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It is most important to participate in the puja with bhav – total surrender &
devotion – far more important
than simply repeating the mantras chanted by the Pujari
The Durga Namaskar puja is a very powerful puja to strengthen us on the
spiritual path as well as in our daily lives, by removing any kind of obstacles
and difficulties, combating any evil influences, negativities, strife, wrong
tendencies, wrongs performed by one self or one’s ancestors. In short, it is a
prayer to Goddess Shakti to lift us from the shackles that limit us on our path
of progress – spiritual and material.

The Goddesss is invoked in the diya (lamp) in 3 aspects of Mahakali (Her

tamasic aspect – to take care of the bad influences acting on us),
Mahalakshmi (Her Rajasic aspect – to bestow on us all that is conducive to
leading a comfortable life of prosperity & plenty ) and Mahasaraswati (Her
Satvic aspect, the Giver of jnana & moksha - to bestow on us a desire for the
ultimate knowledge even while living in this world).

Before we invoke Her, we invite her entire retinue (parivar devatas) to take
their seat in the rangoli mandala (the design & size of which is as prescribed
in the scriptures – and the 5 colours each signify one of the 5 elements – red
(agni), white (vayu), black (prithvi), green (jal) & yellow (akash). We light 5
lamps – again to signify the panch maha bhootas.

Panch Durga is then invoked in the central lamp by doing Matruka-nyasa,

with every part of Her is worshipped with different (54) alphabets to
comprise Her rupa, from Her head to Her feet followed by prana pratishta in
the central lamp, invoking Goddess Durga, seated on a lion, raktavarna
(blood red in complexion), dashabhuja (10 arms) with the brilliance of
kotisurya (a million suns), holding the weapons signifying each of the Gods
(gada & chakra of Vishnu, trishul of Shiva etc), She is the Destroyer of evil.

Visualise Her in the above aspects in the lamp and pray with total

The sequence of the puja is as follows:

I. Prarthana & Sankalpa
J. Guru pujanam (signified in the Omkar mandala (rangoli)
K. Ganesh pujanam (rangoli)
L. Durga kalash sthapana – the Goddess is invoked in the kalash (& later
invoked in the lamp)
M. Durga mandal pujan – Deepa sthapana – Matruka nyaas for prana
pratishta in the lamp.
N. Japa – Please visualise Goddess Durga as described above and chant
the japa with love & devotion:
To be chanted by men:
To be chanted by women:
O. Shodashopchari puja (16 step puja)
1. Dhyan: Chant together:
2. Avahanam samarpayami
3. Asanam samarpayami
4. Padaprakshalanam samarpayami
5. Hastaprakshalan samarpayami
6. Achmaniyajalam samarpayami
7. Panchamrit Snanam (with water and milk, curd, ghee, honey & sugar)

P. Vastram samarpayami
Q. Gandham samarpayami
R. Patram, Puspham samarpayami
S. Dhoopam samarpayami
T. Deepam darshyami
U. Mangala Neerajanam samarpayami
V. Maha Naivedyam samarpayami
W. Prarthana
X. Krishnarpanam (when we surrender the fruits of the puja to the
panchmahabhoota, to be bestowed onto us as and when we need them)

Y. Pradakshina Namaskar
Z. Visarjan

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