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Outcomes for NURFC Punchlist Memo Meeting; 8/01/07

Facilitator: Tony Capaci

Scribe : Tony Capaci
Attendees; Kathy Fox, Dave Wartel, LeeAnne Woods, Tony Capaci

Decision/Action: Edits to Draft Memo

LW to incorporate edits into memo
Timeframe: Afternoon of 8/01/07

Decision/Action: Proofreading
Jessica to proofread draft for readability
TC to request Jessica slot time to proofread today
TC to get Jessica a copy of letter
Timeframe: Afternoon of 8/01/07

Decision/Action: Copies of Letter

Don Murphy and Gary Doudell to get copied on letter
Final version to include a copy to Don and Gary
Timeframe: No later than 8/02/07

Decision/Action: Governor’s office to be included in loop

KF to get blind copy of letter and to prepare cover letter for Governor’s office
Timeframe: No later than 8/02/07

Decision/Action: Representative Yates to get blind copy

TC to request Jessica prepare cover letter to Rep Yates with blind copy
Timeframe: No later than 8/02/07

Tony Capaci
Project Manager
Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission
20 E. Broad Street, Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43215-3416

Telephone: 614-728-6924
Fax: 614-752-2775

The Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, formerly the Ohio Arts & Sports Facilities Commission, oversees capital improvement
funds appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly and Governor for community cultural facility projects including non-profit
theaters, museums, historical sites and publicly owned professional sports venues. You are invited to visit or call (614) 752-2770 for more information on the Commission or to learn how we can assist your
cultural facility project.

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