

Human digestive system
 Digestion is a process of breaking down large
food molecules into smaller molecules that
are readily absorbed by the body.
 The digestive system consist of all the organs

in the body that help in the digestion of food.

 The digestive system breaks down

carbohydrate into glucose, proteins into

amino acids and fats into fatty acids and
 The alimentary canal is made up of the mouth
oesophagus stomach small intestine
large intestine anus.
 The food is pushed along the alimentary

canal by the muscular walls that contract and

relax alternately through the process of
 As food passes through the alimentary canal,

other organs such as the gall bladder and the

pancreas secrete digestive juices (bile and
enzymes) to help in digesting food.
Functions of parts of the digestive system

Mouth The teeth in the mouth break down large food
particles into smaller pieces
The saliva in the mouth contains enzyme to break
down carbohydrates chemically
Digested food: carbohydrate
Esophagus Esophagus is a muscular tube that joins the mouth
to the stomach
Esophagus cannot digest food. It can only push
small food particles from the mouth into the stomach
by peristalsis process
Stomach Contain enzymes that break down proteins.
The walls of the stomach secrete gastric juice that
contains hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria in food
and provide an acidic medium for the action of
Digested food: protein
Liver Produces alkaline bile. Bile is stored in the gall
Bile helps to break down the fats in the duodenum
Pancreas Produces pancreatic juice that contains enzymes to
break down starch, proteins, peptides and fats
Small intestine Digestion is complete in the small intestine.
The digested food is then ready to be absorbed into
the bloodstream through the thin walls of the small
Digested food: carbohydrate, protein and fats.

Large intestine Water is reabsorbed in the big intestine(colon)

Undigested food is expelled from the body through
the anus as faeces.
What is Digestion?

 Digestion is the breaking down of food into

forms that our bodies can use. Our bodies
use food to provide energy for work, play and
 Digestive system is responsible for converting

the food we eat into energy for our bodies to

How does Digestion begin?
 Digestion begins when we eat food in our mouth and begin to
 Teeth help to break the food apart, saliva helps to soften the
food and the tongue helps to push the food into your throat
when your ready to swallow.
 The chemical digestion takes place when salivary amylase in
saliva speeds up the breaking down of starch maltose
Where does the food go when we swallow?

 The food goes into a tube called the oesophagus.

 The oesophagus is a muscular tube that is connected to the
stomach. The muscular walls of the oesophagus contracts and
relaxes to produce wavelike movement called peristalsis.
 Peristalsis also helps to break down the food into smaller
What happen in stomach?
 Stomach is located just below the heart.
 The stomach makes digestive juices ( hydrochloric acids and
enzymes protease) that help to break our food down into a
thick liquid or paste called chyme.
 The stomach is a muscular organ that is able to move in order
to mix the food with digestive juices.
 Protease catalyses the break down of
proteins polypeptides/peptones.
Where does the food go after it leaves the stomach?

 After leaving the stomach the food enters the small intestine.
 Our small intestine is a 20-25 foot tube that is coiled up in
your abdomen.
 The most important part of digestion takes place in the small
 the duodenum is the first part of the small intestine.
 The duodenum receives bile and pancreatic juices.
 Pancreatic juices contain three types of enzymes
a. Pancreatic amylase ( starch maltose)
b. Protease (peptones amino acids)
c. Lipase ( fat fatty acids + glycerol)
 As the thick liquid food paste travels through your small
intestine the nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins,
carbohydrates and fats) are absorbed by millions of tiny
finger-like objects called villi and sent into your bloodstream
where the nutrients can travel to all your body cells.
 The digestion is completed in the small intestine.
Does the body use all the food we eat?

 No
 the body does not digest all the food that we eat.
 The undigested food leaves the small intestine and then enters
the large intestine.
 The large intestine is about five feet long so it is shorter than
the small intestine.
 The large intestine is however thicker or wider than the small
intestine and that is why it is called the large intestine.
what does the large intestine do to the undigested food?

 The undigested food enters the large intestine as a liquid

 In the large intestine water is removed from the liquid paste
turning what is left into solid waste.
 The solid waste then collects in the rectum at the end of the
large intestine and will finally leave the body through an
opening called the anus.

Digestion occur

Physical Chemical
digestion digestion
 The digestion of food ends in the small intestine. The
end products are;

Class of food being digested Final products of digestion

Carbohydrates Glucose

Proteins Amino acids

Fats Fatty acids and glycerol

 The summary of the digestive processes that take place
in the alimentary canal:

Class of food Part of alimentary canal

Mouth stomach Small intestine

Carbohydrates / x /

Proteins x / /

Fats X X /

fibre X X x
Activity 1
Read the statements carefully and then
determine the statement is true or false.

 The job of the digestive system is to break food down

so that our bodies can use it as energy. TRUE or
 Your small intestine is approximately 20 - 25 inches
long. TRUE or FALSE

 The Large Intestine is responsible for removing water

from the undigested food, turning it from a liquid paste
into solid waste. TRUE or FALSE

 The esophagus is a muscular tube that carries food

from our mouth to our stomach. TRUE or FALSE

 Everything we eat is completely digested and used by

our bodies. TRUE or FALSE
Read the question then choose the answer you think is

 What is inside your stomach that helps break food down into a thick liquid paste?
a) water b) acids and enzymes c) villi

 What are the tiny finger-like projections called that are inside the small intestine?
These tiny finger-like projections absorb the nutrients form the food and send into
our bloodstream.
a) oesophagus b) arteries c) villi

 After the food leaves our stomach it heads into which part of the digestive system?
a) oesophagus b) pancreas
c) small intestined) large intestine

 What is removed from the undigested food when it is in the Large Intestine?
a) water b) nutrients c) energy d) sugar
What are digestive enzymes?
 Enzymes is a catalyst that speed up a chemical
reaction in digestion process.
 The enzymes help to break complex food molecules

into simple substances.

