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Font Choices

Top secret

Docteur Atomic


Font choices
1. I liked the style of the first font and think it relates to the genre well
because it looks like ink stamp has hit it down. I have chosen for it to
be in capitals as it is bigger and bolder and much clearer to read. I like
the lines above and beneath the lettering, if it is a masthead it will be
clear what it is called as it is so big and clear.

2. I really like the style of the second font because it actually looks like it
has been “stomped” on and it is destroyed and messy. I have chosen
for the colour to be black but when I come to making my magazine I
will decide on a colour however I like the black, as it is bold and clear to
read. I will have the lettering in capitals because it will look better on as
a masthead.

3. I like the third font as it has the black background and the white font.
However it isn’t my favourite because the lettering isn’t evenly spread
and it is quite narrow compared to the previous two. I do like the
unevenness of the black background as it shows the letter. I also like the
damaged look on the T, which is the look I was looking for, for my magazine.
I kept the font in capitals because that I how I want it on my magazine.

4. For the final font I chose pricedown. I like this font because it is big and bold.
Unlike the other fonts this one stays in lowercase however I think it works well
because it I so bold. This is the style I want the boldness so it relates to my
genre however I do want it in capitals. I like the evenly spread lettering as it
looks correct unlike the previous font.

My favourite font is the second one Docteur Atomic because it is the initial
style I wanted as it relates with the name as it has been destroyed like the
word stomp. I like that it is evenly written and is big and bold. I am going to
make a poll to see which one other people think is most successful.

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