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Dr.M.MADAN KUMAR Ref : AUT-T/CoE/CS - Willing/UG-PG/APR’11

Controller of Examinations (i/c) Date: 07.04.2011


The Principal of all affiliated Colleges

Sub: Appointment of Chief Superintendent for the Apr/May’11
University Practical / Theory Examinations – Intimation – Reg.
I am to inform that you have been appointed as Chief Superintendent to conduct the
University Practical / Theory Examinations to be held during Apr/May’11 in your college.
To act as a Chief Superintendent, one should have put in not less than 12 years of
teaching / industrial experience.

If you satisfy the above condition you are requested to send your willingness by return
of post to function as Chief Superintendent by filling the proforma enclosed.

1. In case you do not satisfy the above condition for appointment as Chief
Superintendent or if you are unable to accept the offer on account of any of your
wards/close relatives appearing for this or any other examinations conducted by this
University at your centre, you are requested to send your reply by return of post together
with a panel of three senior staff members of your college with a minimum of 12 years of
teaching/industrial experience who are willing to function as Chief Superintendent. They
may be requested to fill–in the proforma enclosed and the same may be sent to the
Controller office.

2. In case any of your staff members including the Principal is unable to function as
Chief Superintendent, the same may be intimated to us. On receipt of your letter,
necessary arrangements will be made for the appointment of Chief Superintendent from
neighboring institutions for your centre. In such cases, the college may have to pay
some amount to the University to meet the extra expenditure. Therefore a reply may kindly
be sent immediately in view of the forthcoming examinations.

Please send your reply in the enclosed proforma and return it so as to reach this
office on or before 15.04.2011.


Encl : Proforma

Phone: 0431-2407941 Fax: 0431-2407222

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