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 1 Innocent World (1)

 2 Separation (1)

 3 Call to Adventure (2)
 4 Refusal of Call/ Supernatural Aid (2)
 Answering Call
 Supernatural Companion
 Ordinary Companions

 5 Crossing of First Threshold (3)
 Threshold Guardian(s)
 6 Belly of Whale (3)

 7 Initiation (4)
 8 Road of Trials (4)
 Battling with father/brother
 Abduction/ Night sea journey

 9 Tests & Ordeals – Dragon Battle (5)
 10 Crucifixion/ Symbolic Death/ Dismemberment (5)

 11 Meeting with Goddess (6)
 Possible meeting between 8-9
 Sacred marriage
 12 Atonement to recognition by father (6)

 13 Apotheosis (7)
 14 Ultimate Boon/ Magic Elixir (7)

 15 Return (8)
 16 Refusal to Return (8)

 17 Magic Flight (9)
 18 Rescue (9)
 Crossing return threshold

 19 Master of Two Worlds (10)
 20 Freedom to Live (10)

 Travels through four realms,
 earth, 1(root, origin, subconscious)
 air, 2(reflection and imagination)3(intellect and logic, structure) 4(Creativity and anarchy,
sensitivity) 5(consciousness and harmony, the balance of the middle, beauty) 6(movement and
changing, the power of destruction) 7(Condensation, the power of growth and stability)
 water, 8(power of creation, energy, wisdom) 9(understanding, realization)
 fire, 10(eternal, spiritual perfection)

Author Comments: 
This is a list combining The full Hero's Journey (Campbell and Jung) with the Kabbalah in fable structure

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