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Matt Bruce 10F

Compare and contrast 2 teen speech transcripts

The views and stereotypes of the regional speech and dialect people use is
held against them. The northern accent refers to men going out to work, and
women stay at home doing the household work. Apposing this is the London
Southern accent expressing a sense of power. As well there is a southern
farmer’s accent around Bristol and Glouster, but this accent is stereotypically
seen as being less intelligent than others.

Your own accent on your spoken language changes how you speak to different
people, speaking to a source of authority you will speak in Received
Pronunciation and if you are talking to your friends you will use contractions
and different phrases, creating your own characteristics.

My idiolect is different from all my friends. My accent is slightly posh, from the
Southern region of the United Kingdom, but as I have moved up to the North
of England I have started to get a much broader accent. The differences
between the accents are that the Southern accent uses Received
Pronunciation and the northern broader accent is more laid back, using longer
vowel sounds.

The Lancashire Lads transcript is completely different to the Lauren Cooper

transcript. This is because the Lancashire Lads transcript, although they know
they are being recorded it is more natural. Lauren Cooper’s transcript is not as
natural as it is based on the stereotypes of how the media portrays teen
speech, and that it would be rehearsed.

With any interactional talk, it is not rehearsed before hand, so this then makes
Lauren Cooper is therefore invalid because her script would be rehearsed
many times before. This is therefore important because teens do not rehearse
their speed as it is natural.

Also the media’s portrayal of teen speech is also invalid as if you look at the
Lauren Cooper transcript there is turn taking involving her and Tony Blair as
well there being no elisions involved in the conversation., and if you compare
Matt Bruce 10F

this to the Lancashire Lads transcript the boys use fillers hedging and elisions
to make up their conversation. As well there is no turn taking they are either
interrupting each other or talking over each other.

The social attitudes towards the teen speech are negative. As teens use the
unique style of speech to be separated from the adults and the children, as
they use it to show that they are responsible for themselves. As well the media
frowned apon the use of teen speech as it is different from how the Queen
speaks. The only reason why it is how it is today is because the Queen was
brought up to learn Received Pronunciation. But if she was to be brought up to
speak like they do in Bristol, with the broad accent they would see the farmer’s
broad accent from Bristol to be normal, and a sense of power, and because of
this when people meet up with people they will use Received Pronunciation to
try and seem that they are a high sense of authority.

The two different vocabularies used with Lauren Cooper and the Lancaster
Lads, is different because Lauren Cooper’s teen speech is scripted and
rehearsed, and the Lancaster Lads teen speech is natural. As of this point it
makes the media’s and Lauren Cooper’s teen speech invalid. As comparing the
transcripts the Lancashire lads do not take turn in their speech and they are
using fillers and hedging, and Lauren Cooper’s Transcript is turn taking and
does not interrupt each other.

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