 Digestive enzymes are produced by the cells in the

digestive glands and organs.

 There are three main types of digestive enzymes;

a. Amylase breaks down starch

b. Protease breaks down protein
c. Lipase breaks down fats.
You are right!!!
Try again
Part of Sources of Secretion enzyme Action on food
digestive secretion
Mouth Salivary saliva amylase Starch⇒maltose
oesophagus Wall of Mucus - Makes the
oesophagus passage smooth
for food to
move during
Stomach Gastric Gastric -rennin -milk⇒droplets
glands juice -protease -Proteins⇒
liver Bile - Emulsifier fats
duodenum pancreas Pancreatic -amilase starch⇒maltose
juice -protease proteins⇒peptone
-lipase fats⇒fatty acids +
Small Intestinal Intestinal -Several Complex
intestine glands juice sugar- sugars⇒simple
(ileum) splitting sugars
enzymes Peptone⇒amino
-protease acids
Absorption of digested
Absorption of the products of digestion
proses penyerapan hasil pencernaan

 Absorption is the process when the end products of

digestion enter the bloodstream through the small
intestine walls
 The inner surface of the small intestine is covered with

millions of small projections. These projections are called

 Food that has been digested into its simplest form is

absorbed by the villi on the small intestinal walls into the

 The efficiency of absorption of digested food at the small

intestine can be increased by;

a. more villi to increase surface area
b. villus with very thin walls, which are about one cell thick.
Villus layer
Activity 1
 Name the organ.
 What is the villus?
 State the function of the villus.
 How does the villus adapt to enable it to

function more efficiently?

Reabsorption of water and defeacation
penyerapan semula air dan proses penyahtinjaan

Reabsorption of water ( penyerapan semula air)

 The main function of the large intestine is to

reabsorb water.
 The substances that enter the large intestine

consist of water and undigested food

substance like cellulose from the fibre of
vegetables and fruit (roughage)
 Water is reabsorbed from these undigested

food substances
 Defaecation ( penyahtinjaan)
 Undigested food in the large intestine is

expelled as faeces (tinja) through the process of

 The faeces that reach the rectum are made up

of undigested food substances. The faeces

accumulate in the rectum.
 When the rectum is full of faeces, the rectum

undergoes peristalsis
 The assisted by abdominal contraction will push

the faeces through the anus to be expelled

 Constipation (sembelit) is caused by a lack of

water and roughage in the diet.

Eating habits and constipation
tabiat pemakanan dan sembelit
 Constipation is the difficulty in performing
defecation. It causes discomfort in a person because
of bloating(pengembungan) in the abdomen.
 Constipation also occur when a person does not
drink enough water.
 Ways to prevent constipation:
a. ensure the diet is rich in the dietary
fibre( roughage) such as leafy vegetables, fruits,
brown rice and grains.
b. drink at least 2.5 litres of water daily. Water will
also soften faeces to enable easy defeacation.
1. name the structure X and Y
2. state the main function of X
3. what is the content of X?
4. name the condition when someone has difficulty expelling

Quiz 1
1. Seorang pelajar memakan roti yang disapu dengan mentega. Antara
enzim-enzim berikut, yang manakah bertindak ke atas makanan yang
dimakan oleh pelajar itu?
i. Enzim lipase ii. Enzim amilase iii. Enzim pepsin
A. i sahaja B. i and ii sahaja
C. ii and iii sahaja D. i, ii, and iii
2. Antara berikut yang manakah terkandung di dalam jus gaster dalam
A. protease B. Amylase
C. lipase D. hydrochloric acid.
3. Antara proses berikut, yang manakah menyebabkan pergerakan
makanan dalam salur pencernaan?
A. Asimilasi B. respirasi
C. peristalsis D. digestion
4. Antara bahan makanan berikut, yang manakah memberi warna biru tua
apabila diuji dengan larutan iodin?
A. nasi B. daging
C. telur D. mentega
5. Antara proses berikut yang manakah berlaku dalam usus besar?
i. penyerapan semula air ii. Penyahtinjaan
iii. Pencernaan makanan
A. ii sahaja B. I dan ii sahaja
C. ii dan iii sahaja D. i,ii dan iii
6. Antara organ berikut, yang manakah penyerapan semula air berlaku?
A. mulut B. usus kecil
C. usus besarD. perut.
7. Antara berikut, yang manakah terlibat dalam penyerapan hasil akhir
makanan yang tercerna?
A. perut B. mulut
C. usus besarD. usus kecil
8. Antara bahagian berikut, di manakah berlakunya proses peristalsis?
i.perut ii.esofagus iii.usus kecil iv.usus besar.
A.i sahaja B.ii dan iii sahaja
C.i ,ii dan iii sahaja D.i,ii,iii dan iv
9. Enzim X bertindak ke atas protein dan menukarkannya kepada pepton.

antara keadaan pH yang

Protein X berikut,
pepton yang manakah membolehkan enzim X
melakukan proses pencernaan secara optimum?
A. pH 1 B.pH 6
C.pH 7 D.pH 14
10. Pasangan-pasangan berikut menunjukkan enzim dengan jenis makanan
yang ditindak olehnya. Pasangan yang manakah benar?
enzim jenis makanan
A. Lipase lemak
B. Protease kanji
C. Amilase lemak
D. Renin kanji

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