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“The Dark One”


Weave a little tale.

Sit and spin a yarn.
Raise your kids on lies
rickety as barns…

Frolic in the woods.

Sashay in the vale.
Lose yourself in night
and a cask of ale…

Verse 1

Young Goodman Brown was of fierce resolution,

a pious devotee of his God.
Left his wife Faith in an act of ablution,
a vague errand, righteous turned odd.
Met with a man in the woods, somewhat older,
a Dark One with a snake-whittled cane.
Chatted awhile with this clandestine stranger,
then tried to break free but in vain…


Weave a little tale.

Sit and spin a yarn.
Raise your kids on lies
rickety as barns…

Frolic in the woods.

Sashay in the vale.
Lose yourself in night
and a cask of ale…

Verse 2

Later that night neath the moon in a clearing,

Brown shivered with fear for his soul.
Christian and heathen and pagan alike
sang hymns as the Dark One took roll.
Gookin and Cloyse and their two-faced companions
cried to the heavens like wraiths.
Brown was convinced that to Earth Hell ascended
when he recognized his fair Faith…

Weave a little tale.

Sit and spin a yarn.
Raise your kids on lies
rickety as barns…

Frolic in the woods.

Sashay in the vale.
Lose yourself in night
and a cask of ale…

Verse 3

Young Goodman Brown railed for his wife’s salvation

and woke as if out of a dream.
Stumbled to Salem devoid of elation,
all truth washed away in a stream.
Hardened, embittered and tired of the world,
Brown scoffed at his fellow man.
Even in death there was no calm or solace.
Was that the Dark One’s plan?


Weave a little tale.

Sit and spin a yarn.
Raise your kids on lies
rickety as barns…

Frolic in the woods.

Sashay in the vale.
Lose yourself in night
and a cask of ale…

Lyrics: Andy Brown

11 April 2011

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