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Kidney dialysis is provided as a treatment for patients who suffer from kidney failure.

It is a
process wherein the function of the kidneys is provided artificially. Typically, the patients who
make the use of the kidney dialysis process are suffering from acute renal failure, chronic kidney
disease and those who for whatever reason have just one kidney.

Functions of the Kidneys

Kidneys are two bean shaped organs which are situated in the rear part of the abdominal cavity
of our body. They perform several important functions within the human body, such as cleaning
the blood and waste products of the body, getting rid of the extra fluids in the body through the
urine and helping in the production of red blood cells. They also help in the processing of rennin
which is used to regulate the blood pressure and in the processing of Vitamin D which helps in
the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It is quite obvious that the kidneys
perform a very important function in the human body, and their failure can be very disastrous for
the individual.

Kidney Dialysis

The principle of transport of a solute across a semi-permeable membrane, which is used in the
kidney dialysis process, was first proposed by Thomas Graham in 1854. Many people have
contributed thereafter to the development of the process. In 1960, Scribner and Quinton made the
process available to the patients suffering from kidney failure via their work on the subcutaneous
arteriovenous shunt. This is a plastic tube which is connected to an artery and a vein.

Kidney Dialysis Process

Kidney Dialysis works on the principle of diffusion and osmosis of solutes and fluids through a
semi-permeable membrane. The blood flows on one side of the semi-permeable membrane,
whereas the dialysate flows on the other side. The dialysate contains minerals like potassium and
calcium at the levels which they are normally found in healthy blood. Another solution may also
contain bicarbonate to neutralize the metabolic acidosis which is often present in kidney failure
patients. The blood flows in one direction, while the dialysate flows in the opposite direction.
During this process, the solutes and fluid pass through the membrane. Thus the high levels of
undesired minerals and chemicals within the blood are replaced by healthy levels of these
chemicals and the wastes are removed.

Types of Kidney Dialysis Processes

There are two types of kidney dialysis processes. They are:

Hemodialysis: This is a commonly known process of kidney dialysis. In this process, the
patient’s blood is pumped into a kidney dialysis machine (known as the dialyzer) where the
blood is passed through the semi-permeable membrane process (explained above) and then it is
returned back into the patient’s body. Patients have to undergo this process at least 3 times a
week and it takes about 3 to 5 hours each time. Before beginning this process, the patient has to
undergo a minor surgery to install the shunt in the arm. In the surgery, one of the arteries of the
patient is cut and redirected into a vein which causes the vein to become thicker and stronger.
Once the vein is ready, the process of Hemodialysis can begin. A needle is then stuck into that
vein to remove the blood and another needle is stuck in the patient’s body for the blood to be
sent back to the body.

Peritoneal Dialysis: This is another method of performing the same function of cleansing the
blood. In this process, a bag is embedded into the abdominal cavity of the patient. This makes the
abdominal tissue linings filter the blood and capture it into the bag. The waste thus collected
needs to be disposed of, every four hours. For that, the patient must hook himself up to a
machine. Both these processes can also be carried out at home by the patient. But they must be
conducted regularly otherwise the wastes will begin to accumulate within the patient’s body
causing further problems.

Kidney dialysis thus provides some help to those who are suffering from kidney failure and can
help them live. Common side effects experienced by patients are low blood pressure and feeling
faint and tired. Apart from this, the patients suffering from kidney problems also need to regulate
their diet and water intake. They must limit their intake of sodium and potassium which is found
in foods like corn, potatoes, tomatoes, dairy products and chocolate. Thus, it can be Kidney
dialysis as a process is not perfect. It doesn’t really correct the functions of the kidneys which are
not working properly. Rather, it is just an imitation of the process conducted by the kidneys.
Only, a machine does the work.

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