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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Rochester Sen

Rochester, Indiana 46975 The Voice of Fulton County’s People Since 1858

Trent Shafer Tow

thrives as
AmeriCorps trus
volunteer by Jennifer M. Smith hire
LifeStyles Editor, The Sentinel
Trent Shafer serves. Editor’s note: Townsh
The 2009 Culver Military Academy grad, and government in Indiana i
son of Rochester’s Rob and Theresa Shafer, works attack from Ind. Gov. M
as an AmeriCorps volunteer. Daniels. Herewith, a loo
His 10 months of service began last October of their duties.
when he flew to Sacramento, Calif., for a month
of training. Shafer explained, “We did everything BY CHRISTINA M.
from CPR to disaster relief certification.” News Editor, The S
The volunteers in each region – Sacramento Not one township
is one of five and AmeriCorps chooses where in Fulton County fin
each volunteer is placed – are assigned to one of selves on a lawn m
28 teams. Eleven people are on Shafer’s team. a summer evening
His team completes four different assignments, their way around tom
known as spikes, throughout the 10 months. The and playground equi
team is notified about two weeks before a new Instead, they hir
spike where they will be going and has about a sometimes family –
week transition between projects. ing and handyman w
Shafer’s role in his team is “service learning In Aubbeen
initiator.” He applied for this job and said it means Township, Dennis
he “helps the team train and understand the mis- earned $4,000 in
sion.” mow and maintain
A friend from CMA who participated in properties.
AmeriCorps immediately after high school sparked Maurice Sutton
Shafer’s interest in the program. Later, reading Trent Shafer $3,400 for mowing i
Tracy Kidder’s “Mountains beyond Mountains” Township in 2009
To apply for the AmeriCorps National Civilian
– recommended by his grandmother Mary Lipsett wife Rita did the sam
Community Corps an individual must be between
– fanned the flames. “It was perfect timing. My 2010 for the same pa
the ages of 18 and 24 and may have any educa-
brain was ready for it.” Union and Wayne T
tional background. Work starts in either January
He completed the extensive application in March have mowing expens
or October, and each person works as part of a
2010, participated in a phone interview in May to Fulton’s.
and was accepted in September. Union Townshi
Shafer remarked, “Our team works incred-
In return for 10 months of service, Americorps $4,150 to Vivian Ba
ibly well together. It’s people of all sorts of back-
provides a scholarship, paid food, laundry, shel- mowing help in 2
grounds. You bond really quickly.
ter, and uniform, and a biweekly stipend. “And $5,773 for mowing
you travel all over the place,” Shafer said. Please see Shafer, Page 2 John Briney earned

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