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Top 10 IM Strategies
 Start with a web promotion plan and an effective web design and
development strategy.
 Get ranked at the top in major search engines, and practice good Search
Optimization Techniques.
 Learn to use Email Marketing Effectively.
 Dominate your marketing niche with affiliate, reseller, and associate
 Request an analysis from an Internet marketing coach or Internet marketing
 Build a responsive opt-in email list.
 Publish articles or get listed in news stories.
 Write and publish online press releases.
 Facilitate and run contests and giveaways via your web site.
 Blog and interact with your visitors.
Estimate Site Traffic Based On Your Sales Goal

 Start with the level of annual sales you wish to

achieve. (e.g. 200,000)
 Divide that by your average order value (e.g. 50.00) to
determine the number of orders over the course of the
year (which at that rate would be 4,000 or about 10
per day).
 Extrapolate the number of visitors needed to achieve
this level of sales. Assuming a 2% conversion rate,
you'll need 500 visitors per day to achieve a sales goal
of 200,000.
Calculate Your Conversion Rate
 Determine whether you will need to calculate for lead
conversion or product sales.
 Gather data from your website analytics program.
 Follow the following formulas to determine your website
conversion. The formula you select will depend on whether you
are measuring conversion on leads or sales collected via your
 Lead Generation
Number of Leads Collected / Total Traffic to Site x 100 =
Conversion Rate
 Sales
Number of Sales / Number of Visitors x 100 = Conversion Rate
Focus on Traffic Generation
 Traffic generation efforts are ways an online business attracts visitors
to its website.
 They may include online efforts such as search engine optimization,
pay-per-click search engines, affiliate marketing, email campaigns, and
media or offline ones such as direct mail, television, radio, and public

 On the other hand, the business may decide to spend its money on
improving its “bottom line” by concentrating efforts on website
conversion strategies.
 For example, if an online business invests money in website
conversion strategies to increase its sales conversion rate from 1.5
percent to 2 percent, then for the same 1,000 visitors, sales will
increase from 15 to 20 – a 33 percent increase.
Focus on Website Conversion Strategies

 Web site conversion strategies are website design

changes that connect with your visitor's wants and
persuade them to take action to achieve your goals
as well as theirs.
 Depending on your type of online business,
different strategies may achieve greater results for
your website and offer greater relevancy for your
Focus on Website Conversion Strategies

 Website’s sales copy, including writing headlines and sub-heads with

stronger visitor appeal, defining stronger calls-to-action, using more
visitor-relevant and benefit-oriented words and positioning popular visitor
keywords in prominent areas to connect with visitors and persuade them
to action.
 Graphics and layout design to generate visual relevancy and message
consistency for your visitors.
 Guarantees, returns, shipping, privacy, customer support and security
policies you present to gain confidence and trust from your visitors.
 Navigational structures to make it easier and more convenient for your
visitors to locate the products and services they desire to purchase.
 Buying or contact options to increase the ways in which a visitor can
purchase or receive contact from you including alternatives to a shopping
cart or online form like phone, mail, fax, online chat, and email.
Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization
 Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of
improving the visibility of a website or a web page in
search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or
"algorithmic") search results.
 Other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid
 In general, the earlier (or higher on the page), and more
frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more
visitors it will receive from the search engine's users.
 SEO may target different kinds of search, including
image search, local search, video search and industry-specific
vertical search engines. This gives a website web presence.
Search engine optimization
 As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers
how search engines work, what people search for,
the actual search terms typed into search engines and
which search engines are preferred by their targeted
 Optimizing a website may involve editing its content
and HTML and associated coding to both increase its
relevance to specific keywords and to remove
barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.

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